Sofia for Today's Woman and 50+Living MARCH 2022

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March 2022

Vacation is a


Hustle For That Muscle

Block Spot Stop Skin Cancer

“ Here comes the sun, and I say, It's all right."


Dig Deep, Practice and...

Find Your V o i c e Blues Pop

Jazz Rock

Soul Country

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for Today's Woman

THE BEATLES Pre-Teens to Baby Boomers Novice to professional

For advertising inquiries: Peggy Ratusz

Vocal Coach 828.301.6768 2 | March 2022

Mike Demos 828.273.0098 Bridget Hepler 828.551.9893

Designer Finds with prices that suit your budget! New ownership and fresh new look. Flip store into Boutique style.

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(828)251-5651 Open Monday - Saturday 10:30-5:30pm Sunday 12-5:30pm Extra parking in back of building! March 2022 |


Welcome to March!

Publisher Tammy Sheppard

Art Director / Web Design Tina Gaafary

For Advertising Inquiries Mike Demos 828.273.0098

from the staff of SOFIA!

CONTENTS 7 Shifting Wellness Attitudes

8 Women Making Music Peggy Ratusz

10 Put More You into Your Wedding Day

Bridget Hepler 828.551.9893

Contributing Writers Peggy Ratusz Laurie Richardone

Contributing Photographer Kate Prince

P.O. Box 18416 Asheville, NC 28814 828-230.7537

12 Check Your Skin

13 Get Away Without Going Away

14 Spring Clean Your Health Laurie Richardone

15 Superfood Green Smoothie Laurie Richardone 4 | March 2022

All advertising published in SOFIA is believed to be truthful and accurate. However Sofia Magazine assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability whatsoever for errors, including and without limitation, typographical errors or omissions in SOFIA. Any reference made to Sofia Magazine is not to be construed as making any representation, warranty or guarantee concerning the information advertised in SOFIA. The content of all ads contained herein are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. The opinions and statements contained in advertising or elsewhere in this publication are those of the authors of such opinions and are not necessarily those of Sofia Magazine reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted to this publication.

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Show Us You Care By Following SOFIA for Today's Woman On Facebook March 2022 |


Kate uses her camera as a means of connecting with people and capturing light, love, moments, and milestones. She is a portrait and commercial photographer based in WNC. Book with Kate for 2022 and mention this promotion to get a complementary 11 x 14 photo keepsake from your session.

6 | March 2022

Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022

happen overnight, and even modest steps can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day. One example is paying more attention to your hydration. If you aren’t properly hydrated, few other things tend to go right either. Small habits like throwing Propel Powder Packs into your gym, work or school bag can make a difference. Filled with enough electrolytes to replace what is lost in sweat, they are handy for on-the-go hydration and are easy to add to a water bottle.

Fitness Trends

Wellness Goals vs. Fitness


n adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym anywhere” mentality and learning to accommodate more flexible workout schedules, this new fitness mindset is inspiring some larger trends for healthier living.

be common heading into 2022, so having a partner who gives you a healthy sense of camaraderie and competition can help push you to show up on days when you’d rather rest and stay committed to your goals. It also provides a sounding board when you need suggestions for nutritious recipes or fresh athome cardio ideas.

“We’ve learned that wellness is not one-size fits all, and that it’s achieved by small habits like regular hydration that can really impact how you feel throughout the day,” said celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak, MsC. “Collectively, nourishing both body and mind together as one makes holistic health a sustainable lifestyle.”

Versatility in Gym Spaces and Schedules

Pasternak and the experts at Propel Fitness Water are forecasting five fitness and wellness trends to watch for in 2022:

Accountability Buddies When gym closures ran rampant, folks leaned on others for inspiration to get moving, so it’s no surprise working out in pairs (or more) is a continued way to focus on fitness. Feelings of burnout may

When a large segment of the workforce started working from home, the rituals of before- and after-work gym visits fell by the wayside. People grew more accustomed to improvising where they work out, whether it was their neighbor’s garage, their living room or a running path in the city. As exercisers are less beholden to studio or gym schedules, the “gym anywhere” mentality is a level of flexibility many are holding on to, even as they ease back into more normal work routines.

Health in Small, Achievable Doses This trend is all about recognizing health transformations don’t

Committing to overall wellness is more about lifestyle changes than numbers like weight loss or muscle mass. People embracing this trend are forgoing numeric goals based on performance in the gym or on the scale and instead emphasizing outcomes that affect life, nourishing both body and mind together as one. Fitness goals are an essential component, but so is supporting your mental health as well as being cognizant of what you’re putting into your body. When each piece is well taken care of, your body is better able to work like a well-oiled machine.

Low-Impact Workouts This year, walking treadmill challenges gained virality on social media, marking the increasing popularity of workouts that are low impact yet effective. Getting moving is the key, even if it means taking your tempo down. You don’t need to do hours of HIIT every day to see results. In fact, less time- and energy-intensive workouts are easier to sustain and can often yield the same, or better, results. Find more hydration options and wellness tips at

March 2022 |


Women Making Music - Dani Cox By Peggy Ratusz


ho is Dani Cox? That’s the first question I pose to my newest female music acquaintance. Leading up to our scheduled interview, I didn’t prepare questions beyond that one. Once I asked it though, this bright, articulate, effervescent soul did not skip one beat during our robust 45 minute conversation. “My work as of late has been to undo who I think I am. We tend to believe we are the things we do, the things we want to do, or we think we’re our parents carrying their 8 | March 2022

baggage, to do them justice because we love them. I am a black, young, woman; intelligent, crafty and funny. However, those are ways I’d like for people to see me so they’ll like me and want to be around me. The reality is I am entirely without fault, love made physical. I believe that of everyone, and it is my job to meet and introduce love in its widest apparatus. I’m love eternal and I want you to discover me.” Captivated, I ask her to continue: “Believing that love is the only real thing truly narrows my focus and so

it helps me make decisions based on what is important and what is not. When I make music, I ask myself, what do I have to say through music? What do I want people to hear? If love is the foundation then all of the other stories that I want to tell, take a back seat.” I probe for more clarification of that statement. I can’t help but reflect on the music I gravitated toward, 30 years ago when I was Dani’s age. After all, the day of the interview was her 33rd birthday. She explains that her journey right now beckons songs

of hope; ones that may tell of strife, heartbreak and even tragedy but that in the end they are songs of revolution and resolution. “We want to tell people so badly who we are, and of the beautiful struggle we’ve experienced. But I’m seeking a way of uplifting and bringing what I’ve been through toward how I can use it to do better, be better and stronger. If I’ve had a challenging experience and I want to sing about it as a way to let people know who I am, I will find a way within my story, to tell them what’s going on but I will also tell them through the music, what I plan to do with what I’ve learned.” Writing music is her main source of creating. “I write some songs for other singers to tell the story because sometimes the story is not mine to tell.“ I risk pigeonholing her by wondering what genres she gravitates toward when writing and/or choosing others’ songs to sing. “Artists get caught up in labeling because they feel labels are limiting. People want to know what genre so they can figure out who your audience is, but it’s not about that. It’s about the process of creating or interpreting in freedom, and we see at the end when it’s done, what category it might fall into.” Open to all genres, Dani enjoys writing country music and she explores Rhythm and Blues. It pleases her to hear Classical and Jazz music. She throws me when she exclaims, “I want to try more Metal, because it matches my very high voice.

Coming from a musical theater background I understand how those stories progress with emotions throughout and when I hear Metal music it reminds me of musical theater. To me, they’re the same thing!” When I hear Dani sing it makes me feel good all over. Her ability to find the nooks and crannies of a multi-note trill, and actually feel it is refreshing. While other singers show off these abilities, Dani has heart placement ability when she phrases. She knows her essence is what we want to hear. Future goals include putting together an all-female band. While that dream percolates, she is concentrating on the “physical and mental work around freedom” and how that shows up in her music. “I’ve been a singer ever since I can remember but I’m an introvert. When I was little, I didn’t want to share my gift of singing, I just wanted to keep it for myself because it was pleasurable. What makes art hesitant for some is that we are driven to create it, present it and put it out there and then we move onto creating the next thing. We forget to enjoy it. By putting it out there it’s exposed to comparisons, criticisms and monetizing.” “I’m in a place where I just want to get to know people and that has nothing to do with money. The benefit in meeting and getting to know certain people within the laws of attraction, allows for receiving money. “ The goal is to move through her voice with more ease and to

continue to seek performance opportunities in order to create cyclically pleasing experiences. “When people say I’m a good singer it’s a confirmation of the hard work I’m putting into finding my true voice. Singers deserve the credit for what we do.” “I’ve identified as being one thing for the last 30 years, but now I’m undoing what I think that thing is. When I sing, I’m feeling myself, my whole body. It doesn’t really matter what the other person hears as long as I am totally immersed in the expression of the emotion. Someone told me that when whales sing, sometimes it’s a mating call and sometimes they gather in a group to just sing with no apparent purpose. Researchers believe the only reason why they’d do this is for the pure enjoyment the vibration allows them for just being.” On Thursday, March 10th, Dani will be presenting and sharing a mix of Soul, R&B & Jazz songs with anyone who would like to attend, at Isis Music Hall, 7:00pm. For tickets:

Peggy Ratusz is a vocal coach, song interpreter, and songwriter. For vocal coaching email her at peggymarie43 March 2022 |


Put More You into Your Wedding Day


wedding day is filled with symbolic tradi-

those nearest and dearest to the bride and groom, who

tion, from varied religious customs to the

help ensure the day goes off without a hitch and who

never-ending circle reflected in the rings and

lead fellow revelers in celebrating the start of the new

the types of flowers accentuating the celebration. Even

couple’s life together. That being said, there’s no reason

with all the traditional rituals

this group must be lim-

to consider, nearly every bride

ited to women on her

and groom can find ways to

side and guys on his,

give their special day some

or even that it’s limited

unique touches that reflect

to humans – a beloved

their personality and love.

pooch can make for an

Music sets the mood for every wedding, and it’s an easy

adorable ring-bearer, after all.

place to put your own spin

Photography is an

on the celebration. Wheth-

essential element of

er you forgo the traditional

your big day, but think

bridal march entirely or

beyond the images

simply look for an arrangement that gives an updated

you’ll capture throughout the wedding and reception.

twist to the classic version, let guests know this isn’t

Photos lend a personal touch, no matter what your

your average wedding by setting the festivities against a

color scheme or theme. Integrate photos of the two of

soundtrack that lets your true character shine.

you at various stages of life, together as a couple and

The wedding party is intended to be a collection of 10 | March 2022

with loved ones (perhaps even some you’re honoring in memoriam). You can display these at a table with the

guest book, as part of the table centerpieces, or even on the gift table. Or take things digital and load all your images into a slideshow set to music. Make favors meaningful. Forgo more common items like bubbles and chocolate, and instead send a little of yourself home with your guests. Maybe it’s a memento from a place with special meaning to you both, or a bottle opener shaped like a bicycle to represent the way you met. Just think about the moments and things that define you as a couple and do some searching online. You’ll probably be surprised by how quickly the options pile up. Serve up a menu that shows guests more about your life together. Your loved ones can order basic beef or chicken anywhere. Instead, give them a glimpse into you. Make your main course the same food you enjoyed on your first date or during another monumental moment in your courtship. Or plan the entire menu around a region that you hold close to your heart. Weddings are filled with traditions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put your own touches on the day for a special event filled with memories that are uniquely your own. Find more advice for life’s special moments at

March 2022 |


Look at your legs and soles of your feet and between your toes Use a hand mirror to examine your neck and scalp Use a hand mirror to check your back and buttocks Take note of all the spots on your body, including moles, freckles and age spots

Check Your Skin, Save Your Life 6 simple steps to perform a skin self-exam


hile it might not be the first thing on your to-do list, prioritizing regular skin checks could save your life. Though a trip to the gym wasn’t uncommon for John Ahern, the bruising he noticed after a particularly strenuous workout was unusual. Ahern’s board-certified dermatologist, Lindsay S. Ackerman, MD, FAAD, made a life-saving observation: the bruises indicated a severe blood issue. After testing, Ahern was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. Ahern’s story offers an important reminder to pay attention to the body’s largest organ and is one of many examples that show how the skin is a window to overall health. “While bruising can be common, when it appears in unusual areas or in the absence of trauma, it can represent problems with other organ systems,” Ackerman said. Performing regular self-exams can familiarize people with their skin and help identify areas of concern. For example, Yvonne Basil noticed changes to a mole on her toe and

12 | March 2022

quickly scheduled an appointment with her board-certified dermatologist. After a same-day surgical biopsy, Basil’s dermatologist, Dr. Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, confirmed it was melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Because of the early diagnosis and treatment, doctors stopped the spread and Basil is now cancer-free. “While Yvonne’s melanoma was very serious, it could have been much worse had she not found the mole and quickly made an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist,” Desai said. Regularly checking your skin from head to toe can help catch skin cancer and other conditions early when they are most treatable. These simple steps recommended by the experts at the American Academy of Dermatology to perform a skin exam could help you detect a condition early: Examine your body in a full-length mirror Look at your underarms, forearms and palms

People of all skin tones should perform skin self-checks. When skin cancer develops in people of color, it is often diagnosed in its later stages, making it more difficult to treat. If you notice any new or suspicious spots on your skin, or any spots that are changing, itching or bleeding, make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist. To learn more, visit

ABCDEs of Melanoma Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. However, when detected early, it is highly treatable. These warning signs can help you identify melanoma: Asymmetry: One half of the spot is unlike the other half. Border: The spot has an irregular, scalloped or poorly defined border. Color: The spot has varying colors from one area to the next. Diameter: While melanomas are usually greater than 6 millimeters, or about the size of a pencil eraser, when diagnosed, they can be smaller. Evolving: The spot looks different from the rest or changes in size, shape or color.

Did You Know? Dermatologists are trained to diagnose, treat and manage more than 3,000 conditions of the skin, hair and nails.

Get Away Without Going Away 5 family staycation ideas that won’t break your budget


amily vacations are a great way to bond and take a step back from the hectic schedules that accompany everyday life, but sometimes time or money (or both) make planning an elaborate trip a non-starter. However, a staycation – a vacation you take right in your hometown (or nearby) – can be much less expensive and fit into nearly any amount of available time with the added bonus of skipping out on potentially stressful travel. Consider these staycation ideas to take advantage of your local area’s attractions and prove you don’t have to go far to spend quality time together. Visit local landmarks. Just because it’s not a traditional vacation doesn’t mean you can’t pretend to be tourists. Start by visiting the places you recommend to friends and family from out of town or pick up a city guidebook to uncover hidden spots you may not even know exist. Make a plan to seek out historic sites, visit local landmarks like museums or try an out-of-the-way restaurant (or two) you’ve never eaten at before. Camp out in the backyard. Camping doesn’t have to be done far from home. In fact, it can be done right in your own backyard. Pitch a tent to sleep under the stars

and plan a night full of traditional camping activities like roasting s’mores, telling spooky stories by flashlight and trying to identify stars and constellations. Set up a picnic in the park. Pack a basket with sandwiches, fruit and other treats and head to the park. You can enjoy a casual meal then take advantage of the open space for a family walk or game of tag before retreating to the playground to let the little ones expel any leftover energy. Have a home spa day. If you’re looking for some relaxation but don’t want to splurge on the full spa treatment, plan an at-home oasis instead. Light some candles, run a bubble bath and break out the facial masks and fingernail polish. Visit an amusement park. No matter where you live, there’s probably an amusement or water park within driving distance. A quick online search before you arrive can help prepare a strategy for hitting the most popular thrill rides and waterslides while skipping those that may not provide quite the same entertainment value. Find more tips and tricks for enjoying family time together at March 2022 |


Spring Clean Your Health by Laurie Richardone


s we contemplate the arrival of Spring with childlike anticipation, there are many reasons to love this time of the year.

It’s the season of possibility… We have long awaited entry into more daylight, and this is a boost to our mental health: Schedule in some time to walk around the neighborhood and take in the greenery, and bursts of color, that start to blanket the city. This will surely lift the spirits, in addition to lowering cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Spring is a favorable time to rethink our diet with lighter seasonal ingredients. Rest assured, There is no “right” way there is only what works for you. Go on an internal quest, with a hint of curiosity, and an intrepid explorer. It will reveal what your body is asking for. Checking in with yourself with a quiet mind is a wonderful way to cultivate intuition, and is a beneficial practice for your wellbeing: as it opens the doors to clear decisions. Once we know what is best to feed our body each season, It does take a bit of discipline to shift what we normally eat. After a long winter, there’s nothing more welcome than celebrating spring with the sight and flavor of new colorful, tasty ingredients: arugula, mustard greens, asparagus, and peas are all starting to come available at the farmers markets. The good news is: By eating with the seasons it will create a reset both in the mind and body. This way of feeding ourselves adds to better digestion, which all supports an uplifted frame of mind. Tips for Success One thing that helped me was to keep a journal of everything I ate in the day. Also,noting what is going on when I crave certain foods? 14 | March 2022

If I am feeling stressed or sad, I lean into unfavorable choices. We all do this to some extent. Be gentle with yourself! We can always start anew. It’s helpful to have someone hold you accountable, like a good buddy or a health coach. Personally, When I have someone that I am accountable to, I am more likely to be set up for success. It doesn’t have to be a daunting task to make a shift in your health, you can start by incorporating one small thing at a time. What if? It is as simple as having a twelve ounce glass of fresh lemon water upon waking, before that yummy cup of coffee, or tea touches your lips. I love starting the day with an energizing green smoothie: made with plant based protein, such as hemp or chia seeds, a bunch of leafy greens, and a couple of nutritious Medjool dates, or a handful of berries. It’s more delicious than you might think. During this wonderful time of renewal, allow fresh Spring ingredients to clean out the habits of winter.

To your good health ~ If you are a curious cook, join me on my Podcast ~ A taste for All Seasons ~ It is a cooking, cultural, and inspirational way for us to explore the world of food. And… as always, l will share a seasonal recipe, cooking tips, and kitchen essentials that will inspire you in the kitchen. You can listen to all the shows, on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast. We talk to local farmers, and wellness experts, where you can learn how to cook your way through the seasons. Laurie Richardone is a seasonal gluten free chef and certified health coach. To work with Laurie, visit

Superfood Green Smoothie by Laurie Richardone

Start the day with a

pinch of black pepper

nourishing nutrient rich

2 tbsp. hemp seeds, or chia seeds

green drink. Add a banana

1/2 tsp. cinnamon,or cardamom

for a kid friendly smoothie.

2 medjool dates, pitted, or fresh berries

days. If nuts are not your thing, make

1 granny smith apple, cut into pieces (to replace other fruit, this is lower in sugar)

seeds, 4 cups filtered water, pinch of

1 cup hot filtered water, in cooler weather for blanching greens

to a high power blender with four cups of fresh water. Add a pinch of sea salt, and a dash of vanilla. Blend well. Keep refrigerated for up to 5 hemp milk. (1 cup organic hemp salt, ½ tsp. Vanilla) Blend very well. For Almond milk, you might want to pour it through a cheesecloth or sieve, for creamy milk. Press down with a

Add On ~ For gut health, add 1/2 cup goat yogurt

wooden spoon. Discard remaining

1 tbsp.raw cacao nibs, optional

this step.

Optional: Pour hot water just before boiling over spinach or kale. It is Serves 2

good for digestion.

2 cups organic spinach, or kale

Add to a high powered blender with

1-2 cups nut milk or coconut milk, recipe for nut milk below

all the other ingredients. Blend well.

1 tsp. grated turmeric

nuts such as almonds, cashews,or

1 tsp. grated ginger

macadamia nuts, soaked overnight in

Homemade nut milk: 1 cup of raw

filtered water. Drain. Add soaked nuts

pulp. If using a Vitamix, omit

Buon Appetito

For scheduled Cooking Classes in Asheville, Visit:

March 2022 |





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March 2022 |



P t h


to read

of Western NC

Focus on

Financial Wellness Word of the Day (Vo-cab-u-lar-y) Kidney Stones

This Too Shall Pass

March 2022


50+Living | March 2022


Keeping Pets Safe in the Garden container or fenced off area so pets can’t get to it. Cocoa mulch can be a particular problem for dogs. A byproduct of chocolate production, cocoa mulch can cause digestive problems and even seizures in dogs. Shredded pine or cedar mulch is a safer choice.

f you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the well-being of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants – Some common plants can be dangerous for animals, causing anything from mild oral irritations and upset stomachs to cardiovascular damage and even death. For example, these are some of the toxic plants the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has identified as harmful for either cats or dogs: • Aloe – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, anorexia and depression • Azalea – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, weakness, coma, cardiovascular collapse and death • Burning bush – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and weakness, as well as heart rhythm abnormalities with large doses • Caladium – can cause burning and irritation of the mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing • Daylilies – can cause kidney failure in cats • Hibiscus – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and anorexia Mulch and Compost – The decomposing elements that make compost good can be bad for pets, according to the National Garden Society. Keep compost in a secure

Fertilizer and Insecticides – The chemicals used to get rid of pests or make your lawn lush can be toxic to pets. Some of the most dangerous pesticides include snail bait with metaldehyde, fly bait with methomyl, systemic insecticides with disyston or disulfoton, mole or gopher bait with zinc phosphide and most forms of rat poison, according to the ASPCA. Follow all instructions carefully, and store pesticides and fertilizers in a secure area out of the reach of animals. Fleas and Ticks – In addition to using appropriate flea and tick prevention methods such as collars and sprays, make sure your yard isn’t a welcoming environment for these pests. Keep the lawn trimmed and remove brush and detritus, where fleas and ticks often lurk. Fleas can cause hair loss, scabs, excessive scratching, tapeworms and anemia. Ticks can do all of that, plus bring you and your family in contact with diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Find more tips for keeping pets safe in your yard at Photo courtesy of Unsplash

March 2022 | 50+Living




Keeping Pets Safe in the Garden


Kidney Stones


Words Have Power


Easy Meals


Heart Failure


Financial Wellness

50+Living of Western NC

Arden 4 Long Shoals Rd. 828-333-4366 Woodfin 50 N. Merrimon Ave. 828-210-9544

Fletcher 3445 Hendersonville Rd. 828-376-3711

March 2022 | 50+Living


50+Living of Western NC

PUBLISHER Tammy Sheppard GRAPHIC ARTIST Joan Hutt WEB DESIGN Alphie Hyorth ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Mike Demos 828.273.0098 Bridget Hepler 828.551.9893

h AVL Media Inc. P.O. Box 18416 | Asheville, NC 28814


All advertising published in 50+Living of Western NC is believed to be truthful and accurate. However AVL Media, Inc. assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability whatsoever for errors, including without limitation, typographical errors or omissions in 50+Living of Western NC. Any reference made to AVL Media, Inc. is not to be construed as making any representation, warranty or guarantee concerning the information on properties advertised in 50+Living of Western NC. The content of all ads contained herein are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. The opinions and statements contained in advertising or elsewhere in this publication are those of the authors of such opinions and are not necessarily those of AVL Media, Inc. AVL Media, Inc. reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted to this publication 6

50+Living | March 2022

March 2022 | 50+Living


5 Factors that Account for Half the Risk of Getting

Kidney Stones


idney stones are one of the most painful disorders, as well as one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits. According to research published in Nutrition Action Health Letter and the Journal of Urology, five factors account for half the risk of kidney stones, and they’re all related to lifestyle. The medical term for the disorder is nephrolithiasis. Kidney stones are more common in men than women, and more common after age 30 than before. Kidney stones form when urine contains excess crystal-forming substances, such as oxalate, calcium, or uric acid. When urine is concentrated, these substances are more likely to form crystals that lead to stones. Moreover, your urine may lack substances that keep crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones to form. KIDNEY STONES HURT! Kidney stones are tiny -- usually between the size of a speck of sand and a grain of salt, but they can be as large 8

50+Living | March 2022

as a pearl and intensely painful. When they move through the urinary tract, kidney stones can sometimes block the flow of urine, cause permanent damage to the kidneys or urinary tract, or lead to infection or blood in the urine. People with kidney stones may develop them again (recurrent kidney stones), especially if they don’t take steps to prevent future stones from forming. Let’s look at the five factors that account for 50% of all kidney stones. LOW CALCIUM INTAKE Calcium normally binds to oxalate in the intestine and keeps it from being absorbed back into your bloodstream. Without enough calcium to bind the oxalate in your intestines, too much oxalate enters your blood and then your urine. When you have oxalate in your urine, you’re more likely to form a kidney stone. Studies show that getting enough calcium from food sources can

NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER Avoid sugary beverages but drink enough water. Another risk factor for kidney stones is inadequate water intake. Aim to drink at least a liter (about 4.5 cups) of fluid each day. In warmer weather, you may want to drink more. Coffee and tea count toward your daily intake but balance your intake with plenty of water. It’s a good idea to drink enough water so that your urine is clear or light yellow. If you’re not drinking enough, you’re at risk of forming new kidney stones. A study found that people who drank less than a liter of water daily were at a 75% higher risk of developing kidney stones. NOT EATING ENOUGH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Studies show that eating a diet high in sodium and protein increases the risk of kidney stones, while adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet lowers the risk. One diet called the DASH diet is often prescribed for high blood pressure but it also lowers the risk of kidney stones. The DASH diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy while de-emphasizing red meat, processed meat, soft drinks, and foods high in sodium. It’s a good diet for overall health, too. LETTING YOUR WEIGHT CLIMB lower the risk of kidney stones by up to 27%. Calcium supplements, however, don’t lower the risk and may even increase it. DRINKING SUGARY DRINKS A study of over 200,000 healthcare professionals found that those who increased their consumption of sugarsweetened beverages by at least one serving per day over four years were at a 23 percent increased risk of developing kidney stones compared with those whose intake remained the same during that period. Those who decreased their consumption were at a 14 percent lower risk. The findings held even after considering factors that could influence the results -- including changes in body weight over time and the subject’s consumption of fruits and vegetables. Skip the sweet beverages, especially soft drinks. A better option is to sip unsweetened lemon water. The citric acid in lemons changes the pH of urine in a way that lowers the risk of kidney stones.

People who are obese have up to an 80% higher risk of kidney stones, while those who are overweight have up to a 40% greater risk of developing kidney stones. So keeping your weight down is an important part of kidney stone prevention. Exercise and good nutrition can help, be sure to drink enough water after a workout. Sweating will concentrate your urine and create conditions that make it easier for stones to form. THE BOTTOM LINE Hopefully, these tips will help you stay kidney stone free! You’re not powerless over kidney stones -- you can make smart lifestyle changes that may keep them at bay. References: Nutrition Action Health Letter. October 2017. “5 Steps to Fewer Kidney Stones” Ferraro PM, Bargagli M, Trinchieri A, Gambaro G. Risk of Kidney Stones: Influence of Dietary Factors, Dietary Patterns, and Vegetarian-Vegan Diets. Nutrients. 2020 Mar 15;12(3):779. doi: 10.3390/nu12030779. PMID: 32183500; PMCID: PMC7146511. “The DASH Diet | National Kidney Foundation.” “Eating, Diet, & Nutrition for Kidney Stones | NIDDK.” kidney-stones/eating-diet-nutrition.

March 2022 | 50+Living


Ten Habits That Will Expand Your




ould you like to improve your English vocabulary? Did you know the English language has more than 171,000 words? The average native English-speaking adult uses between 20,000 and 30,000 words. A native speaker who has been to college will probably know between 50,000 and 70,000 English words. Nobody is smart enough to know all English words. Anybody can expand their vocabulary of English words if they take the correct steps. Here are 10 habits that will help you learn more English words: 10

50+Living | March 2022

Read Books Have you ever noticed that children who read a lot tend to learn new words quickly? This rapid learning happens because reading involves learning new words in context. You can read and understand all the text surrounding an unknown word. The text around the new vocabulary provides context clues. These clues often let the reader know what the unknown word is likely to mean. The only downfall of reading is that it doesn’t teach pronunciation.

Use a Dictionary You can confirm the meaning of a new word with a dictionary. Today, there is no need to get word definitions from bookshelf dictionaries. You can go online and use a search engine instead. When you use a search engine to look up an unknown word, you get the definition within seconds, saving time. Instant online dictionaries mean nobody has an excuse for not finding out the meanings of new words. Make sure you’re using a reputable, credible dictionary site such as Merriam-Webster.

Hear the Word Pronounced

Saying New Words

When it comes to finding the meanings of new words, the Internet supplies more than just the definition. When you look up a word, you will see a small speaker icon. If you click on the speaker icon, you will hear the word pronounced correctly.

Saying a new word helps it become part of your regular vocabulary. Try to use words you have recently learned in conversations, or speak them rather than just reading them in your head. Saying new words out loud makes them much easier to remember. Do not forget to check a word’s pronunciation before using it in conversations with others.

Knowing how a word sounds before attempting to use it in a conversation can save you a lot of embarrassment. It is not fun when someone scorns you for mispronouncing a word. Being told you have said a word incorrectly is particularly humiliating if you are a native English speaker. By checking how to pronounce a word before using it, you get to deny any English language pedants the savage pleasure of correcting you.

Talk to Other People Often The more you chat with others, the faster your vocabulary will expand. Occasionally, the people you talk to will use a word you have not heard. Hearing new words in everyday conversations gives clues about their meaning. When someone uses a new word in conversation, it also teaches you how to pronounce it.

Do Not Be Afraid to Ask Suppose you are having a conversation with someone and that individual uses a new word. You cannot fathom the meaning of the word despite context clues. In that situation, do not be afraid to ask the person you are chatting with what the word means. It will not make you look foolish in the eyes of anyone intelligent. Bright people will know that you are simply trying to learn the meaning of a new word. Learning is always worthwhile and honorable.

Learn a Word a Day Some people make it their business to learn one new English word every day to boost their vocabulary. However, reading the dictionary definition of a new word each day is not enough. You must use the word when you speak and write if you would like to remember it in the long term.

Leave Your Ego Behind When you attempt to learn new things, expect putdowns from other people. These derisive remarks occur because some individuals are a little like crabs in a proverbial basket. If you encounter such people as you learn more about the English language, attempt to avoid reacting if they scoff at you. At the same time, never use your expanding vocabulary to make anyone else feel less than you. Learning should never be about your ego.

Learn From Your Mistakes If you make a pronunciation mistake or use the incorrect word, see it as a learning opportunity and try not to be embarrassed. Mistakes help you learn more about the world. Mistakes also make you human. Never be ashamed of making errors in the pursuit of knowledge.

Practice Writing

More Eloquent

If you want to expand your English vocabulary, try to write something every day. It does not particularly matter what you write as long as you practice writing. People who write a lot often look for similes and other strategies to keep their writing interesting. When you look for synonyms to improve your writing, you expand your vocabulary.

You can make an effort to learn new English words at any stage of your life if you want a more expansive vocabulary. Expanding your vocabulary allows you to communicate articulately and confidently with anybody. Learning new words is always a worthwhile activity.

March 2022 | 50+Living


Quick, Nutritious Recipes to Make Family Meals Easy Enjoy dairy dishes without the discomfort (Family Features) Dinnertime dishes loaded with nutrients help keep loved ones connected while refueling after busy days spent at work and school. Dairy foods – key ingredients in many at-home meals – provide nutrients for people of all ages to grow and maintain stronger bodies and minds.

• Lactose-free milk, which is real milk with the same 13 essential nutrients as regular milk • Hard and aged cheeses, such as cheddar, colby, Monterey Jack, Parmesan and Swiss • Yogurt with live and active cultures, which help break down lactose, making it easier to digest

However, some bodies are unable to break down the sugar found in milk, known as lactose, which causes an upset stomach and a heavy, bloated feeling. Rather than avoiding dairy and missing out on beneficial nutrients, people with lactose intolerance can enjoy real dairy products that are naturally low in or don’t contain lactose without the stomach ache with foods like:

These easy-to-make meals offer lactose intolerancefriendly options for families seeking to keep milk on the menu. Because they all require an hour or less in the kitchen, they provide quick solutions for those hectic schedules without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

Visit to find more delicious dishes that fit a lactose intolerant meal plan.

CHICKEN CORDON BLEU KEBABS Recipe courtesy of Rachel Gurk of “Rachel Cooks” on behalf of Milk Means More Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 3

To make skewers: Preheat broiler to 500 F. Line broiler pan with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Thread cubed chicken pieces and cubed ham pieces onto skewers. In a small bowl, combine Dijon mustard, maple syrup, black pepper, paprika and oil.

SKEWERS: Nonstick cooking spray 2 chicken breasts (6 ounces each), cubed 1 ham steak (6 ounces), cubed 6 bamboo skewers (8 inches) 1tablespoon Dijon mustard 1teaspoon pure maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil SAUCE: 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup lactose-free 2% milk 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese salt, to taste (optional) pepper, to taste (optional)

Brush mustard mixture on skewers. Broil about 5 minutes, flip and cook for 5 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. To make sauce: In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Whisk in flour and cook for 1 minute, whisking constantly. Gradually add milk, whisking constantly. Add Dijon mustard. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, or until thick. Reduce heat to low and stir in cheese, whisking until melted. Add salt and pepper, to taste, if desired. Serve chicken and ham kebabs with sauce.


50+Living | March 2022

One Pan Mac and Cheese

Parmesan-Swiss Fish

Recipe courtesy of Sheila Johnson of “Eat 2 Gather” on behalf of Milk Means More

Recipe courtesy of Marcia Stanley, MS, RDN, on behalf of Milk Means More

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 12 minutes

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Servings: 4

Water 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups dry macaroni noodles 2 cups lactose-free whole milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter, clarified or ghee 1 1/2 cups shredded sharp white cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese salt, to taste fresh cracked pepper, to taste

1 1/4 pounds skinless halibut, salmon or tilapia filets (fresh or frozen) 3/4 cup shredded Swiss cheese 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sliced green onion 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1/4 teaspoon paprika

Add water and salt to a 3-quart saucepan; cook noodles according to package directions. Drain and add noodles back to the pan.

Preheat the oven to 450 F.

Measure milk into a large measuring cup. Add eggs and whisk.

Thaw fish, if frozen. Cut into four serving-size pieces, if necessary. Pat fish dry with paper towels. Arrange in a single layer on a greased 15-by-10-by-1-inch baking pan, tucking under any thin edges.

Toss noodles with clarified butter, turn heat to medium and pour in milk-egg mixture. Add cheeses and stir until melted. Bring to a low boil for about 3 minutes; sauce will thicken and become creamy. Add salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste.

In a small bowl, toss Swiss cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, green onion, salt and pepper. Spread over fish filets. Sprinkle it with Parmesan cheese and paprika. Bake, uncovered, until fish flakes easily with a fork. Allow 6-8 minutes baking time per 1/2-inch thickness of fish.

Chicken, Spinach and Feta Casserole Recipe courtesy of Marcia Stanley, MS, RDN, on behalf of Milk Means More Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 45 minutes Servings: 4 Preheat the oven to 350 F.

1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed 3 eggs, slightly beaten 2 cups cottage cheese 1 1/2 cups chopped cooked chicken 3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 teaspoons dried minced onion 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

Place spinach in a colander. Use the back of a large spoon or rubber spatula to press moisture from spinach. In a large bowl, combine spinach, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, feta cheese, flour, butter, onion, oregano, salt and pepper. Spoon into a greased 1 1/2-quart casserole dish. Bake, uncovered, 45-50 minutes, or until set near center (160 F). Let stand 5 minutes before serving. March 2022 | 50+Living



Tips to Support a Loved One Living with

eart failure is a chronic condition in which the heart cannot pump as it should and is unable to meet the oxygen and blood circulation needs of the body. Heart failure currently affects more than 6 million people nationwide. Additionally, of all American adults 40 and older, one in five will develop heart failure in their lifetime, according to the American Heart Association. If you’re the caregiver to a loved one living with heart failure, you may be wondering how you can help them manage the disease so it doesn’t worsen or lead to lifethreatening conditions. Experts say that because a heart failure diagnosis impacts every facet of life and requires decisive lifestyle changes, there are many areas where you can offer assistance. “Caregivers play an integral part in their loved one’s ability to manage heart failure and live a quality life. From overseeing their care plan to hands-on involvement in daily activities, you can make a real difference in their results,” says Jennifer Sheets, president and CEO of Interim HealthCare Inc., the nation’s leading franchise network of home care, senior care, home health and hospice and healthcare staffing services. As their caregiver, Sheets says they may be looking to you for assistance with: 14

50+Living | March 2022

Heart Failure

• Low-sodium food choices, meal planning and shopping • Prompting them to take medications at scheduled times • Monitoring and documenting daily weights • Informing their doctor of weight gain so medications can be adjusted • Recognizing and responding to signs of fatigue and shortness of breath • Identifying and addressing fear, anxiety, apathy, sadness and signs of depression • Encouraging daily rest to conserve energy for tasks • Notifying their physician of wheezing or persistent cough • Examining skin for swelling, breaks or wounds • Elevating their feet when swelling occurs • Ensuring they keep their doctor appointments • Helping them understand the components of self-care

In an effort to help mitigate the nation’s leading chronic condition, Interim HealthCare Inc. recently launched the latest offering in its HomeLife Enrichment series focused on heart failure, which takes a holistic, empowering approach to supporting clients/patients. A key element of this initiative is a new caregiver’s guide, “Caring for a Loved one with Heart Failure,” which provides families with a deeper understanding of the disease and the care protocols -- diet, exercise, rest and medication -- to manage it. To access this resource, visit Sheets also points out that for complex chronic conditions like heart failure, the direction provided by a physician isn’t always enough for the true impact of the diagnosis to sink in. However, high-quality professional care at home can act as an extension of the doctor’s office. In the case of Interim HealthCare, its proprietary training programs enable home health clinicians and paraprofessionals to provide valuable education and assistance to clients/patients and families in familiar surroundings -- at home or in assisted living communities. “Home healthcare professionals have an intimate, unedited view of an individual’s life and are uniquely suited to provide comprehensive, tailored care,” says Sheets. “Working side-by-side with the individual, their loved ones and their full care teams creates a holistic approach that supports their mind, body, spirit and family.” For more information or to locate an Interim HealthCare office, visit “Ultimately, the road ahead may be challenging. However, you can walk it with them,” says Sheets.(StatePoint)

March 2022 | 50+Living


you to create a plan to make things more achievable, ensure your goals are in line with other objectives and provide deadlines, so your financial goals don’t get lost in the shuffle of day-to-day life.

Create a Money Plan

How to Improve Your



our financial health is just as important as your physical and mental health. Money affects almost every aspect of your life and can be the determining factor in many of your day-to-day decisions. Being financially healthy isn’t just about how much money you have in the bank. It also encompasses your financial capability and how you feel about money or how money makes you feel. Start by doing a self-check to determine your financial health. Look at where your accounts currently stand, including the statuses and balances. The balances in your accounts can be used to calculate your net worth, which is a numerical indicator of your overall financial health from an accounting standpoint. Also consider your feelings and relationship with money, including the emotions you experience when someone brings up topics involving money. Then determine if you are a saver or spender. Understanding how you feel about your finances and why you have these feelings can help you improve your overall financial health along with these tips from the financial experts at Kinly, a financial services company helping Black America build generational wealth.

Set Financial Goals To improve your financial health, start by setting shortterm, mid-term and long-term financial S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound) goals. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting can help you be more specific, provide a way to measure your progress, allow 16

50+Living | March 2022

A money plan is a guide that details how you want to use your income monthly. This plan should consider the money you want to save and the money you want to spend. As you add your list of expenses, use this opportunity to review where your money is going and if your spending is in line with the financial goals you’ve set. This is also an opportunity to look for ways to reduce or eliminate spending so your money can be used for things that are important to you, like saving for a down payment on a car or home, or purchasing an item from your wish list.

Expand Your Financial Knowledge Explore ways to become more comfortable with money and take control of your financial future. Your relationship with money and how you feel about it make up your money story. Money stories involve emotions, beliefs and experiences with money from childhood to adulthood. Start by spending 10-20 minutes each day exploring topics around money or personal finances to help build your knowledge base. You can do this by listening to podcasts, reading books, browsing reputable personal finance websites or exploring financial education resources provided by your financial institution. If you need a more personalized approach to developing a better relationship with your finances, explore working with a financial coach. Your financial coach can work with you on a range of fundamental money management skills. For example, a financial coach can help you overcome financial anxiety or come up with a debt repayment strategy. The coach can help guide, teach, empower and challenge you to grow into a savvy money user. When determining your financial health, remember personal finance is personal. The financial decisions you make today impact your overall financial health. Determine what financial success looks like for you and incorporate mindfulness, resources and other financially beneficial strategies to help improve your relationship with your finances. Find additional advice and resources to help you manage your money at Photos courtesy of Getty Images

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