Sandy’s Food for Thought
I Love Breakfast By Sandy McCall
Some say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that when you skip breakfast, your body gets the message that it should conserve rather than burn calories. There are times when you are just plain hungry and want a healthy alternative to eggs, toast, and packaged cereals. Here are two cereals and a milk recipe to try that are gluten, sugar and dairy-free.
Sandy McCall is the Broker/Owner of Southern Life Realty. Email:
The Western North Carolina Chapter of Project Linus donates blankets to children in crisis providing a sense of security and warmth. Over the past twelve years the local chapter has donated over 75,000 blankets in 12 western North Carolina counties. The annual Make-A-Blanket Day for Buncombe County will be on March 21 at Eliada Home. Mark your calendar now for this special event. If interested, contact Ellen Knoefel at (828) 645-8800 or Pat Crawford (828) 883-8746 in Transylvania County. 18 | 50+ Living | March 2020
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