Vol. 3 :: No. 2 â?– SECOYA RESERVE
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Peggy Sue Garrity
PGarrity@msn.com NaplesRealEstateByPeggy.com
850 C 5th Ave South Naples, FL 34102
ENJOY PANORAMIC GULF VIEWS from 2 BR+Den/2 BA Park Shore residence. Perfect move-in residence in high-end luxury building featuring the finest amenities. Easy beach access. MLS/ID:2115154944 Text T14631 to 85377
PROFESSIONALLY RENOVATED & DECORATED Glass Sliders open up to the pool, overlooking manicured lawn, from all main living areas including oversized master bedroom. Gourmet kitchen is a pleasure to entertain. MLS/ID:211015620 Text T14634 to 85377
SUPERB ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Gorgeous courtyard,community pool, landscaped terraces. Mere blocks from beach and shops & restaurants on 5th Avenue. 3BR+den/3BA...all en-suite. Remodeled withwood floors, gourmet kitchen, and updated baths. MLS/ID:211523340 Text T386741 to 85377
$7 49 ,0 00
00 85
50 ,3 $1 TUSCAN-INSPIRED VILLA 6 balconies & oversized 2-car garage. Large tile, wood flooring throughout main living. Walk to the beach, restaurants, and boutiques. $1,350,000 MLS/ID:211014720 Text T14628 to 85377
Use the sms text codes below to view mobile website details on each property.
FORMER MODEL Gorgeous beautifully turnkey furnished. Great for family and friends. Dine, entertain or walk to one of the many restaurants, boutiques & beach. MLS/ID:211010165 Text T14633 to 85377
3BR/2BA CONDO INCOMPARABLE TO OTHERS Meticulously remodeled. Views of both a park-like setting, and water. Docks available for residents Direct gulf access. 1 block to Beach! MLS/ID:212001443
DINA L. MOON, PA, MBA REALTOR速 Helping You Find Your Place In Paradise!
239-370-1252 | 888-378-7062
premiersothebysrealty.com Office: 239-659-5121 Dina.Moon@SothebysRealty.com
Your Naples Luxury Property Expert
The Gallery Northern Trust Building 4001 Tamiami Trail North Naples, Florida 34103
www.DinaSellsParadise.com www.wilshirelakesnews.com 00
Text T157182 to 85377
0 0,
PELICAN MARSH Gourmet Kitchen w/Gas Cook Top Infinity edge pool w/fountains
PELICAN MARSH Saturnia marble floors, Hurricane protection. 3 car garage
Text T408009 to 85377
HAWKSRIDGE 4BR+den/3.5BA pool home. Tile throughout. Split floor plan, and a huge glass-enclosed lanai.
0 00
PELICAN MARSH End unit, turnkey furnished. Media room, and pre-wired for an elevator.
Text T446111 to 85377
Text T407879 to 85377
0 00
0 ,0
Text T157176 to 85377
0 5,
PELICAN MARSH Furnished end unit w/gorgeous Teak wood floors. Lake views, plus 1 car garage.
Text T157180 to 85377
PELICAN MARSH End unit & 2 car garage Fabulous lake views & sunsets
The Sydlosky Team 239.370.7287 239-404-7471
email: vsydlosky@yahoo.com
Vince Sydlosky
Deanna Sydlosky
Donna Theis
Text T157167 to 85377
Quick Property Search
www.RealEstateOnMarco.com 713 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145
Text T157174 to 85377
Text T306895 to 85377
NEAR THE BEACH Big water views from this 4 BR pool home with fireplace, updated kitchen and oversized pool. $860,000
EXPANSIVE WATER VIEWS 3 BR pool home with formal dining room, tile floors, volume ceilings, boat dock & lift. $659,000
INCREDIBLE HOME Poured concrete main floor over full size walk-out basement. Vaulted ceilings, tile throughout & spacious kitchen. $269,000
Text T157171 to 85377
Text T436175 to 85377
Text T157150 to 85377
CUTE BEACHFRONT CONDO Direct views of the Gulf. Berber carpet in living room & large master. Unobstructed views of the Gulf, updated tile in kitchen & bath. $265,000
GREAT POOL HOME At the end of a quiet street on a double lot. Formal dining room & breakfast room surrounded by windows. Large pool & lanai $219,000
GREAT POOL HOME Located at the south end of the island just blocks from the beach. Tile floors, high ceilings, corian counters. $425,000 WATERFRONT LOTS Direct access lot blocks from the beach access at the south end of the island. $299,000 Nice lot in an area of newer homes centrally located on the island. $218,000
Text T157170 to 85377
GREAT TWO BEDROOM CONDO Eat in kitchen, impact glass, private balcony in a complex that has tennis courts. Great value at $94,500
Text T293726 to 85377
BIG WATER VIEWS Home is on a tip lot near Resident's Beach. The home features volume ceilings, tile floors, and an oversized pool & lanai. $765,000
ESTATE SIZE LOT Build your dream house on this oversized lot. This property ajoins the Greenway providing privacy. $125,000
NEAR THE BEACH Great inland lot at the south end of the island near the beach access. Financing available! $135,000
The Chardonnay Model
Only $339,000! on your lot
Pilings/Geological Impact fees/permits are not included
Chardonnay Grande Bay Model 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 3 car garage, $399,000 Andrew Delgado LICENSED & INSURED Real Estate Professional Certified Residential Contractor
Direct 239-465-7888
Additional information on our Chardonnay model by Texting T212215 to 85377
marcoislandpremiereplus.com AndrewHunterHomes@gmail.com CRC1330495
Andrew Hunter Home Team
SOUTH SEAS EAST CONDO First floor with a view! Recently updated income generating rental property with access to the beach! Offered turnkey furnished. $249,000 Text T455463 to 85377
BEAUTIFUL DIRECT ACCESS Perfect fixer or great lot for a new build! Save on impact fees for new construction with this SW exposure lot. $322,900
JUST COMPLETED Andrew Hunter Homes modified Chardonnay model--totally loaded. All assessments paid and walk to the beach! Other models starting at 299K on your lot. $499,000 Text T455464 to 85377
JUST LISTED! Direct access building lot. 5 minute out to open water with western exposure, great views with a 2-story house. $459,000
BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT with a spectacular lake view. $125,000 Text T455466 to 85377
FANTASTIC INDIRECT ACCESS building lot with South exposure, 1 bridge to the Marco River. $319,000 Text T455468 to 85377
ANDREW HUNTER HOMES model available with 2 year lease back. Pool, granite, stainless steel appliances, travertine flooring, PGT hurricane impact windows and more! $649,000 Text T455469 to 85377
BEAUTIFUL 2005 BUILT spacious home perfect for a growing family or vacation get a way. SE exposure, granite, oversized lot and more. $859,000 Text T455471 to 85377
Andrew Delgado REALTOR速 239-465-7888
Emily Peters REALTOR速 239-298-0124
Todd Lawler REALTOR速 734-564-8249
Joey Delgado REALTOR速 239-233-3194
Butterfield Manor
TEXT T403144 TO 85377
MAGNIFICENT HOME on Beautiful Marco Island. Dual Master suites with Breakfast Kitchens, Formal Decorator Furnished. 2 dens, 2 more guest suites, stacked 3 car garage, 2 boat lifts and 50 ft party deck. Wide, Bay Views and Sunsets. MLS/ID:212001586 $3,295,000
Spectacular Bay Views
"Be Lord of the Manor"
Victoria Josberger Philip Josberger III phil@josbergers.com josbergers.com
Florida Realty
900 Collier Blvd. Marco Island, Fl 34145
Available Rentals! 239-642-0000
360 5th Avenue South Naples, FL 34102 678 Bald Eagle Dr. Marco Island, FL 34145
We are in a unique situation where we have more demand than we have supply! We need homes, villas & condos! We are receiving several inquiries by phone and email daily. • Advanced, user-friendly website with 24 hour online bookings that ranks top on most search engines • Owner Services allows you to block your own dates on the live calendars, view monthly statements and work orders • Book your own property for no commission
• No up-front fees! • Aggressive marketing Internationally and all over the US! • We are on call 24/7 • Exclusive contracts with some of the largest International Tour Operators • We are delegates at international trade shows every year
TEXT T349754 TO 85377
TEXT T348025 TO 85377
TEXT T350083 TO 85377
SUSSEX Lush landscaping, spectacular pool and breathtaking water views from this spacious 2 bedroom condo. Tennis court, shuffleboard, a putting green, and a large refreshing pool! March available!
THE SOUTH SEAS CLUB is for beach and sun lovers! Enjoy partial bay and boat dock views from this lovely 2BR/ 2BA condominium!
VACATION RENTAL! This waterfront property is the perfect home for a family vacation. Big kitchen for those family dinners. Enjoy the two master suites.
,9 $1
00 ,0
00 ,9 99 $2
TEXT T400446 TO 85377
TEXT T397822 TO 85377
TEXT T397928 TO 85377
TEXT T398086 TO 85377
END UNIT 2 BR / 2 BA plus den and one car garage. New A/C, new baths. 27 holes golf included
RARE 3 BR VILLA Golf course views with this 3 BR / 2 BA turnkey furnished villa in Foxfire CC. 27 holes championship golf included. Call Sarah for appointment.
DESIGNER VIEWS! Sunny & spacious 2 BR / 2 BA tastefully furnished unit features new roof, new A/C & heating system & tile in all common areas. Make this beauty your new winter retreat.
TEXT T395759 TO 85377
TEXT T397890 TO 85377
TEXT T397761 TO 85377
TEXT T408156 TO 85377
,9 0
00 15
TEXT T397744 TO 85377
WHAT A STEAL! 2 BR / 2 BA unit overlooks golf course. 27 Hole Arthur Hills designed championship golf included. Clubhouse with fitness facility & more!
TASTEFULLY ELEGANT Beautiful golf & water views from this 2 BR , 2 BA furnished villa in Foxfire CC. New A/C & Heating system, new appliances, 2 car attached garage. Call Now.
GORGEOUS GOLF & WATER VIEWS Oversized 2 BR / 2 BA furnished unit. Bundled golf, clubhouse with dining, tennis, fitness center, pool & business center.
Sarah Hoag
,0 20 $1 SUNNY & SPACIOUS Top floor corner unit overlooks 12th fairway at Countryside Country Club. Unit comes with social membership.
0 ,9 0 29 $1 LELY Overlooks 1st Hole on Royal Palm Golf Course. Spacious, immaculate condo has vaulted ceiling, eat in kitchen. Sold turnkey furnished. Deeded garage with extra storage.
EXPANSIVE 3 BR / 2 BA furnished pool home in Foxfire CC. New roof, pool, granite kitchen, baths and more! Call today for private showing
CLUBHOUSE Catch the Buzz! Improvement/renovations including the Clubhouse, Grille/Bar area and Outside Dining!
POOL - GRILL - BAR EASILY ACCESSIBLE for golfers, pool users, tennis players, casual dining covered and uncovered areas.
ALL NEW FITNESS CENTER equipped with exercise room, featuring treadmills, elliptical equipment, stretching cage, plus Aerobics Center Lockers, showers etc.
FURNISHED CARRIAGE HOME located across from the Clubhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, tiled lanai at 10th Green $246,000 Text T319734 to 85377
GOLF, TENNIS, POOLS fine dining, social activities. Bundled golf all amenities included in sale price.
NEWPORT JUST LISTED largest Carriage home 2nd floor – great view, 3 bedrooms+Den, 2 car garage, $350,000
NAPLES PARK Lovely ranch 6+ blocks from the beach. Large rooms, 2BR + Dining rm/Family room, Living rm, several upgrades, 2 car garage - fenced, enclosed lanai. $247,000 - available now. Text T319815 to 85377
COLONIAL COUNTRY CLUB Great view on lake and golf course, 2BR/2BA+Den, dining room, garage, golf included in price $169,900 Text T319802 to 85377
ANNUAL RENTAL walking distance to the beach, 3BR/2BA, lanai, pool perfect location in Vanderbilt Villas.
JANE S. LITTLE 239-272-7514 janeslittle@remax.net
RE/MAX Estates
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
New Construction Expert! Purchasing a home can be very intimidating...
Featured Communities:
Andalucia central Naples builder spec completion in March. 3,423 sq ft 4 bedrooms plus den 3.5 baths $423,665
Riverstone Brand new spec home ready for April delivery. 3 bedrooms plus den. 3 baths 3 car garage including many upgrades $394,900 plus $5,000 towards your closing costs with cash or GL Homes financing.
Marbella Lakes
Marbella Lakes Sorrento Carriage home. Brand New builder Spec home. Fully furnished and $2,000 towards closing costs with cash purchase or GL Homes financing. $256,900
Black Bear Ridge
Builders Model for sale including furniture and pool! Mid $500's
I can save you thousands and get you perks! 18 years on-site new construction experience!
• Builder specʼs at low prices • Free upgrades • Closing cost money • Free furniture • Free pool • No builder fee • No cdd • Free golf cart
Patti Fortune 239.272.8494 www.OwnInNaples.com
350 5th Avenue South Suite C. Naples, Florida 34102
Naples Communities Expert! ...Let our experience guide you!
Featured Communities:
Marbella Lakes
Best Naples Location Marbella Lakes End unit 2BD+den large master bedroom Builders spec home with many upgrades. Quick Delivery for $246,900! Ask about closing credit
Marbella Lakes
FREE FURNITURE! Marbella Lakes Large end unit 3BD+loft and two car garage Big lanai with privacy and lots of trees. Steal it for $278,900!
Marbella Lakes
Resort Community Marbella Lakes First floor 2BD+den one car attached garage Brand new with tennis, gym, 2 pools & indoor basketball Love where you live for only $219,900!
Marbella Lakes
Proffessionaly Decorated Marbella Lakes First floor carriage home 2BR+den Lake view with all the upgrades Won't last at at $239,900!
Multi-Million dollar producer Ask Leah about golf communities, Luxury homes and water front properties
Leah Paige 239.821.1072 lpnaples@comcast.net
Additional information on each listing available by Texting the T property code to 85377
THE MAJORS IN LELY RESORT Beautiful single family home in gated Golf community with World Class amenities. Jim Amirsakis, 239-438-0000 $779,000 Text T356197 to 85377
LARGEST UNIT IN REGATTA at Vanderbilt Beach. Huge outside Terrace w/sweeping views of Bay! 3BR/3.5BA, totally updated. $769,000 Lois Chapman 239-571-3910. Text T356199 to 85377
BUILT IN 2006- ENTERPRISE AVENUE Not a foreclosure or short sale. $498 Quarterly in CAM fees includes water. $67,900. Whitney Creasy 239-404-1568. Text T356330 to 85377
WYNDEMERE COUNTRY CLUB Award winning Golf. Lakefront 2BR/2BA First floor, Turnkey Condo with best view in this price range. Make an Offer! Whitney Creasy 239-404-1568. Text T356271 to 85377
LAKEWOOD COMMUNITY Golf course membership optional. Lush landscape, water features. Villas are priced $75- $110K, Condos from $50K to $100K and Homes $125- $220K. Call Linda Granata at 239-250-1603, Text T356317 to 85377
PERFECT CUSTOM HOME built by an award winning builder. Two lots on Snook Bay, 2 docks, covered boat house w/lift. Call Sonny Grech at 239-450-5184. $1,390,000 Text T354428 to 85377
ROYAL HARBOR quick access to Gulf. Newly rebuilt 3BR/2BA waterfront home is fully furnished w/all the extras. Call Geri Howard- 617-413-8955, $1,249,000 Text T14630 to 85377
CONDO, ONE BLOCK FROM FIFTH AVENUE 5 blocks to the Beach. Two large lanais, East for morning sun and west for sunsets. $1,449,000 Doug Keating 239-961-1888. Text T356201 to 85377
THE DUNES 'FIRST CLASS' RESORT LIFESTYLE. Gated community, Grand Preserve residence offers Gulf views with an open, spacious floor plan. $1,199,000 Doug Keating 239-961-1888. Text T356202 to 85377
QUICK ACCESS TO GULF Large 3BR/2BA with open floor plan single family home. Call Carl Lohmann, your Gulf Access Specialist. 239-537-4894. $325,000 Text T355653 to 85377
ENJOY 'FLORIDA RESORT' ATMOSPHERE at Olde Cypress in this fabulous Mediterranean style courtyard home. Call Gary Lusher at 239-821-9690. $799,000 Text T354432 to 85377
$45,000 RENOVATION JUST COMPLETED on this rarely available 2nd floor end unit. 2BR/2BA, open floor plan, southern exposure. Call Sarah Mihailoff at (239) 331-0748. $179,000 Text T354396 to 85377
239-262-6606 Additional information on each listing available by Texting the T property code to 85377 850 Fifth Avenue South, Suite C, Naples, FL 34102
SAWGRASS OF NAPLES. Spacious 3BR/2BA minutes to beaches & more! Heated pool, enclosed lanai, and fenced in backyard! Call Debbie Nocera at 239-687-8862. $319,900 Text T410844 to 85377
BEACH FRONT! Gulfshore Drive - one of a kind floor plan with this unit facing the northwest with unobstructed views of the Gulf. $1,490,000 Clark Pear 239-571-0627. Text T356282 to 85377
WINDJAMMER VILLAGES OF NAPLES A 55 plus manufactured home community, prices range from $64,000- $109,000. Amy Reinholdt 239-248-8388. Text T356793 to 85377
COLONY AT HAWKSRIDGE 2nd floor coach home w/wood and tile floors, designer high-end kitchen, beautifully decorated. Call John Rodda- 239-825-5217. $439,000 Text T354493 to 85377
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on this beautifully wooded lot in Grey Oaks. Call John Rodda at 239-825-5217. $895,000 Text T356286 to 85377
PERFECT LOCATION.... world famous Fifth Avenue, build your Dream House. Only 1 1/2 blocks from Gulf. Call Dr. Rob Roe at (239)438-2152. $1,999,000 Text T356275 to 85377
TREVISO BAY IS BACK! Fabulous decorator finished 3BR/3BA Great room Villa, numerous upgrades, immediate Occupancy. $1,149,000 Bill Westman 239-250-0365. Text T356328 to 85377
BEAUTIFUL TREVISO BAY VILLA Fully furnished decorator model with over 2600 sq ft. 3BR/3BA and the complete luxury package. Bill Westman 239-250-0365. Text T356328 to 85377
COQUINA SANDS Open floor plan, 4BR/2.5BA. Southern exposure, pool, new A/C. Only $599,000. Call Marie Vaughn 239-370-2575 or Maria Eaton 239-530-8555 Text T413445 to 85377
"We're in the Top 5% of all Real Estate offices in Naples based on Transactions and Dollar Volume"
MOORINGS Estate Sale, 4BR/4BA/3CG, gourmet kitchen, pool and 2 large master BR. $949,000. Call Marie Vaughn 239-340-2575 or Maria Eaton 239-530-8555. Text T413414 to 85377
Don’t let the sun set on today’s great values in real estate.
Call an ERA Flagship agent to discover the opportunities now available.
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Rae@RaeWakelin.com www.RaeKnowsNaples.com
BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED home in the center of North Naples. Great lanai are with a pool and spa. The private back yard with nice fireplace pit. MLS/ID:212000504
TEXT T453362 TO 85377
$5 99
$3 GREAT VIEW from a nice size lanai. Spacious open living area MLS/ID:211510887
TEXT T453336 TO 85377
79 ,9 00
TEXT T453438 TO 85377
PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED with a fabulous view and sports membership included in the price. MLS/ID:212007579
99 ,0 00
TEXT T385011 TO 85377
OPEN Spacious home with a large yard. Beautifully decorated MLS/ID:211516776
04 ,9 00
LOVELY HOME with a great golf and lake view MLS/ID:211520597
$6 7
$1 ,1 0
25 ,0 0
0, 00
5, 00 0
TEXT T221375 TO 85377
,9 00
TEXT T327182 TO 85377
TEXT T384982 TO 85377
500 Fifth Ave S., Ste. 501 Naples, FL 34102
GREAT TOWN HOME in Village Walk of Bonita Springs. Can始t buy a new home with all the upgrades for this price. MLS/ID:212007412
SINGLE FAMILY HOME in Royal Wood. Close to downtown and secret gem of a golf course community. MLS/ID:212005022
For Picture Perfect Views... WATERFRONT IN THE MOORINGS Boaters paradise! Minutes from Doctorʼs Pass & the Gulf of Mexico featuring 167ʼ of waterfront lifestyle. Newer 3BR+Den/3.5BA pool home on .45 acre with 180 degrees water views & 2 boat docks. $1,950,000 Text T326801 to 85377
KEY WEST LIFESTYLE IN OLDE NAPLES Picture yourself in the heart of Olde Naples just 4 blocks from the beach. This 4BR/3.5BA/2 car residence is absolutely stunning with lush landscaping, oak flooring, French doors & wrap-around verandah. $1,249,000 Text T327035 to 85377
YACHT HARBOUR COVE Westerly views overlooking Windstarʼs Marina & Naples Bay. Elegantly appointed residence features 3BR + Den/3.5BA , 14ʼ ceilings, new windows, shutters, 640 sq. ft. of covered balcony & elevator. $1,200,000 Text T327179 to 85377
THE SHORES IN BERKSHIRE LAKES 7807 Berkshire Pines Drive Enjoy sparkling lake views & bass fishing from this lovely 3Br/2BA/2CAR attached villa with low fees in a gated community. $225,000 Text T327158 to 85377
MERIDIAN CLUB IN PARK SHORE Tastefully updated 2BR+Den/3BA residence with fabulous views of the Gulf, Bay & City. Directly on the beach with impact resistant windows $1,149,000 Text T327038 to 85377
EMERALD LAKES Incredibly priced 3BR/2BA home on lushly landscaped lot minutes to the beach, shopping & dining, southern exposure, 11ʼ ceilings, granite counter & tile throughout. $229,500 Text T327122 to 85377
LAKE PARK Charming Florida cottage is just a bike ride to the beach & Historical Olde Naples. Upgrades include terrazo & tile floors, crown molding, renovated bath with plenty of room for pool and great income potential. $199,000 Text T327715 to 85377
...Call Judy Today! 877.598.0033
To view these and other Beachfront Residences visit JudyHansenHomes.com Judy@JudyHansenHomes.com
FAIRWAY GARDENS IN LELY Updated 2BR/2BA residence features a split floor plan with views of the community pool and the Hibiscus golf course. New counters, carpeting, A/C & more. Call Kay Miller at 239-898-3693. $89,000 Text T327728 to 85377
Try my new SMS text codes to view a detailed mobile website of these listings
Community GUIDE For collections, clothing and curiosities, plus dining and even more, come to Tin City Waterfront Marketplace in Naples, Florida today.
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Office: 239-263-1000 Fax: 239-263-2079
1395 Third Street South Naples, Florida 34102
Additional information on each listing available by Texting the T property code to 85377
AFFORDABLE NAPLES LIVING Great Location, Great View. 2BR/2BA on a quiet cul de sac with wide golf course view. New roof, windows and vinyl siding. Huge Carport Area. Low HOA fees and you OWN the land! Close to Downtown Naples and Beaches Call Dan Rathka (239) 398-3608 $129,000 Text T370656 to 85377
NURSERY Great opportunity for owner/operator or investor. 9 acres accessed by service roads. 3BR, 1850 sq ft home under air, with large screened lanai w/fireplace. Priced at $829,000. Don Snyder 239-250-8712 Text T445995 to 85377
BEARS PAW COUNTRY CLUB 3BR 1st floor end unit condo overlooking lake to a view of 17th fairway. Turnkey furnished with electric hurricane shutters. Call to see this condo and our community. $299,999 Don Snyder 239-250-8712 Text T446146 to 85377
JUST REDUCED!! 3BR/2BAshows like a Model. Golf Course and Lake views with exquisite landscaping. Desirable Open Floor Plan with Vaulted Ceilings, Stainless Steel appliances, granite counter tops. Great pool w/spa. Large Lanai. Minutes to downtown Naples 5th Ave. or Marco Island. Truly a great home. $424,500 Call Kathleen Des Lauries 239-537-6699 - Text T326204 to 85377
NAPLES HIDDEN GEM! Breathtaking Panoramic View of Golf Course and Lake. Built by Sterling Homes and has all the bells and whistles.Dock with lighting around entire lanai. Electric Hurricane shutters on Lanai. Cul-De-Sac location. This home shows like a model. Perfect! Call Kathleen Des Lauries 239-537-6699 - Text T370795 to 85377
LOCATION! LOCATION! Starting with an amazing large lakeview, a cul de sac location, this 2BR+Den/2BA Pool Home is in Desirable Berkshire Lakes! Lighted Crown Molding, Built In Wet Bar Area, Security System, Heated Pool and Spa with controls in house, Priced at $304,900 Call Karen Hays 239-404-8867- Text T446132 to 85377
BEAUTIFUL FIRST FLOOR END UNIT Wadsworth condo with screened wrap around lanai overlooking the 17th fairway with a Southern exposure! This spacious Barrington condo in Naples Lakes Country Club offers 3 bedrooms and is being sold TURNKEY. $295,000 Tom Rohde 239-595-2832 Text T446163 to 85377
GET READY FOR BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS overlooking the golf course from almost every room in the house and lanai with pool and spa. This 4 bedroom/3 bath Monarch Model estate home has a formal living room and family room open to the kitchen and is loaded with upgrades. $759,000 Tom Rohde 239-595-2832 Text T446159 to 85377
ROYAL HARBOR Florida styling with open air living, cupola over main living area & kitchen. Wood & Marble floors, Outdoor kitchen, Pool/spa, Anderson impact windows/doors & much more. $1,995,000 Daryl Silvers 239-537-4362 Text T376512 to 85377
ONE OF A KIND COTTAGE, "My Blue Heaven", located on a beautiful tip lot in the quaint fishing village of Goodland. Georgeous views with more than 200 feet of waterfront and open access to the Gulf. Boat dock with weatherproof decking and 12K lb. boat lift. Newer roof and seawall. Furnished! $369,000 Call Amy Bozicnik 239-860-5087 - Text T14893 to 85377
AGENTS WANTED!! Only $95 per Month and 100% Commission* Call today for your confidential interview. 239-263-1000
Community Professionals
Bear's Paw Country Club
In the heart of Naples is a hidden jewel. A gated community situated on 244 acres with a Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course surrounding 297 member-owned residences of condominiums, villas and single family homes. Each with a beautiful and unique view. The community includes a well maintained comfortable clubhouse, 4 Har-Tur tennis courts, bocce courts, as well as boat slips with gulf access, boat ramp and storage for boats and trailers. I have been a resident of Bear's Paw since 1992 and would enjoy showing you this wonderful community. Please come visit - you will be amazed at what you see!!
Don Snyder Realtor®, GRI
Eagle Creek
Eagle Creek Golf & Country Club is a small-scale community with large-scale amenities. Living at an equity club with only 456 residences means you play a true championship golf course or use Har-Tru tennis courts as often as you like. You'll also have easy access to state-of-the-bod fitness center,swimming, bocce and a newly renovated clubhouse which is truly unrivaled in the area. All located halfway between Old Naples and Marco Island. You are sure to find a property to fit your lifestyle as well: Condos $75,000-$649,000; Villas $159,000-$495,000; Single-Family Homes $275,000-$1,000,000+.
Jay & Chris Siemers REALTOR®
Marco Island Marco Island is a world-class resort destination with sun-washed
white beaches and a casual easy paced life style. Four miles wide
by six miles long, this beautiful and unique island retreat has condos,
villas and homes ranging from $100,000 to $15,000,000.
Searching for your Paradise, Marco Island has it all- golf, boating, fishing, fine dining, shopping or just enjoying the pristine beaches.
Please contact me for more information about this beautiful island.
Susan LaGrotta REALTOR®
Florida Realty
Moorings Moorings is located within the city limits of Naples, just north of downtown (Olde Naples) and extends West of Route 41 to the white sandy beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. This convenient location offers a fabulous assortment of properties and prices from which to choose……….. houses, villas & condominiums ......... located either on the beach, the bay, on charming tree-lined streets or walking distance to nearby restaurants & shopping. Prices range from $150,000 to $5,500,000. Call me today for an appointment to view some properties in the Moorings neighborhood.
Joanne Murphy Realtor®, ABR, GRI
Pelican Marsh
Olde Naples "It's always a wonderful time of the year in Olde Naples. But In February and March this community comes alive with the arts. With its theaters, art and antique galleries, street shows and fairs, Olde Naples is the cultural heart of the city that always has plenty to offer. Olde Naples is a network of picturesque streets, avenues and lanes, with some of the prettiest homes and gardens anywhere in town; and all a short distance from one of the most magnificent beaches on the Gulf. Like many other beautiful, upscale communities elsewhere in America, it has become a cultural centerpiece. Luxury condos, spacious Villas, Single-Family Homes, priced from $500k to $28m are available to compliment your lifestyle. If you're a lover of culture this is the community for you. Trust me to help you sell or find that special home in this charming and distinguished community."
Linda Granata REALTOR®
This beautifully manicured, gated golf club community is located just minutes away from the beautiful Gulf of Mexico beaches, upscale shopping and dining at Mercato and Waterside Shoppes, and exceptional entertainment at the Philharmonic Center for the Arts. This community features well appointed coach homes, villas, single-family homes and luxurious grand estate homes. Come experience the extraordinary amenities and award-winning setting and you will know why Pelican Marsh was named as one of Americaʼs 100 best master-planned communities by “Where To Retire” Magazine. Pelican Marsh awaits you!
Dina L. Moon Broker, PA, MBA
Rosemary Langkawel, PA REALTOR® (239) 404-0005
Tarpon Cove & Cove Towers
These lovely condominiums and villas are located in North Naples west of US 41, just a short drive to the Gulf beaches, restaurants and shopping. Ownership of these special properties offers the opportunity to obtain membership in the "TARPON COVE YACHT & RACQUET CLUB" which includes many amenities such as BOAT shuttles to nearby Wiggins Beach, social events, casual and fine dining, fitness facility, 6 Har-Tru tennis courts, a tropical island-style pool with “chickee bar”, and reciprocal benefits with 72 other Naples clubs. Also, nearby boat docks are available for lease-purchase. From Low-Rise to High-Rise, the wonderful variety of properties range in price from $160,000 to $1,300,000. Call me today for an appointment.
Joanne Murphy Realtor®, ABR, GRI
Verona Walk
Verona Walk is a Naples premiere lakefront community, built by DiVosta, located on Collier Blvd and close to beaches! This gated complex is manned 24/7, offers two community pools, clubhouse, tennis courts, fully equipped fitness center, along with over 20 miles of bicycling and hiking trails. The town center has staffed meeting rooms, a ballroom, card room, library with wireless iternet access and a variety of retail businesses, including a restaurant and gas station. With a combination of single family homes, town homes and coach homes, connected by an array of lakes and bridges, the tranquil atmosphere is a perfect backdrop of this community. All amenities are covered by the Homeownersʼ Association fees. Please contact me to preview Verona Walk residences with prices ranging from high $100's through low $400's for resale and new construction.
Susan LaGrotta REALTOR®
Florida Realty
PE ND IN G GREY OAKS: 3BR+den/3BA custom home large master suite, study, formal dining room, chef's kitchen, large heated pool and spa. $1,225,000 Text T328327 to 85377
NORTH NAPLES: 2BR/2BA Spacious condo, close to schools and shopping. Possible Short Sale $58,000
PORT OF THE ISLES: 2BR/2BA direct access waterfront coach home on the bay with a large lanai for outdoor living. Must see to believe! $339,000 Text T385903 to 85377
MARCO ISLAND: 2BR/2BA Townhome. New kitchen. Close to downtown, parks and shopping. $135,000 Text T329554 to 85377
FOREST GLEN GOLF: 2BR/2BA, Luxury Condo Bundled Golf,Turnkey $126,000 Text T157188 to 85377
You Pick The Lifestyle...We Have It!
Leah Paige
Community Professionals
Riverstone in Naples, Florida is a very special gated community that pays homage to luxury living. The beautiful, low density site plan features 286 acres of preserves and 86 acres of lakes with most homesites offering a preserve and/or lake view. There are 15 new home designs for sale in Naples, Florida, ranging in size from 2,081 to 4,742 square feet with a variety of one- and two-story plans for your consideration. Each home is backed by GL Homes' renowned quality and includes a generous package of luxury standard features. A magnificent clubhouse features a "cool" indoor sports court for air-conditioned basketball, volleyball and more. There is a fully equipped fitness center, a social area with outdoor covered patio for parties and gatherings, catering kitchen, multi-purpose studio for activities such as yoga, pilates, arts & crafts and more. Riverstone in Naples is a world-class location with hometown tradition.
rlangkawel@comcast.net www.RoSellsNaples.com
Call Rosemary Langkawel for all your Real Estate needs. 239-404-0005
3349 Tamiami Trail North, Naples, FL
239-298-1991 1-866-708-6962 ccachon@remax.net CARLO CACHON
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Certified Distressed Property Expert
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Club at Naples Cay-Call for Pricing TEXT T382630 TO 85377
EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 2 bedroom +den/ 2 bath condo located at The Club at Naples Cay. Naples Cay is paradise found, and once you discover it, you need never leave. This unit offers spectacular views of the Gulf, the lushly landscaped grounds and the pool. You can bask on the pristine beach, take a swim in the Olympic size pool, relax in the hot tub, workout in the state of the art fitness facility or enjoy a beautiful sunset right from your lanai. Excellent location just steps to the beach, fine restaurants, shops, marina, Philharmonic and all the fine things Naples has to offer. Call Carlos for details @239-298-1991.
BANK OWNED Marco Island
BANK OWNED Marco Island
BANK OWNED Lely Golf Estates
NEW LISTING 3BR/2BA/2CG pool home located on Marco Island and only minutes from the beach and shopping. Water-direct with quick access to the Gulf of Mexico. Call Carlos for more details @239-298-1998.
TEXT T458725 TO 85377
PRICED TO SELL 3BR/2BA pool home centrally located on Marco Island and only minutes from the beach and shopping. This home features a large split floor plan with a tile roof and attached 2 car garage. Add Asking $172,700
NEW LISTING 4BR/2BA/2CG ranch style home. Featuring carpet, tile, and a screened lanai. Excellent location close to beaches, restaurants and shopping. Call Carlos for more details 239-298-1991
NEW LISTING Golden Gate Estates
BANK OWNED Immokolee
RENTAL Golden Gate Estates
TEXT T458763 TO 85377
EXCELLENT INVESTOR OPPORTUNITY! 3BR/1BA home with carport. Located in quiet area of Immokalee. Featuring nice sized bedrooms and a fenced in yard. Call Carlos for more details 239-298-1991
GOLDEN GATE ESTATES 3BR/2BA home with additional 1BR/1BA in-law suite. Centrally located off of Golden Gate Bvd and only minutes from Wilson Blvd. $1250.00 monthly
EXCELLENT STARTER HOME for 1st time home buyer. 4BR/2BA home on 1.14 acres and centrally located off Randall Blvd. Priced for quick sale at only $79,900. Call today for more details @239-298-1991.
www.BarefootBeach.com | www.SusanOwens.com TEXT T383853 TO 85377
5BR+DEN/4.5BA in Southport on the Bay in Barefoot Beach. Multi-level home with over 4,700 sq ft living area sits on 1/3 acre with gorgeous views of the Bay. This home is in immaculate shape. $1,900,000
TEXT T383988 TO 85377
REDUCED PRICE BAREFOOT BEACH 2BR/2BA is partially furnished with custom interior paint, granite counter tops, new refrigerator, microwave, stove, washer & electric shutters. $799,000
TEXT T386905 TO 85377
FOREST LAKES 2 BR/ 2 BA golf course Condo tastefully furnished. Dining/Living room combo overlooks golf course. This 55 plus community has its own Clubhouse with pool. Only $99,500
TEXT T383980 TO 85377
TEXT T383557 TO 85377
PREMIER BAREFOOT BEACH COMMUITY 2BR/2BA Decorated with modern Tommy Bahama look, new stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops and new AC unit. $879,000
TEXT T379078 TO 85377
THREE BAREFOOT BOAT CLUB Direct Gulf access with no bridges Boat slips available. Dry slip priced at $44,000. Outdoor wet slips with lifts available for $85,000 and $95,000.
TEXT T383983 TO 85377
JUST REDUCED-TUSCANY STYLE 4BR+den/4.5BA BAREFOOT BEACH HOME. True Luxury home with granite counter tops, marble floors, faux paint, tray ceilings, custom cabinetry, elevator & on premise boat dock and lift. $2,189,000
The Susan Owens Team
LLC, Realtor, MBA Multi-Million Dollar Producer
239-248-5580 Direct
Susan@SusanOwens.com www.BarefootBeach.com
LOVELY, BRIGHT IMMACULATE 3BD/2BA home in bundled golf community with low HOA fees. Enjoy living on a golf course and within minutes to Coconut Point and Miramar Outlets. $209,000
Wildcat Run Charming 3 BR/ 4 BA with southern exposure, pool with spa, poolside bathroom, outdoor bar and great view of golf course. $529,000
Call today to find out what your home is worth!