3 minute read
ABoR President's Column
by RealtyLine

Susan Horton
2021 Austin Board of REALTORS President
Be A Part of The Big Picture
As we settle into the second half of the year and look toward back-to-school and fall routines, this is a great time to take stock of your goals and what you set out to accomplish at the beginning of year. Are you still on track for 2021 to be your best year yet?
ABoR has several opportunities coming up this fall for you to tune up your leadership skills, expand your network and get ahead of upcoming industry shifts. Let’s dig in.
August 31: ThinkUp LIVE
ABoR’s signature event, ThinkUp LIVE, is back and it’s better than ever. On August 31, industry professionals from all corners of the real estate industry will share expert insights on how you can build, lead, advocate, and change.
First on the docket is CEO of Edge of Your Seat Consulting Inc. and Six Square, Pamela Benson Owens, with her take on leadership as an inside job.
We’ll dive deeper into lead generation strategies with Josh Cadillac, managing member of Magna Venture Partners, as he talks about building credibility and trust to create life-long clients.
Jeni Williams, deputy director of Government Affairs and Taylor Smith, senior policy advisor, will team up with NAR Vice President of Policy Advocacy Bryan Greene and Julia Parenteau, director of Public Policy and Staff Lobbyist at Texas
REALTORS®, to give a hot-off-the-presses advocacy update at the local, state and national level.
Finally, in the fast-moving and white-hot market Austin is experiencing, disruptions in the MLS drastically impact the efficiency and reliability of our marketplace. Deputy Director of MLS Services, Will Burnham, and MLS Compliance and Data Licensing Supervisor, Dré Dargin, will unpack upcoming MLS compliance changes and how we can create the accurate, efficient marketplace we all desire.
Plus, catch live hot takes throughout the broadcast from ABoR Chief Executive Officer Emily Chenevert and Chief Marketing Officer Kelea Youngblood with the best takeaways from each session.
It’s time to tune in and ThinkUp from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Register online at ABoR.com/ThinkUp.
September 15-October 15: 2022 Volunteer Call
From September 15 through October 15, you can apply to serve on one of our 2022 Volunteer Groups. ABoR and ACTRIS now offer more opportunities than ever to be an ambassador for your industry and give back in a way that work with your skill set and your schedule.
If you have a passion for or specialized expertise in finance, advocacy, international real estate or philanthropic service, then ABoR needs
you! Be a part of this exciting volunteer opportunity that will both enhance your career and make a difference in our marketplace.
Stay tuned to ABoR.com for more information about our 2022 Volunteer Call.
September 20-22: Board of Directors Election
The ABoR Board of Directors serves as the governing body of the association and ACTRIS MLS, representing more than 16,000 real estate professionals across Central Texas and beyond. ABoR and ACTRIS Board members directly shape the policies and programs that help REALTORS® succeed on their own terms, in the most robust MLS marketplace in the region.
Annually, ABoR holds a member-wide election to fill open seats for the following year. Recently, our Vetting Committee announced eight nominees to fill the seven open positions on the 2022 Board of Directors. Now is your chance to choose who you want to represent you in shaping our association and our MLS.
Our 2022 Board of Directors election will take place September 20-22, with results announced no later than September 25. Mark these dates on your calendar and keep an eye on your inbox the week prior to elections for instructions on how you can cast your vote and make your voice heard. Learn more about the upcoming elections and meet the nominees at ABoR.com/Election.