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taste and flair of the Orient without having to fly thousands of miles. Elaine Yang and her staff at Hunan Garden always present her culinary skills at their best and have done so for more than a quarter of a century. A vivacious hostess determined to please her diners, Yang has delivered her more than 30 Asian family dishes to tables and taste buds who visit from across Fort Bend county and the southeast region. You know you have arrived at her doorstep when you enter the plaza located at 4601 Avenue H in Rosenberg and are greeted by the Dragon Fountain. Step through the golden door in the center and be seated to enjoy a charming and relaxing event achieved with food, decor and pampering. The decor of bamboo, guilded gold and twinkling lights, includes a large mural depicting the ancient Orient community lifestyle and a room dividing window designed by her brother and built by her late father. The enrichment continues as voices enter and fill the room. Yang and her two brothers selected the site in 1984 and it has remained at the same location for more than four generations. They established a second site WRITTEN BY SHARON WALLINGFORD

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in Kingwood. Many of her loyal customers include Mike and Cindy Newlin, the late Houston Oilers Head Coach Bum Phillips and his family members, Southwest Airlines pilots, and Houston notables. Frequent business people and elected officials join the local residents; including Del Webb community members and other master planned communities for lunch and dinner. “I see 2017 as an exciting year for us,” says Yang.

She and the staff begin each year with a Spring festival to celebrate the Chinese New Year and they continue to open 364 days a year, including Christmas and New Year. The restaurant closes for Thanksgiving.

“The three of us, my brothers Peter and Paul, and myself, came from a small community in Taiwan,” says Yang, describing how they came to select Rosenberg. “It was Peter, an architect, who loved Fort Bend’s history and the layout of the community. Today, Yang is the sole owner, but there are things that have never changed: the friendliness, fresh ingredients, and the flavor and presentation. These have brought four generations of clients returning for more. Many new diners find us through the Internet. Yang, and her staff, enjoy sharing stories about the history of their dishes and encourage them to experiment with the menu.

“Hunan Garden still has the best Chinese food you will ever eat,” touts former Rockets star Mike Newlin who, with his wife Cindy, frequents the restaurant often, bringing many of their friends. “I insist on fresh ingredients and a pleasing presentation that includes great taste and color to enhance each dish served. I am proud to introduce our authentic cruisine to all the people who come.” Yang, a former nurse, is aware of health concerns and so she insists on fresh—not frozen, ingredients that do not have additives. This makes her food consistently the highest quality. Restaurants are no different than other small businesses. Over the years, as the region has grown, the Hunan Garden location has served as the halfway point for business people who wish to meet between Houston and

Victoria, and Katy and Freeport, or other locations along the Gulf Coast. Yang, who understands businesses well, is aware of the ups and downs of business and family systems. She survived, like others, the 2000 economy crash which converted business growth to the Southwest Freeway (US 59/ I-69) as she maintained a family lifestyle at home as a single head of household and a life support when it came time to extend care to her parents and family members.

“Elaine does so much for the community we cannot afford to lose her,” quips Cindy Newlin, who has shared some of her interior design secrets with Yang. She is very loyal to her customers, and greets them often by name as she and the staff recall their favorite entrees. Each table is personally checked. As Yang enjoys her hosting duties, her loyal staff attends to the soft music, napkins and table cloths on their checklist. Hunan Garden often caters parties to as many as 75 attendees.

“God has enriched my life by placing me here,” chimes Yang, claiming she is still passionate to do more.

“We often tell our diners food is best when it is shared.”

And, by all means, don’t forget your Fortune cookie. v

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