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Volume Volume III, III, Number Number 33

The Ultimate

Source for Fine

Rural Real Estate



Walton Ranch Jackson, Wyoming w w w . O p e n C o u n t r y I n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m

Our exclusive Real Estate Partner for Boulder County is

Scott Franklund

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Featured Article A First Look at a Second Home 2

Colorado Texas

Open Country I N T E R N A T I O N A L

Published by Real Property Marketing Group, Ltd. 4212 San Felipe, #449 Houston, Texas 77027 713-622-5551 www.OpenCountryInternational.com

George H. Lane Chairman

Country Estate 4


Robert S. Hodgdon Marketing Shay Tidwell Production Manager

Bonnie McFerren Administrative Assistant

Roxanne L. Patterson Production Director

Š Copyright 201 Open Country International. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A. The publisher will not be responsible for any omissions, errors, typographical mistakes or misinformation within this publication.

Good News About Jumbo Loans Several months of positive housing data indicates that the real estate market is stabilizing. Couple this with the new availability of jumbo loans and this brings much needed relief to the upper-end market. Many lenders, not fully understanding how the jumbo market fit into the overall tightening of credit, ceased offering larger mortgages. This left high-end homeowners in a tough spot with few financing options available for them to refinance and if they were attempting to sell their home, it further restricted an already small pool of prospective buyers. “The jumbo market is opening up, the funds are plentiful and rates are low,” says Ken Jacobson, CMPS, a mortgage expert at Hometrust Mortgage in Houston, Texas. “Just in the last month competition in the jumbo market has caused rates to fall over two-percent, putting a 30 year fixed loan in the mid-to-high five-percent range and a 15 year fixed loan in the high four-percent range.” However, the key to getting a great mortgage is to look beyond the numbers. In the wake of some of the largest financial institutions failing and home buyers attempting to navigate the new rules of mortgage financing, what are consumers to do and how do they know they are getting a fair deal? 2


1. Get referrals. Who you work with is a critical element in the mortgage process. It is important that your mortgage planner is ethical, experienced and knowledgeable about current mortgage products and the constantly changing rules associated with them. Be honest and upfront with your mortgage planner. Hiding information will only hinder your loan process. There is no such thing as a perfect borrower and a good mortgage planner will guide you through the process. If you are unsure where to start, look for a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist. CMPS professionals are educated in mortgage, cash flow and real estate equity management strategies that help you build and conserve wealth, become debt free and achieve financial freedom. It is one of the few designations that require ongoing training and testing as well as adherence to a strict code of ethics. 2. Know where you stand. “Right now, credit is more important than ever,” says Ken Jacobson. “We encourage people to talk to us when they are first thinking about a refinance or purchasing a home. We go through their credit with them make to sure there aren’t any surprises. If there is something that would prevent them from getting financing now, we give them an action plan and ideas of what to do to get their credit

a sizable debt and requires careful consideration. The most important factor in getting a mortgage is how well you sleep at night. If someone tells you that an interest-only mortgage is perfect for you, but you are uncomfortable with it – don’t do it.” 4. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Obtaining mortgage financing is relatively straightforward these days, however, be wary of anything that sounds too easy. Underwriters are making sure that borrowers have employment history, income and assets. Borrowers almost always have to have a down payment and they must be able to afford the monthly payment.The startling realization that many homeowners are coming to is that they don’t qualify today for the home they already own. Many homeowners originally purchased their home with a stated-income or no-income loan, which are not available now.

in shape. Now that sub-prime and alternative lending is a thing of the past, doing this early in the process puts most borrowers at ease and prevents disappointment later.” 3. Consider the future. There are a lot of great mortgage programs available, but they aren’t great for everybody. When discussing options with your mortgage planner think about how long you plan to live in the house, whether you will sell the house when you move or keep it as a rental. If discussing adjustable rate programs, calculate the payment at higher rates and see if it is still manageable. “I encourage all of my clients to do a budget when getting a mortgage. It is important for them to understand their cash flow with all their current and future expenses. Little things are sometimes missed that may have a big impact later, for example, a larger house generally has larger utility bills. And, this is also a good opportunity for couples to make sure they are on the same page as far as their spending. I have line items in my budget for furnishings, window coverings, appliances and yard equipment. Adjusting the amount of the down payment may be an option when discussing any initial big ticket items,” says Jacobson. “Getting a mortgage is not a ‘no brainer’ as some companies claim. It is a significant financial instrument,

5. Read the fine print. If you are talking to more than one lender, comparing the APR on the Truth in Lending forms and analyzing the differences in the Good Faith Estimates is helpful, but don’t stop there. There is also the loan program to consider and whether there is a prepayment penalty. Take the time to read through the specific lender disclosures, as well as their privacy policy; it is important you know and understand what you are signing.

For up-to-date information regarding the mortgage and financial industries, please visit Ken Jacobson’s website, www.kenjacobson.com.


A First Look at a

Second Home


n the current economy, home prices have dropped and mortgage interest rates have been lingering in record-low territory since midway through the second quarter. These conditions have presented opportunities for many who have been hesitant to purchase a vacation home or investment property in the past, when costs were much higher. For those who are able to pay the additional mortgage, taxes, insurance, repairs and maintenance on an additional property over the long term, there are many benefits to be gained, financial and otherwise.

residence for two of the last five consecutive years. This exclusion applies to one sale every two years. Also, while home prices have dropped, rental costs have remained relatively stable in many areas. While those who purchased property in 2005 or 2006 may have trouble using rental income to cover the ongoing expenses of owning a second home, recent buyers may find the extra money from renting their vacation home when they’re not using it can pay for a larger proportion of their costs. However, this takes planning, patience and effort to make it work.

In addition to the profits obtained from selling the home in the future, vacation homes are a lure for family and friends. Hosting family gatherings at your beachfront property or a ski trip with friends at your mountain retreat will create memories for you and your loved ones that will never depreciate in value.

In fact, before making a purchase decision on a vacation home or investment property, there are many considerations you should be aware of. It’s imperative you fully understand the homeownership costs that come with owning a second home.

A large number of buyers also purchase a vacation home with the intent to use it as their personal residence in the future. The appeal of retiring to a beloved vacation spot is obvious. However, it can also save on taxes when the house is sold. To qualify for the exclusion of up to $500,000 of gain on the sale of a principal residence, the home must be used as a primary

How Much Home Can You Afford? If you don’t have enough to pay off your second home with cash, you’ll need a mortgage. Your Loan Officer can help you determine the type of financing for which you qualify. You can usually prequalify by visiting your Loan Officer’s website, giving you a good idea of what you can afford.

It’s not necessarily the best idea to go with the most expensive property you can manage, and it’s important to factor in additional costs, such as maintenance, utilities, taxes, furniture and other expenses. Your homeowner’s insurance may cost more than you’re used to, depending on the area in which the property is located. You should also make sure you have cash reserves set aside for extra expenses, many of them unexpected, especially if you plan on renting out your home. When you’re a landlord, you don’t have the luxury of making repairs “whenever you get around to it.” Be prepared to cover your mortgage payments for periods in which your property is not rented. Many vacation spots have off seasons, and renting out a vacation home is a lot of work. Even if you’re able to cover the home loan costs with your rent income, you should be prepared to pay the full mortgage if the property is vacant. Before You Buy Be aware that requirements for mortgages on a second home are higher than those for your first mortgage. Depending on the loan programs for which you qualify, banks may require anywhere between 10 and 50 percent of the total home cost for a down payment.

Open Country International

home, and income are reported on Schedule E. Losses are subject to the passive loss rules and may be limited. It is best to consult with a tax professional to learn exactly what deductions can be claimed before you purchase your second home.

Interest rates also tend to be higher on a second mortgage. Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) will also be taken into account. Your DTI is determined by adding all debts, including your projected future monthly payment for your second home, and comparing it to your monthly pre-tax income. As a general rule, lenders are looking for a DTI of 36 percent or less. However, your lender can help you determine what DTI works best for you, and if you are planning on renting out your second home, the possible income from that may be taken into account. Your lender may also require a higher credit score than they did for your principal residence. A score below 660 could make it difficult to obtain a loan for a second home. Vacation Home vs. Investment Property There may not seem to be much difference between a vacation home and an investment property, but the IRS has rules as to the income and deductions that are available for both. If you own a vacation home and it is leased out for less than 14 days a year, you may deduct the mortgage interest expense (subject to mortgage indebtedness limits) and taxes as an itemized deduction. Any rental income does not need to be reported. If your vacation home is used by you for more than 14 days as well as rented out, the income from rental is reported on Schedule E and the portion of interest and taxes allocable to the rental use is deducted on Schedule E against the income. The personal use portion is deducted as an itemized deduction. Direct and other rental expenses can be deducted against income, but these expenses cannot create a net loss. If you use the home for personal use for less than 14 days a year and receive rental income, the home is considered a rental property and all expenses, including depreciation of the

Renting Out Your Second Home While renting out your second home as a means to have your vacation property pay for itself is difficult, you can at least offset the costs with the income. It is best to rent it out as often as possible, as vacation rentals can take a high weekly rent, especially if located in a prime area. Consider a vacation home in a popular vacation area with low home prices to increase your potential for profit, even if it’s not your home state. Once you’ve bought your home, the next step is to find renters. Paid websites such as www.Rentalo.com, www.VacationRentals.com, www.VRBO.com (Vacation Rental By Owner) and www.CyberRentals.com are vacation booking companies that are searchable by a number of features and are a good way to advertise to prospective renters. www.HomeAway.com is an owner community that lists paid listings on several websites, including some of those above. Homeowners pay $329 a year to list on www.HomeAway.com, while www.VRBO.com costs $279 a year. To be competitive in the rental market, distinctive features are necessary. When purchasing your home, aim for an area with amenities available in the community, such as neighborhood pools, public beaches, ski resorts and golf courses. Make the property attractive to families by adding features like pool tables, board games and TVs. Keep the house stocked with toys so that children will be occupied. Some rental owners spring for the VIP treatment, offering weekly maid service, limousine transport and private chefs. If it’s in your budget, your home could be that much more attractive to renters with elegant tastes. Don’t be afraid to accept less for a last-minute deal. Offering a stay-for-four-nights, get-thefifth-free special would lure previously hesitant renters, and you’ll still be getting more than you would have if the home had been empty for a full week. It is also a good way to occupy the home during the off season.

Comply with Rules, Regulations and Laws Before you start renting out your property, make sure you research the many rules for renting out properties. Fines for noncompliance can be steep. These rules vary by region, and a good place to start is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s website, www.hud.gov. You might also consult with an attorney to be sure you are fully aware of the local laws and have all the proper forms required. You will also want to have a rental agreement signed by both you and the tenant, identifying both parties, the property, the terms of the rental and the amount to be paid. You may also consider hiring a property management company to handle the care of the day-today operations and tenant needs. You may make less profit, but you will have less handson responsibility. Your Home Away From Home Regardless of whether you choose to use the home as an investment property or solely as a vacation home, the benefits of having a retreat for you and your family are many. And if you can use rental income to pay for all or some of the costs related to purchase, the rewards become financial in addition to sentimental. Experts say there is a short window of opportunity for people to purchase the best property possible before home prices and mortgage rates increase. The economy will recover, and as it does, your chance to make the most out of less will slowly disappear.

This article was submitted by Cornerstone Mortgage Company, a full-service mortgage banker operating more than 75 offices in Texas, Georgia, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, Colorado, California, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Utah and Washington. Corporate Office/Houston, 713.621.4663, 1177 West Loop South, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77027.

Oldfield FARM Greenwich, Connecticut Stone pillars frame a gracefully winding, tree-lined entry drive approaching the breathtaking beauty of Oldfield Farm, an aristocratic equestrian estate of extraordinary dimension that defies superlatives. Encompassing over eighteen private, pastoral acres bordering land trust conservation, the noble backcountry setting offers a spectacular, world-class equestrian center providing twin stables with stalls for 39 horses and groom’s quarters, paddocks, a practice polo field and training track, plus the resort-like pleasures of a heated pool and tennis court. The magnificent 33-room Palladian-inspired villa at the center of this remarkable estate represents a stunning achievement by renowned architect, Robert Lamb Hart. Distinguished by an exquisite, customized interior by celebrated designer Mark Hampton, it is an impressive showcase of classic elegance, warmth and sophistication affording the ultimate in state-of-the-art luxuries for both grand scale entertaining and comfortable family living. Multiple French doors in the majestically proportioned layout open to splendid outdoor stone terraces overlooking a glorious sculptured landscape punctuated by sumptuous gardens, lush meadows, a gazebo and greenhouse. The layout includes seven fireplaces, eight bedrooms and twelve baths (with separate wings accommodating guests and staff), six powder rooms, a sun room, sophisticated home theatre, fitness room and sauna, a wine cellar, billiards and media rooms. There is attached and detached garaging for eleven cars. This exceptional estate is one of rare distinction designed for the most discriminating connoisseur. Visit: www.oldfieldhorsefarm.com Exclusive Agent: Lyn Stevens

80 Mason Street • Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 info@greenwichfineproperties.com • 203-661-9200 www.greenwichfineproperties.com

Harrison Ridge Estate Gold Beach, Oregon. This majestic 10,000+ square foot Cape Cod style home is perched gracefully atop 45 pristine forested acres with magnificent views up and down the Pacific Ocean coast as well as the famous Rogue River. Harrison Ridge Estate delights with its close proximity to myriad outdoor activities as well as to downtown Gold Beach, a quaint tourist town located approximately 30 miles north of the California border in what is known, due to its mild climate, as “the banana belt of Oregon.” World-class golf at Bandon Dunes Resort is about an hour’s drive north, and Gold Beach also boasts its own public golf course, Cedar Bend. World-class fishing in the Rogue River, horseback riding, surfing, kayaking, rafting, canoeing, wind surfing, clam digging, beachcombing, storm watching, whale watching, bird watching and strolling along the beach are all popular activities in the area. With a private airport two minutes away, and commercial flights available within an hour’s drive, commuting is definitely a possibility for the determined businessman. The beauty of the great outdoors envelops you as you arrive on the property via the paved, gated winding road threading through tall fir trees to end at the impressive 8 bedroom, 8-1/2 bath Cape Cod style home. It was lovingly designed by the sellers (Gregory Harrison, an actor best known for his role as Gonzo on the TV series TRAPPER JOHN MD, and Randi Oakes Harrison, formerly an actress on the series CHIPS) who relocated from Southern California to Oregon in 1992. Determined to raise their children in an area known for its beauty, mild climate, friendly community, outdoor

activities and healthy lifestyles, the Harrison’s have enjoyed nurturing their children in this kid-friendly yet elegant home. With every room providing a world-class view, the home easily transcends from child-friendly warmth into a wonderful entertainment space for even the most discriminating. The heart of the home is the large Great Room/Living Area with its high ceilings and open floor plan...connecting seamlessly to the dining area, breakfast nook, entertainment balcony and oversized kitchen (with 2 ovens, granite counter tops, island and double pantry). This all makes for flowing, workable spaces for an intimate gathering...or a party for 200. A black tie affair may have occurred on Friday night, followed by rollerblading through the living room on Saturday morning and artwork at the nook in the afternoon. The main house also provides 6 bedrooms and 5-1/2 baths, as well as 2 offices, including the spectacular Crow’s Nest which sits at the top, above a full library. The attached 3-car garage includes a surfer’s den, with board-rack and a tiled shower/drying room. Above the garage are two large apartments, each with private full bath. One has a separate entrance and its own kitchenette, while the other connects to the main house via the beautiful hardwood hallway. A fully equipped gym, a flow-pool and large Jacuzzi provide in-house exercise and relaxation. For the equestrian, the 6-stall horse barn (with hay loft, tack room and full bath) is but a short stroll away. Offered at $3,900,000.

For more information, please contact Kurt Tamashiro, 541-660-3844, kurtta@johnlscott.com

45 Acres 10,000+ Square Feet Ocean and River views Located in the Oregon Coast Banana Belt Half Mile Gated Drive Eight Bedrooms Eight and A half Baths Massive Great Room Entertainment Size Kitchen Two Offices 3-Car Garage Surfer Den with Three Head Shower Two Large Apartments 6-Stall Horse Barn with Tack Room






popular trend in recent years, but few are done as well as this secluded masterpiece. It features a beamed ceiling in the dining area, antique architectural embellishments, built-in storage, wrought iron chandeliers and sconces, and a heavy-timber door frame that enters the exceptional wine room featuring an antique brick grotto, tumbled marble uncorking counter and wine bin storage to accommodate more than 500 bottles.




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Open Country International

Deitra Robertson Real Estate, Inc. 38351 FM 1736 • Hempstead, TX 77445 979-921-9470 office • 832-642-6789 cell www.IKnowRanches.com Deitra@IKnowRanches.com

Open Country International

Windy Hill Ranch Madisonville, Texas Have you thought about owning a ranch that was an easy drive from your Houston home…A place where you could go with your family and enjoy the “quiet” and actually see the stars at night…Have those cattle you’ve always wanted, count the new calves as they are born, help with the spring branding…A place you can ride your horses for hours over beautiful pastures, through creeks and old stands of trees, OR, train in a covered arena facility that is so nice you can have horse events there if you choose? Then there is the hunting and fishing to enjoy on these almost 3,000 acres. Fish in the many stocked ponds and lakes and enjoy your own white tail deer population during hunting season. Windy Hill Ranch offers you all of this. An easy drive from Houston to Madisonville, the access to Windy Hill is all paved highway and farm to market roads. If you love horses and love to ride, there will be no finer place than here. The covered arena facility has a 275' x 125' arena, office space, apartments, 16 stalls, holding pens for cattle―it is the finest facility in this part of Texas. There is a separate 10-stall center aisle barn with runs, numerous turn-out areas, lighted cutting pen, walker and much more. The cattle facilities are the top-of-the-line with hydraulic trim tilt squeeze chute and 10,000# Tru-Test scales. The improved pastures allow you to run a cow/calf or stocker operation. There are four large hay storage barns to house the hay that is grown on the ranch. At the end of the day, when that good kind of “tiredness” starts to take over, kick back on the porch or by the pool of the comfortable brick home that sits on the hilltop and appreciate the lifestyle!

Deitra Robertson Real Estate, Inc. 38351 FM 1736 • Hempstead, TX 77445 979-921-9470 office • 832-642-6789 cell www.IKnowRanches.com Deitra@IKnowRanches.com

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Texas Hill Country Guadalupe River Ranch COMFORT, TEXAS

The incredible Guadalupe River borders approximately one mile of this amazing multi-use ranch located only 50 miles Northwest of San Antonio. The sprawling estate includes a luxurious main home with 7 bedrooms/7.5 bathrooms, a 3 bedroom/3 bathroom renovated farmhouse, 4 cottages, equestrian center, conference center, art studio, private office and a full service restaurant. 1700 grapevines and 50 olive trees adorn the estate. Whether your dreams are of owning a working ranch, family gathering retreat, or special events resort, the magic of this estate will work for its success. Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com

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The Dominion SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This Mediterranean custom home features four bedrooms, four baths and a three car garage. Fall in love with the spectacular island kitchen that opens to the family room with a fireplace. An ultimate downstairs master suite boasts a luxury-size bedroom which features outside access, a walkin closet and a clean crisp master bath with a double vanity and jetted tub. A game room, media room and office offer a great atmosphere for entertaining! A covered patio with outdoor kitchen and pool surrounded by lush landscaping provide a great entertaining area for family and friends. MLS#911639 $619,500 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Downtown SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This amazing commercial investment opportunity is located in Market Square downtown San Antonio which is a strong tourist attraction and complements the Riverwalk, Main Plaza and Alamo Plaza. Significant is to note the long-established presence of Mi Tierra and La Margarita restaurants which anchor the Market Square as well as the retail venues. It is conveniently accessed from IH-35 and IH-10. Traffic count from IH-10 is 180,000 vehicles per day. The historic Market Square has four million visitors annually. This property is an integral part of the downtown area of San Antonio. MLS#912619 $2,350,000 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Gillespie County FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS Inspired by European countryside, this treasured ranch harbors gracious living, stunning improvements and rare proximity to historic Fredericksburg. Grand space, graceful arches, columns, and an architectural staircase integrate rich natural materials and subtle elegance. The estate features state-of-the-art AV and lighting, fixtures and appliances. The design includes an elevator, butler’s pantry, wine cellar, media room, loggia with grill kitchen, 1100 sq. ft. guest house and metal barn. The residence is set on 95+/- acres edged by a 4 acre stocked pond. MLS#867734 $4,189,500 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Olmos Tower SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This premier luxury high-rise condo in the heart of Olmos Park provides sleek, contemporary elegance with spectacular 11th floor panoramic sunset views of the downtown skyline and Trinity University. Renovated in 2006, this two bedroom and two bathroom home boasts an open plan perfect for entertaining! The abundance of natural light seems to draw the outside in. Many luxurious features include an upgraded kitchen and bathrooms, three private balconies, new doors and hardware, beautiful parquet floors, plenty of storage, and 24-hour controlled access. MLS#914999 $445,000 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com 29

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Gillespie County FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS This amazingly unique and modern home has been converted into a family residence from a historic school house and teacher’s residence. The limestone structures have been extended and now include a vast living area totaling 5,000 square feet. The intricately designed Hill Country contemporary home includes an open kitchen with top-of-the-line

602 Rio Cordillera

appliances, master suite, screened porch with a fireplace and pizza oven, and a long rectilinear pool with a Vegas deck. The indoor living areas and outdoor spaces are intimate yet feel open and spacious. The clean modern design is a perfect juxtaposition to the lush natural greenery of the Texas Hill Country. Please call for pricing. Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Olmos Park SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This Stately Tudor classic home is found on one of the best tree-lined streets in highly desirable Olmos Park. Built in 1929 this home boasts fabulous flow for entertaining, featuring a grand open sun room with spectacular Redondo tile and Raja slate floors, a large inviting sparkling pool with a covered patio and an outdoor kitchen with tiled counter tops, BBQ grill and sink. The custom-designed chef’s kitchen includes a

11431 Cat Springs

granite center island, glass fronted cabinetry, and top-of-the-line stainless appliances. Large master bath includes sauna, Jacuzzi tub, separate shower and a walk-in closet totalling approximately 126 square feet! MLS#895564 $1,295,000 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Vidorra Condos SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Enjoy stunning views of downtown San Antonio from this luxury city home at the Vidorra. The amazing amenities include a concierge, fitness center, pool, Sky Room on the 20th floor, secured parking garage with two parking spaces and 24-hour security. Enjoy being close to Sunset Station, shopping, restaurants, airport and the famous Riverwalk. You

210 Paseo Encinal

truly can not beat this downtown location. This fantastic property also features a private rooftop garden for your outdoor entertaining. MLS#862540 $499,500 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282

Oak Hills SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This split-level three bedroom, two bathroom home is located in the highly sought after Oak Hills neighborhood. An open floor plan, high ceilings with exposed wood beams, three fireplaces and two living rooms make this home very unique. The living room boasts a stone fireplace and large plate glass windows which allow for an abundance of natural light. Escape to the master suite which features outdoor access to a balcony, multiple mirrored closets, a plethora of windows and a lovely bath. Relax outdoors by the sparkling in-ground pool. MLS#906857 $385,000 Rick Kuper 210.240.8282


319 Mountain Spring

Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com

*+ ) */). 3 $). ) .$*) '

Terrell Hills SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This spectacular estate is located in the heart of Terrell Hills. Set on 1.47± acres and shaded by ancient oaks, this gorgeous Mediterranean home was built in 1937, but has truly been brought into this century with the recent rebuilding of the infrastructure of the entire home. A large circular drive leads you to a classic entry with the most memorable of stairways and sparkling hardwood floors throughout the residence all of which were recently refinished. Several large formal rooms include an elegant living and dining room along with two spacious family rooms on either side of the home and a warm inviting library. Please call for pricing. Mary Carter 210.387.4663

Olmos Park SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Found in the prestigious neighborhood of Olmos Park, this amazing home features breathtaking interiors with soaring ceilings, antique beams and luxurious finishes such as slate, marble and cherry wood flooring. Also find stunning windows with stained glass accents throughout. A guest bedroom suite is downstairs and the residence also boasts a lovely guest house. The main home’s luscious master suite with 30’ ceilings and dual baths will surely impress. The gorgeous patio areas with a fabulous pool and spa perfect this one of a kind property. MLS#906687 $1,645,000 Mary Carter 210.387.4663.

Alamo Heights SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS An adventure to see and enjoy, this estate has been completely remodeled and recreated between 2009 and 2011. This is the ultimate home for entertaining and relaxation featuring a gorgeous open family room and kitchen which adjoin a massive covered porch and outdoor kitchen. Other key elements include a spacious wine room and a stunning master suite with a beverage bar, Jacuzzi tub, huge shower and a gigantic closet. The fourth bedroom is decorated in an African theme and boasts an extra kitchen, which is the third of the home. MLS#886900 $750,000 Mary Carter 210.387.4663.

The Dominion SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Let this breathtaking lot be the site of your ultimate custom dream home. Found in the highly sought after community of The Dominion this piece of land features lovely Hill Country views along with gorgeous sunsets. The stunning property is located on a private cul-de-sac filled with magnificent homes. This is the only lot left in this small exclusive enclave of homes and will not last long. MLS#909920 Mary Carter 210.387.4663.

Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com 31

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The Dominion SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This palatial estate is located in The Dominion, a premier gated community in north San Antonio and boast amenities that even the most discerning buyer will appreciate. Set back from the street, this Spanish style residence is scheduled to be completed by November 2011, offers amazing views, sits on over one-half acre and provides a variety of luxuries including a four car garage, guest suite and separate quarters. Attention to detail makes

112 Diamond Hill

this house an amazing home and the design makes it easily adaptable to any aesthetic. For a private showing call Jim Hauglid 210.862.9197.

The Dominion SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Come experience this classic Spanish hacienda by Silverleaf Custom Homes, which features five bedrooms, five and two-half bathrooms and is situated on almost an acre. The property is located in The Dominion, a premier San Antonio neighborhood. The exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail make this 6,847 sq. ft. residence a true classic masterpiece. The formal dining room and living rooms with beautiful arches greet you as you enter. A detailed ceiling accented with wood beams provides designer interest. For a private showing call Jim Hauglid

748 Grandview


The Horizon SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS This stunning hilltop masterpiece is located in The Horizon, just five miles from downtown Kerrville. The 10,000+ square foot Mediterranean home is situated on a cul-de-sac with 17.23 +/- ag exempt acres. Nature views go on for miles and feature the exotic wildlife that roam the ranch to the magnificent sunsets. This is a rare find and the details are all well thought out. The key elements include a gourmet kitchen, library, wine cellar, studio, exercise room, pool/spa, covered patios and lush grounds. MLS#874757 $2,850,000 Cindy Roberts 210.215.9097

273 Beachwalk

Champee Springs Ranch BOERNE, TEXAS This luxurious and very private estate is set on 106+/- acres in the popular Texas Hill Country town of Boerne. This property is part of the former historic 711 ranch. Green building techniques were used in the five beautifully positioned and architecturally significant buildings. The expansive main home is accompanied by a pool house, a detached five car garage

101 Horseshoe Bend

with office suite and gym, rock guest house with expansive porches, 4,000 +/- sq ft metal barn with apartment. Conveniently located 10 minutes to downtown Boerne and only 40 minutes to downtown San Antonio and the airport. $3,875,000 Kevin Manner 210.722.5822


Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com

*+ ) */). 3 $). ) .$*) '

Champee Springs BOERNE, TEXAS

112 Calgary Circle

Two exceptional homes are found on this stunning ranch estate and include a main home and a guest house. Both were designed by Ken Graves, A.I.A., recognized for his timeless, classic architecture. The exquisite design incorporates fine natural materials throughout including travertine, oak, mesquite and lacewood floors, Alder wood cabinetry, granite, and marble and onyx counters. Massive wood timber beams accent the ceilings throughout. The floor plan is wrapped with 1800± square feet of deep loggias which features an outdoor fireplace. A lovely terrace overlooks the sparkling pool. MLS#904426 $4,300,000 Larry Lester 210.347.4546


310 Lake View

Enjoy the very best with this extraordinary property inside the exclusive Dominion gates. Stunning hickory wood floors greet you and lead into the top of the line chef’s kitchen. This perfect floorplan includes the master retreat down with an additional full bedroom/bath which could also be used as a study. The family will fully take advantage of the upstairs with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a gameroom and a true media room. The backyard sits on a private greenbelt. This home has it all at an incredible value. MLS#918430 $500,000 Binkan Cinaroglu 210.241.4550

Olmos Park

67 E. Cleo Lane

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Find this classic estate rock home on a generous landscaped lot in historic Olmos Park. This residence is exceptionally well-maintained, offering fireplaces in the formal living and family rooms. Key design elements include plaster curved walls, plantation shutters, a multitude of built-ins and closet space. The spacious kitchen overlooks the family room and features a gas cooktop and an island with a vegetable sink. A luxurious master suite boasts a large sitting area and outside access to the gorgeous, private and shaded backyard! MLS#917581 $825,000 J.P. Martin 210.393.3304

Top Floor Penthouse Living

120 Auburn Place

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Over six thousand square feet in this palacious two-story penthouse awaits you. This sprawling urban residence features four spacious bedrooms, three living areas, two dining areas and a private rooftop terrace. Purely captivating, the home provides endless views of the surrounding city and beyond with a three-sided parameter of glass. Breath-taking. All of this sitting atop the Grand Hyatt of San Antonio with all the hotel privileges including room service, private concierge services and much more. This is a rare opportunity to reside in the highest private residence in San Antonio. Please call for latest pricing and more information. Gina Candelario 210.744.8265

Central San Antonio 800-584-5400 • North San Antonio 800-337-0333 • Hill Country 800-419-5682 • www.KuperRealty.com 33

Open Country International

19,680± Acre Madera Canyon Ranch Jeff Davis County, Balmorhea, Texas Legends of Texas evolve from historic ranches like this, extending from picturesque canyons to the Davis Mountains, habitat for trophy class mule deer, Aoudad sheep, elk, quail, dove, turkey, black bear, antelope, javelina, mountain lion and others. Circa 1904, the Kingston Homestead limestone lodge is enhanced by a historic bunkhouse, cabin, tack room, walk-in cooler, game cleaning rack, barns, pipe cattle pens and metal feeders. The ranch is watered by Kingston Springs and other springs, six wells and six tanks. Located over the Barnett Shale and Woodford Shale formations, it will convey a portion of fee minerals plus 3,000+ acres state classified minerals. Al Philip or Robert Dullnig 210-415-8602

4,648± Acre Historic Stone Ranch Maverick County, El Indio, Texas Owned by the same family since 1960, this historic ranch has bold terrain ranging from level bottomland to gently rolling bluffs overlooking miles of the blue-green water of the wild and scenic Rio Grande River. A highlight is the 1940’s hacienda-style residence with charming courtyard linked to a second home and barn. Fabulous year-round water includes 7± miles of the river, irrigation canal with pumping rights, 35± acre lake and 5 stocked tanks. Wildlife is phenomenal, with trophy whitetail deer, turkey, javelina, hogs, quail, dove plus great duck hunting and fishing. Minerals are negotiable. Robert Dullnig, 210-213-9700

Kuper Ranch Sales • 210-804-1515 • Toll Free 866-904-1515 • www.KuperRanchSales.com

Open Country International

1,664± Acre Rancher’s Dream Showplace! Falls county, Satin, Texas 20± miles southeast of Waco, 1.5± hours from Austin or Dallas, there sits a property offering exquisite living on a working ranch. The custom estate home, featured in several magazines, was built in 2006 and offers 7,300± square feet of uniqueness. The home overlooks a 15± acre lake and waterfall pool bordered by an entertainment cantina and separate cooking cabana, all surrounded by majestic oaks, beautiful views and superb sunsets. The highly improved pastures have been home for many years to a legendary registered cattle operation with top-notch handling facilities; inclusive of show, sale, horse and hay storage barns, 3 sets of working pens, water wells, overhead grain bins, molasses storage tanks and staff housing. Excellent rainfall and live water is abundant throughout the property including a large creek. Turkey and hogs are plentiful, and there are even a few whitetail deer. Partially owned minerals will convey to new owner. Howard Ham 210-382-5003

Kuper Ranch Sales • 210-804-1515 • Toll Free 866-904-1515 • www.KuperRanchSales.com

Open Country International

19,680± Acres, Madera Canyon Ranch Jeff Davis County, Balmorrhea, TeXas A historic ranch extends from picturesque canyons to the dramatic Davis Mountains, habitat for Trophy Class mule deer, Aoudad, elk, quail, dove, turkey, black bear, antelope, javelina, mountain lion and others. The 1904 Kingston Homestead lodge is enhanced by a garage, historic bunkhouse and cabin, tack room, walk-in cooler, game cleaning rack, 3 sets of pipe cattle pens and metal feeders. The ranch is watered by Kingston Springs, other live springs plus 6 wells and 6 tanks. Located over the Barnett Shale and Woodford Shale formations, the ranch conveys partial minerals. Owner will divide into 10,253± acres and 9,424± acres. Al Philip 210-415-8602

Kuper Ranch Sales • 210-804-1515 • Toll Free 866-904-1515 • www.KuperRanchSales.com

Open Country International

2,903± Acres, Eagle Ridge Ranch Mason County, Mason, TeXas Fabulous, extensive live water includes 1.7± miles each of Llano River frontage and James River frontage, 2.1± miles of Mill Creek, plus 6 water wells, 2 tanks and a pivot irrigation in a 500± acre game trap. Home to many exotics (zebra, blackbuck, water bok, gazelle, axis, etc.) as well as native wildlife. A stunning 5,366± square foot, seven bedroom, five and one half bath lodge features porches overlooking the James River. Substantial infrastructure includes a garage, game processing facilities, foreman’s home, cabins, barn/sheds, stables and cattle pens. Minerals are negotiable. Robert Dullnig, Broker Associate 210-213-9700

Kuper Ranch Sales • 210-804-1515 • Toll Free 866-904-1515 • www.KuperRanchSales.com


1845 Water Street • Kerrville TX 78028

830-257-8881 www.TexasLandMen.com

• LI RANCH – GILLESPIE COUNTY – 397 ACRES Just 15 minutes from beautiful downtown Fredericksburg, located on Tivy Dale Road. One must visit this ranch to discover the beauty and serenity of one of the finest properties available in the Fredericksburg area. The ranch features 397ac of stunning Oak trees and improved pastures. Spring Creek passes through this property supplying year round running water separating improved pastures from native Hill Country wildlife areas. A stocked lake centrally located adds to the strong water this ranch offers. Two horse barns, a riding arena, two guest houses and an equipment barn add to the improvements. The main residence is truly spectacular, complete with a new swimming pool and landscaping. This property has it all; location, water and wonderful improvements. This ranch is ready for the serious buyer who wants a gentleman’s ranch.

WEST TEXAS RANCH – VAL VERDE COUNTY – 121,000 ACRES Minerals!! Only a handful of Texas ranches currently have this kind of running water AND minerals to convey! This 121,000 acre selection of West Texas Ranch Land is the largest available openly marketed tract of its kind. Gently shaded river banks meet deep pockets of spring water flowing down many miles of pristine blue-green waters. A lush canopy of majestic live oaks and ancient pecans provide quiet places to relax. On the horizon, towers of limestone bluffs reach into the unending sky. This is the land of an older Texas, striking and ripe with contrast. This is your chance for you to own a LARGE part of Texas!

BOSQUE COUNTY RANCH – 3524 ACRES Bosque County Ranch is a working livestock and wildlife ranch. Located just south of the Brazos River, fronting on three county roads allows for good access to all parts of the Ranch. Rolling fields with lush native grasses to high hill tops mixed with live oaks and Juniper describe the terrain diversity of this ranch. Flowing Creek with waterfalls (under normal rainfall conditions), 18 Acre Lake, one smaller lake, and numerous other tanks on the ranch. There are 7 water wells, 2 in the Trinity that are used to pipe water to various locations on the ranch. This ranch is highly improved with the main ranch house being 5200 +/sqft. with spectacular views. The ranch is low fenced except for a 675 Acre high fenced pasture with trophy white-tailed deer. This is a turn-key ranch ready to go with all equipment included, seller will convey 25% of the minerals.

BROKEN O RANCH – KENDALL COUNTY – 1396 ACRES The Historic Broken O Ranch located in Boerne, Texas, is one of Texas’ finest Ranches, and offers breathtaking views, miles of well established roads, and the beauty that only the Texas Hill Country has to offer. Within a few miles of eclectic shops and dining of quaint Boerne, and within 35 miles of the San Antonio airport, industry, and shopping, the Broken O Ranch is an impeccable choice for investment living.


1845 Water Street • Kerrville TX 78028

830-257-8881 www.TexasLandMen.com GRANADA SPRINGS – KERR COUNTY – 230 ACRES The water on this ranch looks even better in person, even in this extreme drought. You won’t believe it until you see it! A unique Hill Country home plus entertainment lodge, 2 barns & rustic cabin are positioned high on a lime stone bluff overlooking an amazing spring fed waterway and terrific views. The ranch includes 4500+/- ft. of both sides of the spring fed Turtle Creek plus the Granada Spring which is a tremendous source of water. The setting for the three bedroom two and a half bath rock and stucco home and lodge is a sunset watchers dream.

COMANCHE CREEK RANCH – LLANO/SAN SABA COUNTIES – 575 ACRES Without a doubt THE BEST RANCH IN TEXAS! The most breathtaking highly improved Texas Ranch on the market today! This is the best ranch I have ever seen and ever had the opportunity to sell in my 17 years of selling ranches! This gorgeous ranch is located north of Llano, TX in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. The main improvements include the finest custom built lodge in Texas, one of the grandest and best guest houses ever experienced, a one of a kind – truly amazing owner’s house, and an unbelievable TWO LANE BOWLING ALLEY! Other amenities include: 1) first class lighted tennis and basketball court 2) lighted shooting range for skeet, trap, pistols, and rifles 3) gorgeous swimming pool and hot tub with amazing views 4) custom putting and chipping green next to the pool and many more amenities. All improvements are 5 - 7 years old and in excellent condition. There is a beautiful creek and lake, views for 40 miles, and some of the largest Whitetail and Axis bucks in Texas! This ranch is for the man, woman, or company who wants everything! BETTER THAN ANY FIVE-STAR RESORT! COME SEE THE BEST RANCH IN TEXAS! THE FALLS CREEK RANCH – SAN SABA COUNTY – 3,000± ACRES This is a great opportunity to own a historic property in Texas. This large tract consists of 3000+/- acres sitting on the shores of Lake Buchannan. This long time family owned property is truly a special property conveniently located near Austin and San Antonio. Falls Creek passes through the property providing strong crystal clear live water. The creek dives off a huge bluff creating a spectacular waterfall cascading into Lake Buchannan. These falls have been featured many times on several magazine covers. The ranch offers valleys and large hills offering picturesque views of Lake Buchannan and the surrounding Hill Country.

LR RANCH – BOSQUE COUNTY – 3730 ACRES Gorgeous 10,000 SF log home nestled in the heart of Texas. This incredible home was custom designed with mesquite floors, cabinets, and doors, has rock floors, log beams, and makes you feel like you are on a retreat in Colorado. The home is a five bedroom, seven bath architectural feat. There are many other improvements including a foreman's home, maids quarters, pool and pool house, equipment barns, quail release pen, dog kennels and much more. The 3700 gorgeous acres is rolling hills to prime pasture land and is a sportsman's paradise. 4 lakes, 3 wells, low fenced hunting ranch loaded with native game birds and whitetail deer.

1845 Water Street • Kerrville TX 78028

830-257-8881 www.TexasLandMen.com


MEDINA RIVER RANCH – BANDERA COUNTY – 1100 ACRES Hill country treasure! 1100 acres with two sides lined by water! There is over 10,000 feet of the Medina River and over 7000 feet of Wallace Creek. The main home is was built in the mid 1940’s. It’s timeless appeal with updated amenities combine into an extraordinary estate. The compound includes the main home with kids’ wing and is a total of 9200+- SF. There are six native stone fireplaces, inviting country kitchen, native woods throughout, tile and wood floors, pool, and ample lounging areas. The exterior of the home is native river stone with a Spanish tile roof. Other improvements include the 2400+- SF horse barn, implement shed and barn, round pen, arena, 980+- SF cabin, office, party lodge with expansive game room. This 1100 acre paradise has not been hunted in many years and has large herds of whitetail, axis and blackbuck roaming the property. Located just outside of Medina, Texas, this ranch is among the elite ranches in the hill country.

K3 – KERR COUNTY – 1,138 ACRES Decorated and constructed with true authentic Texas Hill Country flair, the K3 is being sold turn-key. The main entertainment attraction for friends and family is the 3, 000 sq ft hunter’s lodge decorated with the Schreiner’s personal collection of western memorabilia. After all the day’s adventures have been spun the new owners can retire for the night in their rustic, but modern 2,720 sq ft fully loaded home. Along with the main dwellings the headquarters supports a foreman’s house, guide’s quarters, mobile home, hay barn, shop, storage, and walk-in cooler. The ranch is cross fenced into 6 pastures with 13 exotic and 8 white-tail pens producing a superior wildlife herd for your family or client’s unforgettable hunting experience.

COLLEGE STATION – GRIMES COUNTY – 4000 ACRES Just minutes from Bryan-College Station, this Grimes County Ranch is truly a one-of-a-kind property. These 4,000± highly maintained acres offer a spectacular five-bedroom, six-bath lodge with a swimming pool and set on the banks of a private 110±-acre lake. In addition to the large private lake, there are many other water features, including over two miles of Navasota River frontage, Stewart Lake and 14 other duck impoundments. Large hilltop building sites with views to Kyle Field and College Station are spread throughout the property. The majority of the ranch is high fenced and managed for trophy whitetail deer. A large fully enclosed boat house sits on a man-made peninsula centrally located on the lake, affording easy access to water sports and prime fishing. The ranch has many other improvements, which are accessed via paved roads.

EULOGY RANCH - BOSQUE COUNTY – 265 ACRES Incredible 8000 SF home. Four bedrooms, four ½ baths, two complete kitchens, four outdoor living areas, two outdoor showers, metal roof, 1800’s antique beams from Pennsylvania, oak, mesquite and stone floors, five indoor fireplaces and two outdoor, central vac system, incredible master suite with NINE shower heads in master shower and so much more. The owner has so many special features! There are saloon doors from Santa Fe out of an old time saloon, ceiling fans from the first department store in Weatherford from the early 1900’s and more! This is a must see to appreciate! Both sides of spring-fed Flat Rock Creek run through the ranch for over a mile. This creek has waterfalls and even dinosaur tracks! Two miles of another, unnamed creek run through the ranch also. There is an 18 acre lake that was built in 1965 and stocked. If you love Texas history, you will feel right at home here.

Featuring one-of-a-kind properties. ->

The best ranches in Texas can all be found in one spot...


These are not your every day ranches. ->


Live water ranches with thousands of acres for sale.

Now is the time to sell your property with Texas Landmen. Why? Because we have aggressively expanded our marketing platform and our brokers are seasoned professionals and the best in the business. We have consistently sold more property each year while other firms have stagnated.

Luxury estates with exquisite homes!


In the last 3 months we have closed 12 properties, 20,554 acres and $100,994,442 in total sales!

www.TexasLandMen.com Visit our website today to view our properties or contact us regarding the sale of yours. 830-257-8881 • 1845 WATER STREET • KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028

OPEN COUNTRY international

Walton Ranch Jackson, Wyoming Sited along the legendary Snake River, the 1,848-acre working ranch is surrounded by the grandeur of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks yet is minutes to world-class ski resorts and Jackson - home to some of America’s top corporate leaders. A rare opportunity to own wideopen spaces in one of the most sought-after locations in the world. $100,000,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Billy Long at 970-927-3850.

Big Creek Ranch Steamboat Springs, Colorado Private yet only fifteen minutes from Steamboat Springs, the 5,034-acre ranch is nestled in its own valley surrounded by national forest. A modern, western-style, 11,000 square foot lodge, five additional houses, four utility buildings, a historic 100-year-old barn and five miles of Big Creek complete this fabulous ranch which also has development potential. $59,900,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Billy Long at 970-927-3850.

Five Star Ranch Westcliffe, Colorado Bordering large private ranchland with unobstructed, panoramic views of the Wet Mountain Valley and snow-capped Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Five Star Ranch offers gracious mountain living in one of the most exquisite homes on the market today - named “Home of the Year” by Timber Home Living. 561 total acres located five minutes north of Westcliffe offering privacy and masterpiece improvements in a beautiful mountain setting. $4,900,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881.

A Performance Equestrian Estate at Cottonwood Springs Ranch Durango, Colorado A masterpiece estate with exquisite state-of-the-art equestrian breeding and training facilities, the impeccably planned 540-acre ranch features a 5,700 square foot New Mexico-style residence blending old and new design elements. Other improvements include a guesthouse, foreman’s house, 1890’s cabin, 20,000 square foot barn and office, show arena, round pen, equine medical facilities, over fifty stalls and eight pastures. Borders BLM land and offers ideal wildlife habitat. $10,795,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Billy Long at 970-927-3850.

OPEN COUNTRY international

JC Mesa Ranch Telluride, Colorado Commanding majestic 360-degree views of Telluride and surrounding peaks, the 2,379-acre ranch is one of the only remaining undeveloped and unencumbered ranches in the Telluride area. Eighty percent of the ranch is flat to gently rolling terrain with meadows, open parks, evergreens and towering aspen groves. JC Mesa Ranch affords a rare opportunity to own a large, private ranch in one of the most spectacular and captivating places on earth. $29,000,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Billy Long at 970-927-3850.

Moonshadow Ranch Steamboat Springs, Colorado One of the most architecturally impressive mountain/custom equestrian properties in the south valley of Steamboat Springs near Lake Catamount, the 38-acre Moonshadow Ranch offers beautiful views in every direction and fifteen minutes from Steamboat Springs and ski area. The gated entry property consists of an exquisite, 7,746 square foot main residence, a caretaker’s home, six-stall horse barn, riding arena and fenced pastures. $7,500,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881.

North Platte River Ranch Casper, Wyoming Situated along twelve incredible miles of the North Platte River, this large production ranch of 69,556 total acres typically runs 2,800 sheep, 550 yearling ewes and rams, 430 cow/calf pair and 80 head of replacement heifers and bull battery. The ranch is well watered, has three homes, bunkhouse, shop, barn, scales and two sets of corrals. This sportsman’s paradise offers premier fishing, wildlife and outstanding livestock production. $28,000,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Matt Johnston at 307-655-2273.

Saguache Creek Ranch Moffat, Colorado This quality commercial cow/calf operation on Saguache Creek at the northern end of the San Luis Valley has combined leased and fee land totaling over 350,000 acres. Working corrals with modern hydraulic equipment allow for sorting and working over 1,000 head at a time. Improvements include a modern owner’s home, foreman’s home, caretaker’s house, heated shop, equipment storage buildings, barns and adequate calving facilities. $4,000,000. Ron Morris at 970-535-0881 or Jason Legler at 970-978-1559.

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Remarkable Snowmass Contemporary

When Small is Big on Red Mountain!

Snowmass Village, Colorado Nestled into the hillside of the private Pioneer Springs Ranch, you’ll enjoy incredible views from Snowmass to Aspen Mountain from this mountain contemporary estate situated on over 40 pristine acres. The unique 13,000 square foot home boasts large open living spaces with expansive master suite, a gracious guest master suite with private deck, media/family rooms, a billiards and game room, private office with deck, covered patio with pizza oven, fireplace, state of the art mechanical systems, 3-car garage, one bedroom/one bath caretaker unit and a gourmet kitchen that any chef would appreciate. $17,950,000 Furnished

Aspen, Colorado The unobstructed view of Aspen Mountain and the picture perfect view of the Roaring Fork River provide an idyllic mountain setting for this timeless and charming two level log home with no sub-grade rooms. Features include three cozy bedroom suites, three and one half baths, 2,230 square feet, well-appointed kitchen, warm and inviting living room with stone fireplace, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, private deck with sunken hot tub, manicured grounds, and all day sunshine. Walk to downtown Aspen via the adjacent Rio Grande Trail. Truly one of a kind! $6,995,000 Turn-Key Furnished

Exquisite Red Mountain Home

The Compound on the Ridge

Aspen, Colorado Situated front row on Red Mountain, this exquisite property boasts panoramic views that include all four ski areas. This mountain contemporary home was luxuriously designed with every expected amenity and only the finest finishes and furnishings throughout. This is the perfect vacation home with great entertaining spaces including two bars, game room with billiards table, and a state of the art A/V system. Additional features include five en suite bedrooms, two half-baths, main level master suite, office, exercise room with full bath, wine room, all day sun, oversized two car garage, large deck with wood-burning fireplace, hot tub, and mature landscaping for privacy. Enjoy easy access to downtown Aspen. $14,995,000

Aspen, Colorado Enjoy unobstructed “front row” views of Aspen Mountain, Independence Pass, and the entire valley from this sustainably constructed and certified “built green” estate. The mountain contemporary home features timeless finishes, five bedrooms, five full baths, three half baths, 11,300 square feet, gourmet kitchen with granite counters, gym/6th bedroom, theater with 8 foot Dolby high definition screen, 1,600 bottle wine enclave, gracious master suite, huge recreation room, resistance pool, air conditioning throughout, 3-car garage, multiple decks and patios, and beautiful outdoor spaces. End of the road privacy and all day sun complete the package! $19,950,000 Partially Furnished

Craig Morris • 415 East Hyman Avenue • Aspen, Colorado 81611 • 970-379-9795 cell • 970-925-6060 office Morris@sopris.net • www.CraigMorris.com • www.AspenSkiHomes.com

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The Lodge at Morningstar

Three Meadows Ranch

Aspen, Colorado Located just east of downtown Aspen is Morningstar, a fabulous new community of just eight homes, each with their own unique setting, privacy, and dramatic views towards Aspen and Independence Pass. “The Lodge” is an extraordinary example of Colorado elegance with exceptional details and finishes. Features include six bedrooms, six full baths, two half baths, 8,196 square feet, eight fireplaces, gourmet kitchen with pizza oven, state-of-the-art lighting and sound system throughout, 1,000 bottle wine room, fantastic theater, 3-car garage, and inviting outdoor living spaces. A very special property! $8,400,000 Furnished

Carbondale, Colorado “Trophy Ranch.” It’s an expression employed for many properties, but Three Meadows Ranch qualifies for this distinction. Comprising 4,170 acres of rolling meadows with extensive water rights, aspens and scrub oak, this land combines some of the most pastoral acreage anywhere in the Roaring Fork Valley. The views will make even those most familiar stop and look again. Whether purchased to preserve the character of the land or build an incomparable mountain retreat, this offering represents a rare opportunity to acquire acreage of this caliber so close to Aspen. $22,500,000

Top of Red Mountain

Elk Crossing

Aspen, Colorado Enjoy dramatic, breathtaking panoramic views of downtown Aspen and the surrounding mountains from this Red Mountain home with generous spaces for family, guests and entertaining. Features include five bedrooms, six and one half baths, 6,899 square feet, incredible glass-walled great room with vaulted ceilings and skylights to bring the outdoors inside, two master suites, family/media room, den/library, bar/wine room, breakfast room adjoining the kitchen, gym, wood-burning fireplace, one bedroom caretaker unit, large patio and decks, and a 3-car garage. Enjoy the home as is, expand, or remodel. Just 5 minutes to downtown. $8,495,000 Furnished

Aspen, Colorado Adjacent to over 300 acres of open pastures, this 18,000 square foot estate is complete with the finest finishes and amenities. With arguably the best views in the valley, the home features six bedroom suites each with luxurious bathrooms, three full kitchens, vaulted great room, and dining area adjoining a temperature controlled limestone wine room with seating for up to 30. Additional features include a library/billiards room, media area, exercise room, and well-appointed caretaker unit. Ski-in and out to the cross country trail that joins the property to Snowmass Mountain, or step outside the back door to enjoy the 60 foot negative edge swimming pool, spa and patios. Visit www.Elk-Crossing.com to learn more about this unique property. $39,900,000

Craig Morris • 415 East Hyman Avenue • Aspen, Colorado 81611 • 970-379-9795 cell • 970-925-6060 office Morris@sopris.net • www.CraigMorris.com • www.AspenSkiHomes.com

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1210 Westhaven Vail, colorado Privately situated in a gated community and on the rushing waters of Gore Creek, this authentic log home hosts four bedrooms, an office or nursery, and a fully-equipped, one-bedroom attached caretaker’s apartment. An open great room for entertaining makes this true Colorado home a joy to visit. Great use of space and the location of this home are truly irreplaceable. This home is ski in and out from the Cascade lift and just steps to the Cascade Club and Spa. $5,950,000

967 Vail Valley Drive Vail, colorado Stunning design is apparent in this five-bedroom remarkable home just steps to Vail Village and the Ford Amphitheater. Contemporary detail throughout exudes a tranquil and inviting atmosphere in which the out of doors is brought inside and enjoyed from each room. Plush gardens, Gore Creek and a private water feature complement the grounds and can be enjoyed from multiple outdoor living spaces. $7,200,000

Carroll Tyler and Dana Gumber 970-479-5762 ctyler@slifer.net • dgumber@slifer.net www.CarrollTylerinVail.com

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• Four Seasons Resort and Residences Vail Vail, colorado Be one of the fortunate few to live atop Four Seasons Resort and Residences Vail. Only 16 private residences available, each unique and custom-finished. This legacy property marries the finest in world renowned hospitality with the greatest ski mountain in the United States. Bringing a whole new level to luxury living, each private residence owner enjoys all the amenities and features of this brand new resort. Prices range from $2,700,000 to $14,500,000. One to five bedrooms available.

424 Forest Road Vail, colorado Appropriately named “Woodhaven,” this is one of the few true ski-in/ski-out properties in Vail Village. A European-inspired ski retreat, Woodhaven cannot be duplicated. No expense was spared on the intricate details found throughout this masterpiece. Imported Koa wood from Hawaii warms the great room walls and ceilings, French lithograph wallpaper lines the halls and rich fabrics are featured in the bedrooms. This retreat features an indoor swimming pool, a separate guest house and a quaint dining gazebo tucked just off of Born Free ski run. The most unique and talked about property in Vail, this home has a history unlike any other. $15,900,000

Carroll Tyler and Dana Gumber 970-479-5762 ctyler@slifer.net • dgumber@slifer.net www.CarrollTylerinVail.com

Open Country International

Autumn Hill Equestrian Farm Boulder County, Colorado Nestled in the foothills just outside of Boulder Colorado, Autumn Hill is blanketed by 95 luxuriant acres of rolling meadows and pastures. Interspersed amongst the foliage and fields lie three ponds and a ¾ acre enclosed biodynamic garden. Spend hours competing within one of the property’s superior riding arenas, meandering through the miles of trails, or gallivanting through the neighboring Heil Ranch Open Space. Autumn Hill stands as one of America’s premier dressage riding schools with one of the largest children’s programs in the country. The property comes fully equipped with a barn, tack rooms, two public restrooms and a shower, laundry room, office, wash stall, indoor riding arena, 2 outdoor arenas, large grass flat jumping field, expansive double fenced pastures and sand turnout paddocks. In addition to the historically landmarked farmhouse and cottage that are currently built, there exists a development right for the construction of a principle residence and other related structures. Also included is a 6,648 square foot executive home located within the adjacent community of Lake of the Pines. Farm offered at $9,850,000. Executive home offered at $2,300,000.

Scott Franklund 303-440-4999 •1500 28th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80303 www.LegendaryProperty.com Scott.Franklund@SothebysRealty.com

Open Country International

Caribou Springs Ranch Boulder County, Colorado Caribou Springs Ranch is a legacy working ranch that has been carefully developed into an exclusive Western-lifestyle community that captures the spirit of a ranch lifestyle while raising the standard of luxury living in the Rocky Mountain region. Its 590 acres comprise pastoral paradise buffered by miles of meadows set against a dramatic mountain backdrop of Boulder’s legendary Flatirons. The sale includes more than 590 acres, two luxury estates, three deeded buildable home sites, two caretaker’s homes, professional-grade equestrian barns and extensive and valuable water rights. The property features 24-hour security at its two handsomely gated entry points. Wide paved roads wind through the ranch’s natural landscape and lead to a community retreat complete with large outdoor pool, spa, barbecue pavilion and an open fire pit all nestled amidst towering mature cottonwood trees. In addition, the serenity and authenticity that make Caribou Springs Ranch so irreplaceable is forever preserved thanks to the ranch’s status as a Boulder County conservation easement. Though worlds away from traffic and city congestion, Caribou Springs Ranch is conveniently sited within 90 minutes of Denver International Airport, world-class Colorado ski resorts and the business hubs of Denver and Fort Collins. $12,800,000

Scott Franklund 303-440-4999 •1500 28th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80303 www.LegendaryProperty.com Scott.Franklund@SothebysRealty.com


Open Country International


For Auction: Incredible Properties in a Heavenly Location Shadow Creek Ranch, Silverthorne, Colorado Overlooking expansive views of the towering Eagle Nest Wilderness Area, vast valleys and wooded hillsides, two magnificent properties at Shadow Creek Ranch optimize luxury, privacy and beauty. 72-Acre Estate: Unrivaled 7,400 square foot, five-bedroom-suite home beautifully designed with custom finishes including wide-plank walnut floors, slab granite throughout, top of the line appliances and custom log and masonry work. Property value exceeds $5 million, Opening Bid $2,999,000! Buildable Lot: 70-acre home-site located amongst an aspen grove. Property value exceeds $2 million, Opening Bid $1 million! Both properties are located within Shadow Creek Ranch, a master-planned ranch community offering all the excitement and amenities without the labor and responsibilities. As an owner, you enjoy access to 6,000-acres providing trails for horseback riding, hiking, snowmobile and 4-wheeler use, world-class fly-fishing on more than 22 ponds as well as the Blue River, 5 fully-equipped guest cabins and a luxurious main lodge.

Legendary Home Auction 303-440-4999 www.LegendaryHomeAuction.com info@LegendaryHomeAuction.com

Open Country International

Must Be Sold “Crown Jewel of Storm Mountain Ranch” Storm Mountain Ranch, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Don’t miss your chance to own one of the finest estates in Colorado. The developer of Storm Mountain Ranch chose this 70 acre home site for his very own. A 1,063 acre working cattle ranch, Storm Mountain Ranch with true “close in privacy” is just 5 miles from the world class Steamboat ski resort. Fish for trophy trout on 2.5 miles of freestone Walton Creek, and 2 miles of spring creeks connecting 8 acres of ponds—all private. The ranch also offers miles of trails for hiking and mountain biking, gorgeous community lodge, horses and horse barn, and 5 owner’s cabins. The main home is 8,475 square feet, and the guest house is another 2,000 square feet. Designed by a world-famous architect and a world-famous interior designer, this home invites the outdoors in. This home has everything—outdoor shower, 4-sided infinity-edge pool, gourmet kitchen, 2 jetted hot tubs, Meridian Digital Home Theater System, 5 trout-fishing ponds that cascade from one to the next, is adjacent to the national forest, and much more. This breathtaking collection of land, amenities, home, guest home and proximity to Steamboat is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Replacement cost-$18,500,000. Offers considered over $11,900,000. Make offer! 3% courtesy to Procuring Broker.

Legendary Home Auction 303-440-4999 www.LegendaryHomeAuction.com info@LegendaryHomeAuction.com

Open Country International

Colorado Classic Breckenridge, Colorado Magnificent panoramic views fill the windows of every room. This home is a timeless masterpiece and embodies every element of Colorado high country comfort. The log theme brings all the essential elements of nature inside! Native moss rock exteriors and finishes, sandstone and wood floors. Patina copper finishes accent the kitchen, fireplaces and stair. The floor plan flows comfortably from the open central great room to the more intimate spaces for TV, office, exercise. Perched across the valley from the ski area on 2.8 acres with never-ending views of the ski area and surrounding mountain ranges. Four complete suites allow for big parties, in addition to the stunning master suite on the main level where the his and her arrangements pamper and delight. $3,990,000.

Ron Shelton • Broker, Partner Breckenridge Associates Real Estate 800-870-7392 • 970-797-1978 ron@skicountryhomes.com • www.skicountryhomes.com

Open Country International

V – 3 Ranch Breckenridge, Colorado This spectacular log home is situated on over 20 acres, just 5 minutes from World Class skiing and historic downtown Breckenridge. This kind of convenience and privacy is nearly a thing of the past in a resort community the caliber of Breckenridge! The Western Red Cedar logs with flared ends came from Canada and have been reassembled on this extremely rare lot near downtown Breckenridge with meticulous care and attention to every detail. The elements of the structure brought together are nearly more art than architecture. A gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, solid granite counters and cherry cabinets, and the vaulted living area are brought together in this home and warmed by the moss rock fireplace creating the ideal Colorado atmosphere for regaling tales of the perfect powder run, the hike in the pristine forest or the climb to the top of the nearest 14,000 foot peak. The vaulted, main-level master suite has a private balcony, a fireplace and generous five-piece bath. A resistance pool makes ready for a “no impact” efficient workout, a loft/office an ideal area for high-level conference calls and the state-of-the-art home theatre is a great place to end the busy day. Four bedrooms and a 3-car garage are just the beginning of what can be done here. The lot can easily accommodate additional living quarters, added garage space, a studio, a barn, you name it. Horses are allowed, and encouraged. What a fantastic way to see the Rocky Mountains! $2,990,000.

Ron Shelton • Broker, Partner Breckenridge Associates Real Estate 800-870-7392 • 970-797-1978 ron@skicountryhomes.com • www.skicountryhomes.com

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Purely Stunning

Golf Course Estate

Paradise Valley, Arizona Absolutely magnificent, this spectacular estate is designed for the ultimate in opulent living and entertaining. Grand formal spaces. Superb for indoor/outdoor entertaining. Dining room with hardwood floors, twin chandeliers. Virtuoso kitchen with beamed ceiling. Luxurious master suite with lavish bath, black-tie closet. Smooth-as-glass pool. Library, office, sitting room, theater, wine room. Guest house. Seven bedrooms/13 baths in 15,619 square feet. Offered at $15,850,000. MLS#4551440. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/716583.

Phoenix, Arizona Extraordinarily opulent, this majestic estate is nestled alongside the world-famous Arizona Biltmore Golf Course. Custom woodwork, stonework, ironwork. Hardwood floors, dazzling cross-beamed ceilings. Breathtaking kitchen. Plush theater. Wine cavern. Plethora of French exits to patios/balconies. Dining/dancing terraces with cascading archways. Rear courtyard with pool, spillover spa. Nine bedrooms, 11baths in 17,799 square feet. Offered at $6,950,000. MLS#4557570. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/720515.

Estates At Invergordon

Luxury Legendary Estates

Paradise Valley, Arizona Built by Calvis Wyant, the front of this elegant home is graced with towering palm trees, soft grassy lawns and an impressive portico entry. Formal rooms with chocolate-hued hardwood floors, big picture windows. Lovely family room with fireplace, built-in bookshelves/art display niches. Truly wonderful game/media room/billiards parlor. Generous dining patio, expansive lawns, king-size pool. Big Camelback Mountain views. Five bedrooms/ six baths in 6,332 square feet. Offered at $2,295,000. MLS#4612135. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/284507.

Paradise Valley, Arizona Nestled inside an intimate gated community, this elegant home exudes quiet comfort and warm sophistication. High-style greeting salon. Formal rooms overlook dining/dancing patios. Stunning kitchen with magnificent granite. Family room with multiple French exits. Posh master wing includes office, sitting room. Pool with waterfall slide, spillover grotto, spa. Two-story playhouse. Guest house. Six bedrooms/seven baths in 6,194 square feet. Offered at $2,895,000. MLS#4654513. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/792542.

Sandra Baldwin • 7135 E. Camelback Road, Suite 360 • Scottsdale, AZ 85251 • 480-287-5300 • www.BaldwinTeam.com

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View Rich

Charm and Value

Phoenix, Arizona Extraordinarily elegant, this opulent hillside estate wows with a panorama of views including majestic urban mountains, the McDowell Mountains and a dazzling duvet of shimmering city lights. View-rich formal rooms open to house-length dining/dancing patios. Posh kitchen. Magnificent marble staircase. Enormous pool. BBQ kitchen. Strolling pathway to quiet grove of desert trees. Five bedrooms/six full and one half baths in 6,364 square feet. Offered at $2,900,000. MLS#4674745. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/713355.

Paradise Valley, Arizona Flattered by a lush villa-like ambience, this luxurious estate exudes a wealth of elegance and sophistication embraced with warmth and charm. Courtyard entry. Living room with wall-width French exits for indoor/outdoor entertaining. Dining w/floor-to-ceiling windows, extended catering buffets. Entertainment room with galley bar. Tall trees, hacienda patios, pool. Mummy Mountain views. Five bedrooms/six and one half baths in 7,295 square feet. Offered at $2,375,000. MLS#4557834. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/716609.

Enchanting Spanish Elegance

Biltmore Resort Living

Paradise Valley, Arizona Nestled inside guard-gated Casa Blanca Estates, this enchanting home exudes soft Spanish-style elegance. Wow ceilings with dramatic chandeliers. Versailles-laid natural stone floors. Living room ceiling with hand-painted accents, magnificent crossbeams. Kitchen with honed marble counters. Master with French oak flooring. Hacienda courtyard with smooth-as-glass water feature. Camelback views. Five bedrooms/five and one half baths in 6,503 square feet. Offered at $3,100,000. MLS#4328149. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/580071.

Phoenix, Arizona Gated luxury villa located on the Biltmore’s Resort Golf Course with panoramic golf, city skyline and mountain views. The home is highly upgraded with all the best in fixtures and finishes. Greatroom floorplan offers wonderful flexibility – lots of room, alcoves, disappearing doors that open onto the wrap-around patios. The generous master wing ranges from the view balcony to a romantic bath with a his/hers set-up, direct laundry room and den access. Private with a community pool/spa, clubhouse and fitness room. Three bedrooms/ three and one half baths in 3,931square feet. Offered at $2,350,000. MLS#4589174. Home tour at www.tourfactory.com/744143.

Sandra Baldwin • 7135 E. Camelback Road, Suite 360 • Scottsdale, AZ 85251 • 480-287-5300 • www.BaldwinTeam.com

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