Vol. 1 :: No. 2
Don & Mary Corcelli Brokers/Owners
Bluebill Real Estate, Inc 26201 Hickory Blvd, Bonita Beach, FL 34134 Office: 239-992-2525 Toll free: 800-437-3149
Barefoot Beach Club CONDOMINIUMS 2 & 3 Bedroom Residences Available Direct Beach frontage Or Bay frontage See page 8 for more information. For Advertising Information
Call Jay Letendre at 239-287-8927 or Debbie Colman at 239-872-8781
Spectacular Sunsets can be yours....
8579 BELLAGIO DRIVE 3 BR / 3+BA / +DEN $975,000
Madeira 302 3 BR / 3+ BA $2,095,000
7630 MULBERRY LANE 3 BR / 3 BA / +DEN $849,000
657 SPINNAKER 3 BR / 3 BA $699,000
3990 DEER CROSSING #201 3 BR / 2 BA $475,000
8541 PEPPER TREE WAY 3 BR / 2 BA $399,000 218 DAN RIVER - LOT River Area $299,000 4586 CARDINAL COVE 2 BR / 2 BA / +DEN $350,000
SOUTH SEAS EAST 2 BR / 2 BA $299,000 3970 DEER CROSSING #203 3 BR / 2 BA $309,000
Call ML Meade and ask to see the view!
239-293-4851 760 North Collier Blvd., Suite 101 / Marco Island, FL
At the Esplanade
marco island
VERA CRUZ 801 4 BR/ 4+BA $2,300,000 3852 ISLA DEL SOL 4 BR / 5+BA / +DEN $2,840,000
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Buyers Agent, ABR
(239) 564-1144
Know Naples E-Mail: Estate Home NEW ELEGANT CUSTOM TWO-STORY ESTATE HOME Fit for the most discriminating buyer. Western exposure for fantastic sunsets from the upper story deck that overlooks the private & lushly landscaped 1+ acre lot. Home is appointed with attention to quality, detail and remarkable workmanship. 5 BR suites plus a full guest/pool bath, formal living/dining, family room, fireplace, study, gourmet kitchen, pool and spa, 3 car garage and so much more. $3,499,000 MLS/ID:209039954
DON'T MISS THIS NEW HOME 4 bedrooms all suites + den & 4.5 baths, formal LR & DR, great room, 2 fireplaces, one inside the other out. Heated pool/spa, 3 car garage. 3 blocks to beach, 2 blocks to Venetian Village with upscale shopping & dining. $1,990,000 MLS/ID:208037919
MOORINGS 2 BR / 2 BA 2nd floor unit. Long southern view of Moorings Bay, 5 minutes to Gulf, no bridges, close to upscale shopping & dining. Furnished. $399,000 MLS/ID:207046307
MOORINGS COMMODORE CLUB 2 BR / 2 BA 1st floor unit has great view of Moorings Bay. Walk 1 block to the beach or enjoy the pool that overlooks the bay. Deeded boat dock is included, 5 mins ride to the Gulf & no bridges. Extra storage, carport, original condition. $399,000 MLS/ID:209023166
PARK SHORE Live on the beach, hear the waves & smell the Gulf. 3 BR / 3 BA, LR, DR, eat in kitchen, office. Totally remodeled with wrap around lanai. Walk to Venetian Village for restaurants & shopping. $1,649,000 MLS/ID:209000355
THE CLASSICS AT LELY RESORT Step into this world of golf/resort living. You will not believe the choices of activities at your fingertips. Lovely 2 BR+Den / 2 BA / 2 car garage, paver driveway, 1st. floor coach home lives like a house. $299,000 MLS/ID:209040562
GRANDEZZA Furnished 3 BR / 2 BA former model with upgrades. Corian counters, trey ceilings, window coverings, pool/spa overlooking lake view. Gated golf community close to shopping & restaurants. $497,900 MLS/ID:209001828
BLUE HERON 2nd floor end unit, like new with upgrades. 3 BR / 2 BA, eat-in kitchen, breakfast bar with Corian & upgraded cabinets, 18" tile except BRs. Low HOA fees & partial lake view. $139,900 MLS/ID:209022200
Let over 40 years of Naples Experience Assist in Your Real Estate Decision.
Your #1 Source for SWFL Golf Properties
STONEBRIDGE COUNTRY CLUB 4 BR+DEN / 3.5 BA ❖ 3,698 SQ. FT. $949,500
OLDE CYPRESS 4 BR / 4 BA ❖ 2,900 SQ.FT. $774,500
Matt Klinowski
NAPLES LAKES COUNTRY CLUB 3 BR / 2 BA ❖ 1,772 SQ. FT. $259,000
Naples Brokers Realty 560 9th St S.
Mike Slade 239-218-1186
Naples, FL 34102
,7 7
$7 4, 70 8
FABULOUS 2ND FLOOR UNIT overlooking the 6th hole and lake at Forest Glen. Championship golf course, full service clubhouse, jogging and biking paths, tennis courts, fitness facility and more! ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL!MLS/ID:210003131
,7 0
,5 0
LAKEWOOD Corporate owned 2BR/2BA Condo with great location and view of the pool & fairway. NOT A SHORT SALE! MLS/ID:209041343
GULF SHORE BLVD View of Doctors pass & the Bay, Private Beach & club. No bridges, sail into the Gulf in less than 5 minutes. 2 BR / 2 BA, 5th floor, top line appls! Fully furnished. Call Mike. MLS/ID:209025047
VILLAGE WALK OF BONITA SPRINGS 3BR / 3 BA / 2CA Gorgeous townhome features tile throughout, built in wall unit, private pool across from town center. This property is a short sale. Call Brandon MLS/ID:209014439
Rae Wakelin 239-398-0028
Rebecca Avery-Clair
Experience the ultimate in living in this elegant, unique, open plan home. Long lake view from the large lanai / pool area is one of the best in the community no better place to view a sunset. 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath home has many upgrades. Both master bedroom and 2nd floor suite have wet bars, 5 walk in closets and a huge pantry with a second refrigerator. Golf membership is included. This home is a must see. $999,995 MLS/ID:209033053
Incredible opportunity to enjoy one of Mediterraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finest views from this very popular "Alessandria" floor plan. The view is a sweeping southern wide water view and then on to one of the two golf courses from this beautiful and spacious 3 bedroom plus den home. You will love the open great room, the fabulous 2 built-ins and the many upgrades in this must see property. $749,000 MLS/ID:210008315
This immaculate turnkey coach home in Kensington includes a social membership in the price. The 2 bedroom + den, 2 bath unit has a brand new air conditioner and new carpeting. It is nicely decorated with a great lake view. Ready to move in! $348,000 MLS/ID:208022461
Sought after Admiral Patio home with spa. Many upgrades including custom window treatments, solar skylights, tray ceilings and upgrades with tiles in both baths. If you like to cook, the gas stove is a real bonus, large kitchen opens up to living area. Master bedroom is large, has a great view of the lake. $289,000 MLS/ID:209033501
Beautiful, turnkey furnished, lake front condo with garage. Tasteful condo has a huge screened, tiled lanai with built-in outdoor kitchen. Tiled living areas, upgraded cabinets, new carpet, paint and more! Just 5+/- miles from downtown Naples and the Beach! $224,000 MLS/ID:210003894
Beautiful coach home with a stunning view of lake! Upgrades include tiled living areas, 42" kitchen cabinets, jetted tub in MB, raised vanities, window coverings, etc. Recently painted! Step right out to community pool! 10 minute drive to downtown Naples and the beach! Great tenant in place, would love to stay. $199,900 MLS/ID:209041511
Alan B. Levi, PA, GRI,
Broker Associate Direct: 239-464-6965 800-843-0255 $899,000
BEST GOLF & LAKE VIEW ocation in Grandezza's Grande Estates. Totally upgraded high quality custom home w/marble floors, large guest suite, & much more for a fantastic price. Over 3400 sq. ft.!
LARGEST SQ. FT. HOME for sale in Grandezza (3779 living) w/huge master bath, Jerusalem stone floors, & much more for this custom home w/tropical preserve views.
PERHAPS THE BEST PRIME LAKE & PRESERVE VIEW home in Grandezza's Cypress Cove. Expanded floor plan w/large miter glass window overlooking the pool, lake & wildlife, w/upgrades galore, in this fabulous location.
PANORAMIC GOLF & LAKE VIEWS Surround this large 2nd floor coach home w/private elevator-top location! Oakwood section of plush Grandezza
PRIME 1ST FLOOR location coach home offered turnkey furnished, tiled throughout main areas & it has lovely golf views.
LARGEST CONDO for sale in Sabal Palm, this 2nd floor, end unit, w/bonus room has great golf views, high ceilings, open & large kitchen & is offered furnished.
in booming Estero!
Great Listings in
Grandezza Golf & CC
4130 Tamiami Trail N. Naples, FL 34103
Don & Mary Corcelli
239.992.2525 800.437.3149
Brokers - Owners
BAREFOOT BEACH CLUB At the end of the red brick road which meanders through towering palms and millionaires mansions, you find the fabulous Barefoot Beach Club condominium. Nestled along the beach and bay, these impressive highrises are all decked out in shades of tropical pink sparkling in the rays of the Florida sun. Here you have miles of pristine beach, back bay waters, the sounds of the surf and gentle Gulf breezes to soothe your thoughts and caress your soul. 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom residences are available. Barefoot Beach is located in Collier County with access through Bonita Springs. Prices begin in the mid $500,000 range on the bay and just under $1,000,0000 directly on the beach. Amenities: Pool, Tennis, Fitness Center. Docks & The Club at Barefoot Beach available.
BONITA BEACH CLUB At the northern tip of Little Hickory Island sits this beautiful gated complex offering a plethora of amenities which include one of the most beautiful swimming pools on the island! Tennis, various social rooms…bridge room, wood working shop, billards room…fitness center and miles of beautiful sand. Recently listed is this totally renovated two bedroom, two bath condo offering panoramic views. New furnishings and boat dock #9 included!! MLS 210007599 $535,000 Other 2 and 3 bedroom units are available.
SEASCAPE Tropical elegance! Your perfect place in Paradise is situated on the edge of miles of beautiful white sand known as Bonita Beach! This spacious renovated 2 bedroom, 2 bath residence boasts granite kitchen counters, new cabinets, faux painting and much, much more. Enjoy natural light flowing through the kitchen window…a unique feature of this particular floorplan.Lifeatthebeachcreatesmemoriesthatlastforeverstart living yours today! Amenities include tennis and pool. Gulf access boat docks (when available). $600's MLS 209040396
PAVILLION CLUB CLOSE TO THE BEACH, fine dining, shopping and the cultural attractions of North Naples! This 2 bedroom PLUS den condominium is the best valued end unit in the entire subdivision! Definitely priced to sell, it is a well maintained, furnished home that is move-in ready! A vaulted living room ceiling and a ground level entrance with a private inside stairway make this an easy place to live. Walk or ride your bike to the beach! MLS 210008226 $280,000
BEACH & TENNIS CLUB If you are searching for a panoramic view of the Gulf of Mexico, your search is over! Unobstructed views all the way to Naples from this studio condominium. Beach & Tennis Club is situated on 15 acres of Florida Lifestyle just across the street from miles of sandy beach. Amenities include 2 pools, 10 HarTru tennis courts, on-site pro, restaurant, hair salon, masseuse, real estate & rental office. MLS 209040944 $200's Other units available in various building locations.
VASARI-ATTENTION ALL GOLFERS! This spacious 2 BR PLUS den, 2 bath home is colorful and elegant and has been decorated with attention to detail…crown molding throughout, hardwood flooring in den, murals, neutral tile, Garage Tech storage in the double garage, electric shutters on lanai and more. This spacious condo has 2221 sq. ft. living area and over 3000 total. Full Golf membership is included in this bundled community. Beautifully furnished and move-in ready. MLS 209030614 $439,000
PELICAN LANDING SUPER VALUE!! Enjoy the best for a very affordable price! Pelican Landing offers more included amenities than any other community. Watch dolphin play as the boat shuttles you to Pelican Landing’s private island beach, enjoy the creekside park with complimentary use of canoes, kayaks and the fleet of Sunfish to sail in Estero Bay plus there is tennis, bocce ball AND MORE!. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath turnkey furnished 1st floor condo with a detached garage can be yours for only $184,900 MLS 210004388
Bluebill's 2009 Top Producers Ft. Myers Beach & Bonita Beach Specialists
Capt. Bob Jensen
Jeff Barnes
Blake Carroll
Frank Battaglia
Don Ross 239-250-6610 239-642-3000
Let's Celebrate Your Unique Purchase on Marco Island!
1590 JAMAICA CT $1,485,000 3 BR+den / 3.5 bath - 3553 sq.ft. under air - total 7192 sq.ft. BOTH wide water bay and golf course views - 126' water frontage cul-de-sac lot MLS/ID:2100230
642 BIMINI AVE $1,045,000 3 BR / 2 BA - 2204 under air - furnished screened pool - private dock & boat lift MLS/ID:291502
489 Pepperwood Ct $2,650,000 4/3.5 - 3967 sq.ft. under air - furnished - pool - boat dock & 2 lifts, one for 50' yacht - built 2005 - River Access cul-de-sac MLS/ID:292182
190 ANGLER CT $1,275,000 3 BR / 3 BA - 3 car garage - 3050 sq.ft under air - screened pool - former model MLS/ID:282345
1799 WATERFALL CT $695,000 3 BR 2 BA - 2 car garage - 2072 sq.ft. under air - partially furnished - pool - west exposure - on canal MLS/ID:292550
All Lots Offered With Optional Owner Financing
481 TARPON CT $749,000 tip lot 165' water frontage - brand new seawall - direct access to river and Gulf MLS/ID:293146
1020 DILL CT $575,000 cul-de-sac 163' water frontage - new sea wall MLS/ID:292423
1295 ORANGE CT $1,699,500 cul-desac - 171' water frontage - deep water - 80% owner finance, 4.75% int. only for 5 yrs. MLS/ID:282414
295 GRAPEWOOD CT $625,000 huge corner lot - southeast exposure new seawall - fast access to Marco River MLS/ID:292248
80 ANCHOR CT $1,175,000 cul-de-sac, tip lot - 175' water frontage - direct access to Gulf and river - WSW exposure MLS/ID:282566
172 ANGLER CT $1,100,000 cul-de-sac, tip lot - 193' water frontage - new seawall in '07 - southern exposure MLS/ID:292628
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Working with Buyers, Sellers and Real Estate Professionals Around the World ~ Whether looking to buy or sell in Southwest Florida or abroad, I have the local and international resources to fill all of your real estate needs.
Mary Carol Fitzgerald, ABR, TRC
(239) 641-1063
Warm & Inviting - Grand Home - Details Galore! Built in 2006 - 4+Den - 5/2 Baths - 3 Car Garage - 6825 Sq. Ft. Under Air - 9,000 Sq. Ft. Total If you are looking for a unique home in Naples that has great detail, space, and charm, this is the one! Custom Built Port Royal Quality in convenient in-town, quiet location. Front & back staircases. Wood floors throughout, 3 gas fireplaces, large family kitchen w/3 pantries, 6 gas burner Wolf Restaurant Stove, 2 large sub-zero fridge and freezer, Formal dining room, classic butler's pantry, Marble floor entry, 1st floor master suite, 2nd floor Main master suite with 2 very large His & Hers walk-in closets AND His and Hers separate bathrooms! His & Her offices, Everything Room for craft & wrapping, laundry w/custom storage! MLS#209035204
As a dedicated real estate professional, my goal is helping people get what they really want, PROPERTY OWNERSHIP In local & international real estate, you can never have enough information. Sifting, sorting and analyzing the data is a large part of facilitating a successful real estate transaction. As your Realtor速, I will provide you with quality customer care, clear communitcation, honesty & sincere loyalty. It would be my privilege to guide you through the process of finding the perfect property and making sure you get to the closing table successfully. Through personalized service and expert advice, I hope to make finding your dream home in SW Florida or abroad a reality.
ABR ~ Accredited Buyer Representative TRC ~ Transnational Referral Certification
Community GUIDE TIN CITY In Naples on U.S. 41 East at Goodlette Rd. Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 9 pm Sunday 12 noon - 5 pm Telephone: (239) 262-4200 Email:
For collections, clothing and curiosities, plus dining and even more, come to Tin City Waterfront Marketplace in Naples, Florida today.
Konrad's Seafood & Grille Room * Bavarian Specialties
599 S Collier, Marco Walk, Marco Island, FL 34134
2 LOCATIONS 3650 Tamiami Trail N,
Naples, FL 34103 239-643-9898 28601 Trails Edge Blvd, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 239-949-3080
Always the Real Deal, Always Homemade, Always Free Parking
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Our restaurant offers a unique style of dining in a casual, neoclassical atmosphere with a flair all its own. At Konrad's we have proven that good food and good health can go hand in hand.
Joe's Crab Shack 1355 Fifth Ave. South Naples, FL 34102 239-793-7700 Sun-Sat: 11a-11p
We stand for kicking back. Having a sense of humor. Getting your hands dirty. Good food and good friends. For being real and a little weird. That's what we call service.
Snook Inn
1215 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145
Located on beautiful Marco River. Proud to be rated in the TOP ten restaurants on Marco and TOP 300 of independent restaurants in the country.Docking available for more than 20 boats open daily 11am to close 7 days a week Port O Call Marina 550 Port O Call Way Naples, Florida, 34102 (239) 649-2275
Private charters, Weddings, daily lunch, sunset and dinner Naples Bay cruises, Gulf of Mexico cruises, event planning for company gatherings, and other specialty cruises
Susan LaGrotta, REALTOR 239-438-7776 Cell 800-237-8817 Ext. 1251
速 Helping Homeowners In Distress
C u s t o m M a r c o I s l a n d Wa t e r f r o n t H o m e
NEW 2006 CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME 110 ft. of waterfront, new seawall 2004 & boat dock with 12,000 lb. lift & utilities. One bridge, minutes to Marco River & Gulf of Mexico! 3 BR / 3 BA plus den or 4th BR, 3 car garage with circular driveway. Over 2830 sq.ft. under air. Gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, granite countertops & custom wood cabinetry. Oversized tile, hardwood floors & custom carpet. Alarm system, hurricane protection, Aqualink for pool & spa. Fully extended & screened lanai. On city sewer. Lots more! Great value @ $949,000
E x q u i s i t e Wa t e r f r o n t H o m e M a r c o I s l a n d
A n g l e r s C ove Wa te r f ro n t R e s o r t
SOUTH END of Marco Island, located on a 150 ft. wide canal. Water direct access to Gulf of Mexico via Caxambas Pass. 3 BR / 3.5 BA, over 2,335 sq.ft. under air. Over $400,000 in upgrades with renovations completed 2009. New 70 ft. Trex dock with 13,000 lb boat lift on 100 ft. of waterfront. New tile roof, hurricane glass & electric shutters. Custom features throughout. Professionally decorated. Granite countertops & custom wood cabinetry in both kitchen and baths. Equipped with alarm system, heated pool and 2 zone A/C. Views of converging waterways. On City sewer, assessment paid. Appraisal on file. Great Value at $1,399,000
On Marco River w/direct access to Gulf. 2 Pools, 2 Tennis Courts, 3 hot tubs, Restaurant on the water: Bldg C Apt #503 $105,000 Bldg G Apt #302 $169,000
JANE S. LITTLE 239-272-7514
RE/MAX Estates Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
Custom Cayman layout on 6th fairway of bundled golf community, complete with two + car garage and side load golf cart entrance. MLS/ID:209041650
GOLFER'S PARADISE! The view is awesome - overlooking the 17th green pond and fairway. Tile on the lanai with acrylic sliders to enhance the living space. And listed for only $239,900. MLS/ID:209031917
POPULAR CARRIAGE HOMES available starting at $239,000. Bundled golf, beautiful golf course views, financially sound community.
NOTTINGHAM CARRIAGE UNIT 2 BR+den, 2 baths, kitchen and morning room overlooking the 15th green. One of the largest of the lanais for relaxing and watching the golfers on Gordon Lewis golf course. Priced below any other carriage unit at Vanderbilt. $244,000 MLS/ID:209010590
COZY AND COMFORTABLE Very well maintained Waterford unit. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, overlooking #11 Tee box and #10 green. Owners seek a buyer now and asking $164,900. Great seasonal/investment property. MLS/ID:209036657
RE/MAX Estates Jane S Little Real Estate Consultant 239-272-7514 (Direct) 239-908-2401 (Fax) Š2010 RE/MAX International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Each Office Independently Owned and Operated. 071441
239-2 261-2 21 2 1
800-4 421-3 3112
462 Fifth Ave South, Naples, FL 34102
Old Naples Realty, I nc.
GREY OAKS This community is a creation of Excellence. If you look for the Epitome of luxurious lifestyle come to Grey Oaks Country Club. Only a handful of vacant lots are still available to build the house you always wanted. Grey Oaks members enjoy three of the most exciting Golf Courses, an invigorating tennis center and a state of the art fitness center with personalized services. Formal dining and casual entertainment cater to the member's appetite. There is something for everyone at Grey Oaks, come and join the legacy. MLS/ID:209015797
SAVE YOUR CAR Live 2 blocks from the beach and right on Fifth Avenue South in amazing & spacious 2 BR+den condominium located on the 3rd floor with parking under the building. Remodeled in 2006.all James Eagelton, 239- 776-9071 for more info.
AAA LOCATION Behind 3rd Street retail district. Easy walk to beach. The large lot makes this property desirable for new construction. Call Margret Weber or Angelina Turra. MLS/ID:208046869
Open: Mon-Fri 9:00AM-6:00PM Sat 9:00AM-5:00PM Sun 1:00PM-4:00PM
DO WE GO BY BIKE, CAR OR BOAT? This condo is favorably located on a waterway off of Naples Bay. Minutes to Old Naples & the beach. Totally remodeled, w/ tile thru-out, granite counters, crown moldings and more! This is a jewel to be discovered! MLS/ID: 210009850
wir sprechen deutsch, nous parlons francais
CENTRAL LOCATION Good rental history, close to work places, good access to major roads. Duplex has on each side 2 BR / 1 BA, a large eat-in kitchen, a screened lanai & 1 car garage. Please call Angelina Turra 239- 404-3445. MLS/ID:210010170
WHY IS THIS HOME AN OUTSTANDING VALUE Lowest priced home in Park Shore with high ceilings & 8' sliders. All sliders hide behind wall but one. That means you can open your home up & make it one with the outside. 2 A/C systems to control your climate more efficiently & effectively. Imagine one fails you still have another one working!! Pool bath so you never run with wet feet & dripping bathing suit through the house. Plantation shutters in place, save big money on window treatments & have always a great and timeless look. Terrific neighbors! Call for showings, open every Sunday till sold! 239-404-3445 MLS/ID:209034381
GORGEOUS 2nd floor end unit overlooks Swan Lake & the pool in Park Shore. Stroll to Resident Beach Park fora memorable sunset or romantic dinner on the water at Venetian Village. Unit has numerous updates. MLS/ID:209037914
OH MY GOODNESSâ&#x20AC;ŚThis is an unbelievable market with unmatched opportunities. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t close your eyes! Call a professional Today!
RENTALS I'm here for you housing needs. I offer condominiums, private homes, beach front or golfing communities. Please visit my web site at Yours, Angelina Turra 239-404-3445.
Bei mir sind Sie an der richtigen Stelle. Deutsche Muttersprache, langjaehrige Immobielienerfahrung in Naples und ehrliche Beratung. Ich begleite Sie Schritt fuer Schritt durch den Prozess des Immobilienerwerbs. Angelina Turra 239-261-2121 Ext. 226 Handy: 239-404-3445
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MADEIRA DEIRA 350 S. Collier ollier Blvd. 1,547,000 FR OM $1,547,000 FROM
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IIff you’re you’re thinkin thinking thinki ing o off sselling, elling, rather ra ather THAN THA AN just listing listing y your our property pr rope p rty for for sale, Call Call Darlene Darleene Roddy Roddy @ 404-0685
Darlene Darlene arlene lene lene ne Roddy Roddy ddy ddy dy
239.404.0685 • Darle neR@premierm • www w.DarleneR Roddy .c com 760 7 60 N North orth C Collier ollier B Blvd., lvd., S Ste. te. 1101. 01. • M Marco arco IIsland, sla and, F FL L3 34145 4145 • 239/642-2222
The T he hhighest ighest ccompliment ompliment tthat hat I ccan an rreceive eceive iiss tthe he rreferral eferral ooff yyour our ffriends, riends, ffamily amily and and business business associates! associates!