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The Publisher’s Page
History will not be sympathetic to those of us who rejected facts because we were busy scoring points on our ideological enemies. ~ By William Molls REM PRESIDENT & CEO
There is no way for us to know hopes of containing it are a total how future historians will lost cause, leaving borders closed to than a reaction to police officers who look back on these dramatic and Americans for the foreseeable future. clearly believe the opposite. tumultuous times we find ourselves While Joe Biden may not be anyone’s Over and over again, we see evidence no racism against Black people by the living in. We should know, by now, first choice as an alternative to Donald that there is a significant minority police and Donald Trump is doing an that they won’t be kind. Trump, the answer of who would best who live in their own reality. A reality excellent job.
As I write this, smoke from runaway lead the country out of this mess of defined for them by anonymous History cares about facts. The facts wildfires on the west coast hangs in those two options should be obvious social media posts. A reality that does are that people are dead, and more the sky above Toronto. Meanwhile, to all. not require citation, facts or sources. are dying every day. stronger and more frequent Yet, there is a significant, vocal A reality that tells them anyone who History will not be sympathetic to hurricanes barrage the Gulf of Mexico contingent who believe Biden is part disagrees with them is wrong, stupid those of us who rejected facts because and Caribbean. Yet, the urgent and of a global conspiracy that involves or, worse, a threat. we were busy scoring points on our worrying problem of climate change Jeffrey Epstein, pizza parlours and They have been conditioned by ideological enemies. doesn’t even rate among the top three kidnapping children in the night. They social media to believe that sources Now, more than ever, we need wellcrises this year. believe Trump – a man who called do not matter, so long as we are being funded journalism to help us separate
The year will be best remembered Jeffrey Epstein a “terrific guy” – is, told what we want to hear: If someone the facts from fiction. for the COVID-19 pandemic. It has somehow, the leader who will protect whose politics I don’t agree with And, hopefully, to help us in caused the greatest global recession them from this conspiracy. says something, it must be wrong. bringing some of our fellow citizens since the Great Depression. SARSThe third thing this year will Therefore, there is no virus, there is back to reality. CoV-2, the virus behind the pandemic, be remembered for is the wave of has so far killed nearly one million protests in response to the horrific people worldwide. murder of George Floyd by police Paralegal for the Real Estate Industry
Yet, there is a significant, vocal officer Derek Chauvin. contingent, both in the United States and here in Canada, who believe The protests of 2020 have demanded that Floyd’s death – among countless AVI ROSEN FRI. SCMF. AMB everything I just wrote above is an others – be the catalyst for desperately Real Estate Broker (Nearly 50 Years) • Paralegal elaborate hoax or conspiracy. What needed reform of police departments Direct: (416) 818-6130 • avi@avirosen.ca • www.rosen.ca they find most offensive is the idea in the United States, as well as here Legal Focus on the Real Estate Industry that, to help contain the virus’ in Canada, to deal with what are not spread, we should all wear some type of covering over our mouth and isolated incidents or “bad apples” but systemic issues with racism and Collective brainpower team of analysts in the real nose when in public, which they, in abuses of power and authority. response, absolutely refuse to do, The response by police departments estate industry with decades of experience and know how leading to the deaths of others who to these protests has been heavy encounter them, and the further, handed, militarized and violent, only • BREACH OF BUYERS REPRESENTATION AGREEMENT uncontrollable spread of the virus. further making the case for why such
The second thing this year will be reform is necessary. • LANDLORD-TENANT DISPUTES remembered for will be the result of Yet, there is a significant, vocal the upcoming presidential election, happening next month in the United contingent, both in the United States and here in Canada, who believe that • RECO AND TREB COMPLAINTS, REPLY LETTERS, APPEALS AND REPRESENTATION BEFORE THE BOARD States. The incumbent is Donald Trump, a man who has so thoroughly saying “Black lives matter” is a threat to their way of life. The contrarian • NOTARY PUBLIC COST DISCOUNTED FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND THEIR CLIENTS mismanaged his country’s response replies of “all lives matter” suggests to this virus as to leave the rest of the “Black lives matter” is a call for a • SMALL CLAIMS COURT world to conclude the United States’ different kind of supremacy, rather