CO2 Laser Resurfacing vs other skin Treatments Which is Right For You

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With age,westarttonoticefinelinesandwrinklesontheskin.Outofmanycosmeticprocedures to subside the signs of aging, CO2 laser resurfacing shines as a powerful technology to rejuvenateskintofeelyouthfulagain.

However, the question arises: is it a treatment you are looking for? How is it different from the otherskintreatments,likechemicalpeels?



We all go through the sun exposure, which harms the skin to the deepest level. The outer skin bears a lot due to the UVradiations.Thisprocedureusesacarbondioxidelasertotreattheouter damaged skin. Because of the laser, the damaged cells are removed from the skin, which stimulates collagen production. The collagen triggers the growth of new skin cells. This whole processisknownforgivingresultsofhealthyskin.

If you are troubled with scars, wrinkles, fine lines, or spots, this procedure is a blessing as it improvesthetextureoftheskin.


The CO2 laser resurfacing is done under local anesthesia if the treatment is given to a smaller portion of the face. However, if you are getting the complete facial laser resurfacing, then you mightreceivegeneralanesthesia.HereareafewpointstoconsiderwithCO2laserresurfacing:

● Itcantake30to45minutestotreatthehalfface.

● Forafullface,itmaytakeonetotwohours.

● Post-surgery,anonstickydressingisdoneonthetreatedareatobekeptfor24hours.

● Youmaycleanasperinstructions,twotofivetimesadaywithsalinesolution.

● Itcantake21daystoheal.

● Avoidsunexposureaftersurgery.

● Onceyouhealup,useoil-freemakeup.


With long-lasting benefits, CO2 laser resurfacing has secured its place in the hearts of many beautyenthusiasts.Whatmakesitdifferentfromtheotherskintreatment?Let’sfindout.

1. ChemicalPeels

One of the most popular skin treatments is chemical peels, which use a chemical solution to be appliedtotheskinandthenpeeledofftoleaveasmootherandhealthierskinbehind.

It has faster recovery than CO2 laserresurfacingandcanbeconsideredcost-effective.However, itrequiresmultiplesessionsastheeffectivenessislimited.

2. Microneedling

It triggers the production of collagen by applying small needles to the skin, whichimprovesthe texture of the skin. As it is also minimally invasive, there is shorterdowntime.Itisalsosafefor allkindsofskin.However,itisnotveryeffectivefordeepwrinkleproblems.


To choose the right treatment, you must be aware of the problemandwhatyouwanttoachieve. If you know the issue is wrinkles or scars, you can consult with your doctor for the right treatment.Herewepresentabriefhowyoucanmakeachoice:

1. Sun Damage: For severe sun damage and scars, CO2 laser resurfacing can be an effectiveoptionasittreatsatthedeeperlevel.

2. Wrinkles and Fine Line: If the concerns are related to skin aging like mild wrinkles, youcangoforchemicalpeelsormicroneedlingastheybothhavelessrecoverytime.

3. Sensitive DarkToneSkin:Theriskofpigmentationislowerwithmicroneedling;hence, itcouldbeagoodoptionforsuchskins.


CO2 laser resurfacing has come as a solution to treat the deepest wrinklesandsundamage.Itis in the spotlight due to its long-term effects, which are used to treat severe sun damage. Other skin treatments like chemical peels and microneedling are also popular treatments and have minimal downtime. However, both treatments lack the deepwrinklesthatcanbetreatedbyCO2 laserresurfacing.

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