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The WCAoR Quarterly Luncheon is Going Green!

Come hear Rick von Schnier, Austin’s Green Guru, speak on energy saving green techniques every home owner should know at the Williamson County Association of REALTORS 3rd Quarterly Luncheon of 2008. The luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on August 7 at the Star Ranch clubhouse FM 685 in Hutto, TX. Tickets are $12 in advance. Register online at wcaor.org or by phone at 255-6211.

ABoR TREPAC Wine Tasting to be held on August 21

Get ready for a change of pace. This year, the popular TREPAC Wine Tasting fundraiser will be held at Crú, an upscale wine bar in the Domain shopping center, located at 11410 Century Oaks Terrance, Ste. 104. The TREPAC Wine Tasting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, August 21. Tickets are $40. See ABoR Chairman’s column on page 3 for more information.

Upcoming Events: JULY 24 WCR Networking Luncheon ABoR auditorium - 11:30 a.m.

AUGUST 6 Austin Mortgage Bankers Luncheon Austin Country Club - 11:30 a.m. AUGUST 7 WCAoR Luncheon at Star Ranch Star Ranch Clubhouse - 11:30 a.m.

AUGUST 20 CRS Membership Luncheon Westwood Country Club - 11:30 a.m.

AUGUST 21 ABoR Wine Tasting Cru @ The Domain - 6 to 8 p.m.

SEPTEMBER 5 WCAoR 2nd Annual Tech Tune-Up Texas State Univ. Round Rock - All day OCTOBER 22 ABoR’s Realty Roundup Austin Convention Center - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

s s e r g pro

associ ates i n JULY 2008 • VOL. 13 • ISSUE 3

Enjoyable. Entertaining. It’s all About You.

Independence Title Kellywood Estates • Reytex Homes

Gas prices hitting pockets; planning trips important Sytha Minter of Horizon Realty said she is more apt to plan her outings now than in the past. CONTRIBUTING WRITER “I live southwest and my Real estate professionals are getting hit with a office is north,” she says, double whammy this summer — a slowing econo- “so I am diligent planning my and skyrocketing gasoline prices. But rather out my tours — and I drive than feeling glum, many are using the opportunity a hybrid.” to streamline their business practices to ensure their Minter says she likes continued success in these challenging times. the mapping tools with They might not be going as far as Colorado agent the MLXchange and also Matt Kolb, who decided with gas prices around $4 a uses Yahoo maps to plan gallon that it doesn't make much sense to roam var- her trips. In addition, ious neighborhoods in an SUV anymore and started she drives five miles conducting home tours by bike through his busi- per hour slower and ness, Pedal to Pedal Properties, but every bit helps. uses cruise control, “I am having buyers preview more themselves,” even in the city, to says Cheryl Jenkins of Coldwell Banker United save on gasoline. REALTORS. “I tell them to drive the neighborhood Kay Cobb of and take and look at it and then later I can meet with HouseMaster says she has them. been trying to limit her driving by sending more “I am also less likely to go look at a house, say in notes to clients. And she is less likely to go back to Lakeway,” says Jenkins, who is based in Round the office between appointments. Rock. “I am now more stringent about getting to “I got here early,” she says at a recent Women’s know my buyers first.” Council of REALTORS meeting, “and so I sat on the couch for awhile.” Susan Brown of Realty Presorted Standard World, John Horton and U.S. Postage PAID Associates says she is Austin, Texas employing similar tactics. Paid Permit #715 “There isn’t too much P.O. Box 81366 you can change but I do Austin, Texas 78708-1366 find that I am keeping in touch more by e-mail and all my trips are in one swoop,” she says. “Plus I am trying to focus more of my business near my Don’t forget: You can visit us online 24/7 at www.realtylineonline.com office.”

By Linda McNabb

Ron Urias of Farmers Insurance also is paying more attention to the miles he logs. “I am in South Austin but 80 percent of my business is north,” he says. “So rather than make three trips into town, I will try to make one. Between appointments I try to find a hotel lobby where I can use my wireless laptop to conduct business.” Then there are hypermilers, a looseknit legion of commuters who rack up to 100 miles per gallon using unorthodox techniques as coasting for blocks with their car's engine turned off, driving far below speed limits on the freeway, pumping up tire pressure far beyond car and tire makers' recommendations and carefully manipulating the gas pedal to avoid fuel-burning excess. They don’t use air conditioning and park in the boondocks at shopping centers so they can motor head-first toward the exit rather than backing out of a space. Aralyn Hughes of Aralyn & Company doesn’t have to worry about those things— she got rid of her car years ago and hasn’t looked back since. “I don’t get into hot cars or pay for insurance, tune ups or tires. I am so happy with this choice. Most people want to drive their own car and meet me there. I can rent a car at a moment’s notice if I need to, but it’s so rare that I have to. I do Austin Car Share and people Gas prices Continued on page 2


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Customer Stephanie Doggett is assisted in narrowing down the wide variety of shoe choices by Laurel Daugherty, Dana Hunt and Sharon Bujan, all of ERA Star of Texas Realty. The donations were made for a garage sale benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Gas prices Continued from front page

Kay Sachs and Chris Sachs find a spot near the pool to stay cool at the summer family picnic at J.B. Goodwin’s home, which serves as a fun site for the JB Goodwin REALTORS’ annual summer party. Chris is the Williamson County Division Vice President.

respect I am out of the box with saving money on car expenses so can do the same for them on their house.” But Women’s Council of REALTORS president Linda Hall says rather than change her driving habits, she changed her car— from a Suburban to a Ford Escape hybrid— because she knew driving was simply an inevitable part of being a successful REALTOR. “I bought it about a year ago in anticipation of higher gas prices,” she says. “If you don’t get out there, you aren’t going to get the job.” And if anyone is thinking about following the Colorado agent’s example and switching to a bicycle, be prepared for additional benefits not related to saving on gas. "It lets you get a real feel for the neighborhoods and meet some of the people there," says Mike Echery, who recently hired Kolb to help him find a house. "Looking for a house is kind of a stressful process. This adds a little more fun factor."


Realty Line of Austin is published monthly by ©Caxton Publications, Inc., as a non-subscription publication for the more than 8,000 members of the Austin Board of REALTORS (ABoR), the more than 1,000 members of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS (WCAoR) and the Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin. ©Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is an active member of the Austin Board of REALTORS, the Williamson County Association of REALTORS and is a honorary member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS. Caxton Publications, Inc. dba Realty Line of Austin is not responsible for opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any by-products in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this publication, the registered trademark should be assumed.

Doren L. Carver PUBLISHER


Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING EDITOR/WRITER COLUMNISTS Socar Chatmon-Thomas Linda Hall • Gary Henley Gary Cocanougher

All photos, press releases or article submissions can be sent to

E-mail: realtyline@austin.rr.com

P. O. Box 81366, Austin, Texas 78708 Office: 821-1900 www.realtylineonline.com

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


Committee Nomination Forms Due August 31 By Socar Chatmon-Thomas • Coldwell Banker United REALTORS 2008 Chairman • Austin Board of REALTORS Through ABoR’s many committees, members can use their expertise to help shape their association. Find the committee that best suits you unique by browsing the complete list online at talents https://www.abor.com/about_abor/committees.cfm. Committee nomination forms are available online at www.abor.com/committees/abor_committee_form.cfm. The deadline for submitting forms is Sunday, Aug. 31. All members interested in joining a committee in 2009, including members currently acting on a committee, must complete a committee request form for 2009. All committee members must have a valid e-mail address. Please direct all questions regarding ABoR committees to the Executive Department at executive@abor.com.

Bring Your Crew to Crú Get ready for a change of pace. This year, the popular TREPAC Wine Tasting fundraiser will be held at Crú, an upscale wine bar in the Domain shopping center, located at 11410 Century Oaks Terrance, Ste. 104. Join your fellow REALTORS® in sampling wines from around the world while safeguarding your industry. The TREPAC Wine Tasting will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 21. Tickets are $40 and include wine samples and hors d’oeuvres. All proceeds benefit TREPAC. For more information on this event or to purchase tickets, contact Emily Chenevert in the Government and Community Affairs Department at 454-7636, ext. 1500 or echenevert@abor.com.

Wanted: ABoR’s Finest Honor an outstanding colleague by nominating him or her for an

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ABoR Industry Award. Each year, ABoR selects dedicated members for recognition in the following categories: Rookie of the Year; Salesperson of the Year; REALTOR® of the Year; Affiliate of the Year; and the Cultural Awareness Award. Winners will be recognized at the 2008 Installation and Awards Banquet, scheduled for Friday, Dec. 5. Look for nomination forms in the August issue of Austin REALTOR® and online at https://www.abor.com/events/forms/indy_awards_form.cfm. Only ABoR members may be nominated. Deadline for nomination submission is Monday, Sept. 8. For more information on eligibility or award categories, contact Rita Barousse in the Education and Professional Development Department at rbarousse@abor.com or 454-7636. ABoR Unveils Monthly Webcast Feature ABoR is pleased to introduce a new member to the Austin REALTOR® family! In addition to our print and online newsletters, we now bring you Austin REALTOR® Live, a monthly Webcast. In each episode, industry experts will discuss topics ranging from current market activity to the power of education to the benefits of home staging. Both audio and video Webcasts will be offered. Visit https://www.abor.com/news_media/aus_realtor_live.cfm for the latest edition of Austin REALTOR® Live and subscribe to our RSS feed to ensure you never miss an episode. Lock Listings After Showing Maintaining the safety of a property during and after showings is one of a REALTOR®’S most important duties. After you show a home, take a few moments to check that the property is correctly secured before leaving. Make sure that all locks are properly closed and secured. If you find a property unlocked, give the previous showing agent a friendly call. Notify the seller immediately if anything looks amiss in or around the house. He or she will thank you for your courtesy.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Dee Dee Passes of David Weekley Homes and Irene Lutz of Blue Sky Realty take part in WCR’s REALTOR panel discussion about the Austin market.

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Janis Shields, Flora Amyett, Robin Townsend, Liz Wiese and Diana Cagle, all of Gracy Title, a Stewart Company, help cut the ribbon at the company’s new Georgetown office.

Jeff Thomasson of Teravista Golf Club and Randy Ziehe of Spicewood Communities combine their resources to present a summer concert series for homeowners and prospective homeowners at Teravista’s Ranch House.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Michael Speciale, Heather Kight and Lori Seymour, all of Realm Real Estate, visit with Mary Jane Amezquita of DHI Title at the monthly National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals meeting at Cool River CafĂŠ.

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John Moore of Realty World, John Horton & Associates congratulates Rudi Rosengarten of Smart Source Realty on her new move as a REALTOR after working with her in new homes for years.

Ty Burcham of Cimarron Hills provides son Hale a higher spot at sit so he can enjoy his first baseball game at the Dell Diamond during the ABoR Foundation’s Night at the Ballpark.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


WCR Networking Proves To Be Successful By Linda Hall • Realty World, John Horton & Associates 2008 President • Women’s Council of REALTORS Hello, Austin area members! As I wrote this article, I researched information and I want to highlight our wonderful State President Mary Ann Jeffers. Of course, we have our precious past-president Linda Sheinall and our incoming president Sandra Hunt. These are folks that dedicate themselves to making WCR members successful. I will also tell you, each and everyone, that they are totally available to our members! So hear, hear, hear about how awesome our Austin (and many others) chapters are incredible! As individual chapters we create programs that can make a difference in our businesses. So come grow with us! I hear new ideas all the time so please keep sharing yours! As I have said before… “Nothing happens in a vacuum” www.Austinwcr.org. 2008 WCR Texas President’s Message by Mary Ann Jeffers, CRS, GRI, PMN, e-Pro WOW! That is all I can say about our meeting in Washington. The Texas State Chapter walked away with the 2007 Chapter of the Year award for Mega Chapters. This could not have happened without you, the members, the great leadership of our fantastic past-president and Region IX VP Linda Sheinall and her 2007 team. Congratulations to the State of Texas membership. You did it! Not only did the Texas State Chapter walk away with an award, 22 of our 26 chapters in Texas walked away with either Silver or Gold awards. Here is the list of our winners. We are so proud! Silver - Small Chapters: Abilene, McAllen, Northeast Tarrant County, Odessa Silver - Large Chapters: Bay Area Houston, Houston Gold - Small Chapters: Henderson County, Highland Lakes Gold - Large Chapters: Dallas Metro East, Forth Worth, Hill Country, Lake Houston Gold - Mega Chapters: Austin, Collin County, Dallas, El Paso Del Norte, Fort Bend, Greater West Houston, Houston 1960, Montgomery County, San Antonio, Southwest Dallas In 2008, we have big shoes to fill, so I am looking for each of you to help me make it happen

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again for Texas “Another Award Winning Year in 2008: We can do it Together.” Just to keep you informed, the dues increase of $30 was defeated as was the new governance proposal. The voice of the members across the nation was loud and clear. We had over 800 attending this Conference, each educational session was standing room only, and the networking was fantastic. Remember one referral will pay for your trip. If you were not able to make this meeting, I hope you are making plans to attend the next National Meeting in Orlando. Do not forget, the Orlando meeting is where our own Becky Hill will be installed as our 2009 National President. This will be a black tie event so ladies please wear a red dress (formal) and gentlemen please add something red to your attire. Registration is open and you can register online at www.nar.org. I look forward to seeing each of you soon. God Bless and thank you for allowing me to serve you this year. So go to local meetings…get involved and network! The next step is go attend state and national meetings. You will meet wonderful people, referrals and learn from the sessions! I look forward to seeing you at the meetings. I would love to see your involvement and of course, your success! Are you ready?

Enjoying a recent Round Rock Express baseball game were Sebastian Garza, Tawanna Carver of Realty Line, Scott Parshall and son Brian, (seated) John Gavurnik of Gavurnik Builders and Wayne Decker. Sebastian is the grandson of John Gavurnik.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Belinda Araquz and Michelle Zarick, both of Mercedes Homes, welcome Noble Davis of Lakeline Realty to A Midsummer’s Night Dream Home event at The Ranch at Brushy Creek.

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Millie Regal and Tiffany Amore, both of Meritage Homes, attend the mid-year economic at the forecast Home Builders Association of Greater Austin.

Stephen Smith shows off some of the cash donations raised at the garage sale that ERA Star of Texas Realty conducted to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


BUFFINGTON B U F F I N G T O N IIS SB BACK ACK You Y ou rrecognize ecognize the the name, name, n now ow g get et recognized recognized for for your your p part art iin n our our comeback. comeback. W With ith B Buffington’s uffington’s Signature Program, Registering S ignature Rewards Rewards P rogram, you you can can earn earn extras extras even even before before yyou ou make make a ssale. ale. R egistering qualify weekly $100 gas And when yyour our cclient lient with with us us will will q ualify you you for for a w eekly drawing drawing tto o win win a $ 100 g as ccard. ard. A nd w hen buy, get yyour our client’s client’s’ b uy, y, tthe he rrewards ewards g et eeven ven better! better! EARN E ARN 3% 3% PLUS: PLUS: TTOP O P PPRODUCER RODUCER

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July 2008

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July 2008

205 Richmond Street




July 2008

207 Richmond Street




July 2008

209 Richmond Street




July 2008

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July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Flora Amyett celebrates the grand opening of the Gracy Title, a Stewart Company office in with Georgetown Robert Jones of Top Brass Realty and George Lourigan of Extraco Mortgage.

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David Pavliska, right, of RE/MAX Round Rock asks meteorologist Troy Kimmel about how to be safe on a boat on the lake during weather. severe Kimmel was the guest speaker at the Certified Residential Specialists quarterly meeting.

Laura Coats of Mercedes Homes gives Jaymes Willoughby of Keller Williams Realty a firsthand look at the Renaissance model at The Ranch at Brushy Creek during A Midsummer’s Night Dream Home event.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


Slow conditions in Austin and Texas will be short-lived, deals are ripe Time to find more prospects and let buyers buy By Gary Henley • Henley Homes, Inc. 2008 President • Home Builders Association of Greater Austin We’ve long suspected that Austin is a hidden gem in the housing market, and now the facts are backing it up. The Home Builders Association (HBA) of Greater Austin held our annual Mid-Year Economic Housing Forecast last month. Experts Mark Sprague of Residential Strategies, Inc. and Cathy Coneway of Stanberry Commercial Realtors presented enlightening evidence of a bright future for the Austin area. The financial and business Web site Bloomberg.com last month named Austin as one of the country’s select few attractive, low-risk housing markets. And according to the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), Texas has seen almost a 5% increase in housing prices in the first quarter of 2008 with the AustinRound Rock metropolitan statistical area (MSA) experiencing an average appreciation of almost 7.75% (ranking 4th in the nation). How can this all be true in the midst of a national economic downturn? According to Sprague, most people pay attention to the national weather, but dress for the local conditions. The good news is this: because the housing downturn wasn’t directly caused by a decline in the economy or job losses, but instead by lax lending standards and too much inventory, the market should correct itself over time. In the meantime, local consensus is that slow conditions in Austin and Texas will be short-lived—and you can help your clients take advantage of the great deals. In many ways, says Sprague, Austin is different from the rest of the country: • Home prices are stable • Homes are still appreciating • We have a strong local economy with a growing job market • Interest rates are low • Locally, builders have a limited supply of inventory homes

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Right now, Austin is one of the most affordable markets in the country and is predicted to remain one of the top real estate markets in the nation. So what does this ultimately mean for you? According to Sprague, today’s Realtor needs to spend more time finding prospects. His message: quit shopping for your clients and let them buy. Since 2000, the number of MLS subscribers has grown from 13,184 to 27,118, up 106%. And average sales per member have declined from 4.9 to 3.2 per year. But there’s no reason this has to be so. Based on data provided by the Texas State Data Center and Office of the State Demographer, Austin’s population will grow from an estimated 1,400,000 in 2005 to an estimated 2,700,000 by the year 2040. And this growth, says Cathy Coneway, is spreading all the way along the I-35 corridor from San Marcos to Georgetown. With over 3,000,000 people projected in the Greater Austin-San Antonio corridor, this is one of the fastest growing areas of the country. State Highway (SH) 130 and Interstate 45 are creating additional convenient opportunities for more retail and shopping, thus, more jobs. That means there are plenty new buyers in the market to go around, and because of the level of finished vacant housing inventory that builders still need to work down, the deals are there. Even better, mortgage rates are at historic lows, and lenders are still offering loans to those with good credit. So you can break some good news to your clients: it’s their time. But, Sprague warns that there are deals today that won’t be there tomorrow. He noted that costs of building have not gone down and builders simply can’t cut the prices any more than they already are. So instead of putting all your effort into shopping for that perfect deal for your existing clients, just let them buy: they have more than enough to choose from and plenty of incentive to act now. Focus your energy into finding new clients, the ones new to town, the ones who will need your help to find their dream home after builders have sold the deal houses, worked through their inventory, and the market has once again reached equilibrium. To learn more about how to choose a builder or buy a new home, visit the Home Builders Association of Greater Austin’s Web site at www.AustinHomeBuilders.com.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Mykell Johnson, Ben Shannon and Robin Williams, all of Mercedes Homes, welcome guests to the Renaissance model at The Ranch at Brushy Creek, where the homebuilder hosted A Midsummer’s Night Dream Home party.

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Drew Korba is ready to get wet at the JB Goodwin REALTORS summer family picnic. He is the son of Jennifer Korba.

Robert Clark of Plantation Homes and Charlene Mosso of Green Builders get in the tropical mood at the Parrott Head party that WCAoR and ABoR hosted at Falcon Pointe to raise funds for TREPAC.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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w ww . re al t y li n eon l in e. co m

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Dennis Ciani of Pacesetter Homes tells longtime associate Mary Mealy of Realty Executives about affordable in properties Austin’s Colony. They were attending the NAHREP meeting at Cool River Café.

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Rose Land, center, of Coldwell Banker S.G. Billings wins a Bose Wave music system at the Cheeseburgers in Paradise event sponsored by ABoR and WCAoR at the Falcon Pointe Community Center. Presenting the prize were Shannon Salamone, left, and Amanda Vasquez, right, both of Kimball Hill Homes. Holly Schuler of Gracy Title, a Stewart Company welcomes Kiersty Lombar of Keller Williams Realty to the company’s new office in Georgetown.

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


The Changing Face of Real Estate By Gary Cocanougher • Avalar Real Estate 2008 President • Williamson County Association of REALTORS The advancing rate of technology is continuing to change the face of real estate. As REALTORS it is important to remember that as technology changes how we do business, it is also changing the way our customers communicate, do business and spend their time. They can pay bills, shop, watch a movie, write a letter, view family photos, and even search for a new job all online! It is no wonder that according to NAR, over 80% of all new home buyers start their home search online. With all of the constant changes and gadgets appearing on the market, it can be easy to find yourself being a little scared of the pace technology. It is important to remember that real estate technologies are simply tools to improve your business. With that in mind, here are three ways you can implement technology into your business: 1. Video tours Video tours are becoming a marketing-must. By the end of next year, if you do not offer virtual tours, you’ll miss out on winning some listings, especially of better homes and properties. Keep videos brief, highlight only the most salient features, and capture footage throughout the home, moving around to provide some sense of being there. Just get those camcorders rolling! Check out our latest WCAoR class addition: Basic of Real Estate Photography. This two-hour MCE class is specifically designed to improve real estate photography in a hands-on environment. Call 255-6211 to register for the next available class. 2. Advertise online With buyers headed to the Web first in their quest for real estate, you’re challenged to do some real soul searching about conventional advertising, especially print. While you may recognize why print dollars will be better spent on brand building than individual listings, it’s a tough sell to home owners who expect to

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see that tiny picture of their house in the newspaper. They’ll be more receptive to online advertising of their home if you can demonstrate how a campaign to drive consumers to your Web site actually increases exposure to qualified buyers. 3. Build your social networks Many of the same sites that accept listing information invite real estate professionals to participate in community forums, or establish themselves as local experts by responding to queries from buyers or sellers. A welldone blog helps attract people interested in an area. Unlike other types of social networking, however, the community you want to create is primarily composed of those with very specific short-term interest in your market and services. Provide timely information and insight on trends that benefit buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, and they’ll remember you as the local expert long after the transaction. Still unsure about how to implement all this technology and what’s right for you and your business? Then be sure to attend the 2nd annual Tech Tune-Up.

Tech Tune-Up WCAoR’s PR Workgroup will be holding the 2nd annual Tech Tune-Up on September 5 at Texas State Higher Education Center, 1555 University Blvd., Round Rock. Tech Tune-Up is an educational/convention centered on technology for real estate professionals. We have listened to feedback from last year’s event and Tech Tune-Up 2008 will meet all your expectations and requests! We have added an expert panel to the event that will speak on various technology topics and give audience members the opportunity to have a live Q&A with the panel. We have increased the number of technology related break out rooms where attendees can learn everything from search engine optimization to tips and tricks on MLXchange. We have increased the technology courses that offer MCE credit as well as increasing the number and variety of vendor booths. There are more prizes, (such as: flip cams, a Nintendo Wii gaming system, a smart phone) more give-a-ways and more opportunities to learn how you can use technology to enhance your business! Registration is now open for Tech Tune-Up at www.wcaor.org.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

James Gonzales and Matt Heaton (with daughter Abigail), both of First State Home Loan, attend a REALTOR happy hour at Z Tejas on Parmer Lane.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Lisa Riddle and Kent Riddle, of JB Goodwin REALTORS, claim a spot under the trees at the summer family picnic that J.B. Goodwin hosted at his home.

DHI Title’s Nicole Cooke, center, and Realty Line’s Tawanna Carver and Doren Carver and had a great time in New York where they took in the sights of a fantastic city. The Carvers and Nicole were on separate vacations but made time to get together in one of the largest cities in America. Caroline Carver was also in tow and took this great photo!

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

David Starry of Vision Real Properties introduces guest speaker Troy Kimmel, meteorologist, who talked to CRS members at Westwood Country Club about ways to deal with adverse weather.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Katherine Ansley of Cedar Park High School accepts a $1,000 scholarship from Stanberry and Associates. Cathy Collins, left, and Debbie Slazer would like to thank the community and sponsors whose generosity continue to help make the scholarships possible. Kim Duyet Jamar of United Title of Texas makes a few announcements at the Asian Real Estate Professionals meeting, where ABoR’s immediate past president Charles Porter gave an update on the mayor’s Energy Efficiency Retrofit Task Force.

July 2008

Ron Binkley of RE/MAX Austin Skyline, Barbara Hilliard of Barbara Hilliard REALTORS and Byron “Buddy” Schilling of JB Goodwin REALTORS, always enjoy the summer family picnic at J.B. Goodwin’s home on Lake Austin.

Rainer Ficken of Newland Communities enjoys some live music with his sons, Austin and Alexander and guest Dwayne Zimmerman at The Ranch House at Teravista. Spicewood Communities, one of the builders in the development, hosted the concert.

Jay Gohil of Jay Gohil Realty, Mary Tran of Independence Title and Joe Bryson learn about green building at the monthly meeting of the Asian Real Estate Professionals.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Guest Melissa Mayhew joins Christy Wylie and Laura Cole, both of S p i c e w o o d Communities, to enjoy the summer concert series the homebuilder helped sponsor at Teravista’s Ranch House.

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Joyce Shorter, Linda KnowlesKatz, Mary Mealy Micheal Neuman and Jody Knight get ready to enjoy the festivities at A Midsummer’s Night Dream Home event that Mercedes Homes hosted at The Ranch at Brushy Creek. Linda is with Katz Land Mortgage and everyone else is with Realty Executives. Caroline Carver swings so high she might catch a fly ball at the Round Rock Express game. She is the daughter of Doren and Tawanna Carver of Realty Line.

The select neighborhoods of

8. Stirling Bridge $140s - $180s 272-4985 New






360 16


























11. Los Cielos $110s - $160s 247-9023









969 71 290 1626



12 IN MA



BUDA 150



2001 15






7. Cantarra From the $120s 272-9954 New



6. Royal Pointe Mid $100s - $200s 252-0583 Close-out



5. The Retreat at Blackhawk $140s - $210s 632-6305 New




10. Woodland Hills $120s - $160s 926-1971




4. Creek Bend $120s - $210s 759-2948




2. Cold Springs $160s - $240s 259-3282 New 3. La Conterra $140s - $170s 930-0201 New

9. Elm Creek $90s - $140s 281-3993

2243 2243


1. Westview Meadows $110s - $160s 260-0289




Prices subject to change.



12. Ashbrook $140s - $170s 292-8922 New 13. Garlic Creek $150s - $240s 312-2107

14. Green Meadows $120s - $160s 312-2229

15. Southlake Ranch From the $140s 262-3100 Close-out

16. The Terrace at The Preserve $250s - $400s 402-1889

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Janis Shields, far right, of Gracy Title, a Stewart Company, welcomes (from left) Doug Hogan of Century 21 HS and Associates, Marcy Urban of Home and Land and Virginia Lazenby of Avalar Real Estate to the grand opening of the company’s Georgetown office.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Lee Easter of Lee Easter Inc. and David Raesz of Keller Williams Realty pick up some severe weather safety tips at the Certified Residential Specialists meeting at Westwood Country Club.

ABoR PAC coordinator Emily Chenevert and Julie Delgado of Keller Williams Realty arrive at the NAHREP meeting at Cool River Cafe with their hands full.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Carol Medley Parker of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS and Laura Pagnozzi of Independence Title congratulate Rocky Suda of Fairway View Homes for winning the Nolan Ryan baseball from the ABoR Foundation raffle at A Night at the Ballpark scholarship presentation.

the pics Purchase ine at L View or y lt in Rea m you see nline.co o e n li y lt a e .r w ww

Daniel Phife, second from left, of KB Home welcomes (from left) Cynthia Magallanez of ERA Millennium Realty and Craig Sanderson and Claudia Sanderson of Keller Williams Realty to the luncheon at the grand opening at Plum Creek in Kyle.

Ron Mason of JB Goodwin REALTORS helps out to make a two pointer at the summer family picnic on Lake Austin.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

REALTORS who sold Green Builders Homes in Georgetown Village and Elm Grove were honored at a luncheon at Austin Country Club. From left: Dana Hunt, ERA Realty; Lauren Fritts, Keller Williams Realty; Barbara Hilliard, Barbara Hilliard REALTORS; Sheila Evans, Moreland Properties; Clark Wilson, Green Builders Inc.; Edward Lui, Lone Star Properties; Tammy Bazar, RE/MAX Capital City and Tim Kress, RE/MAX Capital City. the pics urchase P r o w Line at Vie in Realty e.com you see lin n o altyline www.re

The ABoR Foundation presents students with scholarships during the Round Rock Express game.

ABoR president David Foster and Jeanne Nguyen, president of the Asian Real Estate Professionals, are eager to learn the latest about the city of Austin’s certificate of compliance proposals and how it will affect their clients.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Stained concrete floors, rounded corners and a multitude of color boards. These sound like features buyers can expect in custom homes, but Reytex Homes wants REALTORS and their clients to know that they can also find them in new homes starting at $80,000. It’s hard to believe any type of home exists in that price point anymore, but Reytex Homes has found a way to offer homes today at prices more typical of 10 to 20 years ago. “We closed 93 homes last year and have closed 73 to date this year,” says Lee Whitaker, vice president of sales and marketing for Reytex Homes. “We did it by going low and value engineering our product. We pulled out $10,000 to $30,000 in savings to lower our costs so we could put an emphasis on affordability.” Whitaker says buyers aren’t likely to miss the deleted or substituted items, as the Austin-based company has been very creative with cost-cutting choices. “We sat down with every one of our vendors and told them we wanted to build an affordable product,” Whitaker says. “We were able to get better pricing from them and pulled out design features that weren’t efficient. The sticks and bricks are still the same.” The lower prices were part of a rebranding effort the company began last year under new management. The company also put into place a crew of “phenomenal” sales people in each of its seven communities ranging from East Austin (Chaparral Crossing from the $80s and Austin’s Colony from the low $100s) to South Austin (Meadow Lake from the low $100s) to Kyle (Bunton Creek from the low $110s) to San Marcos (Blanco Vista from the low $150s) and Liberty Hill (from the $200,000s). “Many of them have sales management experience with Fortune 500 home builders and know how to handle REALTOR transactions. Plus they get to offer a product at a price no one else has,” Whitaker says. “Typically if someone wanted to buy a home in these price points they would have to go to a resale, but now there is an alternative. We are pleased to allow REALTORS to show buyers affordability in a new home.”

candy Buzan 797-5580

Max Leaman 293-1239

Linda Sato 785-1105

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Reytex Homes is trying to spread the word about the new direction Reytex Homes is taking through establishing firmer and more last relationships with REALTORS and establishing a “signage” brand identity. “We are putting up seven new billboards and more than 40 fourby-eight directional signs to build our brand to let the real estate community know that we build quality, affordable homes,” he says. “In Kyle we even offer 60-foot lots and in Liberty Hill we have lots of one acre and more.” REALTORS also will be interested to know that Reytex Homes will be offering 7 percent commissions throughout the month Lee Whitaker, vice president of July. Whitaker says he hopes the incentive Sales and Marketing will increase the volume of REALTOR driven sales to 80 percent. “While we are excited to see a buyer visit our communities, we are more excited to see the REALTOR because we know that they will come back again and again,” Whitaker says. Reytex Homes also keeps REALTORS in the loop once their buyers have put a contract on a home under construction. “When a home goes to the sheet rock stage, for instance, we will call the REALTOR first and let them know,” he says. “Then we ask them if they want to call their buyer or if they would like us to. We are constantly keeping everyone informed.” The company also keeps in touch with buyers after the sale and listens to their concerns. The company was going to begin offering a two-story plan in Liberty Hill but found out that current homeowners opposed the idea. Reytex decided not to pursue the plan and even worked to amend the community covenants to limit construction by all builders in the community to one-story structures. “Now we have raving fans,” Whitaker says. The company, which was started in 1993, is located off Shoal Creek Boulevard and has an office staff of six in addition to its sales team. It is owned by Qualico, a $1.7 billion Canadian company that Whitaker says is invested in and committed to Austin, which will allow Reytex to grow. Along with Reytex, Qualico has started another home builder, Pacesetter Homes, in addition to its land development and land acquisition company. “We have a 5-year plus land position in many of our communities,” Whitaker says. “We are going to be around in these areas for quite some time.”

Kim Nielsen 825-2347

Melissa driskell 964-1864

terrie doggett 415-0212

rhonda Neeley 560-3429 Not pictured:

Michael ray, 784-8488 Mark Baker, 689-5273

Mary Kennedy 750-7834

Brian patschke 565-5852

trudy Savage 965-5017

Sabrina Shaddix 466-1180

Mark Hoffman 785-3279

Shannon Smith 560-4590


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Jin Kim of Indus Real Estate Services, Erin Cook of Newland Communities, Vaughan Shannon of Legacy Homes and Becky Hopkins of LandAmerica Austin Title enjoy a Parrott Head Party benefiting TREPAC at the Falcon Pointe Community Center.

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Foster of Lisa Avalon Realty presents a scholarship to her high school recipient at the ABoR Foundation’s A Night at the Ballpark.

Sam Mehre and Cindi McIntyre, both of ZIP Realty, enjoy food and live music at the new model at Mercedes Homes during the homebuilder’s new home event which featured a new car giveaway.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER What better time for the real estate community to learn about Independence Title than in July, the month when independence is on many Central Texans’ minds? So between watermelon and parades, here’s a little information to take in about this locally grown company that started in Austin three and a half years ago. Kara McGregor, vice president of Business Development,. says the company’s distinction starts with its infrastructure. “We are the largest independent title company in Texas, with a full title plant on the ground in Austin, licensed in eight counties,” she says. “This sets us apart from most of our competitors, who have in many cases relocated their title departments to processors in other cities, and in some cases, other countries. Our title examiners work side by side with our escrow teams. This makes problem solving easier, faster and more efficient, and makes us better able to work with unusual transactions and special requests from customers.” The company likes to call itself “locally grown and locally committed.” Many employees have roots in Central Texas that go back generations, and Independence prides itself on its generous contributions to the community. To make it easy on REALTORS and their clients, the company has plenty of locations to choose from, with 24 closing offices stretching from Georgetown to San Antonio. Independence Title, which includes a team of more than 230 employees, was ranked number one by The Austin Business Journal. Perhaps one reason behind the top rating is their focus on treating clients well. “We understand that every transaction is THE transaction for the parties

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involved, and our business focus is firmly on putting all the pieces together with grace and respect for the needs of our clients,” McGregor says. No matter the size or nature of the task, Independence Title is a great company for REALTORS to turn to for their various needs. “We have built our whole company around tailoring what we do for the unique market that is Central Texas,” McGregor says. “We pride ourselves on being the best-equipped to move Jay Southworth, chairman/CEO quickly and efficiently Brian Pitman, president/COO to handle all kinds of transactions, big or small, straightforward or challenging.” Independence Title also offers a variety of seminars for REALTORS which can be found on its Web site. Upcoming classes include Legal & Ethics, Taxes and Staging. As for the rest of the year, the company plans to continue to invest in its infrastructure in an effort to find new ways to improve the experience of buyers and sellers. The Independence Title Pledge says it all: “We at Independence Title join together to bring respect, integrity, creativity and enjoyment to all our efforts and relationships, and to uphold these values in the choices we make every day.”


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Real Estate NEWS & NOTES

Rinehart tapped for the Operations Manager position with RE/MAX Centx in Georgetown

RE/MAX Centx Associates broker/owners, Wally and Annette Wilson, are pleased to announce Stan Rinehart as the Operations Manager for their Georgetown office. Stan has been an agent with RE/MAX Centx for two years and a licensed agent for six years. He will manage the daily operations, assistance and training of current agents and lead recruiting of new agents. His background in working with buyers and sellers as an agent and his previous years experience makes for an exciting new page in the six year history of RE/MAX Centx. Welcome Stan!

RE/MAX CAPITAL CITY welcomes new associates Diana Kazazian and Teresa Stamper. JB Goodwin’s Judy Alloway has been selected to sit on the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World advisory council. Don’t forget you can view or purchase all the photos your see in the print

edition of Realty Line at

www.realtylineonline.com, Rinehart

just click on the link

“view photo gallery.”

Independence Title’s Brian Pitman wins top award in Texas

The Texas Land Title Association recognized Brian Pitman of Austin-based Independence Title as Title Person of the Year at its annual convention in San Antonio this past week. The award honors Pitman for outstanding service and leadership in the industry, and is the top honor for the title industry in Texas. Pitman co-founded Independence Title along with business partner Jay Southworth in 2005. The Austin-based company is ranked number-one by the Austin Business Journal, and has expanded its footprint to include 24 closing offices serving Central Texas from Georgetown to San Antonio. TLTA President Sheri Asbell cited Brian’s insight, negotiating skills and “calm in the midst of the storm” as some of the qualities he brings as a leader among his peers. With Pitman and Southworth at the helm, Independence Title continues to be a leader in the local business community. Independence General Counsel Bruce Liesman credits Pitman and Southworth’s “savvy and relentlessly positive attitude” as the driving force Pitman behind the company’s growth into the largest independent title agent in the state of Texas. The company boasts a state-of-the-art title plant covering Bexar, Blanco, Comal, Guadalupe, Harris, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties, and over 240 employees. Independence is headquartered in Austin at the Arboretum with additional administrative offices in San Antonio.

Local agent earns e-PRO certification

Jon Offord of JB Goodwin, REALTORS has successfully completed the REALTOR e-PRO course to become one of a select few real estate professionals to earn the prestigious certification offered through the National Association of REALTORS. The REALTOR ePRO certification course is an educational program unlike any other professional certification or designation course available, comprehensive and interactive. It is specifiOfford cally designed to provide real estate professionals with the technology tools needed to assist consumers in the purchase or sale of a home. Once completed, the e-PRO certified real estate professional joins the ranks of a special community of highly skilled and continuously trained professionals who provide high quality and innovative online-based real estate services.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


Kellywood Estates By Linda McNabb CONTRIBUTING WRITER Most real estate professionals know that one connection often leads to another, and that’s exactly what happened with Charlie Hensen of Highland Lakes Real Estate in Lago Vista. He sold a house to client Keith Kelly, and then Kelly wanted to look for some lake view property. Before long, the two were partners developing and selling one-acre plus lots in Kellywood Estates. The 30-acre Jonestown tract features an enclave of 23 estate lots, all of which offer exquisite lake views of sparkling Lake Travis. And when Hensen says you can see the lake, he doesn’t mean just a little peak— in some cases you can see the water for miles— literally. “You can see a seven-mile long view of the lake from here,” he says while showing the quiet development located off Reed Parks Road. “You can see Starns Island over there.” Trying to decide which lot to buy may be difficult, as all of them are clearly winners, he says. All have at least a second-story lake view, and many offer views from ground level as well. One reason every lot has a view is because the terrain grade is similar to a stadium-style theatre— elevations are lower the closer the lot is to the lake, while those further away are a bit higher. This ensures that buyers need not worry that a future home will block their view. “The lots all have different features,” he says. “Some have a front view and others have a rear view. Some are steep and are way high up. We have something that will fit a buyer’s needs. Sometimes it depends on how great and grand the view is and sometimes it comes down to dollars.” The lots range from $169,000 to $299,000. Building restrictions will ensure a fine community— homes must be at least 3,000 square feet, be built no higher than 35 feet tall and have a tile or non-reflective metal roof. “It will be an upscale community with large, nice houses,” Hensen says, “but there are no restrictions on when someone has to build so it can be attractive as well to an investor who

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simply wants to hold onto the property for three to five years.” Three of the lots have already sold, and construction has already on begun one home. REALTORS are invited to preview Kellywood Estates the remainone-acre plus lots in Jonestown ing lots during a special property preview party from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, July 18. Tents will be set up for shade and refreshments will be plentiful. “We will have food, beer, wine and realtor bonuses for every lot sold,” Hensen says. “REALTOR and buyer incentives will continue throughout the weekend.” Lake access is just a few minutes away at Jones Brothers Park and boat slips are also available for rent nearby. But it’s the lot size and the fantastic views that will set Kellywood Estates apart from the competition. “There is a lot of unimproved property on Lake Travis,” says Hensen, who has lived in Lago Vista since 1985, “but most of the lots are a half acre compared to ours which are one acre or more and even if they have lake views, they are nothing like this.” Hensen and Kelly also have two more projects being developed in Lago Vista. The Villas at Keegan's Crossing will be a gated condo community with prices starting in the $180,000's, slated to be ready next spring. The Majestic will be a beautiful condo community featuring panoramic views of Lake Travis and the Texas Hill Country with prices starting in the $350,000's. Presales have begun for both of these projects. To learn more, visit www.kellywoodestates.com. Contact Hensen by phone at 663-4344 or by email at chensen@msn.com.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

RE/MAX Capital City agents prepare for a guided tour of Dell Children’s Hospital so they could see how their donations to the Children’s Miracle Network are being put to good use.

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Kathy Mayer of Steiner Ranch updates members of the Women’s Council of REALTORS about all the great things happening in her community.

Kim Smith and Janet Dean, both of JB Goodwin REALTORS, enjoy refreshments at the Falcon Pointe residents club, where ABoR and WCAoR hosted a fundraising party for TREPAC.

Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

AGENT in the SPOTLIGHT by Linda McNabb, contributing writer

Carol Dochen

Carol Dochen, Realtors Many people can point to pivotal moments in their lives. For Austin REALTOR Carol Dochen it was when her mother-in-law died. Carol had started her professional career in public relations and advertising, but the experience of losing a close relative made her rethink her path in life. “It changed who I was,” she said as she recalled taking care of her as her health declined. “It made me get to the heart of what was most important in my life—family and stability,” says Dochen, who has been married to husband Sandy for 30 years and has two grown children, Andrew and Katie. “I wanted to help people more. I thought about nursing, but the thought of facing chemistry was too much. I thought there had to be a better way.” That better way ended up being real estate. She worked for Irene Smith for 10 years and struck out on her own in

1991 and founded Carol Dochen REALTORS, located on Spicewood Springs Road. Her staff includes REALTORS Simone Govind, Arlene Maze, Nancy Taute, Kim Wallace, Josh Bushner and Offer Ben-Saadon. She hasn’t limited her business to a particular area of town. Instead she said she specializes in what the client needs, which tends to be across the board. As proof, a map in her conference room is colored with pushpins that mark every street where she and her staff have sold a house. “It is all over the place,” she says during a telephone interview while driving to St. Louis to see her son graduate from college. “Many of the homes we have sold more than once.” In at least one instance, Dochen says she has sold the same home more than once to the same person. “I sold a house on Cat Mountain for a

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woman who moved away. A few years later she moved back to town and asked if I thought the owners would possibly sell it back to her,” Dochen says. “I called them and we put a deal together.” Matching buyers with the right homes is just one aspect of real estate she enjoys. When it comes to working with sellers, she enjoys showing them what to repaint, remove and rearrange. “On the selling side, I really love helping people get their home ready for marketing,” she says. “We stage the home and it simply transforms it.” Sometimes she does such a good job making a home appealing that the owners no longer want to sell. After being advised to remove overgrown landscaping and replace it with fresh, smaller plants, one family said they had wanted to do so for years and now wanted to enjoy the updated look for awhile. “The real estate business is all about capturing people in different times in their lives,” she says. “It is all about people and connecting with them. Many of the people I have worked with have remained friends.” Dochen has been involved in the lead-


ership roles in real estate as well. She retired from the Austin Board of REALTORS in December, previously served as director of the Texas Association of REALTORS and has been heavily involved with ACTRIS. “I believe strongly in giving back and getting involved,” she says. “It is the best way to influence our own profession.” Dochen said she is pleased to have been instrumental in helping develop a new seller disclosure form that ABoR uses. “It is eight pages and it is tedious but it helps give buyers a good overview of what they are about to purchase,” she says. When Dochen isn’t matching buyers to homes, she has been known to sing in various choral groups and is active in the Jewish Community Center. She also likes to tend to her deck garden where she plants flowers to attract finches, hummingbirds and cardinals. She collects dishes by local artist Claudia Reese and plans to take a glassmaking class soon. In short, she has plenty to do, even if the market slows down. “Sit back and take a breath,” she advises. “There is always something to do.”


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Shelly Finleon, second from right, of RE/MAX Round Rock, lets (from left) Bob Ellenbogen, Diane Hartman and David Harris, all of Meritage Homes, show her around the model at Teravista.

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Mary Ann Castro of JB Goodwin REALTORS and husband David Castro keep it cool in the shade, as swimming, barbecue and fellowship were on the agenda for the day at the JB Goodwin REALTORS summer family picnic at J.B. Goodwin’s Lake Austin home.

Titha Oden of Reytex Homes and Michael Speciale of Keller Williams Realty chat at the monthly NAHREP luncheon at Cool River Café and find they share an interest other than real estate— both are scuba divers.

July 2008

Realty Line of Austin

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Mark Minchew of RE/MAX Austin Associates encourages KVET listeners to donate funds to the Dell Children’s Hospital to assist in providing monitoring equipment, stretcher beds, exam lights, TVs, microwaves and crash carts and the building of 10 additional emergency rooms. View or Pu you see rchase the pics www.re in Realty Line a t altyline online.c om

Diane Christy, left, of Diane Christy REALTORS, and guest Charlene Nelson, right, take a private tour of The Preserve at Lake Georgetown with Steve Klein and Margie Mann, both of Steve Klein Custom Builder.

John Horton of Realty World, John Horton & Associates visits with Judith Bundschuh before presenting scholarships on behalf of the ABoR Foundation at A Night at the Ballpark.


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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008

Jacquie Banks, fourth from left, and Jack Carter, sixth from left, both of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, are congratulated by Coldwell Banker Lakeway Vice President of Sales’ Lisa Jacobson, second from left, for recently listing Pecan Park Place, a community planned for 145 luxury detached townhomes near Lakeline Mall. Also pictured are Tommy Webb, Jeff Wheeler, King, Kim Michelle Barker, Will Butterfield, all of Coldwell Banker United, and Melinda Carroll, third from left, of First American Title.

the pics Purchase ine at r o w ie L V in Realty e.com you see lin n o e altylin www.re

Matt Heaton of First State Home Loan hosts a happy hour at Z Tejas on Parmer Lane for REALTORS and clients.

They said it was family picnic, so Norma Mantz of JB Goodwin REALTORS brought her daughter and granddaughters to enjoy the fun at J.B. Goodwin’s home on Lake Austin.

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July 2008

J.B. Goodwin puts the final scoops onto the 30-foot banana split at the summer picnic that he hosted at his home for the JB Goodwin REALTORS family.

Keller Williams Realty agents cut the ribbon to the new satellite office in Bastrop.

HBA president Gary Henley prepares members to hear the mid-year economic forecast. Mark Sprague of Residential Strategies and Cathy Coneway of Stanberry Commercial Realtors presented the information.

Realty Line of Austin

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Realty Line of Austin

July 2008


Debbie Ates of Wilshire Homes talks with WCR presidentelect Marie Dang Schwartz of Realty World, John Horton & Associates about the installation of officers at year’s end.

Jennifer Entner of Texas American Title, Sheri McKim of Benchmark Mortgage, Steve Mann of RE/MAX Heart of Texas and Megan Companion of Keller Williams Realty sport their Key West best for the Cheeseburgers in Paradise party at the Falcon Pointe Community Center. ABoR and WCAoR sponsored the event to raise funds for TREPAC.

Susan McVicker and Jane Adsley Chopp, both of Coldwell Banker United REALTORS, join Jana McCool of RE/MAX Austin Associates at the recent CRS meeting.

Liz Wiese and Flora Amyett, both of Gracy Title, a Stewart Tish Fenley of JB Goodwin REALTORS and her niece Company, welcome Gene Jantzen and Connie Kozik, Sierra stay cool in the ice bucket at the summer family pic- both of Century 21 HS and Associates to the grand opennic at J.B. Goodwin’s home. ing of the company’s Georgetown office.

Tammy Fariss, center, of Tammy Fariss, REALTOR, gets ready to drive away in her new Mercedes that she won as part of a Mercedes Homes promotion. Division president Randy McGillem and marketing manager Kari Green helped make the presentation. Patti Nielsen of ERA Star of Texas Realty takes a moment to organize the clothing racks at the garage sale benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Thanks to generous donations by ERA agents, business partners and the community, the company was able to raise nearly $2,000 for the charity.

Laura Cole, standing right, of Spicewood Communities, helps Dick and Graciela Honzik, who recently moved into a garden home, enjoy live music at The Ranch House at Teravista. They were with their daughter Suzanne Hirayama and granddaughter Lexi.

Michael Hemati of Cedar Park High School accepts a $1,000 scholarship from Debbie Slazer and Cathy Collins of Stanberry and Associates. REALTORS would like to thank the community and sponsors whose generosity continues to help make the scholarships possible.

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