Diane Tien Waterfront Report 2024

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Global Rea Estate Advisor

E: DianeTien@rs r com

C: 206 673 7206

W: DianeBTien com

Imag ne wak ng up each morning to the serene beauty of Wash ng on's shorel ne where gentle waves greet you and panoramic v s as of Puget Sound or Lake Wash ng on stretch ou be ore you Own ng a water ron home in Wash ngton offers a un que l festy e defined by natural beauty, tranqui ity,and end ess recrea onal possib l t es

At Rea og cs Sotheby?s In ernat onal Realty,we understand the a lure o waterfront l v ng Our expert brokers special ze in this market offering decades o exper ence,da a-backed nsights and an ntimate knowledge of oca water ront commun t es Whether sel ing your curren property or f nd ng the perfect shore ine retreat,we provide unparal e ed serv ce

Wash ngton s waterfront real estate is about embrac ng a l festyle shaped by s unning wa erways From the bust ing marine ife of Puget Sound to serene akes dea for kayak ng and sai ing,each proper y of ers a gateway to na ura wonder and adventure The region,wi h over 2,500 mi es of shorel ne offers d verse recreat onal opportun t es and breathtaking v ews

Waterfront properties are rare,represent ng on y 4% of s ng e-fam ly homes sold n 2023 n Wash ng on State These homes command a premium with med an so d pr ces 43% higher than non-water ron proper es In eres ng y,57% of these sa es were under $1mi l on,whi e 15% exceeded $2 m l ion,showcas ng a range of opportun es King County accounted for the h ghest proport on o sa es,a 17% of he o al

Rea og cs Sotheby s In ernat onal Realty brokers' median sales pr ce exceeded the state med an for waterfront properties by an impress ve 136% n 2023 We a so represented buyers in the h ghes recorded waterfront sa es,demonstrat ng our excep onal value and service

Our brokers are here o guide you through every step ensuring a seam ess and successfu transaction that captures the essence o waterfront iv ng Con act us to explore th s exc us ve market and start your wa erfront ourney today

Whetheryour next move isaroundthecorner or aroundtheworld,we?re heretohelp.

Globa Real Estate Expert

Rea og cs Sotheby s In ernat onal Realty

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