Real Estate of Winter Park Market Update - May 2023

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Winter Park Area

Single Family Homes

Monthly Market Update I May

the Left Brained Single Family Homes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 38 $1,737,005 $1,555,618 176 104% $583.71 41 $1,490,900 $1,524,418 240 99% $510.60 +8% -14% -2% +36% -5% -13% Median Sales Price 8 $1,317,273 $1,424,770 283 97% $485.35 5 $1,265,400 $1,176,000 22 101% $525.87 -38% -4% -17% -92% +4% +8% Thru May '22 Thru May '23
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023
Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Average Sold Price May 5 # of Sold Listings -4% 1,265,400 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 22 -38% -92% Percent change from previous month Price Per Sq Ft $525.87 +8% -17% $1,176,000 Median Sold Price +4% 101 Percent of List 970.726.2600 APR ‘23 vs May ’23

Winter Park Area

Monthly Market Update I May

For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023
Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price 14 # of Sold Listings -4% $638,886 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 51 +56% -27% Price Per Sq Ft $660.83 -7% -4% $544,500 Median Sold Price +2% 99 Percent of List 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 2019 2020 2022 2023 2021 Average Sold Price May Condos in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 9 $662,944 $565,000 70 97% $707.31 14 $638,886 $544,500 51 99% $660.83 +56% -4% -4% -27% +2% -7% 74 $651,804 $630,500 43 105% $721.97 65 $695,109 $653,514 212 101% $700.87 -12% +7% +4% +393% -1% -3% Median Sales Price Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Percent change from previous month 970.726.2600 APR ‘23 vs May ’23

Monthly Market Update I May 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023
Townhomes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price May Percent change from previous month 5 # of Sold Listings -18% $910,991 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 391 +25% +638% Price Per Sq Ft $529.77 -14% -22% $956,275 Median Sold Price +2% 100 Percent of List 0 $300,000 $600,000 $900,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Townhomes in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 4 $1,106,750 $1,231,000 53 98% $617.91 5 $910,991 $956,275 391 100% $529.77 +25% -18% -22% +638% +2% -15% Median Sales Price Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Year Over Year 29 $1,066,940 $1,000,000 249 103% $572.43 23 $1,168,934 $1,175,300 284 103% $632.59 -21% +10% +18% +14% 0% +11% APR ‘23 vs May ’23
Winter Park Area

Winter Park Area

Monthly Market Update I May 970.726.2600
the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023
Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price May Percent change from previous month 7 # of Sold Listings -3% $340,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 167 +600% +659% -21% $275,000 Median Sold Price -5% 95 Percent of List Price Per Acre $983,153 +474% 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Vacant Land in the Winter Park Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Price Per Acre 1 $349,500 $349,500 22 100% $171,323 7 $340,000 $275,000 167 95% $983,153 +600% -3% -21% +659% -5% +474% 35 $387,309 $295,000 155 99% $1,593,241 19 $388,474 $295,000 130 98% $553,881 -46% +0% +0% -16% -1% -65% APR ‘23 vs May ’23

GRANBY AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023 Granby Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from previous month 2019 2020 2021 2022 7 # of Sold Listings +254% $1,249,671 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 155 +133% +11% Single Family Homes in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 3 $352,900 $391,700 140 97% $281.87 7 $1,249,671 $1,350,000 155 98% $2449.86 +133% +254 +245% +11% +1% +60% Median Sales Price 45 $947,340 $940,000 102 102% $390.23 23 $969,322 $900,000 117 97% $417.54 -49% +2% -4% +15% -5% +7% Thru May '22 Thru May '23 0 $300,000 $600,000 $900,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000 2023 Price Per Sq Ft $449.86 +60% +245% $1,350,000 Median Sold Price +1% 98 Percent of List Average Sold Price May APR ‘23 vs May ’23
Monthly Market Update I May 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023 Granby Area Condos Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price May Percent change from previous month 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Price Per Sq Ft $522.17 -10% -36% $380,472 Median Sold Price -1% 97 Percent of List Condos in the Granby Area Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year 4 $506,250 $590,000 59 98% $582.65 7 $397,839 $380,472 110 97% $522.17 +75% -21% -36% +86% -1% -10% Median Sales Price 36 $455,511 $490,000 37 103% $505.54 25 $436,986 $439,500 86 98% $534.30 -31% -4% -10% +132% -5% +6% Thru May '22 Thru May '23 7 # of Sold Listings $397,839 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 110 -21% +75% +86% APR ‘23 vs May ’23
Monthly Market Update I May 970.726.2600
All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023 Granby Area Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price May Percent change from previous month 0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 4 # of Sold Listings +83% $147,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 157 0% +3% +61% $124,000 Median Sold Price 0% 90 Percent of List Price Per Acre $493,922 +106% Vacant Land in the Granby Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Price Per Acre 4 $80,250 $77,000 152 90% $239,588 4 $147,000 $124,000 157 90% $493,922 0% +83% +61% +3% 0% +106% 73 $206,214 $169,500 111 99% $324,721 25 $122,300 $100,000 151 93% $361,846 -66% -41% -41% +36% -6% +11% For the Left Brained APR ‘23 vs May ’23
Monthly Market Update I May

GRAND LAKE AREA STATS 970.726.2600 For the Left Brained All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023 Grand Lake Area Single Family Homes Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Percent change from previous month Average Sold Price May 0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 2019 2020 2022 2023 3 # of Sold Listings +4% $670,000 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 120 0% +167% Price Per Sq Ft $490.58 -16% -1% $655,000 Median Sold Price +0% 96 Percent of List Single Family Homes in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year Over Year Days on Market Percent of List Price Price per Sq Ft APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Percent change from Previous Month 3 $644,333 $659,000 45 96% $584.76 3 $670,000 $655,000 120 96% $490.58 0% +4% -1% +167% +0% -16% Median Sales Price 24 $1,010,686 $897,000 89 98% $451.79 13 $691,120 $680,000 245 91% $477.24 -46% -32% -24% +175% -7% +6% 2021 Monthly Market Update I May APR ‘23 vs May ’23
5 # of Sold Listings -29% $152,400 Average Sold Price Average Days on Market 300 +400% +477% -21% $170,000 Median Sold Price -2% 98 Percent of List 0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 N/A Price Per Acre $405,336 -59% 970.726.2600 Monthly Market Update I May All statistics date range: 5/1/2023 through 5/31/2023 Vacant Land Average Sold Price Median Sold Price Average Sold Price May Percent change from previous month Vacant Land in the Grand Lake Area* Sold Listings Average Sales Price Year To Date Days on Market Percent of List Price APR MAY Percent change from Previous Month Percent change from Previous Year Median Sales Price Thru May '22 Thru May '23 Price Per Acre 1 $215,000 $215,000 52 100% $977,272 5 $152,400 $170,000 300 98% $9405,336 +400% -29% -21% +477% -2% -59% APR ‘23 vs May ’23 15 $137,233 $130,000 109 97% $444,077 11 $152,364 $137,000 212 100% $398,537 -27% +11% +5% +94% +3% -10% For the Left Brained
Grand Lake Area

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