NCV Owners and Agents
Steve Caudill (760) 685-8877
Steve@TheCaudillTeam.com www.TheCaudillTeam.com www.NCVHomes.com

NCV Owners and Agents
Steve Caudill (760) 685-8877
Steve@TheCaudillTeam.com www.TheCaudillTeam.com www.NCVHomes.com
We are deeply graTeFul For The parTners We have assembled To Care For your real esTaTe TransaCTions – They are eaCh amazing!! eaCh oF These parTners have Closed 200 +/- nCv TransaCTions. iT’s Time For you To puT a FaCe WiTh Their names!
Our family wishes you all the joys of the season and every happiness throughout the coming year. May you experience all the hope, wonder, and joy that the season can bring!
— Steve & Susan Caudill and Family
Michael Lieziert | Your Transaction Concierge Expert
Michael writes all of our listing agreements, offers, counter offers, addendums and cares for all documentation once we’re in escrow. Michael’s degree is in economics/accounting from UC Santa Barbara and he’s also a licensed California real estate agent. He and his wife live in Solana Beach. Michael is involved in every transaction from start to finish and is extremely important to The Caudill Team!
Shawn Harris and Alix Kammeyer Sales Executives with Fidelity National Title They and their team “pull” and review the titles for all sales. They actually start the title process immediately upon the listing of a property and are so important to assure a “clear title” and to make any needed corrections.
The most amazing escrow team we’ve ever partnered with in 20 years! Most likely, during your escrow, you’ve spoken with or will speak with, each of the team members.
Real Marketing
Real Marketing is the print marketing company we’ve used for more than a dozen years. They are the largest real estate marketing company in the country, creating pieces for 5,000+ agents, and they’re truly committed to excellence. Gene designs and creates each of the monthly newsletters, such as this one. Jessyl creates print marketing pieces like the property brochures and specific mailers. Brian oversees the entire warehouse production facility! Real Marketing employs 52 full-time staff.