Monthly Real Estate Stats - December 2022

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For the Left Brained Single Family Homes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 134 $1,369,270 $1,298,778 111 101% $472.2 109 $1,673,255 $1,537,180 173 101% $574.22 -19% +22% +18% +56% +0% +22% Median Sales Price 8 $1,393,758 $1,284,474 371 103% $512.19 13 $1,676,069 $1,847,167 281 100% $550.55 +63% +20% +44% -24% -3% +7% Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Winter Park Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Average Sold Price December Year Over Year 13 # of Sold Listings +20% $1,676,069 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 281 +63% -24% Percent change from previous month Price Per Sq Ft $550.55 +7% +44% $1,847,167 Median Sold Price -3% 100 Percent of List 970.726.2600
For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Winter Park Area Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 40 # of Sold Listings +19% $809,138 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 105 +344% +18% Price Per Sq Ft $738.97 +7% +44% $818,150 Median Sold Price +1% 100 Percent of List 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 2018 2019 2021 2022 2020 Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Condos in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 9 $678,067 $569,000 89 99% $691.03 40 $809,138 $818,150 105 100% $738.97 +344% +19% +44% +18% +1% +7% 250 $540,739 $510,000 106 103% $588.98 235 $712,632 $720,000 60 101% $708.84 -6% +32% +41% -43% -2% +20% Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Percent change from previous month 970.726.2600 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Winter Park Area Townhomes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 5 # of Sold Listings -5% $1,179,402 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 239 -64% +18% Price Per Sq Ft $604.26 -4% -20% $1,010,000 Median Sold Price -2% 97 Percent of List 0 $300,000 $600,000 $900,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Townhomes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 14 $1,246,394 $1,262,500 202 99% $630.90 5 $1,179,402 $1,010,000 239 97% $604.26 -64% -5% -20% +18% -2% -4% Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 104 $990,480 $883,300 142 104% $505.19 96 $1,085,438 $997,450 263 101% $585.6 -8% +10% +13% +85% -3% +16% 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Winter Park Area Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 2 # of Sold Listings -82% $495,500 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 144 -50% +12% +30% $495,500 Median Sold Price -5% 94 Percent of List Price Per Acre $2,030,166 +344% 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Vacant Land in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Price Per Acre 4 $2,710,825 $381,500 129 99% $457,080 2 $495,500 $495,500 144 94% $2,030,166 -50% -82% +30% +12% -5% +344% 131 $285,376 $231,000 162 98% $440,132.6 65 $565,604 $315,000 139 97% $1,567,207.84 -50% +98% +36% -14% -1% +256%

GRANBY AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Granby Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from previous month 2018 2019 2020 2021 6 # of Sold Listings +19% $967,333 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 102 +200% +15% Single Family Homes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 2 $812,500 $812,500 89 94% $356.44 6 $967,333 $757,000 102 96% $425.28 +200% +19% -7% +15% +2% +19% Median Sales Price 126 $849,019 $780,000 79 101% $348.78 111 $952,302 $940,000 88 100% $408.86 -12% +12% +21% +11% -1% +17% Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 2022 Price Per Sq Ft $425.28 +19% -7% $757,000 Median Sold Price +2% 96 Percent of List Average Sold Price December Year Over Year 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Granby Area Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Price Per Sq Ft $532.67 +3% +85% $522,000 Median Sold Price +1% 98 Percent of List Condos in the Granby Area Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 6 $386,500 $282,500 53 97% $517.04 2 $522,000 $522,000 112 98% $532.67 -67% +35% +85% +111% +1% +3% Median Sales Price 88 $342,469 $322,500 46 105% $401.55 74 $454,264 $475,000 43 101% $507.37 -16% +33% +47% -7% -4% +26% Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 2 # of Sold Listings $522,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 112 +35% -67% +111% 970.726.2600 3 # of Sold Listings +0% $786,583 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 481 +200% +744% Price Per Sq Ft $360.01 -22% -6% $739,850 Median Sold Price +12% 107 Percent of List Townhomes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 1 $785,000 $785,000 57 95% $463.95 3 $786,583 $739,850 481 107% $360.01 +200% +0% -6% +744% +12% -22% Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 28 $627,487 $672,100 108 102% $345.98 29 $748,532 $750,000 320 104% $377.03 +4% +19% +12% +196% +2% +9% For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Granby Area Townhomes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 N/A 970.726.2600 Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Granby Area Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 0 $30,000 $60,000 $90,000 $120,000 $150,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 3 # of Sold Listings -94% $54,667 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 123 -57% +31% -76% $53,000 Median Sold Price -1% 88 Percent of List Price Per Acre $149,988 -58% Vacant Land in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Price Per Acre 7 $846,786 $218,000 94 89% $359,068 3 $54,667 $53,000 123 88% $149,988 -57% -94% -76% +31% -1% -58% 162 $129,454 $94,750 120 97% $199,596 114 $246,027 $151,000 101 97% $312,292 -30% +90% +59% -16% +0% +56% For the Left Brained

GRAND LAKE AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Grand Lake Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from previous month Average Sold Price December Year Over Year 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 2018 2019 2021 2022 6 # of Sold Listings -37% $798,469 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 93 +50% -28% Price Per Sq Ft $546.78 +15% -45% $769,500 Median Sold Price +2% 95 Percent of List Single Family Homes in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Percent change from Previous Month 4 $1,266,750 $1,396,000 129 93% $473.64 6 $798,469 $769,500 93 95% $546.78 +50% -37% -45% -28% +2% +15% Median Sales Price 130 $828,923 $723,750 73 99% $416.64 71 $1,010,758 $855,000 78 97% $511.73 -45% +22% +18% +7% -2% +23% 2020 Monthly Market Update I December
For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Grand Lake Area Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month 970.726.2600 0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 2017 2018 2020 2021 2019 1 # of Sold Listings -13% $345,000 Average Sold Price December Average Days on Market 168 -67% +83% Price Per Sq Ft $299.48 $345,000 Median Sold Price 92 Percent of List Condos in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Percent change from Previous Month 3 $395,667 $460,000 92 99% $542.36 1 $345,000 $345,000 168 92% $299.48 -67% -13% -25% +83% -7% -45% 39 $374,251 $372,000 55 103% $398.76 33 $490,550 $470,000 85 99% $590.31 -15% +31% +26% +55% -4% +48% Median Sales Price -45% -25% -7%
1 # of Sold Listings -60% $70,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 1 +0% -100% -60% $70,000 Median Sold Price -3% 100 Percent of List 0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Price Per Acre $291,666 -45% 970.726.2600 Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Vacnt Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price December Year Over Year Percent change from previous month Vacant Land in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Price Per Acre 1 $175,000 $175,000 1166 103% $530,303 1 $70,000 $70,000 1 100% $291,666 +0% -60% -60% -100% -3% -45% 82 $161,015 $110,950 167 99% $318,575 29 $145,810 $139,000 134 96% $370,633 -65% -9% +25% -20% -3% +16% For the Left Brained Grand Lake Area N/A N/A


For the Left Brained Monthly Market Update I December All statistics date range: 12/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 Hot Sulphur Springs Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from previous month Median Sold Price 970.726.2600 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 2018 2019 2021 2022 2020 2 # of Sold Listings $324,500 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 158 Price Per Sq Ft $219.17 $324,500 96 Percent of List Single Family Homes in the HSS Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2022 Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Nov Dec Percent change from Previous Month Thru 12-2021 Thru 12-2022 Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price 2 $324,500 $324,500 158 96% $219.77 +100% -18% -18% +93% -4% -33% 17 $429,062 $475,000 66 100% $264.47 25 $625,720 $510,000 88 99% $305.25 +47% +46% +7% +33% -1% +15% 1 $395,000 $395,000 82 100% $329.17 -18% +100% +93% -33% -18% -4% Average Sold Price December Year Over Year

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