Tallaght informer april 2014

Page 1

Tallaght Informer 25,000 copies delivered monthly

April/May 2014 • Unit 55, Western Parkway Business Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12 • Tel: 01 813 8786 • Email: info@informer.ie • Web: www.informer.ie


South County backs Dublin mayor poll

Kennedy Talks

By Martin Flanagan He said: “I think it’s important that Dublin moves forward and has a directly elected mayor. The idea of these ceremonial mayors, which is what we have in place at the moment, really belongs to a different era and having mayors without executive functions or powers is really superfluous to me.” However, also commenting on the matter, local councillor Paddy Cosgrave (Lab), who voted against the plebiscite, said he was concerned that the new mayor would be financed by local property tax. Other councillors expressed concern over the division of powers between a new mayor and the four local authorities. Meanwhile, calls by Dublin's Lord Mayor Oisin Quinn to hold a public vote on the issue despite it being rejected by Fingal council will not go ahead. Quinn called on Minister of the Environment Phil Hogan, but his calls have also been rejected. Commenting on Fingal County Council's decision to block the motion, Quinn said: "It's wrong to allow a small number of councillors, principally on Fingal County Council, to frustrate the democratic process largely out of an outdated desire to protect a perceived separate identity. Dublin should not be held

back by small-minded parochial arguments. By not facilitating a plebiscite, the Government would be ignoring its own policy of putting people first. I hope there will be common sense shown on this matter, and democracy be facilitated on this important question." However, Minister Hogan has stated that any considerations for a directlyelected mayor would not take place until after the local elections in May.

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Council voted by 19 votes to 3, with one abstention, in favour

South Dublin County Council's backing of a proposal for a directlyelected mayor has been blocked after Fingal County Council opposed the motion. South Dublin councillors voted overwhelmingly in support of a plebiscite, with some councillors arguing that the electorate should have a right to vote on the issue. The council voted by 19 votes to 3, with one abstention, in favour of a plebiscite. However, despite the overwhelming support for the resolution, Fingal County Council stopped the motion in its tracks after it rejected the idea. Fingal council's move to prevent the plebiscite from going ahead has been described as "undemocratic" by some councillors across the four local authorities. Commenting on the council's decision to reject the motion, Dublin City councillor Christy Burke (Ind) said the move was “unfair, regrettable and undemocratic". He said: “The majority speaks in every other rule of law for government decisions, so why does the majority not speak here? I just think it’s a missed opportunity. The only democratic way to elect a mayor is by the people, let the people speak.” A former Mayor of Fingal, Cian O’Callaghan (Ind) also waded in on the council's decision to reject the motion.


Adrian Kennedy Interview Page 10


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The Informer

Tallaght In Brief... Expansion of The Square Shopping centre to create hundreds of jobs

Hundreds of jobs are expected to be created after South Dublin County Council granted planning permission for a major extension to The Square Shopping Centre in Tallaght. The expansion will enable the shopping area of the Square to increase by almost half, providing space for two large new department stores and eight other new shop units in a variety of sizes. When construction starts, the development will provide up to 200 construction jobs and will take approximately 18 months to complete. When operational, the extension will result in 400 full and part-time retail jobs and will give a major boost to both the Square and to Tallaght Town Centre. According to the council, the permitted development will deliver big wins for Tallaght in terms of much needed construction and retail employment, enhanced commercial viability and greater shopping choice as well as valuable planning gain in the form of a new civic plaza and linked public transport interchange. Together with recent adjoining developments it will form a new heart at the centre of Tallaght, linking all the major functions of the Town Centre. The main part of the extension is an expansion of the existing level 2 mall onto the car park between the northern, Tesco side of the Square and the Luas Terminus and the Civic Theatre/Rua Red Arts Centre. The pedestrianised area between the new extension and the Luas Terminus and Civic Theatre will be upgraded to form a new civic plaza that will provide a new focus for Tallaght Town Centre.

with Martin Flanagan The western side of the extension will facilitate a new public transport interchange between the Luas terminus and the bus stops on Belgard Square West, that will link directly into the new shops and civic plaza. On the other side of the extension, a new multistorey car park with more than 800 parking spaces will replace the existing car parking that is to be built over and will provide more than 430 additional parking spaces. It will also have a direct link into the new mall extension. A smaller, separate part of the extension is to be built over the roof space on the southern, Tallaght by-pass side of the Square. This will be amalgamated with two existing shop units at Level 3 to open up the newly extended space for a large anchor store. South Dublin County Council recently agreed to dispose of its interest in the lands on which the Square Shopping Centre is built, which date back to before the development of the Square, in order to enable the extension to proceed.

Council approves 'Shop front Grant Scheme'

South Dublin County Councillors have approved a €100,000 'Shopfront Grant Scheme'. The scheme is intended to improve the appearance of independently owned shops fronting public streets and in turn make the streetscape more attractive to shoppers and visitors. There are a variety of grants available for various improvements to independently owned shops fronting public streets. Potential applicants have until May 30th to apply. Further details can be found at www.sdcc.ie.

Gay Kelly Vote No. 1

n Trend Micro and CoderDojo founder join forces to promote digital safety and positive internet use: Pictured at the launch are last year's winners Tess and Judith Ehiguese, St Joseph's College Lucan and Avril Ronan, Trend Micro

Tallaght judge apologies over 'incorrect' remarks

A district judge who made a remark in Tallaght district court that “Muslims actually think they can beat their wives” has apologised. In a statement Judge Halpin apologised for the remarks, saying that he had made "an unfortunate and incorrect remark in court". He further stated that he "had no intention of referring to, or offending Muslims or their religion”.

Judge Halpin said that the idea that he has an attitude that is “less than favourable to the Muslim religion” “could not be further from the truth”. He asked the Muslim community for its forgiveness. “I accept that I made the remark, but what I intended to say, and should have said, was that people who beat their partners do not appreciate the provisions of safety or protection orders, and they need intervention and education in that regard,” Halpin said. The Immigrant Council welcomed the apology.

Dear Neighbour, I believe in local people managing their communities, that local people are best placed to respond to the needs of their neighbours, of their community. As a resident of Tallaght for over 30 years I face many of the issues you face, I share many of your concerns. I am seeking your support to be your voice, the voice of our community on South Dublin County Council. On May 23rd I am asking you to vote No.1 Gay Kelly If elected to South Dublin County Council by you I will endeavour to achieve the following: UÊ ÛiÀÞÊÀià `i ÌÊ vÊ- ÕÌ Ê ÕL ÊÀiVi ÛiÃÊÌ iÊ } iÃÌÊ« Ãà L iÊ iÛi Ê vÊÃiÀÛ ViÊvÀ ÊÌ i ÀÊ council UÊ / iÊV Õ V ÊÜ À ÃÊ Ê}i Õ iÊ«>ÀÌ iÀà «ÊÜ Ì Ê V> ÊV Õ Ì ià UÊ / iÊV Õ V Ê VÀi>ÃiÃÊ> `Ê «À ÛiÃÊÃiÀÛ ViÃÊv ÀÊÌ iÊ `iÀÊ«iÀà ÊÊ UÊ "Ü iÀÃÊ vÊÀi Ìi`Ê ÕÃiÃÊ>ÀiÊV «i i`ÊLÞÊ-

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Gay Kelly If you feel I can be of assistance to you please contact me at i Þ}«£ÓÎJ} > °V ÊÊUÊÊänÇÊ Î£Ênn Î

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The Informer



WITH THE RTÉ CONCERT ORCHESTRA Barry Manilow fans are in for a treat this May with COPACABANA! The Music of Barry Manilow. The RTÉ Concert Orchestra and renowned vocalist Keith McDonald perform all Manilow’s greatest hits like Could It Be Magic, Mandy, Copacabana, Bermuda Triangle and so many more. This fun-filled flashback to the '70s and '80s is coming to the National Concert Hall, Dublin on Thursday May 22nd. "Don't stop what you're doing, man. We're all inspired by you" so said Bob Dylan to Barry Manilow in 1988. It’s little wonder too, when you consider the accomplishments and addictively catchy melodies of this legendary master-songsmith. Expect hit after hit with arrangements by Andy O'Callaghan the same conductor/arranger behind the tremendously popular previous Super Troupers and Disco Inferno! concerts. We have 3 pairs of tickets to give away to COPACABANA! To be in with a chance of winning, simply fill in the blank in the song title of Manilow’s 1975 hit song: Could it be......... : a) Happening? b) Love? c) Magic? if you’re not lucky enough to win you can buy tickets from the National Concert Hall Box Office 01 417 0000 or nch.ie Answers by e-mail only to competition@informer.ie Please include your contact number. Closing date for entries 10th May 2014.

Dublin Informer

Editor: Niall Gormley • Address: Unit 55, Western Parkway Business Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12 01 813 8786 • news@informer.ie • www.informer.ie Sales Director: Declan Keane • Mobile: 087 9145073 For Advertising - Email: sales@informer.ie • Telephone: 01 813 8786

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The Informer

Green Scene

Could we learn from Delhi? This month I'm writing from a city twenty times the size of Dublin where some parts have changed little since the middle ages whilst others are more breathtakingly modern than anything we see back home. I can get from point to point by pretty much any system of transport invented by man - yesterday I saw an ox-drawn cart outside a metro station. Sewage from an 80 story apartment block is equally likely to go raw into the sacred River Yamuna or into the most modern of treatment plants - it just depends on the sense of responsibility of the developer, something we Dubliners can understand.

The noise is horrendous Traffic pollution and noise is horrendous, since the roads are jammed with vehicles pretty much right around the clock (and for those unfamiliar with the system the horns are used for information not aggression - more "I'm here, please don't hit me" than "get out of my way"). But for all that the traffic accounts for only a small proportion of the city's smog. A quarter comes from industry and a fair bit more from power generation, and all of these are being addressed, but it's hard to see what can be done about the half of all atmospheric pollution that comes from dust - road dust, construction dust, daily living dust. In a hot dry climate dust happens. In winter heating stoves add to the mix and Delhi's smog gets worse than Beijing's. A non-issue India is in the middle of a general election campaign at the moment and you might expect the capital's dirt and transport problems to be high on the agenda so I asked the head of the country's national election study, Prof. Sanjay Kumar, just how

By Kathy Marsh, Sonairte

much importance voters attach to the environment. The answer was "none at all". In the latest survey of 20,000 potential electors who said they would vote not one person came up with it as a key issue. Most said income, closely followed by corruption, with significant numbers also mentioning education and health, and a few defense. But some clean-ups

Big efforts are being made to clean up - the auto-rickshaws and taxis have been switched to gas and the superb metro system is being expanded rapidly. Green spaces are being expanded and trees planted - though I've seen a fair few of the baby trees eaten n Dehli - a mixture of the new and the old by the wandering cattle or even uprooted by foraging pigs. €400 million has been spent in the last ten years on cleaning up the Yamuna during which time the river has become twice as polluted. Interestingly the new failed system is the same type as that Renewables gain from Russian worries currently being built in Fingal. Although Fingal doesn't have to The Russian annexation of Crimea has refocussed Europe's attendeal with a situation in which every corner of every wall gets tion on its energy dependency on Russian gas. It has now become used as a urinal. a security imperative to fine alternative energy.

Green news…Green news…Green news…

Poverty hard to believe

India is mostly focused on growth and the majority of voters are still living at a level of poverty that I find hard to believe even when I see it so it is hard to blame them for thinking first of food on the table and clothes on their back. The most likely new government makes no mention of the environment in its manifesto and nor do the other two front running parties. It will be interesting to see whether they will take action after the election

In January, before the invasion, the EU renewed its committment to a low carbon future with a future target of 27% renewables for the EU as a whole. And in March the UN's expert panel laid out the impact that climate change will have in future years citing "the likelihood of severe, pervasive, and irreversible impacts." However, the security situation could be a double-edged sword, with supporters of fracking using the situation and fears of energy shortages to bounce governments into allowing exploration of shale oil and gas. Ireland has shown that wind energy is a successful replacement for fossil fuels as we reported last month.

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The Informer

Lasting prescriptions Q: I got a repeat prescription for Betnovate Cream around this time last year. I only used one tube and as my skin had cleared up, I didn’t get any repeats. But when I went to my local pharmacy last week, they said that it was expired and wouldn’t give me the cream saying that I needed to get a new prescription. Why do I need to get a new prescription if I already had a prescription that still had repeats on it? My friend was able to buy Betnovate over the counter in Spain.

Ask the Pharmacist With Eoin Meany Eoin Meany works as a pharmacist in McCabe's Pharmacy, Ridgewood Avenue, Swords.

A: A lot of people don’t realise that prescriptions are only valid for six months from the date that they are written, regardless of whether there are still repeats left on them. Pharmacists can only give out prescription medicine in accordance with the legislation governing the supply of medicines and are subject to periodic inspections from the Pharmaceutical Society (the pharmacy regulator) to ensure that all applicable laws are being adhered to. Among the provisions of this legislation (give the rather long-winded title “Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003”) are that the maximum validity of a prescription is six months. This applies whether there are unused repeats, if the doctor writes the prescription for a year or the doctor tells you that you will be taking medication for the rest of your life. While this six month time limit can seem rather arbitrary and can cause some frustration to patients (as well as pharmacists), there are some good reasons to have this time limit on prescriptions. If someone is on regular medication, they should be reviewed regularly by their doctor to ensure that the medication is still working, that it is still needed and that it is not causing any adverse effects. Or if a medicine such as Betnovate is just being used periodically, a doctor should check that the current skin condition is the same as the previous condition and that the same treatment is appropriate. There is a strong case to be made that pharmacists are well equipped and trained to carry out many of these type of reviews for some medications. For example, the pharmacist could check that the current skin complaint is one for which Betnovate is a suitable treatment. They could check the prescription to ensure that the cream had not been overused, and as long as it was to be used in an overly intimate area, to check the skin for signs of skin damage that can be caused by steroid creams like Betnovate. Pharmacists could also carry out reviews of other treatments, like making sure that asthma or blood pressure were well controlled or review treatment for certain pain medications or antihistamines. This could potentially take some of the burden off overworked GPs. However, at present the law does not allow pharmacists to do this, and prescriptions only last for six months. Many people are not aware that pharmacists can issue repeats of some medicines, even if the doctor does not specify a repeat on the prescription.

If you have a question you would like answered for next issue, please send it by email to eoin@mccabespharmacy.com or by post to McCabe's Pharmacy, Ridgewood, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Disclaimer: The advice you have been given by the pharmacist should not be regarded as a clinically accurate diagnosis of any disease or a guarantee that a particular medicine is safe for you to take. The advice given is based solely on the limited amount of information provided and so should not be regarded as a substitute for a face to face consultation with a pharmacist, doctor or other health professional who is personally familiar with your medical history.

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The sky over Dublin with Conor Farrell, Astronomy Ireland

How our orbit affects the seasons

Summer is slowly but surely making its way winter, and further away in the summer. and the evenings are getting longer. However, Earth is also slightly tilted a bit, Astronomical Spring began at the start of meaning that during the Summer in the February, while meteorological spring began Northern Hemisphere Ireland is in the part of in March, closer to the time of the spring the world that’s tilted towards the Sun. Equinox. In the past, ancient farmers would Conversely, Australia and New Zealand are in have used the equinoxes and solstices to the part that’s tilted away, meaning that mark special points in the year, letting them they’re now approaching their winter. know when to plant seeds and harvest crops. Next time you’re out enjoying the good As this was such a vital part to their survival weather, just remember that we’re actually and daily life, the Sun was worshipped at zooming around our parent star at about these times of year, like at Newgrange. 108,000km an hour, edging ever so slightly Earth’s orbit around the Sun isn’t an exact away from it! circle, but an ellipse (like an oval), and the You can get your equipment to scan the Sun is positioned closer to one end of this Dublin sky at nightskyoptics.com ellipse than the other. As the Earth moves around the Sun over the space of a year, it gets “close” to the Sun at one point, and six months later it’s at its furthest away. So as summer approaches, that means we’re getting close to our near point to the Sun, right? Wrong! You’d be forgiven for thinking this, but strangely enough it’s the other way around for us in the Northern Hemisphere! Earth, as a whole, is actually closer to the Sun during n How the seasons are caused by the Earth's orbit



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The Informer

Garden Growing With Gerry Norton You'd better get your boots on!

In the past few weeks following the change to summer time, the weather has been reasonably kind thus far and finally temperatures have started to rise and we can feel a small bit of heat on our backs as we get things in order in the garden for this year. The soil has also started to warm up so for the next few weeks if you want your garden to look great for the summer and if you want to produce edibles, you better get your boots on! Veg growers

By now I’m sure veg growers will know what they plan for this year. If you’re still not sure just yet, I’ve mentioned many times before that you need to resist the temptation to grow veg that will take up a lot of space in a small veg plot. Courgettes are a great example of this with each plant needing a minimum of 1 square metre to grow without any risk

bought, stuck in the ground and looked great for a month until they withered away as they will, without proper care. If you fancy having some Hydrangea in your garden this year, April is the time to take cuttings from established plants. The cuttings should be 3-4 inches long, trim the leaves and stick the cutting into some peat free compost and in a few months you will have a new shrub. For free! Bare areas

n Easter is one of the busiest times of the year for garden centres all around the country. Don't get carried away! that need to be done in the garden of disease. They look wonderful Small space = high yield. when in fruit but unless you have Herbs of all kinds can be grown on a regular basis otherwise it a large plot, I wouldn’t bother. in containers and will thrive if will run away with itself. Easter is one of the busiest Peas are another example, looked after. times of the year for garden cennothing compares to the taste of Late flowering tres all around the country when homegrown peas but a few plants Elsewhere in the garden things the risk of frost is low and they will only produce a very small seem to change on a weekly can show off their range of plants yield. I therefore suggest that if space basis, as late flowering spring for this year. Buy sensibly as its is limited just grow lettuce and bulbs emerge to be followed by easy to get carried away. I’ve removed a fair few big but continue to sow every few weeks, something else. Try to keep on top of things very dead shrubs that were beetroot, and a few tomato plants.

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Proper care should also be shown to your lawn just now. You will have noticed strong growth but this growth will increase rapidly when we get some nice weather and the soil temperature increases. Fill in any bare areas with some seed and small sprinkling of compost and keep watered. Weed control this month is vital as the usual enemies will get out of hand soon. Hand weed on a regular basis if you can as this will keep everything in check.

Finally folks, if you need any information on gardening or if you have any tips or suggestions that I can pass on, please send them to me at livinglandgerry@gmail.com. I would be delighted to quote for any/all of your garden requirements from set up veg plot to restoration of neglected gardens, design, planting and maintenance. No charge for initial visit and I will travel within reason.

Gerry Norton, Living Landescapes, 97 Church Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 Tel: 087-2462724 or email



The Informer


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The Informer

Kennedy Talks After many ledgendary years on the late evening 'Adrian Kennedy Phone Show', the man on the other end of the phone has moved to a daytime slot on 98FM. Rachel Murray got him talking.

First of all, congratulations on your new show on 98FM, Dublin Talks, how's it going?

The show is going great so far. After only three weeks the reaction on the phones is already huge... comparable to our ‘old show’. How are you enjoying day time radio compared with the night shift?

I’m loving the lifestyle change of not getting home at anti-social hours and actually having a life. Being finished work at 3pm in the afternoon is great! In terms of the show itself, I’ve always said people want to talk, no matter what time of day it is. The reaction to our local Dublin topics has been huge... and because we’re on at 10am we get it first. Do you find that callers are more reserved on day-time radio?

Not really. We have had some screaming matches on the air...though interestingly, without even being told, people seem to instinctively know not to use bad language on daytime radio. After 16 years of talking to Dublin people every

night, are you still shocked?

Yeah! I spoke to a father of young kids who drops the kids to school in the car after smoking two joints for breakfast. It shocked me that a father can drive his car stoned with his kids in it! What have you learned most about Dubliners, after speaking to so many during your time on radio?

They’re amazing talkers. Dubliners have great banter...which is unique in Ireland. I'm sure you can't pick a funniest call but can you tell us one that still makes you laugh?

The girl on the show last week who said because she’s left handed she’s more intelligent. When I then asked her the capital of Argentina, she answered BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's the strangest topic you've found yourself discussing on radio?

The psychic woman who told me that I was a passenger on the Titanic in a past life. She could tell me my cabin number, my travelling companions name...that I was emigrating to America...and that I didn’t survive! What a load of absolute b**lox!!

Back to the basics, where did you grow up? Ballybrack in South Dublin.

What's your fondest memory of growing up in Ballybrack?

Just the fun of spending all our time out playing with other kids on the streets... kerbs, rounders, tennis etc, etc. We had a great community spirit in Oakton Park... knew the names of every neighbour. Sadly it’s not like that anymore. What was your first paid job?

Lounge Boy in the now vanished Killiney Court Hotel. I was only 14 but back then kids could work any hours – and I worked til 2am during the summer! It was great!!! How did you first get into radio?

I’ve been interested in radio since I was a young kid. I did my first radio show in July 1983 (at the tender age of 16) with a small Bray station called BLB Community Radio. I learned everything I know about radio from that station. It was a great training ground.

In your opinion what does radio do that television can't?

It gives people anonymity. Lots of calls on our show change their names and we can’t see them. You can’t do that on TV. Radio is also immediate and can be accessed anywhere... the bus, the gym, the car... TV just isn’t like that. For budding DJ's out there, what skills do you need, to be a good radio presenter?

You’d wanna ask a good radio presenter!!! Honestly I don’t know how I ended up where I am. I put a lot of it down to luck – being in the right place at the right time! What do you love most about Dublin city?

The atmosphere...especially on a big match day in the City Centre...there’s nowhere better. Lastly, best of luck with Dublin Talks on 98fm, what's your hopes for the future of the show?

To build up an audience. For us and the radio audience our show is re-inventing what people expect from morning radio. We know we’ve a lot of work to do...and it’s gonna take time....but we’re up to the challenge.


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The Informer

with Denis Murphy

you, you'll want more! Why? Because it's all about what's around the next corner, what's in that unopened treasure chest and if you're good enough to beat the next boss. Game Reaction: 9/10

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Developer: Konami Productions Platform: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Dark Souls 2 Developer: From Software Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PC Dark Souls 2 is set in the dark, grim and almost Gothic world of Drangleic. There are some absolutely incredible environments present, fused with a great sense of geography and location as each level is generally linked up with other levels. From the huge, open areas atop a cliff that give the player a view across the vast roaring ocean, to the smaller settings of merely buying weapons from a blacksmith in Drangleic, the attention to detail here is wonderful. Combat remains pretty much on par with Dark Souls, and focuses very heavily on blocking and parrying, as opposed to just lashing out. This really is the key to survival, as most deaths you'll suffer in Dark Souls 2and there will be many- will be from just running headlong into a battles. Despite the game absolutely punishing

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a direct sequel to the previous instalment in the series, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and is set in 1975. This time Snake is tasked with infiltrating Camp Omega, an American Black Site, and rescuing two child captivesChico and Paz. Despite taking the series into the realm of the open world genre, Konami have thankfully retained what makes the series so special. From crawling on your belly through grass painfully close to a guard, creeping by an armoured APC to trying to silently make your way through a build up prison, Ground Zeroes takes the stealth genre to new exciting levels. Though it’s not a full game- more of an extended demo - it does contain a few side missions once you complete the main one. That, on top of a whole bunch of collectibles, gives Ground Zeroes plenty of replayability. Though it looks and feels a bit different, Ground Zeroes is the best Metal Gear experience since Metal Gear Solid 3. Game Reaction: 10/10

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Beef Casserole with Sliced Potato Topping The best cuts of beef for casseroling are rib and shoulder. You can make the casserole and par boil the potatoes in advance, then assemble and reheat when you are ready to eat it. Serves 6.

Ingredients ➽ 750g rib steak, well trimmed & cut into cubes ➽ 2 onions, finely chopped ➽ 1 tablesp. soft dark brown sugar ➽ 200mls stout ➽ Sprigs of thyme ➽ 1 tablesp. good quality wholegrain mustard ➽ A little salt and freshly ground black pepper ➽ 50g mature cheddar cheese, finely grated

➽ 2 tablesp. olive oil ➽ 2 cloves garlic, chopped ➽ 1 tablesp plain flour ➽ 300mls water ➽ 1 tablesp. red wine vinegar ➽ Pinch of ground cloves ➽ 850g large potatoes, peeled

Cooking time: 2 Hours Method: Set oven to Gas Mark 3, 160°C (325°F). Heat a tablespoon oil in a frying pan. Then brown the beef, a few pieces at a time. Remove the meat as it brown to an ovenproof casserole dish. Heat the rest of the oil in the pan then add the onions. Cook for a couple of minutes to soften then add in the garlic. Cook for another minute, be careful not to let the garlic burn. Then stir in the sugar and flour. Add in the stout and water or stock, stirring all the time. Then add a few sprigs of thyme, the red wine vinegar, mustard, ground cloves, a little salt and lots of black pepper. Bring to the boil then pour the sauce over the meat in the casserole dish. Cover with a lid or tin foil and cook in the oven for 1½ hours or until the meat is tender. Meanwhile cook the potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Drain well. Slice the potatoes into 1cm rounds and overlap them on top of the beef in the casserole dish. Season with salt and pepper then sprinkle over the cheese. Increase the oven temperature to Gas Mark 6, 200°C (400° F). Place the casserole dish back in the oven and continue to cook until the potatoes are golden and cooked through – approximately 15 minutes. Serve with a selection of root vegetable which have been tossed in a little olive oil and seasoning and roasted along with the casserole for the last 30 minutes.

The Monthly Morsel

Game Reaction

Recipes from

Serving Suggestions: Roasted root vegetables. Nutritional Content: Protein: 36g; Carbohydrates: 36g; Fat: 31g; Iron: 3.3mg; Energy: 576kcal


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The Informer

Flash Fiction

With JJ Fleetwood


Brain Storms Two small pink pills and a large blue one. The nurse brings them to me on a small saucer, together with a glass of water - the same routine, day after day. It would drive me crazy if I wasn’t already mad. I could have been famous, instead I’m trapped within these pristine, white walls. My story? It begins in the dead, late-summer heat of Paris in 1937.... Perhaps the most famous artist in the world is sitting in my cramped bedroom. After months of hanging out in the cafes and bars he frequents, I have finally managed to penetrate his cordon of admirers and hangers-on and gain his trust. He sits before me radiating intensity, his squat body like a coiled spring, staring at me with huge, extraordinarily penetrating eyes. “Tell me about your machine!” It is an order, not a request. My mouth

somewhat dry, I begin to speak. “A work of art transmits an idea or feeling from the artist to the person viewing it. But it is so inefficient!. At best, the viewer experiences a mere shadow of the inspiration that moved the artist. Even worse, the artist himself is often dissatisfied with what he has created as it does not reflect the idea that he started with”. I pause for breath, shifting uncomfortably under Picasso’s relentless gaze. “My invention will allow an extraordinary advance in artistic communication. It is an electronic device that creates a direct link between the artist and the recipient. The artist can convey all the depth and complexity of their artistic vision to an audience who will experience emotionally what the artist is trying to convey. It works by reading the brain-waves of the artist and transmitting them to the brain of the viewer” “Why should I believe such an outlandish

claim?” he asks impatiently. “Because I will let you try it for yourself. But first I need to see if it works on me”. With his agreement I connect us both to the machine. ‘Can you name an important painting of yours?’ “Guernica, I’ve just finished it” he replies, without hesitation. “OK, I want you now to think hard about the creative imagination and emotion that went into that painting” At first there is just a tingling where the electrodes are attached to my scalp but then it hits me like a lightning bolt - all the passion and fury of Picasso’s creative energy surges through me. It is overwhelming, frightening, intoxicating, addictive. “Can I try it?” he asks, noticing the dramatic effect on me. “Yes, but we need another artist for you to connect to, preferably someone you admire”

Later that summer Picasso does try out my device but he soon tires of it. Then the nightmares begin. Picasso’s Guernica has invaded my very soul with its intense depiction of the horrors of war. I stop using the machine but the nightmares continue unabated. I work desperately to improve the device but eventually physical and mental exhaustion take their toll, I have a complete mental breakdown. I am admitted to a psychiatric hospital for what I believe will be a short stay, but to my horror there is to be no escape My machine lies neglected and eventually I find out that it has been thrown out by a new tenant. I stare at the two pink and one blue pill. A part of me still clings to the hope that some day I will escape and reconstruct the machine, This thought is all that makes me want to wake up in the morning rather than dying in my sleep. Please send any comments/feedback to jjfleetwood1@gmail.com

Graham Connor's Movie Advice Captain America: The Winter Soldier HHHHH

Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo. Starring: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johanson, Sebastian Stan and Samuel L. Jackson. Steve Rogers (Captain America) is still trying to adjust to life in modern America. When new villain, the Winter Soldier, attempts to bring down SHIELD, Captain America must put his concerns aside to tackle his greatest challenge yet. It doesn’t happen too often that a sequel is better than its predecessor. Captain America: TWS is just that, a massive step up from the original. Where the first film lacked enough action and enough humour to rival the likes of Thor and Iron Man, Captain America: TWS is actionpacked from start to finish and has not just funny but intelligent one-liners. And that’s what makes TWS great; it’s a really clever film giving Captain America more to do than just kick ass and look cool, the producers this time around seem more concerned with the character than CGI overload. The one negative is that the titular character of The Winter Soldier is a little bit of a let down, he seems more like an afterthought of a villain rather than the main man, but it’s a testament to the film itself where a key villain can disappoint but still be a very enjoyable movie. If you like the Marvel films then this is for you, it’s fun, has heart but also has brains and in this modern age of CGI overload that can make all the difference.







Advice: Go see it. No questions.

Non-Stop HHHHH Directed by Darren Aronofsky. Starring Russell Crowe, Ray Winstone and Jennifer Connelly. God, angered at man’s corruption of the Earth, sends Noah visions of an impending flood that will cleanse the world. Noah is tasked with saving the animal kingdom. We all know the story of Noah and the great ark - he builds a big ship and saves all the animals when God decides to flood the world. Well this is not that story, not as we traditionally know it anyway. It is a fascinating take on the tale, providing Noah with a villain other than nature in the shape of Winstone’s Tubal-cain. Noah himself is a conflicted character and quite unsure as to what to do, willing more so to act to save his family than out of any love of animal or religion. This is a dark film, pity and sympathy being two things that Noah does not feel in his building and sailing of the ark. Russell Crowe, so often surly and sour uses this to his strength in making Noah a character that you want to love and hate in equal measure. The great part of this film is that the flood itself is not the climax but rather comes at the midpoint, leaving Noah and his family to explore the aftermath of the great flood. This is a film worth seeing, if only for the ambitious spectacle of the flooding sequence. Aronofsky, the enfant terrible of arthouse cinema has not been held a slave to the well-known story of Noah, he has interpreted it wisely. Advice: Worth seeing on the big screen.

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All about Dublin 1

A Place in the City The battle of Mount Street Bridge is a story of heroism on both sides, and incomprehensible military stupidity on the part of the attackers. What came to be regarded as one of the few military 'successes' of the Easter Rising saw a handful of lightly-armed men fight off successive frontal attacks, inflicting heavy casualties until forced to evacuate. On Monday Commandant de Valera had posted small troups of Volunteers at 25 Northumberland Road, St. Stephens School and the Parochial Hall - south of the Grand Canal - and at Canwilliam House - across Mount Street Bridge (then known as McKenny Bridge). In the afternoon they opened fired on unarmed Home Defence Force members returning from exercises, killing five including the President of the IRFU, Francis Henry Browning (who was largely responsible for recruiting rugby players for the Dublin Fusiliers, many of whom died in Suvla Bay Gallipoli). On Wednesday the Sherwood Foresters, mostly new recruits, marching from Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire) to the city centre came

25, Northumberland Road

under fire from No. 25. Ordered to fight rather than take the several undefended routes into the city troops, with bayonets fixed, charged the building, exposing themselves to withering crossfire from Clanwilliam House. When 25 Northumberland Road finally fell, one of the defenders, Lt. Grace escaped, the other, Lt. Martin Malone was dead. Refused permission to attack from the flanks, the soldiers made charge after charge to clear the Parochial Hall and the School.

Clanwilliam House was eventually taken when hand-grenades caused the building to catch fire - three of the defenders escaped, four were killed. The attackers had experienced a baptism under fire of horrendous proportions - 234 men dead or injured. An extract from "Dublin 4" with text by Ken Finlay and paintings by Tom Roche. Published by Cottage Publications - it costs around e22.

The Informer

Edited by Zoz

Lesser Known Dubliners Rodolphus Johannes Leslie Hibernicus de Salis Into the valley of Death, Rode the seven hundred (misquoting Tennyson). The 700 refers to the number of horses involved - 500 of which died. Among the survivors was Irish-born 'Drummerboy', 6, who was the mount of Lieut.Col. Rodolph de Salis, second in command of the 8th Hussars. Having reached the Russian positions unharmed, 'Drummer Boy' was wounded during the retreat. Fanny Duberly, a witness to the charge, wrote in her diary, "Major de Salis of the 8th Hussars retreated on foot, leading his horse with a wounded trooper in the saddle." That soldier was Private Patrick Doolan from Nenagh. He was discharged from the army after hospital treatment. He died in Dublin in August 1904. The horse would have probably not have warranted any mention in history except for the fact that his grateful rider got a British Crimean campaign medal and engraved it - "Drummerboy by Retriever F. Wexford 1848" "Carried Lt. Col. de Salis 8th Hussars.' De Salis also presented a collar to the regiment's mascot, a terrier named 'Jenny', who was wounded in the neck during the charge. That collar, with the list of battles where the mascot was around, is in the Hussars mess to this day. Rodolphus Johannes Leslie Hibernicus de Salis

was born in Dublin in 1811 and entered the British Army by purchasing a commission at the age of 19. By the time of the Crimean War in 1853 he had risen to the rank of Major - each rank had been purchased. He must have shown promise because he commended the Hussars later in the war, and was a Brigade Commander in the Indian Mutiny. As an adult he lived in London though he had an estate in Dunleer, Co. Louth. He died in March 1880. There is a memorial brass in his name in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.

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Defending Human Rights Defenders Two photographs of Le Quoc Quan

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Two photographs of one man. One of a father, one of a prisoner. One of a content and energetic man, one of a man shrunken by hunger strike and bowing under the weight of a desperate injustice. Le Quoc Quan is a human rights defender from Vietnam who has worked for the rights of factory workers and the poor. He is an influential blogger and a debarred lawyer who challenged the legitimacy of the state by working to empower the voiceless of Vietnam. A man who stood for the rights of others and faced the consequences.

Front Line Defenders is a Dublin based organisation helping human rights activists across the world. Find out more at www.frontlinedefenders.org

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The Informer


All about Dublin 2

Edited by Zoz

Making History

From The Dublin Weekly Journal, 1725 The history of Stephen's Green goes back to the time of the Crusaders, who, it was said, brought the disease of leprosy from the East. On the site of the Green a lazar (leper) hospital and church were erected, and placed under the care of monks. May 22nd On Wednesday last three Men Stood in the Pillory, one of them, Mr. White, had his Ears crop'd for Forgery. The same day Elinor Sills was executed near St. Stephen's Green, according to Law, for the murder of her child, she confessed the fact at the place of execution, and died a member of the Church of Ireland. June 4. On Wednesday last was executed, near St. Stephen's Green, William Molloy, for a robbery in Golden-lane to the value of thirty or forty pounds. He confessed the fact at the place of execution. He was 19 years of age. June 12. On Tuesday last John Pratt esq., Deputy Vice Treasurer, and May-master General of this Kingdom, was committed to the Four Courts Marshalsea, by order of Government, on account, as 'tis said, of considerable deficiency in the Publick Money. June 19. On Wednesday last, his Majesty's Officers of Excise, having information of a private Still House in Great Britain Street, were repulsed by the People belonging to it, and obliged to have recourse to the assistance of the Constables. The opposition still continued, and some shots were made in the Yard, but at last they surrendered.

The same day a soldier in the Honourable Colonel Anstruther's Regiment of Foot, having been condemned to by shot for Desertion, was carried to the place of execution in Oxmantown Green, but was pardoned and received into the Regiment. June 26. Lost at the Churn Inn in St. Thomas Court, a Pair of Saddle-bags in which were 13 Cobbs, 11 Half Cobbs, 6 ounces of Burnt Silver, 28 Three Penny Pieces, 2 Gross of Buttons, 3 or 4 Scotch Sgillings, and several other things. Whoever has found the said Bags, and returns them to William Ashkey at the Churn aforesaid, shall have a Moidores Reward. July 3. John Orr, Tailor, is removed from the Drapier's Head on College Green, to the Hand and Sheers, opposite the College; he gives notice to all customers that those persons who employ his Wife in making Mantuas and Petticoats, may not be at a loss where to find her. July 24. We hear that the Reverend Dean Swift is very much indisposed. (He got over it - he died twenty years later) July 31. Last Monday a gentleman of the Corporation of Journeyman Tailors was drinking at the Sign of the Bear in Wine-tavern street, where some words happened to arise between him, the Woman of the House, another woman, and the Drawer (?). Three to one, being great odds, they beat and bruised the Tailor in so barbarous a manner that he died the next day. The three aforementioned, were immediately apprehended, and two were committed to Newgate. The Woman of the House was let go, having got sufficient Bail for her Appearance.

n Gresham Hotel, Sackville Street, Dublin. This is a Lawrence postcard, send to Philadelphia in August 1911. though probably printed a few years earlier. The flag above the Gresham is simply the name of the hotel. The Granville Hotel can be seen three doors down (with the sunshade out). Transport shown includes trams, bicycles and horsedrawn - there are no cars or lorries.

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