RealStew - Interview with Early Adopters

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INTERVIEW WITH THE EARLY ADOPTERS Some have been hooked on RealStew for three years, waiting patiently for the business to catch up with its vision. They told friends. Some sent email invitations. In a beta testing phase with not even a „soft launch‟ RealStew generated enough word-of-mouth and online buzz to excite users in more than 140 countries - a small army of believers, keen to share the hope of what RealStew might become when the Butterfly Effect starts building the tribe. This is a mass interview with 30 RealStew aficionados, many who are now in management and marketing positions within the company. Their voices have been condensed into one response to the big questions, starting with: Just what is RealStew? What is RealStew to you? It‟s the ultimate platform, a communications centre that you can customize and grow to connect more readily with friends and customers or clients - all on the one screen from anywhere: your couch, your office, the airport, a beach... RealStew is a fantastic way to make your business run more smoothly and strengthen relationships with customers. It‟s also hope and empowerment. It‟s not about personal wealth, it‟s about the social impact it could have in empowering individuals and businesses to communicate and innovate more effectively. How is RealStew going to make your life better? It‟s a lifestyle. It‟s a seamless integration of everything you ever use online to solve problems and that improves your time management and frees you up to do things that really matter. There‟s something for everyone on this platform and it has already become an important part of my life. RealStew is unlimited potential and endless opportunities. The platform will attract appbuilding entrepreneurs to develop all manner of tools to streamline our comms and fix problems. Need an ecommerce kick-start? We‟ve got it. After a cost-effective website to showcase your genius? Wham, we‟ve got that too. It‟s a game changer - a platform that levels the playing field, giving everyone the opportunity to market themselves and interact more readily with friends and target audiences. What I really like about RealStew is that it‟s fair and it‟s honest. You are charging an honest price for honest work. We‟re going to give the average person the chance to have what everyone

Else has. You‟re not going to be successful just because you can afford to raise your Google ranking or because you can pay someone to get out there and market your stuff better than anyone else can. We‟re all going to have access to the same tools and they‟re affordable. How do you describe RealStew to others? There are so many different aspects; I talk to people depending on their areas of interest. I‟d tell my rugby club it‟s a great way to send newsletters and alerts to members, but I‟d tell my artist friend it‟s the perfect platform to display her paintings and market herself more effectively, then I‟d use it to archive my favorite home videos and effortlessly post a blog. I sometimes describe it as social media for social change. It could be an incredible tool to bring about social change; to help create a better world. I deal with swag of small businesses which are stuck at the moment because big businesses have come to town and the whole business structure of that community has changed. Frustrated shop-owners are wondering what they can do, how they can compete. RealStew is their big chance. For instance, they don‟t need to blow $10,000 on a website that is all sizzle without the sausage, doesn‟t supply the right analytics and keeps costing money to refresh. We can provide those businesses with a website solution for a fraction of that cost...and it‟s simple enough for them to do their own thing without any hassles. And that‟s just one solution; RealStew has many, many more. What are your favorite RealStew components? Ecommerce to drive business and clinch sales. The opportunity to have my own website. The way everything is integrated into one...all at your fingertips. CRM, to communicate and archive simply and effectively. Aggregating all your contacts and interaction with all your friends into one place. Real Coin, the financial gateway. In the future it will narrow the gap between the haves and the have-nots. I like that RealStew is a great platform for personal and social use, but my passion is the business side and I‟m really excited about the customised websites and the ability for people to create ads and market themselves to targeted networks. I believe in RealStew because of...? Paddy Delaney the founder. He is a visionary. He has connected disparate dots to create a masterpiece. The fact the platform is owned 54% by the users and can never be sold, that‟s of huge

Comfort. The quality of people it has attracted - wow. The emotional reaction it generated in us when we truly cottoned on to what RealStew was, that‟s what galvanized us. If we can use this platform to change and improve our lives, and millions of people all around the world do the same, then you‟re effecting real change. The revenue sharing model was the clincher. It‟s gobsmacking. Not only is RealStew an online ground-breaker, it distributes its revenue among already delighted users. WTF?

How important is sharing in RealStew’s revenue? Hugely! Initially it‟s not about the money, but at the end of the day it‟s all about the money. It‟s the money that‟s going to make the difference. For us to contribute to society and bring about social change like we want to, money is a big part of it. RealStew has the potential to bring about the biggest redistribution of wealth in the planet‟s history. What is RealStew’s potential? We haven‟t scratched the surface. The Apps Library has unveiled a handful of brilliant apps, but imagine what it will be like when we have a million available. RealStew is a platform with tremendous appeal no matter who you are, where you are or what you do. This is going to be a Steve Jobs, Facebook, Twitter scenario; this is history in the making and we feel so proud to be a part of it. It‟s a whole new paradigm. At the end of the day our product comes down to “what‟s it in for me?” in the eyes of our potential customers. And if they have a decent look they‟ll see exactly what‟s on offer - a great product they‟ll rave about...and the chance to earn passive income in telling all their friends and family about it. Is RealStew a Kiwi company? This isn‟t a Kiwi company going global; it‟s a global company that happens to have its origins in New Zealand. But...! It‟s a moot point whether RealStew would‟ve got off the ground anywhere else in the world. New Zealanders are generally open to new ideas; they‟re early adopters, like solving problems, even on shoestring budgets, and happen to live in a small market that is excellent for testing new products. When is the tipping point for RealStew? Probably when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West start using it!

When money starts coming through people digital wallets RealStew will just take off. When people can actually see RealStew delivering on the undoubted promise and users can go and buy a coffee with their, it‟s going to take on a life of its own.

And we will empower those without a banking relationship. More than half the world‟s population is unbanked, they simply don‟t have a banking relationship, yet by 2016 65% of the world will have a mobile device. What could we be for those disenfranchised people? We‟re the platform that allows them to earn and buy without the need for a financial institution. We‟re hope. What component will be galvanising? What app or product will be the beacon? It‟s the total package. When we have absolutely everything on our platform - you don‟t need to open up a separate window for Skype or Google+, everything you could possibly want is on your own customized dashboard - the solution will be so compelling everyone will be clambering for an invitation to join. How did you cope with RealStew’s gestation period? It was the vision that kept us going. A lot of people joined thinking “this is great”, but three years in development and production was hugely frustrating as the technology and the actual logistics caught up to the vision. Now that we have graduated, products have been released and its real there will be no holding back. Users can enjoy the products and solutions, they can start making some money and the whole thing will explode. It‟s online‟s next big thing. What is the biggest impediment to explaining RealStew and getting buy in? How good it is! That‟s the biggest impediment because it‟s so good it sounds too good to be true. It‟s an intricate business with several excellent ideas converging into one mega-idea, but once you “get it”; once you actually get how clever all that integration is, it‟s like “wow, sharing is caring”. I was skeptical at first - it was like “is this real, how does it work”; it had that air of it‟s too good to be true - but once you start looking at it for five minutes it‟s suddenly “holy moly it works!” It will be a big help when all the introductory and educational videos come out explaining everything in straight-forward terms. But the key to buy-in will be in the success of the business. When you have the facts and figures to show its uptake, benefits and earnings there will be no barriers, only growth.

Is RealStew’s referral marketing system a barrier to success? No way, because it‟s built on trust in the person who is inviting you to the party. If the invitees know you, know your business and trust you, they‟ll jump on the platform, see how well it works and want to be part of it. Don‟t ever apologies for inviting friends, family and colleagues to RealStew. They‟ll thank you for the opportunity. It‟s not nefarious, membership has its privileges and there‟s no downside! If you want to see us in action, it‟s all packaged up waiting for you to have a look, explore and see how you can utilize the platform and solutions. If it‟s not for you, no worries...but we wouldn‟t be surprised to see you change your mind in the future. Essentially, referral marketing is a great way to do business and everyone does it in some form - Facebook with „Like Me‟, Twitter with „Follow Me‟, Google with „Join My Circles‟ and Farmville on Facebook with „Be My Neighbor‟; they‟re classic examples. But none of those reward the relationship with their customers and that‟s what Realstew is doing, saying “thanks for being a part of us, share in our success”. I can‟t think of a fairer playing field for doing business. And, remember, you can opt out at any time. There are no fishhooks whatsoever. Where will RealStew be in a year’s time? The growth will be phenomenal - happy users hungry for more, new era programming talent taking us to another level, quality apps being constantly rolled out and lapped up and the wealth distribution will make a real impact in the community. It will be a wild business to work for or be involved with; absolutely wild.

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