Grand County Real Estate Statistics - July 2023

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Monthly Market Update I July

Single Family Homes

For the Left Brained

Single Family Homes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 59 $1,628,603 $1,474,405 162 102% $577.41 48 $1,449,706 $1,452,500 235 99% $496.73 -19% -11% -1% +45% -3% -14% Median Sales Price 8 $1,050,442 $957,630 187 98% $478.14 5 $1,368,400 $1,278,000 270 99% $359.32 -38% +30% +33% +44% +1% -25% Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Winter Park Area
Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Average Sold Price July 5 # of Sold Listings +30% $1,368,400 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 270 -38% +44% Percent change from same month, previous year Price Per Sq Ft $359.32 -25% +33% $1,278,000 Median Sold Price +1% 99 Percent of List 970.726.2600

Monthly Market Update I July

For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 16 # of Sold Listings -9% $578,416 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 74 +23% +35% Price Per Sq Ft $764.61 +15% +15% $537,500 Median Sold Price -1% 98 Percent of List 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 2019 2020 2022 2023 2021 Average Sold Price July Condos in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 13 $637,500 $466,500 55 99% $666.75 16 $578,416 $537,500 74 98% $764.61 +23% -9% +15% +35% -1% +15% 101 $654,520 $625,000 44 103% $715.68 95 $679,603 $627,500 166 100% $710.05 -6% +4% +5% +277% -3% -1% Median Sales Price Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 Percent change from same month, previous year 970.726.2600
Winter Park Area

Monthly Market Update I July 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Townhomes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 5 # of Sold Listings +4% $1,028,249 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 192 -38% -47% Price Per Sq Ft $689.31 +29% +11% $1,050,000 Median Sold Price -1% 103 Percent of List 0 $300,000 $600,000 $900,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Townhomes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 8 $993,407 $943,160 360 104% $535.24 5 $1,028,249 $1,050,000 192 103% $689.31 -38% +4% +11% -47% -1% +29% Median Sales Price Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 Year over Year - YTD 48 $1,083,992 $973,950 267 103% $578.99 38 $1,076,619 $1,001,968 263 103% $607.59 -21% -1% +3% -1% 0% +5%
Winter Park Area

Monthly Market Update I July 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 2 # of Sold Listings +34% $351,250 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 44 +100% -55% +34% $351,250 Median Sold Price -4% 94 Percent of List Price Per Acre $97,256.75 -22% 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Vacant Land in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 Price Per Acre 1 $263,000 $263,000 98 88% $125,238.10 2 $351,250 $351,250 44 94% $97,256.75 +100% +34% +34% -55% +6% -22% 44 $432,132 $306,250 146 98% $2,099,554 26 $372,054 $287,500 136 97% $495,057 -41% -14% -6% -7% -1% -76%
Winter Park Area

GRANBY AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023 Granby Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from same month, previous year 2019 2020 2021 2022 8 # of Sold Listings -12% $840,066 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 163 0% +181% Single Family Homes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 8 $958,683 $897,481 58 100% $423.69 8 $840,066 $814,000 163 99% $433.85 0% -12 -9% +181% -1% +2% Median Sales Price 68 $996,824 $943,348 93 101% $420.29 40 $912,053 $840,000 126 97% $418.22 -41% -9% -11% +35% -4% 0% Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 2023 Price Per Sq Ft $433.85 +2% -9% $814,000 Median Sold Price -1% 99 Percent of List Average Sold Price July
Monthly Market Update I July

Monthly Market Update I July 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023 Granby Area Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Price Per Sq Ft $558.70 +11% -28% $340,000 Median Sold Price -6% 93 Percent of List Condos in the Granby Area Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 7 $469,857 $475,000 50 99% $501.63 3 $411,000 $340,000 92 93% $558.70 -57% -13% -28% +84% -6% +11% Median Sales Price 48 $466,477 $499,500 39 103% $508.55 36 $440,880 $445,262 96 97% $526.70 -25% -5% -11% +146% -6% +4% Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 3 # of Sold Listings $411,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 92 -13% -57% +84%

Market Update I July 970.726.2600 1 # of Sold Listings -9% $914,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 375 -67% +131% Price Per Sq Ft $620.92 +40% +22% $914,000 Median Sold Price -2% 100 Percent of List Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR July Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 3 $766,667 $750,000 162 102% $443.97 1 $914,000 $914,000 375 100% $620.92 -67% +19% +22% +131% -2% +40% Median Sales Price Thru July '22 Thru July '23 July '22 vs July ’23 16 $746,348 $750,000 285 104% $374.58 15 $770,859 $771,700 435 103% $422.91 -6% +3% +3% +53% -1% +13% For the Left Brained Monthly
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000
Granby Area Townhomes

Monthly Market Update I July 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 5 # of Sold Listings -45% $100,300 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 101 -17% +91% -33% $90,000 Median Sold Price -11% 88 Percent of List Price Per Acre $259,261 +11% Vacant Land in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 Price Per Acre 6 $182,400 $134,500 53 99% $233,427 5 $100,300 $90,000 101 88% $259,261 -17% -45% -33% +91% -11% +11% 88 $204,364 $159,750 107 99% $306,072 36 $122,636 $108,500 145 92% $330,279 -59% -40% -32% +36% -7% +8% For the Left Brained

GRAND LAKE AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from same month, previous year Average Sold Price July 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 2019 2020 2022 2023 6 # of Sold Listings -15% $699,833 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 61 +0% +110% Price Per Sq Ft $455.24 -4% -27% $675,000 Median Sold Price -2% 97 Percent of List Single Family Homes in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Thru Jul '22 Thru Jul '23 Percent change from Previous Month 6 $825,000 $927,500 29 99% $464.95 6 $699,833 $675,000 61 97% $445.24 +0% -15% -27% +110% -2% -4% Median Sales Price 37 $1,020,851 $895,000 79 99% $495.05 32 $767,861 $735,000 147 94% $510.16 -14% -25% -18% +86% -5% +3% 2021
Grand Lake Area

Grand Lake Area

For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Monthly Market Update I July
Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year 970.726.2600 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 2017 2019 2021 2022 2020 6 # of Sold Listings +75% $580,133 Average Sold Price July Average Days on Market 108 +200% +89% Price Per Sq Ft $630.13 $517,450 Median Sold Price 99 Percent of List Condos in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from Previous Month Thru July '22 Thru July '23 Percent change from Previous Month 2 $331,700 $331,700 57 100% $628.69 6 $580,133 $517,450 108 99% $630.13 +200% +75% +56% +89% -1% -45% 21 $505,345 $470,000 88 100% $579.36 12 $571,900 $509,950 151 98% $573.35 -43% +13% +9% +72% -2% -1% Median Sales Price 0% +56% -1%


For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from same month, previous year Median Sold Price 970.726.2600 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 2019 2020 2022 2023 2021 2 # of Sold Listings $607,500 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 70 Price Per Sq Ft $274.37 $607,500 99 Percent of List Single Family Homes in the HSS Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2023 Year over Year - YTD Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft Jul ‘22 Jul ‘23 Percent change from same month previous year Thru July '22 Thru July '23 Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price 2 $607,500 $607,500 70 99% $274.37 +0% +132% +132% -32% -2% -10% 11 $506,136 $495,000 83 100% $310.47 6 $612,000 $557,000 113 97% $267.96 -45% +21% +13% +36% -3% -14% 2 $261,375 $261,375 103 101% $303.44 +132% 0% -32% -10% +132% -2% Average Sold Price July
Monthly Market Update I July
Hot Sulphur Springs Area
1 # of Sold Listings -75% $57,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 262 -50% +19% -75% $57,000 Median Sold Price -20% 83 Percent of List 0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Price Per Acre $$86,363 -24% 970.726.2600 Monthly Market Update
All statistics date range: 7/1/2023 through 7/31/2023
Vacnt Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price July Percent change from same month, previous year Vacant Land in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price 2023 Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price Jul 22’ Jul ‘23 Percent change from same month previous year Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru July '22 Thru July '23 Price Per Acre 2 $229,000 $229,000 221 103% $113,798 1 $57,000 $57,000 262 83% $86,363 -50% -75% -75% +19% -20% -24% 7 $95,643 $52,500 198 98% $142,962 2 $81,000 $81,000 247 84% $100,874 -71% -15% +54% +25% +7% -29% For the Left Brained N/A
I July
Hot Sulphur Springs Area

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