Post-Treatment Care: How to Maintain Your Morpheus8 Results

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Morpheus8 is a popular treatment to rejuvenate skin. You will get skin tightening, resurfacing, and anti-aging results aftertheMorpheus8treatment.But,howtokeeptheeffectsforlonger?By takingcareoftheskin,youcanenhancethestunningoutcomesoftheMorpheus8treatment.



If you are a beauty enthusiast looking for answers to eliminate dull skin, you must have encountered the Morpheus 8 treatment. To understand aftercare, onemustknowtheinsandouts of the procedure. This innovative cosmetic process is a combination of two procedures: microneedling and radiofrequency. What great benefits can it bring to the skin with these powerful treatments? A rejuvenated and youthful skin. After the treatment, you would want to keepthebenefitsforeveranditcanonlylastforlongerwhenpropercareisgiventotheskin.



● Microneedling: Small needles create micro-holes in the skin which triggers the productionofcollagen.

● Radiofrequency:Byboostingcollagenproduction,ithelpsintighteningtheskintissues. Thecombinationofthesetwoproceduresmakestheskinmoreliveandyoung.



1. Withinthreehoursafterthetreatment

After three hours of the treatment, you must clean your face with amildcleanserandlukewarm water. Avoid scrubbing your face or picking your skin, just pat the skin dry with a clean towel. Useacleanpillow,sheets,andblanketstopreventanyinfection.

2. Dayone

The first day after the treatment starts with caring for your beautiful skin with a gentle cleanser and moisturizer recommended by the doctor. Do not use any makeup, retinol, or any kind of substances that can be harsh on the skin. It is always advisable to clean your hands first before applyinganythingontheface.

Anything with retinol can be used after a week of the treatment, once the skin is back to its normalcy after the treatment. However, there are no restrictions in bathing but you must avoid scrubbingyourskinorapplyingtoomuchpressureontheskin.

3. DayTwo

No skincare is without the use of a good sunblock. The minimum requirement of the SPF is 30 and if the sunscreen has zinc or titanium dioxide, it will be an added advantage. However, you must avoid other sunscreen chemicals like oxybenzone, homosalate, avobenzone, and similar ingredientswhichcancausemilditchinessorreactiontotheskin.

Doing any sun-exposed activities like swimming or other outdoor activities is a slippery slope thatcanhaveadverseeffectsontheskin.Togainthemaximumoutoftheseefforts,youmust:




4. DayThree

You get the green light to use your makeup after 48 hours of the treatment. But, the skincare routinemustremainthesame.Itisgoodtoremovemakeupwithamildcleanerforclearskin.

5. OneWeek

Now is the time you can go back to your regular skincare routine. Use retinol now and get the benefitsofit.Theskinwillstayrejuvenatedifthepost-treatmentcareisfollowedproperly.

6. ThreetoFiveWeeksPost-Treatment

After the Morpheus8 treatment, it is good to have a follow-up session between three to five weeks. It will help you understand if there is any area that needs attention or if you aregoodto go with the routine you are following.Don’tforgettoseeyourproviderthreetofiveweeksafter thetreatment!


Morpheus 8 combines the benefits of two procedures: Microneedling and radiofrequency By giving a youthful and much brighter skin tone, it is one of the most popular skin treatments. However, theresultsonlylastlongerwhenpropercareisgiventotheskin.Thefirstfewdaysare crucial whenyouneedtofollowaskincareroutine.Afteraweekyoucangobacktotheproducts with retinol and you can use makeup. But, still, to increase the lifespan of the effects, keep the skincareroutineapriority.

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