t hr ive Transform your district’s elementary schoolyards into living la b o r ato r i e s fo r real and relevant s ci e nce i ns t r u ct i o n.
R E A L S c h o o l G ar d e n s t r a i n i n g p a c k ag e s i n c l u d e
CURRICULUM DESIGN REAL School Gardens science curriculum is designed specifically for use in elementary schoolyards using the 5E instruc-onal model. By collabora-ng with science administrators and iden-fying specific TEKS and grade-‐level focus, REAL School Gardens has created interac-ve, experien-al units that are aligned with state standards and easy to implement with students. All units can be uploaded to your online system for easy access for educators throughout your district.
We will work with your curriculum m you to ensure that atches your distr ict’s specific instruc-o nal sequence. “My second graders said the REAL School Gardens rock ac-vi-es were the highlight of the whole school year.” -‐ Educator, Sagamore Hill Elementary
EDUCATOR TRAINING Our staff of cer-fied, award-‐winning educators will train science teachers from across your district to implement our curriculum units. Our professional development is proven to:
1. Increase educator effec-veness that 92% of educators reportnin g is
REAL School Gardens trai dards stan directly aligned with state ith students w ted en and easily implem
2. Be@er-‐prepare educators “I feel more prepared and excited abou teaching…I have more motivation to develt op lessons and engage my students in learning.” -‐ Anonymous from PD Evaluation
3. Improve educator morale 90% of educators report feelings of
renewed energy for teaching as a result of REAL School Gardens training
To schedule training contact Ellen Robinson: erobinson@realschoolgardens.org or 817.348.8102