What to Expect During Your PRP Facial Appointment in Seattle

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PRP to enhance the facial contour has gained popularity over the years due to its benefits and minimal side effects. Platelet-rich plasma is a techniquethatusesthepatient'sownbloodtogive thetreatment;thus,ithasaminimumchanceofallergyandmajorsideeffects.

If you are about to opt for a PRP facial appointment in Seattle,hereisaguideofwhattoexpect duringyourPRPfacialappointment.Let’sdivein.

1. Consultation

Once you visit the doctor for consultation, they will first try to understand your aesthetic goals. The doctor will examine whether you need a PRP treatment or not.Also,youmustdiscusswith

the doctor about any other health conditions, medication, or allergies you have. The healthcare provider willalsodiscusstherealisticresultsaftertreatmentandpotentialsideeffects.Thisisthe first step of the facial appointment in Seattle and the most important one too. The doctor must know what you are expecting out of this procedure; to remove fine lines, wrinkles, or overall facialrejuvenation,whateveryourdesire,mustbecommunicatedclearlytothedoctor.

2. Preparation

Upon the final discussion and clearing all your doubts, the doctor will start preparing for the procedure. You must arrive at the clinic with a clean face without makeup. The procedure will beginbytakingasmallamountofbloodfromthebodyasasample.

3. ProcessingofBlood

When the blood is collected, it is sent for centrifugation to separate the components. The platelet-rich plasma is removed from RBC and WBC, which is considered a growth factor and containshealingproperties.

4. NumbtheArea

The cream is applied to the area to be treated to make it numb. It helps in reducing the discomfortcausedbytheneedlesofPRPinjections.

5. Treatment

Once the skin is numb, the injections are applied totheskintoinjectthePRP Theinjectionsare appliedevenlytodistributethePRPtotheoverallarea.

6. Post-ProcedureCare

After thePRPtreatment,youmusttakecareofyourself.Itenhancesthecollagenproduction,and the results are visible after a few months, but till then you must protect your skin from sun exposure.


● Duration of Appointment: The appointment of the PRP can last for 60 to 90 minutes, depending upon the area to give the treatment. The time included drawing blood to the finalprocedure.

● Discomfort: The numbing cream is applied to reduce discomfort and pain, which is naturalinthePRPtreatment.

● Cost: Understand the cost of PRP treatment, as it may vary depending upon the type of areayouchooseforthetreatment.

● Insurance: Check whether the procedure is covered in your insurance policy or not. Most probably cosmetic procedures are not covered under insurance, but this is also a pointtoconsideronce.


The PRP treatment gives rejuvenated skin to the face. During an appointment, the healthcare provider will examine the body and all the factors required for PRP. The procedure starts with taking a small amount of blood, and upon centrifugation, only the platelet-rich plasma is added into the skin. The growth factors of PRP start working and give results in a few months. You mustfollowthepost-careinstructionsgivenbythedoctorforthemosteffectiveoutcome.

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