Northern Rivers
Friday 4 July 2014
propert ore ie m s
,v t isi the reale st
site • To vie eb w w
Make this Paradise Yours
Address: 157 Cowlong Road, McLeans Ridges
Contact: Stuart Marchant 0427 485 327 | LJ Hooker Alstonville 6628 1163 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance
thinking of buying property? protect your repayments with a
fixed rate home loan Fees, conditions, and eligibility criteria may apply. See us for details. Australian Credit Licence 239238
1300 802 222 •
Friday 4 to Thursday 10 July Alstonville
10:00-10:30 Sat 10:00-10:30 Sat 10:00-10:30 Sat 10:00-10:30 Sat 10:00-10:30 Sat 10:45-11:15 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:30-12:00 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat
11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat 1:45-2:15 Sat
29 Panorama Dr 27 Teven Rd 19/12 Norvell Gr 2/64 Mellis Cct 27/187 Ballina Rd 30 Teven Rd 1/187B Ballina Rd 11-2 Norvell Gr 15 Valley Dr 10 Opal Cr 1 Banjo Pl
Century 21 LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Elders Elders Century 21 Elders Century 21 Elders Elders Elders
0404 816 000 0432 247 264 0403 867 287 0401 237 801 0409 305 277 0404 816 000 0401 237 801 0448 886 628 0401 237 801 0414 867 035 0401 237 801
$490,000-$510,000 Auction $269,000 $269,000 $87,000 Auction $590,000-$630,000 $285,000 $315,000 $515,000 Neg $429,000 $419,000 Neg
12/121 Kalinga St 1/35 Catherine Cr 2/35 Catherine Cr 1&2/35 Catherine Cr 12 Cawarra St 1/65 Martin St 2 Martin St 45 Temple St
Professionals LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Professionals LJ Hooker Professionals Professionals
0414828900 0416275607 0416275607 0416275607 0414563511 0416275607 0414866604 0414866604
Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction $429,000
0401 026 359 Interest O/A $520,000
0414 867 035
10:00-10:30 Sat 38 Granuaille Rd
Broadwater 10:00-10:30 Sat
670 Broadwater Rd
10:30-11:00 Sat 7 Sunrise Pl 11:00-11:30 Sat 43 Stapleton Ave 12:30-1:00 Sat 4 Little St
Chillingham 12:00-12:30 Sat
Coolgardie 2:00-2:30 Sat
9:00-9:30 Sat
Ray White
0409 152 200
78 Meridian Dr
0401 237 801 All Offers Considered
17 Union St
L J Hooker
0416 221 733
Ray White Ray White
0409 722 992 Auction 0409 722 992 Auction
Ray White Ray White L J Hooker L J Hooker GNF Real Estate
0411 757 438 0416072035 0416 221 733 0423 322 873 0423 838 560
$355,000 $320,000 Price Reduced O/A $525,000 NEW PRICE $599,950 NEW PRICE $369,000
11:00-11:30 Sat 4:00-4:30 Sat
37 Floral Ave 6 Nielson St 62 Wanda Dr 6 Stocks St 25 Bright St
$365,000 $275,000 NEW PRICE $299,999 NEW PRICE Auction Auction $399,000 $315,000
11:00-11:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:45 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat 4:30-5:15 Tue
21a Stewart St 8/33 Ballina St 1/13 Dress Circle Dr 28 Sandstone Cr 11 Loedna Pl 1/13 Barrett Dr 1/13 Dress Circle Dr
LJ Hooker Professionals Elders Professionals LJ Hooker Professionals Elders
0438 670 684 0415 788 599 0403 438 219 0414828900 0438 670 684 0415 788 599 0403 438 219
Auction $395,000 Auction Auction Auction $549,000 Auction
10:00-10:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-12:00 Sat
172 New Ballina Rd 77 Conway St 25 Hindmarsh St
Higgins Ray White Patch&Taylor
0407 287 122 0416072035 0428 247 716
FAST TRACK SALE 259,000 $195,000
L J Hooker L J Hooker
0423 322 873 $629,000 0431 012 274 $315,000 New Price
LJ Hooker
0427 485 327
0409 305 277 $667,000
Ray White Ray White
0422 264 329 Auction 0409 152 200 Auction
GNF Real Estate
0423 838 560
L J Hooker
0423 727 648 $290,000
Ray White Ray White
0404 051 111 0404 051 111
Auction Auction
L J Hooker
LJ Hooker LJ Hooker Professionals
6686 2711 0438 670 684 0415 788 599
Auction $895,000 $489,000
6672 2698
646 Spring Grove Rd
L J Hooker
131 Phoenix Dr
LJ Hooker
6686 2711
1307 Tyalgum Rd
Ray White
0409 152 200
Interest O/A $499,000
Elders Elders
0414 867 035 $399,000 0414 867 035 $449,000
Lismore Heights
10:00-10:30 Sat 8 Frederick St 10:00-10:30 Sat 13 Mackay St
Mcleans Ridges 11:00-11:30 Sat
157 Cowlong Rd
Meerschaum Vale
11:00-11:30 Sat 782 Wardell Rd
11:00-11:30 Sat 20 Hideaway Lane 11:00-11:30 Sat 86 River St
North Casino
330 Manifold Rd
North Lismore
$225,000 NEW PRICE
North Tumbulgum 12:00-1:00 Sat 12:00-1:00 Sun
56 Robcole Rd 56 Robcole Rd
Richmond Hill
Skennars Head 11:00-11:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 2:00-2:30 Sat
1/50 Killarney Cr 44 Killarney Cr 3/28 Isabella Dr
Smiths Creek 1:00-1:45 Sat
3 Hazelbrook Rd
Spring Grove 11 Rainforest Dr 11 Rainforest Dr 11 Bottlebrush Cr 34 Cedar St 3/46 Cypress St 315 Beach Road via 5/9-11 Terrace St
Goonellabah 10:00-10:30 Sat 10:00-10:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:45 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:15-11:45 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat
0412 758 830 0431 012 274 0423 322 873 0432 247 264 6686 2711 0410514783 0448 886 628
11:00-11:45 Sat 181 Richmond Hill Rd 31 PaciďŹ c Tce
Evans Head 10:30-11:00 Sat 10:30-11:00 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:30-1:00 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat
Ray White L J Hooker L J Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker L J Hooker Century 21
10:00-10:30 Sat 52 Bridge St
East Lismore 10:00-10:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 11:00-11:30 Sat 1:00-1:30 Sat 1:30-2:00 Sat
O/A $199,000
6 Greenhills Dr 7 Wyreema Ave 1/5 Pindari Cr 14 Alfred Pl 14 Alfred Pl 31 Dudley Dr 13 Graeme Ave
Lennox Head
12:00-12:30 Sat
1:00-2:00 Wed 964 Numinbah Rd 11:00-1:00 Sun 964 Numinbah Rd 12:00-12:30 Sat
GNF Real Estate 0428 699 807 $397,000 GNF Real Estate 0423 838 560 $420,000 Higgins 0404 016 000 FAST TRACK SALE
1412 Numinbah Rd
Crystal Creek East Ballina
12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:00-12:30 Sat 12:30-1:30 Sat 12:30-1:30 Sat 9:00-9:30 Sat 9:45-10:30 Sat
6 Georgina Pl 19 Carlton Ave 537 Ballina Rd 3/604 Ballina Rd 7 Camohrae Pl 83 Oliver Ave 25 Hilltop Cl 1/104 Oliver Ave 1 Ironbark Ct 10 Clare St 4 Manor Cr 1/9 Judy Ct
LJ Hooker LJ Hooker
0432 247 264 0432 247 264
$695,000 $695,000
1:00-2:00 Sat
Tintenbar 1:00-1:30 Sat
LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker LJ Hooker
0428 661 400 0428 661 402 0428 661 400 0428 661 402 0428 661 400
$445,000 $639,000 $355,000 $649,000 Price Reduced $310,000
L J Hooker Patch&Taylor L J Hooker L J Hooker Patch&Taylor L J Hooker Higgins Ray White Higgins Century21 Ray White L J Hooker
0423 727 648 0412 988 577 0423 322 873 0431 012 274 0412 988 577 0423 727 648 0407 287 122 0411 757 438 0404 016 000 0428 878 541 0416072035 0423 727 648
$439,000 $190,000 O/A $580,000 $269,000 $449,000 $449,000 $320,000 $252,000 FAST TRACK SALE Auction $660,000 $345,000
10:00-10:30 Sat
10:00-10:30 Sat 1 Eskimo Ct 12:00-12:30 Sat 21 Central Park Dr 1:30-2:00 Sat
240 Reardon Lane Swan Bay Via LJ Hooker
10:00-10:30 Sat 17 Campbell St
Published by
2A/175 James Ruse Drive Rosehill NSW 2142
L J Hooker
0428 661 402
0416 221 733 $455,000 NEW PRICE
WEBSTAR PRINTING 1/83 Derby Street, Silverwater NSW 2128 Advertising enquiries to 1300 137 161 The Publisher does not accept any responsibilitiy for the information provided in this magazine.
4 July 2014
New Listing
L J Hooker Alstonville
Walking Distance to Shops Neat and tidy unit with courtyard at the rear.
Rob has spent his life in the local area, enjoying the close community lifestyle and camaraderie. Growingg up, he attended Alstonville Primary School and has raised his own family here. Having been successfullyy involved in the sales industry for most of his workingg life, he strives to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction with his “can do” attitude. “I think goodd customer service is as easy as treating clients the way I like to be treated.”
• Two bedrooms with built-ins • Cosy north-facing lounge room, separate dining • Kitchen with lots of cupboards • Separate toilet, good size laundry • Single lockup garage, internal access This is a must see property and won’t last long.
For Sale $269,000 View Saturday 10.00 – 10.30 am Contact Marianne Dengate 0403 867 287 LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163
Contact Rob McRae 0478 721 474
Rural & Residential Property p y Consultant LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163 4
Alstonville 19/12 Norvell Grove
Welcomes Rob McRae
New Listing
Eltham 11 Rainforest Drive
Alstonville 27 Teven Road
Idyllic Hinterland Home
For the Growing Family .. Don’t Miss Out!
A traditional master-built “Queenslander”, with a blend of classical charm & modern practicality. • Private 4,658m² block and countryside views • Open plan living flowing onto wide verandahs • Country kitchen, gas, pantry & high-end fixtures • Classic fretwork, high ceilings, timber floors • In-ground saltwater pool, studio/poolhouse • 3 water tanks, solar hotwater • Double garage/shed with power • Short stroll to Eltham village, 15 min drive to Lismore & Bangalow, or 20 mins to Lennox Head
A beautifully designed family home with space, privacy, position, on a level 1012m² block. Upstairs comprises: • 4 bedrooms, refurbished bathroom • Open plan lounge, dining + casual family area • Sunny kitchen, adjoining entertaining deck Downstairs is totally self-contained with: • 2 bedrooms, large living/dining • Bathroom, laundry, kitchenette, alfresco area • Single garage currently used as an office • Side access and landscaped gardens
For Sale $695,000 Saturday 11.00 - 11.30 am View Saturday 4.00 - 4.30 pm Contact Vicki Heathwood 0432 247 264 LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163
Auciton 17th July 2014 at 5.30 pm Venue Ballina RSL Club View Saturday 10.00 – 10.30 am Contact Vicki Heathwood 0432 247 264 LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163
Front Cover Property
Goonellabah 14 Alfred Place
Private Acreage and in Town
3.1 beautiful acres with a tranquil creek meandering thru’ and superb northern views to the Nightcap Ranges. • 5 generous-sized bedrooms, b/ins, main en-suite • Formal lounge + dining, additional family room • Large Tassie oak kitchen + casual dining • Private covered garden entertaining area • DLUG, internal access, air-con, solar hotwater • Colorbond two-and-a-half bay shed + power Possible subdivision potential subject to DA approval.
McLeans Ridges 157 Cowlong Road
2nd Time to Auction .. Will be Sold! Auction 17th July 2014 at 5.30 pm Venue Ballina RSL Club View Saturday 12.30 – 1.30 pm Co Agent Murray Joseph 0412 928 211 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711 Contact Vicki Heathwood 0432 247 264 LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163
A truly beautiful home with 3 acres of total privacy. • Amazing mountain views to the north • Alfresco area overlooking pool • Large living area centred around a charming wood heater and modern kitchen • Timber floors, high ceilings • 3 bedrooms, study, media room, additional guest accommodation • Plenty of tank water • 3-bay colorbond shed and parklike surrounds
Auction 17th July 2014 at 5.30 pm Venue Ballina RSL Club View Saturday 11.00 – 11.30 am Contact Stuart Marchant 0427 485 327
LJ Hooker Alstonville 02 6628 1163 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. 4 July 2014
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance 3
Tintenbar 131 Phoniex Drive
Already Bought, Need To Sell
Stunning Phoenix Park Property Set on over 5,000m2 in one of the North Coast’s most desired rural residential estates, this spacious home offers seclusion & an utterly relaxed & peaceful lifestyle. • Multiple living areas both inside and out • Large central kitchen • Master bedroom on its own level with parents retreat, ensuite and private deck • Three large rainwater tanks • Oversized shed 9 x 6.8m This property enjoys the best of both worlds enjoying privacy but with easy access to Ballina, Byron Bay & the airport.
Skennars Head 1/50 Killarney Crescent
Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 1:00 – 1:30pm Contact Richard Bacon 0408 663 781 or Luke Shay 0416 275 607 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711
Located in the sought after Headlands Estate between Ballina & Lennox Head, this freestanding duplex is only 5 years old and very handy to Schools, Long Day Care and the beautiful Sharpes Beach. Features Include: • VERY REALISTIC & MOTIVATED VENDORS • Three bedrooms plus study • Fire place • Quality finishes throughout This property must be sold ASAP! Agency declares interest
Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 11:00 – 11:30am Solicitor Hosie & Partners Attn: Bob Hosie Contact Murray Joseph 0412 928 211 Geoff Finlay 0416 275 607 Co-Agent LJ Hooker Lennox Head Kent Shay 0438 670 684 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711 3
Ballina 1/65 Martin Street Affordable Home In Central Ballina Just perfect for first home buyers looking for a home in a fantastic location, this cute three bedroom property has loads of charm and potential. • Beautiful timber floors • Front & rear yards • Easy walk to shops, schools and North Creek First home buyers and investors need to inspect this home. Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 12:00 – 12:30pm Solicitor Borthwick & Butler Attn: Mr M Manuel Contact Luke Shay 0416 275 607 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711
Size: 800sqm
Ballina 1&2/35 Catherine Crescent
Buy One Or Both
Whether you’re looking for an affordable villa close to the shops or an investment to add to your portfolio, these 2 x 2 bedroom villas are a must to inspect. • Extremely handy to Ballina Fair • Excellent long term tenants in place • Purchase together or individually
Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 11:00 – 11:30am Solicitor Henry Packham Solicitor Attn: Mr H Packham Contact Luke Shay 0416 275 607 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711
Call Luke today to arrange an inspection.
Ballina Heights Lot 97 Unara Parkway Block With Beautiful Aspect Sitting high on Unara Parkway is a 800sqm vacant block of land. The views are breathtaking over a nature reserve and towards Lennox Head. The block is situated between two established homes and being fenced on two sides is a bonus for the new owners. House plans are included. Due to a change in circumstances the vendors are genuine sellers and will listen to offers prior to auction. Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Anytime Solicitor Stacks The Law Firm Attn: Nathan Luke Contact Geoff Finlay 0457 200 354 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. 4
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance 4 July 2014
Ballina Heights Estate Stage 8b (Highfield Terrace)
Save Up To $50,000#
Perched high on top of the beautiful Ballina Heights Estate, stage 8b is the most stunning land release to date. The release also qualifies for the Land Buyers Subsidy $25,000 Grant#. Secure your lot today. • Stunning views from every block • Up to $50,000 in Grants and Concessions for First Home Buyers# • Up to $30,000 for Non-First Home Buyers # • Land sizes 600m2 to 1069m2 • Provision for NBN (National Broadband Network) has been provided for this stage # Conditions Apply
600m2 to 1069m2
For Sale From $210,000 View Anytime Contact Michael Shay 02 6686 2711 LJ Hooker Ballina 02 6686 2711 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. 4 July 2014
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance 5
Walk to this
Lennox Head 11 Loedna Place
Value for Money Here ! 11 Loedna Place is to be sold on Auction night. If there was ever an opportunity to purchase in a prestigious pocket of Lennox then this is it. • Large family home • Huge 1742m2 approx block • Separate living areas • Private inground pool • Potential to create paradise
Lennox Head 21a Stewart Street
One Street From The Beach
Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 1.00 pm Solicitor Gadens Laywers 99314881 Contact Kent Shay 0438 670 684 LJ Hooker Lennox Head 02 6687 7888
If you are willing to ‘roll the sleeves up’ and put some TLC into 11 Loedna Place, your hard work definitely will be rewarded.
If you have been following the Lennox market then you will appreciate what a rare opportunity this is. A free standing strata home only one street from the beach . The home offers separate living areas, outdoor entertaining, with upper level main bedroom with large walk in robe and ensuite. The location creates a lifestyle that is envied by many. Everything we love about Lennox is at your doorstep. Walks along the beach, enjoying one of our many coffee shops, restaurants, Club Lennox or the Lennox Point Hotel. It truly is a rare opportunity.
Auction 17th July 2014 Venue 5:30pm Ballina RSL Club View Sat 5th July 11.00 am Solicitor Walters Solicitors 6621 8833 Contact Kent Shay 0438 670 684 LJ Hooker Lennox Head 02 6687 7888 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
Open Home
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance Price Reduction - Open Home
Evans Head 5/9-11 Terrace Street
Evans Head 11 Bottlebrush Crescent,
Beach Front Unit
Spacious Family Home
This Pacific Palms unit at Airforce beach is an ideal place to holiday or reside.
Spacious family home located in a popular family neighbourhood.
• Upstairs unit that faces the Pacific Ocean. • Open plan tiled living area with double sliding doors onto a great balcony area. • Master bedroom with double sliding door access to the front balcony.
• Very generous kitchen/dining/family room • Master bedroom ensuited • Formal lounge room • Outdoor entertaining
Great location, great unit.
For Sale Price Reduced $310,000 View Sat 5th July @ 1.00 - 1.30pm Contact Jo Slade 0447 826 003
For Sale $445,000 View Sat 5th July @ 10.00 - 10.30am Contact Jo Slade 0447 826 003
LJ Hooker Evans Head 02 6682 6000
LJ Hooker Evans Head 02 6682 6000
Evans Head 14 Yarran Street, Great Investment Opportunity Calling all investors. This property represents one of the best investment opportunities currently on the market in Evans Head. • Beautifully restored 3-bedroom home with polished timberboards throughout • Main living area opening up to balcony facing NE, picking up the ocean breeze • Second entertaining and BBQ area on ground level • DLUG with additional workshop area • 2-Bedroom ground level unit with separate garage and rear lane access with tenants currently in place Along with these great features, this charming property is central located in Yarran Street, close to bowling club & main beach, & just a short stroll to the centre of town or the sporting facilities. For Sale $569,000 View By Appointment Contact Brian O’Farrell 0428 661 400 LJ Hooker Evans Head 02 6682 6000
Evans Head Bella’s on Beech! Luxury Holiday Accommodation situated directly across the road from the beach. This home consists of 2 completely renovated modern units and can be booked as the whole home, or individually. Upstairs: 3-Bed, 2-Bath, large open plan living flowing out to large verandah where you can enjoy the sea breezes and the sound of the ocean. Downstairs: 2-bed, 1-bath, impressive modern living and a great outdoor entertaining area. Head over to our holiday booking site at for more information, or to make a booking. LJ Hooker Evans Head 02 6682 6000 All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. 6
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance 4 July 2014
This immaculate home ticks all the boxes. Features 4 generous bedrooms with ensuite off main, spacious lounge. As-new kitchen & open-plan dining/family flows out onto covered deck with stunning valley views. Plus selfcontained studio, 2 bay shed & double carport. For Sale $475,000 View Saturday 5th July 11:00 - 11:45am Contact Geoff Gray 0410 514 783 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
56 Woodlark Street
A great opportunity for a couple, small family, retirees or keen investor. Two modern, fresh & spacious townhouses for sale - each with 3 bedrooms, ensuite off main, built-in cupboards, large kitchen area. Unit 1 currently rented at $320p/w & Unit 2 for $315p/w. For Sale $345,000 each View Saturday 5th July 12:00 - 12:30pm & 927F6E Contact Clint McCarthy 0423 727 648 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
56 Woodlark Street
56 Woodlark Street
Set in a rural location, this bush block could be your start to your dream home. Set on 5 acres, the land has fencing on three of the four sides to the block. There is a cleared area which would make the perfect spot to build. For Sale $135,000 View By Appointment - Contact Agent Contact Clint McCarthy 0423 727 648 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
This superbly presented 4 bedroom home enjoys multiple living areas, a recently renovated kitchen, large outdoor entertaining area & in-ground pool. Set on a generous 762sqm block within walking distance to schools, shops & buses to your door. For Sale $449,000 View Saturday 5th July 11:00 - 11:30am Contact Clint McCarthy 0423 727 648 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387 56 Woodlark Street
56 Woodlark Street
Wonderful 4 bedroom property set on 5 fenced acres amongst picturesque Australian scenery. 2 living areas, spacious kitchen, generous main bedroom with ensuite & walk-in-robe, and a view from every room. 3 bay carport, double bay shed and ample water storage. For Sale $527,000 View Saturday 5th July 1:00 - 2:00pm Contact Geoff Gray 0410 514 783 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
Well-built home in a private position features 3 bedrooms, study, spacious living, modern kitchen/dining upstairs. Fourth bedroom downstairs with rumpus, kitchenette & bathroom making ideal granny flat. Sensational views from front deck. Double garage. For Sale $439,000 View Saturday 5th July 10:00 - 10:30am Contact Clint McCarthy 0423 727 648 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387 56 Woodlark Street
56 Woodlark Street
Spacious 3 bedroom duplex in lovely residential area - a must to see for first home buyers & investors. Open-plan lounge & dining, modern kitchen, built-in-wardrobes. Lock up automatic garage with internal access. Neat courtyard and a fully fenced yard. For Sale $299,999 View Saturday 5th July 12:00 - 12:30pm Contact Michelle Mitchell 0423 322 873 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
This split-level 3 bedroom home enjoys an elevated location close to amenities. Comfortable lounge with wood heater, fresh kitchen with sliding doors to semi-enclosed private front deck. Rear covered entertaining area. Single carport & fenced backyard. For Sale $190,000 View By Appointment Contact Jeni Lovell 0431 012 274 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387
Lovingly restored to original style this 3 bed, 2 bath home would suit a large family looking to live “close to everything”. May also suit business/medical being so close to St Vincents & with room for carpark. Extra large living areas, wrap-around verandahs & much more. For Sale $599,950 View Saturday 5th July 1:00 - 1:30pm Contact Michelle Mitchell 0423 322 873 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387 56 Woodlark Street
56 Woodlark Street
This well maintained timber home is full of character and is ready to walk in & enjoy. 4 double bedrooms, separate lounge & eat-in kitchen. Private front verandah plus covered rear deck overlooking large fenced backyard. Car, workshop and storage underneath. For Sale $290,000 View Saturday 5th July 10:00 - 10:30am Contact Geoff Gray 0410 514 783 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387 56 Woodlark Street
38 Grenfell Sreet, Coraki - 809sqm - $59,000 NEW PRICE 21 Union Street, Coraki - 935.8sqm - $105,000
Spacious 3 bedroom townhouse with openplan living, dining, modern kitchen, 3 way bathroom. Views from balcony off main bed. Single lock up garage with internal access. Laundry & 2nd toilet on ground level. Enclosed modest courtyard. Current rent $290p/w. For Sale $269,000 View Saturday 5th July 11:00 - 11:30am Contact Jeni Lovell 0431 012 274 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 2387 56 Woodlark Street
1360 Coraki-Ellangowan Road, Ellangowan - 5 acres - $135,000 43 Funnell Drive, Modanville - 1.25 acres - $145,000 175 Invercauld Road, Goonellabah - 1,023sqm - $169,000 Lot 213 Casino Coraki Road, Coraki - 67,000sqm - $175,000 Lot 2 Florence Street, Goonellabah - 5.06 acres - $250,000 ‘Waterford Park’ Goonellabah Stage 4 - 4 Lots left available - from $150,000 Lindsay Road, Larnook - 8 Lots available - from $165,000
Contact Sales Department 6621 2387 LJ Hooker Lismore 6621 238756 Woodlark Street All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.
All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. 4 July 2014
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance
Residential | Commercial | Rural | Finance 7
Don Osborne & Associates
Don Osborne Architect
The Waters Edge
‘Waters Edge’ House makeover at New Brighton North Coast NSW We were engaged to totally remodel a 1960’s house into a sophisticated beach house with high environmentally sustainable credentials. The seaside salty location had taken toll of the existing materials and new material choices were crucial to it’s long term viability. We elected to use recycled hardwoods and timbers from plantation sources with a minimum amount of steel use to combat this. The living areas are open planned and grouped around the central kitchen and all have excellent solar access while the large bi-fold and sliding doors allow the interplay between inside and outside to occur seamlessly. Bedrooms have direct access to the outside as well as bathrooms and service areas which are located to shield against western sun and screen for privacy. Timber for structure, trims and internal finishes was important to provide warm atmosphere and durable surfaces with paint colours forming a neutral pallet internally. The use of an accented external colour provides a pleasant contrast with the stained wood finishes for durability. Country Division, Australian Institute of Architects (NSW Chapter)
Morgan Homes
WINNER 2013 HIA Gold Coast/Northern Rivers Display Home up to $300,000
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Our award winning Display Home has been sold
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4 July 2014
ALSTONVILLE 30 Teven Road Large 5 bedroom home on an amazing 2501sqm block backing onto reserve. Main with walk in robe, air con and huge ensuite with impressive quality finishes. Large Executive kitchen, open plan lounge, outstanding undercover entertaining area and recording studio. The home boasts a DLUG, Solar Hot Water system plus 3.5kw of solar power and a 6x6m shed. A truly unique property!
BAGOTVILLE 771 Bagotville Road
2 4
Sat 5th July 10.45 - 11.15am
AUCTION Price Guide $590,000 - $630,000 AGENT
Noel Outerbridge 0404 816 000
SKENNARS HEAD 46-35 Skennars Head
GOONELLABAH 13 Graeme Avenue
ALSTONVILLE 11-2 Norvell Grove
This 2 bedroom relocatable is in the private & gate-guarded leisure village. This home features high ceilings, all rooms are spacious with plenty of natural light, with air-conditioning/ceiling fans. The covered deck out the front perfect for entertaining/ relaxation. Fully covered carport as well as garden shed. Close to beach, public transport at the front gate. You will be the envy of your friends owning this property.
Brick and tile home, quiet area, close to shopping centres, 3 bedrooms all with built-in’s, 2-way bathroom and separate toilet, semi enclosed carport, garden shed, established garden. Bathroom has been renovated, new hot water system, solar power x 8 panels, water tank, new stove, covered outdoor deck at back of home, cork/tile/carpeted floors.
This 3 bedroom unit situated a short stroll to town, perfect for the retirees/young couples. All bedrooms are large in size with built in robes. Open plan living area is airconditioned. Kitchen with glass cooktop stove, wall oven and dishwasher, which overlooks the covered/paved outdoor entertaining area. Separate laundry with large linen/storage, single garage with internal access.
2 1 1
$199,000 By Appointment Julianne Butler 0448 886 628
w Ne ting Lis
3 1 1
$315,000 Sat 5th July 9.45am - 10.30am Julianne Butler 0448 886 628
1 1
By Appointment
Noel Outerbridge 0404 816 000
ALSTONVILLE 29 Panorama Drive 3 1 1
$315,000 Sat 5th July 11.30am - 12.00pm Julianne Butler 0448 886 628
This home is ready for you to move straight into!! This 4 bedroom home main bedroom with ensuite & walk in robe. Also a seperate study, a large family room, formal lounge & dining area, spacious timber kitchen.Continuing on outside to the undercover entertaining area for relaxing & enjoy that special occassion. Easy care established gardens. All this located within minutes to the shopping centre
2 2
$490,000 - $510,000 Sat 5th July 10.00am - 10.30am Noel Outerbridge 0404 816 000
w Ne ting Lis
w Ne ting Lis
Open House Sat 5th July. 10.00 - 10.30am 19 Carlton Avenue, Goonellabah
Open House Sat 5th July. 11.00 - 12.00 noon 25 Hindmarsh Street, Lismore
Open House Sat 5th July. 11.00 - 11.30am 7 Camohrae Place, Goonellabah
After 17 years the owners have decided to sell. This neat 3 bedroom home is nestled on a fully fenced lot at the end of a cul de sac. At the front of the home is a large timber deck. Split level design gives functionality & privacy to the bedrooms. The property is in great condition & is located just 5 mins walk to IGA Xpress. With Coles, Woolworths & GSAC just a short drive away.
This highset 3 bedroom + enclosed verandah home has potential as an investment property or for the first home buyer looking to start out. The home is set on a level 600m2 block & has heaps of room for storage underneath. The property is located within walking distance to Lismore Shopping Square, hospital, primary / high schools and sporting fields. Call today to inspect.
The home features four bedrooms, 2 living areas, double lock up garage, well appointed kitchen & covered entertainment area. The master bedroom incorporates an ensuite & walk-in robe. The kitchen dining living area is fully tiled with raked ceilings & airconditioning. The property is fully fenced offering privacy & space. Mmmm, sound like you; imagine all this....
Once featured in Country Style magazine, this grand old lady is looking for a new stylist to transform her back to her former centre piece feature. Boasting 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wrap around verandahs, rear deck with views to the city, the most delightful living room, fire place & a central kitchen that brings this home together.
Ph: Terry Wallace 0412 988 577
Ph: Nathan Box 0428 247 716
Ph: Terry Wallace 0412 988 577
Ph: Terry Wallace 0412 988 577
w Ne ting Lis
w Ne ting Lis
Located on the southern ridge of Goonellabah is this solid brick & tile home. Taking in views over East Lismore & to the south west is a bonus to this lovely 3 bedroom property. Featuring large living & dining areas, well appointed kitchen & a 2nd bathroom in the garage. Currently let at $325p.w. Set on an 816m2 fenced sloping allotment.
This brick & tile home has recently been renovated, boasting huge new open plan kitchen with dishwasher, wall oven & ceramic glass cooktop. Opening onto the dining living areas making it a very roomy family friendly space indeed. 3 good sized bedrooms, main with ensuite. A 2.2kw solar electric & water tanks have also been fitted. Double lock up garage with storage adjacent. 790m2 lot.
This 3 bedroom home has recently been renovated throughout. Located in a flood free area this low set home is a must to inspect. Close to the hospital, shopping centre and schools it is close to all amenities. An ideal home for a first time property buyer or would suit as an investment. A shed is located at the rear of the property (approx 6 x 3m) with plenty of storage room.
A very well presented 3 bedroom + sleepout timber home set on 36ha (approx 88.9 acres). Polished floors in all living areas, large modern kitchen & verandah around 3 sides. The house is situated in an elevated position overlooking property with a creek through. Garage + double carport. A variety of fruit trees. Great grazing paddock. Very good water.
Ph: Terry Wallace 0412 988 577
Ph: Nathan Box 0428 247 716
Ph: Nathan Box 0428 247 716
Ph: Doug Harrison 0412 826 516
w Ne ting Lis
4 July 2014
Set on 17.87 hectares of gentle undulating land with a mix of shade trees, ideally suited for horses/cattle. This 3 bedroom timber home features, polished timber floors, 3m wide verandah with colour bond roofing. Water storage consists of 90,000 litres & permanent spring fed dams, its fully fenced & is as new. Original settlers cottage is over 100 years old, with power & water connected. There is a small area of rainforest & abundant of wildlife.
w Ne ting Lis
MUST BE SOLD An ke r Ma Offe
20.23ha (50acres) of rich high country boasting a modern high set 3 bedroom residence with ensuite. This fully renovated home offers spacious open plan living, kitchen with granite benches & gas cooking, a covered wide deck & verandahs which take views to the mountains. Downstairs offers a games room, 2nd shower & toilet and double lockup garage.
Centrally located midway between Lismore and Casino. 67.3ha (166acres) sitting in a protected valley at Spring Grove There is a timber residence having 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. All fencing is in fair to good condition. Good water supply from a creek. All natural pasture.
40ha with a 3 bedroom residence & having a combined kitchen lounge and dining. 15m x 6m x 2.8m concrete floor open face shed, a 5m x 7m x 2.4m timber shed housing 6 greyhound kennels. There is a 300m straight track with 2 x 80m slip tracks together with a bullring. Only 3km from a registered trialling track. 2 dams. Fully fenced with 4 paddocks.
• • • • • •
How handy is this 49.45ha (122 acre) paddock. Situated at Caniaba. Only 10 minutes drive to Lismore. Has ideal building sites. Includes stock yards & pump on creek. Make an offer today.
Ph: Bruce Supple 0428 665 583
Ph: Doug Harrison 0412 826 516
Ph: Doug Harrison 0412 826 516
Ph: Bruce Supple 0428 665 583
Stunning Ocean Views
28 SANDSTONE CRESCENT, LENNOX HEAD In a highly regarded position overlooking Lennox Point and Boulders Headland, this inviting two storey timber home is nestled amongst organic fruit trees and gardens on a large 960m2 block, providing the perfect haven to escape the daily grind. Reward yourself with an inspection as these motivated vendors must sell on or before 12th July. ● Ocean views over Lennox Point & Boulders Headland ● Large 960m2 block in a quiet sought after street ● North east facing decks to sit back & take in the view ● Energy efficient with solar hot water and solar power array
Spacious Villa Close to Shops
web id: #728380 Auction: 12th July Ramada Hotel Inspect: Sat 1.00 - 1.30pm Contact: Kendall Atkinson 0414 828 900
12/121 KALINGA STREET, BALLINA This beautifully presented villa is conveniently located within easy walking distance to shops, school, river and tavern. Tiled throughout, the spacious open plan living area flows into a beautifully renovated kitchen offering great bench and cupboard space, which overlooks the covered outdoor entertaining area and low maintenance garden. ● Single level villa with direct street frontage ● New kitchen & freshly painted throughout ● Air conditioned living area for year round comfort ● Low maintenance yard & gardens
web id: #719374 Auction: 12th July Ramada Hotel Bidding from $330,000 Inspect: Sat 11.00 - 11.30am Contact: Kendall Atkinson 0414 828 900
The vendors have dramatically reduced their expectations for this luxury property well below replacement value to achieve a definite sale by auction day! This prestige property is in a highly regarded beach-side locale overlooking Shelly Beach, with no expense spared to create a superbly crafted & finely finished home. Hurry, as this home represents outstanding value for money! ● Fantastic views over Shelly Beach and the hinterland ● Deluxe master bedroom with expansive en-suite & WIR ● Granite kitchen bench tops with European appliances. ● Ducted air conditioning & 9 foot ceilings throughout
Prized Position At A Budget Price
web id: #700152 Auction: 12th July Ramada Hotel Inspect: Sat 12.00 -12.30pm Contact: Kendall Atkinson 0414 828 900
This home would be perfect for the first home buyer given its great position directly opposite a park and less than 200 metres from the tranquil waters of North Creek. The property is being sold to finalise an Estate so don’t miss the opportunity to get into the market at the entry price level. ● ● ● ●
Retro style home that is ripe for renovation Water glimpses of North Creek from the front yard Boat ramp less than 200 metres away North facing views over Cawarra Park Corner River & Martin Streets, Ballina 10
web id: #733479 Auction: 26th July On Site 10.00am Inspect: Sat 12.00 - 12.30pm Contact: Peter Carmont 0414 563 511
6686 3511 A/H Jan Borsje 0414 282 999 Solprom Ads40266866936 July 2014
Lennox Head
New Listing
New Listing
Just Your Finishing Touch Required
A Surprise Awaits You
This 2 bedroom townhouse has been priced for immediate sale by it’s motivated owners. Your options are many, the properties desired location only 150 metres to both the village centre and the magic of Seven Mile Beach allows you to have the flexibility of permanent of holiday tenancy or simply move in and enjoy it yourself. Partially renovated, this home is awaiting your finishing touch and at its amazing asking price will not last long.
As you step through the front gate and into this low set duplex you just can’t help but be impressed. If you are after space yet low maintenance this property definitely offers you both as well as being ideally located for the Lennox lifestyle. A short stroll from the front door is the lake, the beach and the village centre, fishing, surfing or a romantic sunset dinner, the choice is yours! You will not truly appreciate until you enter, with three bedrooms, a great kitchen for entertaining and super spacious living areas makes this a must to inspect. The owners are committed to move on and have priced accordingly. Don’t hesitate you may miss this rare opportunity. Owner wants result this weekend.
Price: $395,000 Inspect: Saturday 12:00 - 12:30pm
Price: $549,000 Inspect: Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm
New Listing
New Listing
Rural lifestyle, Coastal living, Future potential
We Want It Sold This Weekend
On the corner of Ross and Dufficy’s Lane sits this amazing 7 acre opportunity. With elevation, a desired north east aspect and an ocean rural panorama this place will capture you. The lowset 4 bedroom brick a tiled home offers a great start, with open plan living and double garage and is awaiting to be turned into a stunning home, it just needs you and your imagination. The property is an area that the Ballina Council has highlighted for possible future growth and therefore may have future subdivision potential (STCA). Only minutes to Lennox and seven mile beach your lifestyle opportunities are endless this can become your own slice of peaceful paradise. The Motivated Vendor is seeking a quick result and has priced the property for immediate sale.
This 4 bedroom home is priced for an immediate sale, located in the popular Skennars Head area close to schools. Spacious indoor and outdoor living spaces, 3 bathrooms, double garage and an ideal layout which offers a separate guest area. This home has character and charm and also offers low maintenance living. A short drive to Ballina or Lennox or a walk to the beautiful Sharps Beach. The owners have committed to meet the market and have priced the property accordingly.
Price: $995,000 Inspect: By Appointment
A/H: Matt Tancred 0415 788 599
Price: $489,000 Inspect: Saturday 2:00 - 2:30pm
6687 7579
real people working in real property
2/72 Ballina Street, Lennox Head Solprom Ads 0266866936
4 July 2014
CENTURY 21 BALLINA / LENNOX HEAD PHONE: 02 6686 8333 5/26 River Street, BALLINA, NSW 2478
GOONELLABAH 71 Dudley Drive
In A Class of Its Own This beautiful and immaculate 37 square (approx) home caters so well for the larger family. The home features 4 bedrooms and study, formal and informal living rooms plus media room. The large master bedroom has walk in robe and massive ensuite. All other rooms have built-in robes. There is a gorgeous kitchen with 2 pack and Caesar stone benchtops, quality stainless steel fixtures and appliances. Raised ceilings in the family room and floor tiling a feature. Easily maintained and established gardens, inviting inground pool, spacious outdoor area ideal for entertaining. Complete with solar power and air conditioning. Only 4 years old and situated in a popular family friendly neighbourhood. Short drive to sports club, shopping centre and sports complex.
FOR SALE Offers Over $550,000 VIEW Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am
5 2 2
AGENT Warren Perkins 0428 878 541
Spacious level living!
GOONELLABAH 10 Clare Street
Outstanding Value In This Near New Home Located in a popular new estate at Goonellabah this near new home boasts a long list of quality inclusions. Designed with the modern family in mind the home features a stylish and spacious kitchen, walk in pantry, SMEG appliances and Dishwasher. Light filled open plan living area that opens to an under roof outdoor entertaining area. A separate lounge/media room completes the home. 4 well sized bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robes. There is an abundance of storage for the growing family. Large allotment of 874 m2 with room for a shed or pool. Easy living home designed for the entertainer, 4 kw solar system, air conditioning, security system and massive spa all included! A must see home for you!
FOR SALE AUCTION 26 JULY 2014 10.30AM ON SITE VIEW Saturday 11.15am - 11.45am AGENT Warren Perkins 0428 878 541
EAST BALLINA 11 Newport Street
Beautiful East Ballina Timber Home Perched high in East Ballina this stunning Timber home features a terrific north facing bush reserve outlook. The property boasts timber floors and high ceiling throughout. Offering a lovely big living area with bay windows the property is also very private. The 3 bedrooms are large and spacious with the separate downstairs bedroom including an ensuite. This home is overflowing with character with the two huge decks a beautiful feature of the property. There is also a single garage and double carport.
FOR SALE Interest Over $450,000 VIEW Saturday 11.30am - 12.15pm AGENT Shane Tasker 0431 191 323
4 2 2
3 2 3
LENNOX HEAD 1 Tara Downs
Large Beautiful Home - Attractive Surroundings This immaculate family home offers a fantastic parents retreat. Two spacious open plan living areas with plenty of natural light. The extensive landscaping is sensational, featuring a stream and waterfalls leading to the sparkling inground pool. Ideal elevated Lennox Head location enjoying the north eastern aspect. This is a must sell property - do not miss this exceptional property!!
FOR SALE $649,000
4 2 2
VIEW Saturday 12.30pm - 1.15pm AGENT Shane Tasker 0431 191 323
The large 1217 sqm block allows plenty of space to build extra garaging or separate accommodation (STCA).
4 July 2014 SOLPROMADS 0266866936
East Lismore 37 Floral Avenue It’s got the bloomin lot
3 A 1+ B 4 C
This beaut family home within a great neighbourhood is close to all that East Lismore has to offer. • Fully revamped inside + new kitchen/carpet/paint • Huge enclosed area would suit daycare business • Large carport for the boat or trailer • Close to shops, schools, transport & golf course
Sale $355,000 new listing View Sat 10-10:30am Mark Harley 0411757438 Geoff Venn 0405 760 536 | 6621 2438
Ray White Lismore
Lismore 77 Conway Street Inner city living
3 A 1+ B 2+ C
This weatherboard home with Colorbond roof is situated on a corner allotment in a prime location. • Zoned residential on a 234 sq.m block • Lock up garage + carport for 2 vehicles • Family room adjacent to kitchen/yard • Large loungeroom
Sale $259,000 new listing View Sat 11-11:30am Janelle Butcher 0416 072 035 | 6621 2438
Ray White Lismore
Goonellabah Unit 1, 104 Oliver Avenue Entry level duplex
3 A 1+ B 1 C
This duplex is conveniently close to schools, shops, transport & Goonellabah Sports & Aquatic Centre. • Built-in wardrobes + reverse cycle air-con • Tiled traffic areas • Terraced back yard • Currently tenanted at $280/week.
Sale $252,000 new listing View Sat 11-11:30am Mark Harley 0411 757 438 | 6621 2438
Ray White Lismore
East Lismore 6 Nielson Street Great city views
3A 1B 1C
This lovingly maintained home situated high on Nielson Street,offers beautiful views over the city. • University, schools, shops & sport fields • Updated kitchen, bathroom & laundry areas • Covered patio at rear of home • Original owner for past 62 years
Sale $320,000 price reduced View Sat 11-11:30am Janelle Butcher 0416 072 035 | 6621 2438
Ray White Lismore
Goonellabah 6 Greenhills Drive Views over green hills
3 A 2+ B 1 C
This Northern Ridge property captures great valley views towards the Nightcap Ranges. • Solar hot water + air-conditioner • Spacious bedrooms, main with ensuite • Large yard + side access + plenty of room for a shed • Rear deck offering misty morning views
Sale $365,000 price reduced View Sat 12-12:30pm Chris Harley 0412 758 830 Mark Harley 0411 757 438 | 6621 2438
Ray White Lismore
Tregeagle 1 Muller Road Time for immediate action
5A 3B 4C
Strategically positioned with frontage to Rous Road, this 4.670Ha (11.67 acres approx.) offers an astute buyer the chance to enhance this appealing lifestyle property. There’s a substantial low-set brick home with granny flat, shedding & excellent water (8 Meg licence). All just minutes to the conveniences of Goonellabah.
Ray White Lismore
4 July 2014
$695,000 price reduced View by appointment Janelle Butcher 0416 072 035 Peter Butcher 0412 245 856 | 02 6621 2438
Need to get power to your property or subdivision? • NJ Construction – fully accredited and quality endorsed, with over 20 years experience. • For power supply and upgrades to your property or subdivision, including design and construction.
Contact us now to arrange FREE site visit and quote. ALSTONVILLE
Ph: 02 6628 8430
or email
PORT MACQUARIE Ph: 02 6584 3644 or email
Ph: 02 6232 9400 or email
Stunning Phoenix Park Property 4 bed | 2 bath | 4 car
Set on over 5,000m2 in one of the North Coast’s most desired rural residential estates, this spacious home offers seclusion and an utterly relaxed and peaceful lifestyle. The spacious home boasts multiple living areas both inside and out, a large central kitchen, a master bedroom on its own level with parents retreat, ensuite and private deck, all of which have the perfect north east aspect and overlook the beautiful pool and deck area. The property also includes three large rainwater tanks and an oversized shed 9 x 6.8m to keep your extra cars and toys safe and dry. This property enjoys the best of both worlds enjoying privacy but with easy access to Ballina, Byron Bay and the airport. Property: 131 Phoenix Dr, Tintenbar, NSW 2478 Auction: Ballina RSL Club 17 July 2014 at 5:30 PM Inspections: Sat 05 Jul 2014 - 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM Agent: Richard Bacon 0408 663 781 and Luke Shay 0416 275 607 Agency: LJ Hooker Ballina 14
Darrell Lea Chocolates • Well known confectionery and gift shop. • Established over 35 years in Lismore, excellent location., good potential, can be run by one person without additional staff. Suit husband and wife team. Address: Price: Contact: Agent:
Shop 7, 164 Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW $79.5K (Includes plant & Equipment) Plus SAV. Warren Lattimer 0428 660 187 Capminster Property Services 02 6622 1077
Level 1, 164 Molesworth Street, Lismore
02 6622 1077
We Want It Sold This Weekend
4 bed | 3 bath | 2 car This 4 bedroom home is priced for an immediate sale, located in the popular Skennars Head area close to schools. Spacious indoor and outdoor living spaces, 3 bathrooms, double garage and an ideal layout which offers a separate guest area. This home has character and charm and also offers low maintenance living. A short drive to Ballina or Lennox or a walk to the beautiful Sharps Beach. The owners have committed to meet the market and have priced the property accordingly. Property: 3/28 Isabella Dr, Skennars Head, NSW 2478 Price: $489,000 Inspections: Sat 05 Jul 2014 - 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM Agent: Matthew Tancred (02) 6687 7579 or 0415 788 599 Agency: Professionals Lennox Head 4 July 2014
Fu S nd up Sp er ec ia l
12 Pinehurst Court Open House: Saturday 11.00 – 11.30am Interstate Vendor Says Sell! On a leafy block in a quiet cul-de-sac this executive 5 bedroom home is quite simply a pleasure to inspect. Set out over 3 levels the home features high ceilings, polished timber oors and a sunken lounge that leads out to the private undercover entertaining area. In addition to this generous property is a separate, open plan granny at. Interstate vendors are motivated to sell and we can highly recommend your inspection. A must to see if you require a stylish home with room to move.
57 Northcott Crescent Inspect: By Appointment Super!!! Investment Located in the Russellton Industrial Estate, this multi-purpose shed offers ample opportunity for the discerning investor. Operating as two, a 20m x 12m area with 2 ofce spaces, kitchenette and toilet facilities and a 16m x 12m area with w.c. they are individually metered and accessed. Rental return potential of approximately $36,000p.a. with long term tenants. Motivated vendor is absolutely serious about securing a sale and will listen to offers. Troy MacRae 0414 867 035 Auction in our ofce, 80 Main St, Alstonville 10.30am Sat 26th July Web Id 5252055
N Li ew st
Troy MacRae 0414 867 035 Web Id 4520018 Auction in our ofce, 80 Main St, Alstonville 10.30am Sat 26th July
Meerschaum Vale
782 Wardell Road Open House: Saturday 11.00 – 11.30am Welcome Home! Enjoy privacy and views from the lovely, near at 5 acres. The home has a charming colonial feel with unique block construction, timber accented internal features and wide verandahs on all sides. 3 bedroom plus study. Ensuite with dual shower and corner spa. Reverse cycle AC, solar hot water and three water tanks. One shed for garaging and workshop and the second larger shed with verandah would suit many uses including completion for tenancy as currently no fees for registering granny ats. Write down your wish list, then inspect this property and start ticking the boxes. Nathan Hallahan 0409 305277
Web Id 6630104
Elders Alstonville 80 Main Street 02 6628 0000 4 July 2014
1 Eskimo Court Open House: Saturday 10.00 – 10.30am What A Buy! On a generous corner block this 3 bedroom home really does offer fantastic buying! Featuring good sized rooms, including the main with ensuite, 2 separate living areas and a spacious kitchen with dishwasher. With a double lock up garage and a fully fenced yard offering plenty of space, the property is located just a short distance to shops, schools and sports elds. Homes in this price bracket are moving very quickly! Whether you are looking to live in or invest, be sure not to miss this fantastic opportunity. Troy MacRae 0414 867 035 Web Id 6588299
Ea 2014-07-04 Mulholland’s Advertising 0408 254 374
670 Broadwater Road Open House: Saturday 10.00 – 10.30am Rural hideaway priced to sell! On a leafy 15 acre block and overlooking Broadwater, this steel framed property offers complete privacy and a back to basics lifestyle. The home itself features a large open plan living and meals area, original kitchen and bathroom, and 3 very generous bedrooms. With ample room for shedding or extensions, the property also features a small dam and walking tracks. Elevated and in prime position to capture a perfect breeze, this home is certainly going to be your own private hideaway. Contact Troy to organise your inspection today. Troy MacRae 0414 867 035
Web Id 6178501
Troy MacRae 0414 867 035 Web Id 6598548
Don’t just drive by... a must to look inside!
$419,000 Neg
Wollongbar 2
27/187 Ballina Road Open House: Saturday 10.00 – 10.30am Downsize with class Perfectly positioned at the rear of the quiet Alstonville Leisure Village, this beautifully presented 2 bed property will suit buyers downsizing from a family home but still wanting a high quality of living. Nathan Hallahan 0409 305 277 Web Id 6500415
2/64 Mellis Circuit Open House: Saturday 10.00 – 10.30am No Body Corporate Duplex This great 2 bedroom duplex has internal access from the garage and a carport for a car or boat. Owner is ready to move on. Inspect and make an offer today. Carol Mewing 0401 237 801 Web Id 6153375
Elders Alstonville 80 Main Street 02 6628 0000 16
10 Opal Crescent Open Home: Saturday 12.00 – 12.30pm Family Special This ideal family home boasts 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, the lounge has air-con, large central kitchen with island bench that overlooks the huge backyard. Double lockup garage and room for the shed or van. Just a short walk to the main street. Don’t miss your chance to get into the market now!
1 Banjo Place Open House: Saturday 1.00 – 1.30pm Don’t miss it! Inspection is a MUST This delightful home has to nd a new family. The current owners have to move north as soon as possible so are open to negotiation. Very private with landscaped gardens giving a lush resort style feeling, there is still plenty of room on the 720sqm block for a pool, play or your van. The covered outdoor area is on the northern side of the home owing out from the living area. The DLUG has an extra loo and internal access. Banjo Place is a quiet cul-se-sac just off Clare St, approx 1km from the main centre of town. Carol Mewing 0401 237 801 Web Id 6458288
21 Central Park Drive Open House: Saturday 12.00 – 12.30pm As Safe As Houses! Without doubt, this solid home is going to withstand even the toughest young family! Featuring double brick throughout, the property offers 4 bedrooms, ensuite and WIR in the main. There is a very generous open plan living area, separate meals area and study, double lock up garage and spacious kitchen. Located towards the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, the home is still close to amenities, schools and sporting elds. A well built home, ready for a robust family! Currently rented out, the property would also suit the astute investor looking for a no maintenance, no fuss addition to their p portfolio. Troy MacRae 0414 867 035
Web Id 6178352
$460,000 $ 460,000 $449,000
Ea 2014-07-04 Mulholland’s Advertising 0408 254 374
4 July 2014