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Why Sharing Stories have Measurable Health Benefits

Why Sharing Stories

Have Measurable Health Benefits


By Laurie Richardone

Hello friends,

Iwrite about food… You might pose the question?, what does story sharing and the health benefits that go with it have to do with food?

For over a half million years food and the search for it have influenced both human and historical development.

Food has meaning for each of us. It evokes nostalgia for days gone by, and those memories can be as nourishing to our spirits as a warm cup of hot cocoa on a winter night.

Food is an imperative element of human survival, and feeds our very soul. As such, anecdotes have taken their rightful place in our kitchens. We all have a memory, a story, that’s connected to food that brings a warm smile. In turn, makes us feel happy…

A memory that comes to mind is making ricotta pies at Easter with my grandmother. Rolling out the sweet stretchy dough that hangs over each pie pan, pouring in the sweetened creamy ricotta, then dropping in maraschino cherries, before gently folding over the dough.

This brings me back to happy days. I can still smell the perfumed bubbling of pies in the oven, as the crust turns into a light golden hue.

It brings a feeling of connection, calm, and great pleasure.

Where is that happy place in time for you? We know from decades of studies, that centenarians live a long healthy life because happiness, and eating well, are at the core. If you are lucky enough to have a wise elder in your life, you know they love sharing their stories…

I like to call this narrative medicine, food for the soul.

To your good health…

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