10 minute read

Meet the Real Ric o Elbaz

By Candice Wiener

he epitome of what success looks like truly varies from Tman to man in our community. While some view the ashy lifestyle, fancy cars, big houses to entertain in and show off as a token of their achievements, there are also many other humble and rich men who view family and their children as a major part of their wealth and prosperity.


Let's face it, some men who thought they were cut from the right kind of cloth and had what it takes to be a good father, simply aren't. As a mentor once told me, “Why do we not spank a baby when they soil their pants? Because they simply don't know better.” Well, that's also very true and applicable to men who never knew how to be a stand-up father who would be honored to cherish, support, and love their children like no other.

What Rico didn't envision at a younger age, was his own natural paternal instincts that would kick in, before he ever even had a notion that he wanted to have children of his own. Always being a fan of seeing fathers that whole-heartedly support their children, especially their young daughters has always tugged on my h e a r t s v e become somewhat desensitized to often hearing of abusive fathers, it comes sort of as a shock to my s supportive father doting on his beautiful little girl and desiring to provide her with everything he can in life to become the incredible and phenomenal young lady and ultimately the young woman she was designed to be.

Although that should be reversed, and we should be outraged when we learn of an abusive father, that's sadly become accepted as the societal norm and the latter of nding an inspirational and supportive father that creates a launching pad for his children to catapult from and strive ahead to the best of their ability is seemingly more far and few between. Well, that's certainly not the case when you meet Mr. Rico Elbaz. We recently got to catch up with Rico and go over some details about his life and what inspires him to continue to be the best possible father he can be to his 3 children.

Rico says, “My goal in life is about helping to inuence the new generation to believe in themselves and know that with true, hard work, and dedication, anything is possible. I'm a living example of that. This is something I have discovered through my true-life experiences, and as young kid growing up in boarding schools, and in some very tough neighborhoods, I quickly learned at a young age that I had to develop my inner strength for survival.

As tough as my life was as a kid, it was probably my biggest learning experience I have ever had.

Because of my checkered past, I thought I never wanted to have kids, or to even have my own family one day. I was terried of it since my dad wasn't in the picture. I didn't know how or what I needed to do to be a good dad or even be a good example. This is not a joke when people say life is your best teacher and/or school you can have. On 10/14/2008 my rst son Valentino was born. Then in 2014 my other son Nicholas was born. I call him my mini-me since he looks and acts just like me when I was his age! Lol… And in 2019, just 2 days after my birthday, I had my daughter. She is by far my biggest gift. I believe that every dad needs to have a daughter to feel that kind of love and connection.

When my kids were born, I had 2 choices… I could blame my past and end up being like my past, or I could use my past to become the best dad and person I can be!”, continues Rico.

“I am proud to say that I am the best dad, and I was thankfully able to help so many people through my life because of it and my past life experiences. That's why I always say to whoever needs to hear it: In life things happen for a reason… as hard as things are in the moment, they will always lead to bigger things if you use the lessons right to push and guide you. I guess I needed to experience and feel that pain and those tears that I had as a child to better understand people and to use my personal experiences to help others.

I have passion for travel and love to experience other cultures. I have been so fortunate throughout my career in entertainment, to have created the most amazing memories of my life. And all these amazing experiences have allowed me to inspire others to live life to the fullest and fulll their wildest dreams. My biggest obstacle has b e e n m a k i n g a s t a n d f o r o t h e r p e o p l e a n d t r u l y believing in them. Most people are so busy and do not give themselves the opportunity to recharge their lives and do things that makes them happy; like exploring the world, or pursuing other dreams, simply because they don't feel like they deserve it. I've been there before…

And I know exactly how that feels… I like to tell people to remember you have one life. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, but what you can do today is completely up to you. So, make the best out of it and live in the NOW and do it with as much love that you can give and receive. I'm a rm believer that love and happiness is the source of everything.”

Rico was the lead in a popular Vegas show for 14 years. He currently owns a successful retail shop on the Las Vegas Strip and creates matching looks for fathers and s o n s , a n d m o t h e r s a n d d a u g h t e r s R i c o a l s o s t i l l currently models in his free time and is a sales executive that benets clients who share the same passion of traveling and exploring different states, countries, and cultures.

We asked Rico, “What do you want to be remembered for on this earth?”

Rico replied, “No matter how other people perceive me, whatever it will be, I am a simple man with big dreams and a huge heart. I'm all about sharing the love and giving joy to my family and the people around me. I always put my faith, my family, and other people rst. I never stop ghting to make those dreams a reality and to be a better father and example to my kids and others in our community.” ave you ever been in an accident where you injured Hyour face, your head, or your back and spine?

Well ght fans and accident survivors, I'm Roy "Big Country" Nelson, a professional MMA ghter who knows a thing or two about taking hits and recovering from injuries and cashing checks! Today, I have the honor of speaking with the renowned surgeon and ophthalmologist, Dr. David I Malitz with over 25 years of experience. We'll discuss what is the LITZ Test, and why LITZ Tests are crucial for lawyers, doctors and ghters like me, and anyone who's been in an accident.

As Floyd Mayweather Jr. would say, "I ght for that check. I'm in the check cashing business."

Today in the medical and legal industry, it has been more competitive and cutthroat like ghting. Many lawyers and doctors have responsibilities to their accident victims by providing the best possible care and advocating for their clients' rights. That is why it is crucial to implement a comprehensive intake protocol that prioritizes your clients' and patients who have been involved in an accident.

Symptom Severity Scores Referral System:

By Roy Nelson

Dr. Malitz uses this simple tool that anyone can use called Symptom Severity Scores Referral System that was made for doctors, lawyers, and even the patient to see if they need the LITZ Test for further evaluation.

Anyone can check their symptoms that have been apparent after an accident. It is 20 simple questions. If you score 100 Points or more - LITZ Test Recommend Protocol is recommended.

Following an accident, it is relatively common for a person to experience some level of dizziness. While the injury may be diagnosed as whiplash, injuries to the neck and spine can also affect the area of the brain which is responsible f o r c o o r d i n a t i o n , a n d b a l a n c e A n y t i m e t h e n o r m a l feedback from the neck area, at the base of the skull, is altered, the signaling which sends information to our vestibular system may also be affected. Other symptoms i n c l u d e n e c k p a i n , d i f  c u l t y c o n c e n t r a t i n g , d i f  c u l t y focusing, lapses in memory, a slowdown of the normal thought processes, and a feeling of movement, even while one is sitting still. The LITZ Test is a tool that helps detect and diagnose TBI-related injuries, soft and naked injuries such as c o n c u s s i o n , d e t a c h e d r e t i n a , t h a t m i g h t n o t b e immediately noticeable or visible right away. The LITZ Test is cost effective and helps determine and gain valuable insights into the patients' injuries and build a stronger case and faster recovery by utilizing the benets of integrating these assessments into the patient and client intake process by providing objective evidence that is cost effective and helps supports the presence of injuries before using more expensive tools like MRIs and CT scans.

What is the LITZ Test?

The LITZ Test (Light Imaging Trauma Zone Test) is a tool that helps after an accident to detect naked injuries to the eye, trauma to the brain with 4 of the 12 cranial nerves on a cellular level using light and direct visualization. LITZ Test analyzes and helps identify trauma to the central nervous system, optic nerves, and deciencies, damages and imbalances through the eye that affects the body and brain that is caused by an accident.

I was told it is like when I am in a ght, it's not just your body that takes a hit, but your eyes can also be affected because your eyes are connected to 4 of the 12 cranial nerves controls. Examples are like seeing stars, blurred vision, and loss of balance. By conducting the LITZ Test, the doctor can assess the extent of the damage and provide the appropriate treatment for a speedy recovery.

Embracing the LITZ Test as part of your intake protocol, you can provide comprehensive support to your accident v i c t i m s . T h e s e a s s e s s m e n t s o f f e r v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t s , documents injuries, and provides objective evidence to bolster your case le. Prompt identication enables you to guide your clients toward appropriate medical care while building a strong case on their behalf. Reassured by the power of these assessments, you can condently navigate the legal and medical process, advocating for your clients' a n d p a t i e n t ' s r i g h t s a n d e n s u r i n g t h e y r e c e i v e t h e compensation and treatments they deserve.

Why is the LITZ Test important?

The LITZ Test is essential for anyone who is in an accident like a slip and fall, work-related, or a motor vehicle accident that has symptoms because it helps us identify underlying issues that may have resulted from the impact of injuries from an accident. The LITZ Test is a specialized assessment that general doctors, physical therapists can miss, that is why Dr. Malitz and other doctors use the Symptom Severity Scores Referral System to see if they need the LITZ Test. By understanding these symptoms, we can develop and target a course of action and treatments. This allows the accident victims to regain their physical functionality and resume their daily activities.

I want to thank Dr. Malitz for educating me and giving our readers the knowledge that The LITZ Test allows doctors and lawyers to demonstrate their commitment to their clients' and patients' health and prevent potential complications or long-term damage using early detection for their patients' and clients' well-being.

Accidents can be tough, but with the right tests and treatments we can get through them. Remember, the LITZ Test is like a superpower for doctors and lawyers. You can nd more information about the LITZ Test at LitzTest.com. T h e i r d o c t o r n e t w o r k w i l l h e lp y o u u n d e r s t a n d w h a t ' s happening to your body and nd the best ways to make you f e e l b e t t e r L a s V e g a s , s t a y s t r o n g , s t a y b r a v e , a n d remember that there are people who care about you and want to help you on your road to recovery even if I am in the hurt business.

A b o u t t h e A u t h o r : R o y " B i g Country" Nelson is a Las Vegas native and is a former 4x MMA Champion, UFC TUF Champion, R e n z o G r a c i e B l a c k b e l t , w h o now is partnered with Choice Life Care and their ambassador program.

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e visit and follow: roynelson.com

@roynelsonmma Roy “Big Country” Nelson


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