Left & Below: Rebecca O'Quinn
Women Making Music
Top & Right: Jesse Barry Below: Mare Carmody
By Peggy Ratusz
Left & Above: Dulci Ellenberger
o piggy, or “Peggy” back (if you will) off the August issue, let’s continue to explore more fantastic “women making music” who reside in Asheville and surrounding towns. I think we can all agree that “low-grade depression” is a real thing. These practitioners of music, without a doubt, contribute to our mental good health as we head into month six of our “Covid crazy” lives.
Each of these artists persist and each of them, inspiring beyond words. These women persevere and in some cases reinvent themselves. To me, they exemplify courage. I am honored to bring to your attention month after month, the female musicians of all ages who continue to pursue 10
thesofiamagazine.com | September 2020
Right & Above: Debrissa McKinney