S TA G I N G M A K E S A D I F F E R E N C E ! L I S T W I T H M E A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L S TA G I N G , B O T H I N S I D E A N D O U T, I S I N C L U D E D !
ANGELA CARSON BROKER, J.D., ASP Staging Professional, CLHMS Luxury Expert, CRS, ePro
C: 423.681.1082 O: 423.303.1200 AngelaCarson@KW.com www.AngelaCarson.KW.com
Prepared Especially for Jonathan and Angela-Marie Stevenson Presented by Angela Carson, Your Luxury Real Estate Specialist
ANGELA CARSON BROKER, J.D., ASP Staging Professional,
CLHMS Luxury Expert, CRS, ePro
JANUARY 1, 2017 - APRIL 1, 2017
Number of Homes Sold: 275 Average Days on Market: 118 Average List Price: $176,550 Average Sale Price: $172,594 Percent of Sales Price Received: 97.7%
AngelaCarson@KW.com www.AngelaCarson.KW.com
Each Keller Williams office is Independently owned and operated.
Visit www.ClevelandTNLiving.com for community info, current listings, and recent sales.
DO YOU KNOW YOUR HOME’S VALUE? Johnathan and Angela-Marie, Receive the most accurate assessment of your home’s value, compliments of Angela Carson, your Luxury Real Estate Specialist. You will not be contacted with any other solicitations.
KW CLEVELAND 650 25th Street, Suite 300 Cleveland, TN 37311
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