Real Estate of Winter Park Market Update April 2024

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Monthly Market Update I APRIL

Single Family Homes

All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Winter
8 # of Sold Listings +49% $1,937,500 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 77 0% -73% Percent change from same month, previous year Price Per Sq Ft $680.26 +42% +23% $1,725,000 Median Sold Price +3% 99 Percent of List 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Single Family Homes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 36 $1,517,391 $1,499,000 270 99% $506.66 34 $1,676,382 $1,512,500 157 97% $642.63 -6% +10% +1% -42% -2% +27% Median Sales Price 8 $1,303,894 $1,399,500 283 96% $480.30 8 $1,937,500 $1,725,000 77 99% $680.26 0% +49% +23% -73% +3% +42% Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL $ 0 $ 500 ,0 00 $ 1, 000 ,0 00 $ 1, 500 ,0 00 $ 2, 000 ,0 00 $ 2, 500 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Ave rage S ale s Price M ed ian Sa les Price

Monthly Market Update I APRIL

All statistics date range: 4/1/2024
Winter Park Area Condos 19
+10% $730,869 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 142 +111% +103% Price Per Sq Ft $782.28 +11% +20% $679,386 Median Sold Price +4% 101 Percent of List Percent change from same month, previous year 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Condos in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 9 $662,944 $565,000 70 97% $707.31 19 $730,869 $679,386 142 101% $782.28 +111% +10% +20% +103% +4% +11% 51 $710,543 $665,000 256 102% $711.86 74 $735,428 $759,538 275 101% $778.66 +45% +4% +14% +7% -1% +9% Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 $ 0 $ 100 ,0 00 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 300 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 500 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 700 ,0 00 $ 800 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
through 4/30/2024
# of Sold Listings 970.726.2600
All statistics date range:
Winter Park Area Townhomes Percent change from same month, previous year 9 # of Sold Listings +29% $1,305,794 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 251 +80% +374% Price Per Sq Ft $667.69 +12% -2% $1,205,000 Median Sold Price +3% 101 Percent of List For the Left Brained Townhomes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 5 $1,013,800 $1,225,000 53 98% $598.64 9 $1,305,794 $1,205,000 251 101% $667.69 +80% +29% -2% +374% +3% +12% Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Year over Year - YTD 19 $1,209,080 $1,187,720 122 103% $653.80 31 $1,251,674 $1,132,719 234 100% $595.24 +63% +4% -5% +92% -3% -9% $ 0 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 800 ,0 00 $ 1, 000 ,0 00 $ 1, 200 ,0 00 $ 1, 400 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
Monthly Market Update I APRIL
4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024

Monthly Market Update I APRIL

$ 0 $ 50 ,00 0 $ 100 ,0 00 $ 150 ,0 00 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 250 ,0 00 $ 300 ,0 00 $ 350 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 450 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Winter
Area Vacant Land Percent change from same month, previous year 6 # of Sold Listings -13% $303,317 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 312 +500% +1318% -12% $307,450 Median Sold Price -6% 94 Percent of List Price Per Acre $138,502 -19% For the Left Brained Vacant Land in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Apr ‘23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Price Per Acre 1 $349,500 $349,500 22 100% $171,323 6 $303,317 $307,450 312 94% $138,502 +500% -13% -12% +1318% -6% -19% 12 $416,750 $312,750 108 99% $303,472 15 $346,993 $300,000 312 88% $834,444 +25% -17% -4% +189% -11% +175% Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL


Monthly Market Update I APRIL

Single Family Homes

$ 0 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 800 ,0 00 $ 1, 000 ,0 00 $ 1, 200 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Granby
Percent change from same month, previous year 4 # of Sold Listings +75% $616,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 118 +33% -16% Price Per Sq Ft $346.35 +23% +40% $548,000 Median Sold Price -1% 96 Percent of List For the Left Brained Single Family Homes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 3 $352,900 $391,700 140 97% $281.87 4 $616,000 $548,000 118 96% $346.35 +33% +75 +40% -16% -1% +23% Median Sales Price 16 $846,669 $762,500 101 96% $403.40 23 $1,104,690 $1,116,000 147 98% $404.82 +44% +30% +46% +46% +2% +0% Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL

Monthly Market Update I APRIL

$ 0 $ 100 ,0 00 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 300 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 500 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 700 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Granby
Condos Percent change from same month, previous year Price Per Sq Ft $620.16 +6% -13% $516,250 Median Sold Price 0% 98 Percent of List 4 # of Sold Listings $551,875 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 48 +9% 0% -19% For the Left Brained Condos in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 4 $506,250 $590,000 59 98% $582.65 4 $551,875 $516,250 48 98% $620.16 0% +9% -13% -19% 0% +6% 18 $452,21 $483,750 77 98% $539.02 15 $518,267 $492,500 55 97% $550.97 -17% +15% +2% -29% -1% +2% Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
$ 0 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 800 ,0 00 $ 1, 000 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600 4 # of Sold Listings +9% $916,340 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 337 +100% -21% Price Per Sq Ft $444.15 +15% +9% $912,380 Median Sold Price -3% 101 Percent of List
All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Granby Area Townhomes Percent change from same month, previous year For the Left Brained Townhomes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 2 $840,850 $840,850 424 104% $385.06 4 $916,340 $912,380 337 101% $444.15 +100% +9% +9% -21% -3% +15% Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Year over Year - YTD 10 $791,220 $779,850 339 103% $405.09 9 $902,796 $922,500 186 99% $435.41 -10% +14% +18% -45% -4% +7% Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL N/A
Monthly Market Update I APRIL
$ 0 $ 50 ,00 0 $ 100 ,0 00 $ 150 ,0 00 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 250 ,0 00 $ 300 ,0 00 $ 350 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024 Granby Area Vacant Land Percent change from same month, previous year 6 # of Sold Listings +101% $161,667 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 68 +50% -55% +101% $155,000 Median Sold Price +7% 97 Percent of List Price Per Acre $313,527 +31% Vacant Land in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Price Per Acre 4 $80,250 $77,000 152 90% $239,588.80 6 $161,667 $155,000 68 97% $313,527 +50% +101% +101% -55% +7% +31% 21 $117,595 $100,000 149 94% $336,689 27 $185,667 $155,000 153 93% $432,855 +29% +58% +55% +3% -1% +29% For the Left Brained Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
Monthly Market Update I APRIL


Monthly Market Update I APRIL

$ 0 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 $ 600 ,0 00 $ 800 ,0 00 $ 1, 000 ,0 00 $ 1, 200 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 970.726.2600 All statistics date range: 4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024
Percent change from same month, previous year 2 # of Sold Listings +1% $650,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 264 -33% +487% Price Per Sq Ft $397.52 -32% -1% $650,000 Median Sold Price +2% 98 Percent of List
Grand Lake Area Single Family Homes
Single Family Homes in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month 3 $644,333 $659,000 45 96% $584.76 2 $650,000 $650,000 264 98% $397.52 -33% +1% -1% +487% +2% -32% Median Sales Price 10 $697,456 $714,500 283 90% $472.79 10 $733,780 $773,500 158 96% $431.41 +0% +5% +8% -44% +6% -9% Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
$ 0 $ 50 ,00 0 $ 100 ,0 00 $ 150 ,0 00 $ 200 ,0 00 $ 250 ,0 00 $ 300 ,0 00 $ 350 ,0 00 $ 400 ,0 00 2 02 4 2 02 3 2 02 2 2 02 1 2 02 0 Av e rage S ale s Pric e M ed ian Sa les Pric e 3 # of Sold Listings -5% $203,333 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 118 +200% +127% +2% $220,000 Median Sold Price -13% 87 Percent of List Price Per Acre $428,537 -56% 970.726.2600 Monthly
APRIL All statistics date range:
Vacant Land Percent change from same month, previous year Vacant Land in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Apr '23 Apr '24 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru Apr '23 Thru Apr '24 Price Per Acre 1 $215,000 $215,000 52 100% $977,272 3 $203,333 $220,000 118 87% $428,537 +200% -5% +2% +127% -13% -56% 6 $152,333 $103,500 139 101% $392,871 9 $196,111 $150,000 182 88% $407,818 +50% +29% +45% +31% -13% +4% For the Left Brained
Average & Median Sold Price I APRIL
Market Update I
4/1/2024 through 4/30/2024
Grand Lake Area

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