Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Procedures

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The way we look impacts the way we feel about ourselves. With the growing age and stressful lifestyle, many young people face hair loss problems. Whether you hide it under a wig, thefact of losing lovely hair pitches the heart and thus millions of people around theworldgoforsome long-term solution. To help deal with this issue, we have the solution of a hair transplant technique.




The hair transplant procedure is no more than magic for people facing severe hair loss. The process simply uses the hair of the other areasoftheheadlikethebackorsideandtransplantsit to the areas lacking the hair destinylikethefrontortop.Theprocessmustbedonebyacertified plasticsurgeonasitisdoneinamedicalofficeunderlocalanesthesia.



● Itcouldbeduetoapoordietregime,

● Theincreasedstresscouldbethereasonforhairloss,

● Anykindofillness,

● Medications,

● HormonalDisbalance,

● Or,itcouldbeageneticproblem.



1. FollicularUnitTransplant(FUT)

This older method uses a strip of your hair, mainly from the back of the head which is 6 to 10 inches long that is later cut into smaller pieces to graft on the area to be treated. These smaller grafts can have 4 to 10 hair. When the hair on the graft is lower, the surgeon will manually transplant each hair by making tiny holes on the scalp. Do not be scaredasthesurgicalsitewill becoveredbybandagesuntilfinalrecovery

2. FollicularUnitExtraction(FUE)

This is a new technique and the fast recovery time makes it a popular one. In this process, the surgeon shaves off the hair from the back of the headandtakesoutindividualhairfollicleswith tiny punch incisions. The area to be treated will also have tiny holes so that those hair follicles canbeplacedcarefullyintoit.Duetolessincision,ithasafastrecoverytime.


You might be worrying about hair loss but simply this, can not make you opt for a hair transplant.Goodcandidatesforthetechniquesinclude:

● Menshowingmakpatternbaldness

● Womenwithexcessivethinninghair

● Ifanyonehaslosthairduetoaburnorscalpinjury


● Excessivehairlosswhichmakesthedonorhairsiteimpossible.

● Ifyouhavekeloidscarsafterinjuryorsurgery

● Hairlossduetochemotherapy

● Ifyouhaveawidespreadpatternofhairloss



● Sorenessofscalp

● Medicationwillbeprovidedtomitigatepain

● Youwillhavetotakeantibioticstoreducetheriskofanyinfection

● Newhairgrowthafter8to12monthsofsurgery

● Youcanreturntonormalworkrescheduleafteraproperrecovery

Consultation with the doctor regarding medication is amust.Toachievegoodresults,followthe after-careinstructionsproperly.



● Bleeding

● Swellingofscalp

● Numbnessaroundthetreatedarea

● Itching

● Shocklossofthehair

● Infectioninthehairfollicles


Hair plays a vital role in the way welook.Hairlosscanbetreatedwiththeadvancedtechniques of hair transplantation. With minor side effects and long-term results, it has helped millions of people regain hair and confidence in themselves. This could be of no use if you are completely bald or lack the hair for donating. People with thin hair and excessive hair loss can opt for the technique at the right time to save the loss of hair. Contact only a certified plastic surgeonfora hairtransplantandfollowtheinstructionsforlong-lastingresults.

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