Real Vegas Magazine | Bailey and Henry - V6

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Candice Wiener Amanda Kay Alisha Wiener Nadine Christine Travis Heinrich Jennifer Bradley Oscar Goodman Tyra Bell-Holland Jennifer Vaughan Michael Rogers Christian Purdie Phillip Cox Ella Gagiano Jennifer Busse-Nieves Siloh Moses Andrea Dupper Erik Lewin Gerard Ramalho Crystal Barber Denis Thompson AJ Moreno Galit Ventura Rozen Jennifer Burbank Scott Kerbs Chris Craig Dani Bradford Dr. Brian Iriye Michael Kalekini Lissette Waugh Marc Barry

THANK you The truth of the matter is you’re only as good as your support. Here at Real Vegas, we are forever grateful and appreciative of all the continued support! Without the contributing names listed here, this publication would not be possible. This special feature winter issue is dedicated to the 2020 Women Who Wow- Real Woman of Substance that we have had the pleasure of getting to know and learning about this past fall; Sinni Singh, Sara Colson, Julie Adams, Brandy White-Elk and Brenda Beltran. This issue is another result of our hard work, blood, sweat and tears and at Real Vegas magazine, we will NEVER claim to be a one man show! What we all do in contribution to each issue is truly a labor of love and from the bottom of our hearts and we proudly thank every advertiser, writer, photographer, contributor in every way, shape and form. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to tell the stories and provide rich content including current events and our historical Las Vegas history to our readers as well, which is of the utmost important to us. Please feel free to submit any editorial pieces for consideration to: info@realvegasmagazine. com and please follow and like us on social media and visit our website: We would love to have you join us out at one of our upcoming events! Please check out our upcoming events that are promoted and shared on social media each quarter.


THANK YOU all and we hope you enjoy reading the contents as much as we enjoyed putting it all together!

Jill King Patrick Kang Rob Holbrook

***A special thank you to Anne Fontaine boutique for providing attire for Sara Colson’s cover and to L Makeup Institute for doing the makeup for Sara Colson, Sinni Singh and Brandy White-Elk

Tsikki Thau Cathy Brooks e

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The Smith Center of Performing Arts


Printed in the U.S.A.



Leila Hale

N A juice T IV E By: Candice Wiener

"You don't run the business, The business runs YOU."




hese are the words from a prominent

After marrying,

Las Vegas Pioneer also known as "The

the couple

First Lady of Gambling and the First Lady


of Charity, Judy Bayley. Many of us here in

to California

the Valley have grown up attending various

where they

performances at the Bayley Theatre & Artemis

started a successful

Ham Hall located at our local University,

fruit cake business

UNLV. Only the real Las Vegas locals recall

which they later incorporated

the first Nevada woman to own and operate

and banked the money on some land outside

an entire Hotel & Casino empire after her

of Fresno. Their first establishment was the

late husband passed in 1964. Judy Bayley

Fresno Hacienda, which was so lucrative they

took the helm of the Hacienda empire she

grew into Bakersfield and Indio, becoming a

built with her husband and demonstrated

bona fide California based motel chain. The

herself to be a celebrated expert in hotel

glitz, glamour and explosive growth of Las

management, gambling and entertainment,

Vegas seemingly beckoned the Bayley's. With

and she generously contributed to the

their innovative business acumen, foresight

business, community, progress and cultural

and growth potential as well as being mixed

development of our fabulous city. Judy was

with their passion for the arts and ultimate

originally from Dallas, Texas and eventually

desire for making people happy, they truly

married Warren "Doc" Bayley from Wisconsin

enjoyed the fabulous entertainment the

in 1936. Before she met Doc, Judy was active

city offered. The Hacienda Hotel debuted

in her Father's Business in Dallas and modeled

here in Las Vegas in 1956 and the casino

for Niemen-Marcus, quite the savvy boss

in 1957 where the Mandalay Bay stands

babe very early in life. Warren Doc Bayley

today. During the 1950’s, here in Las Vegas,

found her natural charisma, warm hearted

the South end of the Strip was considered

nature, and stunning beauty completely

to be the outskirts of town, 2 miles down the


strip from the other hotels which created a


more inclusive resort style setting for the

Since Doc was well aware of all the logistics involved in hotel

American Heart Fund, March of Dimes,

establishment and growth, as well as the Las Vegas infrastructure,

and many other countless community organizations and initiatives

he knew that Judy would be well prepared to rule his empire should

from helping abandoned animals to pushing equal rights initiatives.

anything happen to him and when he passed away in 1964, she

She was an all-around Women Who Wows, and we are proud to

was primed and positioned as The First Lady of Gambling, Queen of

have her as one of our incredible city founders. Judy was the first

Keno. She oversaw all the hotel operations for all their properties in

woman in Nevada History to be the sole owner and operator of a Las

Las Vegas and California and paved the way for many of the casino

Vegas Hotel and Casino and she maintained the fortress until her last

games that we enjoy playing to this day like Keno, Poker and Pan.

year with us in 1971. Her leadership and marketing foresight locked in an unforgettable legacy for

As a double major in Music and English, Judy was inherently fond of

a historic iconic hotel, the Hacienda and drew

entertainment and the arts and generously donated funds for the

international acclaim for our city.

establishment of the Judy Bayley Theater across from Artemis Ham Hall at UNLV. Doc and Judy donated and held events regularly for charity organizations much like the American Cancer Society,


Hacienda, albeit less foot traffic.


Native Juice.......................................................................................................... Pg. 02 Forever by Her Side............................................................................................... Pg. 08 A Young Woman's Journey to Motherhood...................................................... Pg. 16 Real Women of Substance...................................................................................Pg. 18 Who Is She?........................................................................................................... Pg. 22 Not So Hidden Jewelz........................................................................................... Pg. 28 An Iconic Self-Made Fashionista......................................................................... Pg. 38 Love Brings Us Hope............................................................................................. Pg. 42 The Beauty Column.............................................................................................. Pg. 48 She's the Bee's Knees............................................................................................ Pg. 50 Some Women Can't Stand Winter ..................................................................... Pg. 66

22 04


42 50

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From the


publishers CANDICE N C Wiener desk:

ere at Real Vegas, we are full of

of you and the fact remains: I’m not afraid

replica or sheep in wolves clothing will prevail.

gratitude and thanks for this past

to eat alone, because I know what I bring

#familyfirst will always be our motto and every

holiday season has been the best one

to the table! With that being said, I can’t

single reader and advertiser is considered

to date! As I sit and reflect on all of 2019, I’m

remember a time I ever had to eat alone

our Real Vegas tribe! We are thankful

vastly aware that in order to grow and shed

because I’ve been truly blessed with such a

beyond belief for each and every one of

of what no longer serves you in both your

large and incredible family support system!

you. Where the fakers make condescending

professional career and personal lifestyle,

As the sibling of 8, our blessed family screams

comments and awful lies, we rise above.

it’s really just a matter of taking inventory.

the kind of abundance that can’t be bought.

Always remembering; confidence is silent,

You wouldn’t keep making deposits into an

So, last fall, I started the purge with my closet.

but insecurities are loud!! Our disposition here

account that remains to reflect a zero or

I’ve always been the girl who would hold

at Real Vegas will remain humble and full of

negative balance; therefore when it comes to

onto material items, mainly because of their

gratitude and please keep your eyes open

empty relationships between friends or family

sentimental value. So and so got me this shirt

for the phenomenal things we have in store

and you start putting down boundaries that

and it reminds me of this and that, etc... but as

for 2020!

are meant to protect you and the only people

I looked upon the wardrobe I’ve established

who get mad about these boundaries are the

over the 25+ past years; I thought to myself...

A special thank you to a beacon of light,

ones who benefited from you having none.

am I really going to rock those short fringe

generosity, wisdom and abundance is a

Those who really and genuinely love you will

jean shorts as a grandma? Nope... do I really

really beautiful one that’s extremely near and

understand when you express the boundaries

need to keep all of those mini dresses I still

dear to our heart, Sinni Singh. We couldn’t

that works for you and serves you and your

have from my 20’s that are all size 0, 2 or 4’s?

be more blessed and gracious to have your

current and future goals, not just for yourself

Again, nope... do I really need to hold on to

guidance as a spiritual mother and are

but ultimately important for the legacy you

those 20 plus year old purses? No... it all felt so

excited for what all of our futures entail. Also,

intend to leave and the mark you intend to

healing to rid of all of this unnecessary weight

please be sure to check out Bailey Wiener’s

make on your existence.

just taking up space in my closet. Much of that

journey to motherhood article in this special

was also altruistic in my personal relationship

feature edition! We will be composing Sinni’s

Real Vegas magazine had a baby on

with both family and friends. Keep what’s

“Real Love” column and Bailey’s “Journey to

Christmas Eve, December 24th at 5:44am. I

authentic, real and genuine but shed that

Motherhood and Beyond” column each and

am so blessed and proud to share with you

of which no longer or has never served its

every issue so you can stay up to date with

all that my oldest daughter, Bailey Wiener,

purpose in your life and it truly felt like a ton

real life stories and follow these incredible

gave birth to my first granddaughter, Eden

of bricks were removed from my shoulders!

journeys! Lastly, but never least; don’t forget to

Elise. It was one of the most precious and

Both literally and metaphorically. I remember

check out former Mayor, Oscar B. Goodman’s

beautiful milestones in my entire life and I’m

my late Godmother telling me; “I go through

contribution especially in this issue and each

absolutely thrilled to step into a brand-new

my closet every 6 months. And if I haven’t

and every issue thereafter as this specific

role as her Grandmother. As we all waited

worn it, I donate it or toss it out!” This always

article brought us to sweet tears for our former

eagerly anticipating her arrival for the past

proved difficult for me. But it felt so enriching

mayor and current Mayor; the admirable and

9+ months to meet our angelic new addition

and empowering to get rid of the old, dead

beloved, Mayor Carolyn Goodman. This piece

to the family, I had the urge to start purging

weight. Not just materially but also personally.

will lead any empath to tears!

serve me. As someone who has had difficult

We hosted baby Eden’s baby shower at the

Please be sure to follow us on social for all

time letting go of both people, material and

incredible Lola’s in Summerlin and it was

of our upcoming events and we greatly

sentimental things in my life in the past; this

evident that as both Eden’s mom and dad’s

appreciate your commitments to continue to

last year I have found this seemingly much

families all came together, that our beautiful

support and uphold something so real as Real

more simplistic in nature to do. I started with

family will continue to grow and be blessed.

Vegas magazine! From our hearts to your eyes

the realization that not all that are in your

As fifth generation local Las Vegans, we came

and ears, here’s to wishing everyone the best

boat or claim to be are actually rowing.

together and celebrated our anticipation of

winter leading into spring season we have

In fact, when you open your eyes to real

beautiful Granddaughter to be on both sides

ever seen!

revelation, it becomes easier to see that

of our beautifully blended families and we all

some of those you trusted by nature were in

molded together so well. We look forward to

fact poking holes, attempting to sink you and

this journey to come over the next year in 2020

your boat. Some call it glass ceilings, some

and of course sharing with you all each step

view it as manipulation to portray that they

of the way! What’s hard won’t come easy and

actually care about you when in fact they

wants easy won’t remain. The fruits of our spirit

keep making withdrawals and feeding off

are humble and meek in nature and no fake


@realvegasmagazine CANDICE WIENER 702.743.5358


things in my life that are toxic and/or no longer

"I was so in love, so proud, so happy..."






By: Oscar Goodman


hen you’ve been in love with someone

Basically, they opined that, “Of course, you just can’t

for almost 60 years, and married for 57 of

sit around the house. You have work you want to

them, most of the time you can finish a

finish.” With that she said that she would file for the

sentence they started. I knew when Carolyn called

office the next day. It was a non-issue as to whether

me that something was terribly wrong. She didn’t

she should tell the public of her condition. There

have to finish her sentence, because it wouldn’t

was the briefest of discussions, but it wasn’t even

have made any difference, I was already suffocating

close, the public was entitled to know what she said,

when she said she had been to the doctor and… I

and potentially other candidates were entitled to

was driving home when she called me, and the tears

make it part of their discussion with the voters, if they

cascaded down my cheeks and I couldn’t think,

deemed fit to do so.

other than to say I’ll be home, I’m on my way, I’m coming home.

The media was advised Carolyn would be filing at 9am the next day, nothing more, nothing less. The

When I came to the door, I went for her and hugged

TV channels and print media were present, City

her tightly. She was seemingly cool, while I was

Hall employees were there to show their support. A

scared to death, not for only her, but selfishly for me

little before 9, Carolyn asked the communications

since I knew I couldn’t live without her.

office to advise everyone, before she would go into the clerk’s office, she had wanted to say a few

The doctor told her after performing a mammogram

words. This piqued interest. The hallway filled up.

the week before, and taking a biopsy, that she

She went up to the many microphones, looked out,

had stage 2 breast cancer that it was contained,

acknowledged the attendees and began to speak.

and would be treatable. I can’t imagine how she

She wasted no time. Right off the bat she stated that

kept it to herself, and with that knowledge, had the

in the past few days she was diagnosed with stage

gumption to give her “State of the City” speech

2 breast cancer. I don’t think anyone heard much

as though she didn’t have a care in the world. Our

of what came after. The tears and gasps with those

4 children were at City Hall Chambers with their

in attendance flowed. The love and concern were

spouses and their children and discerned nothing



which would have suggested the turmoil that had to be coursing through her very being.

She spoke optimistically about the future, the

It was the day after that she told me. She said she

the energy of a pack of wolves. The euphoria was

had to tell our children. She called them to come

contagious with smiles, cheers, congrats and thanks.

over the house. 1st time she ever summoned them

She went in to declare that she was seeking re-

like that. She told them. They sat together trying to

election. The clerk who assisted in the process was

control their emotions, so Carolyn would not be upset

overcome with elation.

with their distress. After explaining the diagnosis, she said she had a serious decision she had to make and

I was so in love, so proud, so happy with the way

wanted their input and opinion. She had to decide

Carolyn was. Carolyn and I knew that I would be by

whether she would run for re-election to a third term

her side forever.

as Mayor of the City of Las Vegas.


treatment and assured everyone that she had

2 0 2 0



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A Young Woman's

o t y e n r u jo

Motherhood By: Bailey Wiener


wanted to write a piece for this 2020 Women Who Wow special feature issue about the beauty of the journey into

motherhood, but I feel like it will be more real,

"...after all, this is a

honest and truthful to write some things also

REAL VEGAS baby ..."

about the struggle. You hear about women feeling empowered by the challenges facing this daunting journey to parenthood and I wish that were me. My desire was strong to write and share about my own personal journey to motherhood as after all, this is a Real Vegas baby who is directly related to Real Vegas magazine family and will be a 5th generation Las Vegas local, which is a pretty amazing and rare thing. I understand that it’s not sunshine and daisies for even the women that have loved being pregnant. The physical challenges; although not ideal, aren’t my concern. The emotional side of the spectrum is where I feel I was hit by a bus. Everyone’s story is different and beautiful in its own way, but here is some insight into my journey. First, I felt the nausea. I almost didn’t even have to take a pregnancy test to know I was pregnant. That didn’t stop me from taking 10 more after the


original test already confirmed what my body already knew. I took the test all alone and immediately started shaking and trembling. This was the moment I came to the realization that my whole life was about to change forever.

proved to be one of the most challenging

gender with some of our closest family and

Now, I am just days away from giving birth

and scariest experiences of my life. The

friends. I felt like if I knew the gender, I would

to her and officially almost fully through the

1st trimester I felt sick and continually like

be able to feel a stronger connection to the

pregnancy and I am ready to deliver her and

a mess. The 2nd trimester felt more like a

little bean inside of me. Once I found out the

meet my beautiful baby girl, Eden.

waiting game to me, but during this time

gender, I was able to visualize my life a little

I will continue to write and share about

I felt comfortable to share the good news

more clearly, but even up until now I think

the steps of motherhood and all of the

with my close friends and family about the

the connection will be so amazingly insane

moments I encounter in newborn baby stage,

journey I was embarking on with my 1st

and beautiful when I can hear her cry and

breastfeeding and throughout her life to

pregnancy. I applaud the women that have

hold my little sweet girl in my arms. I long for

share with her moments that I am certain

the patience to actually wait to find out the

the moment where I can see my precious

will pass by so quickly. We hope you enjoy

gender of their baby, and although initially I

baby’s face! She kicks and kicks day and

seeing her development and learning more

was going to attempt to wait until the baby’s

night. She kicks when she hears music, when

about my journey to motherhood and baby

arrival to learn what the gender was; mainly,

I drink something cold, when I eat something

Eden’s transition in the days and issues of the

I just wanted to be sure my baby would be

sweet, and especially when she hears her

magazine to come.

a healthy baby. I ended up giving in to the

father’s voice. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever

strong desire to find out the gender. I was

experienced in my entire life so far. These little

just so excited to see what I was going to be

pleasures are what makes all the heartburn,

having. I soon found out we were having a

aches, pains, and crazy emotional battles all

girl and we had a small and intimate gender

worth it.

reveal party at my mom’s house to share the


Being pregnant at the young age of 20










The ones who do the most in all the right ways. They’re real intelligent, real creative, real amazing women.








Abbie Friedman

Dida Clifton

Kamelia Kohlmeier

Monica Pappas

Alexandra Barilla

Dina Ladah

Kema Ogden

Natalie DeNardo

Kimberly Joi McDonald

Natalie Manning

Alexandra Glassman



Dr. Amel Youssef

Alexis Amity

Dr. Bess Chang

Kimberly Schofield

Nieve Malandra

Alexis Aranda

Dr. Eva Littman

Krista Whitley

Nina Waldman

Alison Wainwright

Dr. Hayley Brown

Kristen Mainor

Nittaya Parawong

Alison Wainwright

Dr. Renee Coffman

Kristin Cogburn

Noel Terracina

Allison Monette

Dr. Souzan El-Eid

Kristine Williams Anderson

Pam Payne

Alyson McCarthy

Dr. Suzie Su

Lark Williams

Paula Reis

Amanda Connor

Dr. Victoria Chen

Leah Vigil

Peggy Pruchnicki

Amanda Kouretas

Dr. Vinne Chen

Leiandra Gaskill

Rachel Horton

Amy Rosetti

Eliza Budiarto

Leila Hale

Rachel Smith

Andrea Dupper

Elizabeth Teramoto

Leticia Mitchell

Rachelle Razon

Andrea Schubert

Ella Gagiano

Lia Yulianti

Rane Rose

Anja Ringgren Loven

Erica Harvey

Lilly Ruiz

Raquel Ryan

Ann Simmons Nicholson

Erika Kimble

Linda Gonzales

Rita Vaswani

Anna Billings

Eva Martin

Linda Naw

Robyn Yates

Anna Zakowska/Cartwright

Falisha Rexford

Lisa Davis

Safia Campbell

Arezou Piroozi

Fauzia Carullo

Lisa Santwer

Sandy Roche

Ashley Hawks

Gabriela Loredon

Lisa Smith

Sara Colson

Ashley Vlastaris

Galit Rozen

Lissette Waugh

Sarah Guindy

Ayesha Mehdi

Gatha Stephens

Lola Elizabeth Pokorny

Sarah Thornton

Beli Andaluz

Gigi Roundtree

Lori Nelson

Shannon Wilkinson

Betsy Lemper

Gina Corena

Madeline Kelley

Shawn Smith

Betty Bonanno

Ginnie Salazar

Mallory Nathan

Shelley Berkley

Brandi Cassady

Glenda Lippman-Monkarsh

Mandy McKeller

Sheryl Best

Brandy White Elk

Heather Harris

Marcella Williams

Sinni Singh

Brenda Beltran

Holly Silvestri

Maria Miuccio

Stacey Laricchia

Brittany Madsen

Ina Mohan

Mariah Fineman

Steph MacKenzie

Brooke Neubauer

Jainine Jaffer

Maribeth Trainor

Susan Spencer

Candace Carr Easdale

Jamescia Hambrick

Marissa Castillo

Sydney Smith

Carolynn Towbin

Jamie Kiger

Mary Vail

Tammy Eden

Cassie Mor

Janice Wolfenbarger

Mayor Carolyn Goodman

Tamra Trainer

Cathy Brooks

Jasmine Taylor

Meena Ramanathan

Tania Michaels

Cathy Jones

Jenna Montijo

Meesha Araich

Tiffanie Craddock

Chera Leigh

Jillian Batchelor

Melanie Jupp

Tiffany Jackson

Connie Naill-Hunt

Jennifer Bradley

Melissa Warren

Tracy Eglet

Courtney Grossa

Jennifer Braster

Mercedes Martinez

Tricia Costello

Cyndy Robbins

Jennifer Burbank

Merri Perry

Trish Nash

Dani Bradford

Jennifer Ciancio Ronquillo

Michele Fiore

Trish Williams

Darcy Spears

Jennifer Lynne Phillips

Michele Rothstein

Trisha Marie Chamberlain

Dawn Gibbons

Jennifer Vaughan

Michelle Cadiz

Trisha Marie Chamberlain

Debbie Banko

Jennifer Walsh

Michelle Curran

Tyra Bell-Holland

Debbie Roxarzade

Jerrie Merritt

Michelle Howard

Tzigane Libson

Deborah Clayton

Jesika Towbin-Mansour

Michelle Velez

Victoria Seaman

Denise LaForest

Jill Worley

Molly Hamrick

Virginia Toalepai

Deshani Hughes

Jodi Friedman

Molly O'Bryant

Wendi Schweigart

Desiree Sagesse

Julie Adams

Monica Garin

Di Redman Wolfgram

Kady Casullo

Monica Jackson






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WHO SHE ? is

The Mystique of




he pure essence is one of the things

embodies true grace and elegance that

in addition to mobile homes she owns in

that draws us to the beautiful and

she displays in her everyday life. Owner of

multiple states as well as rental properties.

mystifying Sinni Singh. Often referred

businesses in 4 different states including her

It’s no mystery to us that Sinni handles all

to by her amazing staff as Ms. Sinni, this real

mining operation, Flintrock Products based

of her 11 LLC’s in the utmost professional

woman of substance exudes a pure, gentle

out of Oklahoma, her healing center, “Home

manner. Flintrock Products has multiple plants

and loving nature like no other woman I’ve

4 Divine Healing”, and subsidiary location

which make various grades, to supply for

ever met. The powerful and nurturing qualities

of Flintrock Products offices here in Las

bridge decking and the road building. Flint

she embodies is like a real kind of love. Sinni

Vegas, companies in Missouri and California,

is a product that is much like Sinni; strong

yet flexible in all aspects of the products

from all over. She has an incredible Brazilian

as bridges tend to sway and the flexibility

chakra machine that helps aid her to help

of the stone makes it an ideal material for

open up people’s chakras to assist her in

bridges. Perpendicularly, Sinni herself is

healing and helping to align their past pains

also strong and flexible in her professional

and provide true peace and healing in their

and business life. She has a generous and

lives. Generously, Ms. Sinni offered sessions to

loving nurturing spirit, yet a strong business

myself and I got to first-hand experience her

acumen in which she has to remain firm and

gifts. When you first come into her healing

masculine with all of her employees; while

center, she gives you a contract to sign that

balancing a very strong feminine healing

is essentially a contract between yourself

energy. She has always used her obstacles as

and God stating that you will simply pay it

steppingstones to rise higher. When she found

forward when you receive blessings from her

out her past manager was dishonest, she

healing powers. This was certainly something

made the decision to move to Oklahoma.

very unique that I had never experienced.

After removing him from the company, she

Eastern countries are seemingly much

made her company more successful. True to

more advanced when it comes to healing

form as Sinni is, she withstood the low blows

modalities. It’s very interesting to learn about

and emerged stronger than ever; like a true

the holistic type of treatments Sinni provides.

stone or diamond in my opinion, through this obstacle similar to the sedimentary refinery

Her magnetic nature intrinsically draws you

process. She says it took coming through the

into Sinni and creates an instinctive desire to

fire multiple times to become pure gold.

want to learn more about her. We can only imagine that men are lining up to take her

In addition to this woman who wows us

out and have the opportunity to meet this

each and every day’s boss babe mentality,

fascinating and equally gorgeous woman.

Sinni exemplifies the epitome of a balanced

Always impeccably dressed, women also look

woman leading a very delicately balanced

up to Sinni and admire her image and noble

life both professionally and personally. Sinni

stature. A natural stunner, she so humbly

also runs her healing center here in Las Vegas

gives of herself and what Sinni is all about is

and conducts healings for specific individuals

a beautiful energy and aura. It’s no wonder

who seek out her healing strengths and gifts

she is a master manifestor and allows God


and the universe to continue to bestow on intellect and has learned what some may refer to as a secret; she most definitely has unmerited favor and is blessed beyond measure by creating the energy she wants in her life whilst manifesting God’s favor in her world. Her standards are high and for good reason. You’d have to be a man of substance beyond measure with impeccably high standards to approach her with an intimate intent. Sinni has a strong desire to motivate and guide our youth. Her work with the youth shelter in Las Vegas is admirable to say the least.

Every Wednesday she worked with

around 80 youths, ages 16 to 25, teaching them mediation and how to create vision boards. She would also provide them with pizza, dessert and drinks. Motivating them, guiding them and simply just loving them; and letting them know dreams do come true and showing them how to make them come true.

Also, an avid animal lover, Sinni has 4 German Shepherds, (pictured on our front cover is one of her Shepherds, Rock). Rock is a beautiful dog and very well trained and behaved. Sinni also has a horse she loves dearly named Rocky. Sinni will be authoring a continual column in Real Vegas each and every issue. Keep an eye out for her King & Queen article every quarter. Each issue she will share her feelings about real love from a Queens perspective and we will be looking for submissions from a Kings perspective to work with her to coincide this intriguing journalist piece each issue. If you are interested in giving the Kings perspective portion of the ongoing article for consideration in an upcoming issue, please email:


her what she prays for. Sinni is of such high



n o i t a Invit

to know

REAL LOVE By: Sinni Singh

more pleasurable if you have a partner who is

not the right time to analyze the relationship

you read stories of powerful kings

going in the same direction. The only way you

if you want to think independently. Most of

and queens and you see the

will know it if you have invested time in getting

the decisions to move forward in relationships

ones who made history. People still learn from

to know each other. If you are dreaming about

are taken in the energy of the influence of

them, and they are the kings and queens who

owning a private jet and your partner just want

the other person. If one person wants to be in

experience true love because that’s where

a reliable car, then you’re not in alignment and

the relationship their energy can influence the

real power resides. When you fall in love things

the both of you coming together will cause

decision to move forward in it. The best way to

that were dull suddenly you experience them


be sure that it’s the right relationship and it’s coming fully from you is when you know what

as being much brighter. You feel fully alive

to do.

and motivated to achieve amazing things.

When you are in a relationship where you both

What is the mystery? Everyone around you can

have same dreams and are working towards

feel the difference in you and then something

the same goal, it naturally becomes a lasting

A happy relationship is complementary to

changes. You go in doubt about your feelings.

relationship. Men and women have different

one another. When you are in a relationship

You go into a deeper disturbance within you

strengths that come to them naturally. Being

that is of complement and not of competition

and then conflict arrives. You try to figure out

with a partner who is balanced makes life fun.

or conflict, then you thrive. A relationship is

what changed. You lose the desire to do things

Vision boards are very helpful in keeping a

supposed to bring the best in you and that can

that used to excite you. Life feels burdensome.

clear vision and seeing your partner’s vision. For

only happen if you have a supportive partner

Either you get yourself busy with work, so you

instance, if you have a house by the water on

whose dreams are same as your dreams. It

don’t have to think about it, or you get into

your vision board and a boat but your partner

helps dreams manifest when you believe in

another relationship with the next person you

has a house in the desert on their vision board,

them, talk about them and get excited. The

meet, and then same experience happens

or if you are a person who likes to plan and

universe thrives on the energy of excitement

again. What went wrong is the question?

save for a flourishing future and your partner

and love and you get universal support that

Love at first sight. When you are attracted to

is a big spender and doesn’t like to save that

manifest and make your dreams come true.

someone physical appearance is the first thing

opens up a conflict. If you have chosen a

What the universe wants for you is to be in love.

you see, and you feel the chemistry. Then the

partner who has the same goals, then none of

next step is to get to know the person. Do you

these obstacles will arise. When neither of you

Sinni Singh is a queen in her own right. Real

remember in school chemistry was just one

have to give up on your dreams and neither

Vegas will be discussing topics about real love

subject not the whole course? Chemistry has

one is trying to change the other, it makes life

between men and women in each upcoming

its importance but there are other aspects of

easier and much more fulfilling. When you have

issue. We are currently looking for a counter

a lasting relationship. What’s your goal for the

support at home you perform better at work.

part of a man who is living his best life as a

relationship and does it match the goals of the

When you bring harmony in your relationship

modern-day king in both his personal and

other person? Do you have the same vision for

you are more productive because your energy

professional life that is interested in writing

life? Let’s say you went to buy a Ferrari and

is flowing in your success, not in your conflict.

from the king’s perspective on topics related to love. We are also accepting questions from

you are attracted to the beauty of it then you went on a test drive. You are impressed with

Love making generates the most powerful

readers that want to have Sinni (as a modern-

the performance, but you don’t just stop there

energy that we call orgasms. It has much more

day queen) and the king to answer. Please

and buy the car. You have to figure out the

significance other than the simple fact that

submit your interest and request to: info@

payments, insurance, durability, etc. Then you

it feels good. You become one with another

see if it aligns with what you want, and you

person. It is the most intimate exchange.

with any requests.

decide to buy it. So, it will bring you lasting joy.

The energy exchange that happens during

Let’s say if you got emotionally invested just

an orgasm stays in you for three days. You

We look forward to

by the looks of it and didn’t take the time to

can’t be independent in your own energy for

bringing you this each

investigate anything else, the experience will

next three days. Your feelings, your thought

and every issue.

be very different. Journey of life becomes lot

processes are intermingled for that period. It’s




hen you look in the history of love,


'2 0


Alexandra Barilla


Allison Monette



Angela Stabile

Anna Zakowska

Beli Andaluz

Cassie Mor

General Manager Anne Fontaine 702.733.6205



Anna Billings

Owner/CEO Simply Vegas/RISE 702.885.5223

Broker │ Owner │ Realtor ® Innovative Real Estate Strategies 702.858.4211


Brenda Beltran

Brandy White Elk


Owner/CEO LSI Resorts 702.310.3737


Candace Carr Easdale

Cathy Brooks

Chera Leigh

Top Producer/Realtor ® Simply Vegas 702.300.7631

Courtney Grossa

Dani K. Bradford


Debbie Banko


'2 0


Dida Clifton


Dr. Amel Youssef



Dr. Eva Littman

Dr. Souzan El-Eid

Neurologist Medical Neurology 702.851.1065

Dr. Bess Chang

Ella Gagiano

Eliza Budiarto

Director of Operations Radman Hospitality/Hi Scores Bar-Arcade 702.888.1999 | 702.522.7766

Director of Marketing The Tiberti Fence Company (Est. 1955, Lic. #4632) 702-382-7070

Elizabeth Teramoto



Erica Harvey

@commontreelv & @_gigiroundtree Common Tree

Galit Ventura-Rozen

Ina Holiday

Gigi Roundtree

Jainine Jaffer

Jasmine Taylor

Jennifer Bradley

Jennifer Braster


President & Founder Common Tree 703-748-8694



By: Alisha Wiener



as Vegas Native Jewlz, professionally

modern design and studio lighting create

Jewlz inspires hundreds of women in our

known as Julie Adams, certainly

an air of professionalism that make this a

local community every day. The joy of

embodies the Real Vegas magazine’s

unique experience, not just getting your hair

helping individuals look and feel better in her

Woman Who Wow concept in her everyday

done. "VIVA" is located right across from

profession sparked a joy in Jewlz that inspired

life. Born in Las Vegas, Jewlz had a lifelong

the Red Rock Hotel & Casino in upscale

her to create her Non-Profit Organization

inspiration to help make Las Vegas the

Summerlin and "9037" nearby on Sahara and

called Carestream. With Carestream, Jewlz

best place possible in the world. Jewlz

Fort Apache.

is able to give haircuts and personal care

creatively expresses this inspiration for our

to individuals in our community whom

city as an entrepreneurial businesswoman

Much like Jewlz herself, both of her Salons

otherwise would not have the means to

leading 2 teams of creative stylists for both

are incredibly comfortable and inviting. The

do so themselves. Jewlz finds stimulus in

of her state-of the art salons; bringing

first impression upon walking into her salons,

so many of her projects and community

both to her philanthropic efforts with her

you will feel right at home. Jewlz cleverly

events while continuing to inspire and speak

non-profit organization, Carestream and

explored different styles & revitalized both

positivity to her teams, with "VIVA", "9037"

Jewlz is also the mother of three beautiful

spaces to give a luxurious yet comfortable

& Carestream. Jewlz is truly a hidden gem

daughters. Jewlz beautifies Las Vegas on

beautifying experience. With both her

here in Las Vegas and we encourage you to

an individual and community scale. Both

Salons, Jewlz runs 2 teams of highly expertly

visit her salons in Summerlin and Carestream

her Salons, "Viva" & "9037" encapsulate

trained & qualified stylists as well as talented

who holds monthly events for the Las Vegas

everything the beauty experience should

creatives who look up to her for inspiration

Community Progress with their “Cuts for Kids”

have. The ambiance is friendly and inviting

and motivation of her leadership, business

program. You will be truly enriched after

like a friend’s elegant living room. The

skills and business acumen.

meeting her and her team! She is one of our

top Women Who Wow for Real Vegas and

“When given the opportunity to become a

unstoppable. We’ve set

that goes without question and measure.

salon owner it was always just that simple. I

a new benchmark. The

was chosen for this. Every salon I have ever

love for our craft and our

“My girls have been "my reason" for 20 years.

owned a part of, is because someone has

community will guide us

Everything I have done has been in hopes

asked me to step in, make changes or take

as we continue to give

of giving them the life they deserve. They're

the lead. My love for my craft comes from

more and do more.”

so worth it, I’ve learned to love my craft

my love for the people I get to meet along

Adds Jewlz.

knowing it is to provide for them.

the way. Every day is a new day. And every

moment is an opportunity to do something

Carestream was created after a failed

that can change the way a person feels. As

attempt, one Thanksgiving when I wanted

stylists, we’re responsible for so much more

to go feed the homeless. I was too worried

than our clients’ look and overall image. We

about poisoning them that it created so

get the call when a family member is fighting

much stress I had to find another way to

cancer. When they or even their child is

give back. I wanted my kids to grow up

pregnant. We are the first to know what’s

helping others, loving the community and

going on in their lives. We’re so blessed to be

this beautiful city, that we get to call home.

the people they come to with their hearts

Everything I've done is for them. Because

full or broken and know that they will leave

I know they're always watching. I always

feeling so much better. What we do is so

wanted their normal to be so much more

much more than hair. We hold a space for

then to be raised by a single mom,” says

clients that is so sacred it can’t be replaced.


And together as a team, our salons are

VIVA SALON 10870 W. Charleston @vivasalonlv VivaSalonLV


9037 SALON 9037 W. Sahara @9037salon

JULIE ADAMS President and Founder Carestream Inc. Nonprofit 10870 W Charleston #120






'2 0





Owner 9037 Salon | VIVA Salon | Carestream Inc. | 702.570.7108 | 702.331.6000

@9037salon @VivaSalonLV @Julieadamscarestream

Julie Adams

Jennifer Vaughan

Kamelia Kohlmeier

CEO & Owner Designing JOI, LLC 702.533.5273



Kimberly JOI McDonald

Leah Vigil

Linda Naw

Associate Director UNLV Lee Business School MBA Programs 702.895.3655

Lia Yulianti

Lisa Santwer


Lisa Davis


Owner Lola’s Louisiana Kitchen 702.871.5652 | 702.227.5652

Lissette Waugh

Marcella Williams

Lola Pokorny

Maria Miuccio

Mariah Fineman

Mary Vail


Mayor Carolyn Goodman

I RE S i s a compa ssi on a t e, r e su l t s-d r i v e n r ea l est a t e comp a n y t h a t f ocu ses on t h e su ccess a n d goa l s of t h e f a mi l i es we ser v e . At I RES, we bu ild the leg ac ies of ou r agents, our partner s, and our co mm unity. We believe the greatest investment we c an make is in o ur c om mu nity, which i s why we provide resourc e s and t rai ni ngs on home ownership and beyond. Lea rn mor e ab out I R ES Le gacy and how we provide ou r tea m with the to ols they need to suc ceed.

WWW.IRESVEGAS.COM Re s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r ic a l - P r o p e r t y Ma na gemen t - I n ves tmen ts - Sh ort Sal es - Ban k Ow n ed - Wholesale


7 0 2 .4 7 8 .2 2 4 2 | 7 0 2 .8 5 8 .4211 Nv. B . 0009698

2 5 9 5 S C i ma r r on Rd # 2 0 4 La s V e ga s NV 8 9 1 1 7

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'2 0





COO | Business Administrator Family Doctors of Green Valley 702.616.9471


Meena Ramanathan


Meesha Araich

Melanie Jupp

Michelle Howard

Molly O'Bryant

Peggy Pruchnicki

Rachel Horton

Rachel Smith

Renee Coffman

Robyn Yates

Sandra Roche

Sarah Thornton

Shelley Berkley


CFO/ABC Certified Fitter-Mastectomy (CFM) POP Prosthetics 702.243.7671


Sara Colson

Director of Marketing, Sales & SEO Starfire Web Design 702.800.4447

Shawn Smith

CEO Flintrock Products 702.617.4661 | 918.673.1737


Sinni Singh

e s i R REALTOR on the

BRENDA BELTRAN has been selling real estate for 12 years in Las Vegas, “at the young age of 18 I bought my first property and fell in love with Real Estate and never looked back” said, Brenda. What she mostly enjoys about Real Estate is working with people and believes Real Estate is a great way to create wealth and help others do the same. “It’s the perfect combination of working with people and my favorite type of investment”, said Brenda. Once a professional model and make-up artist, with a strong background in sales, she later became a licensed Real Estate agent in 2007 and has dedicated herself to Real Estate since then. Brenda is originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, but a Las Vegas resident since 1994. She often travels to visit her mom who now resides in New Mexico. Brenda’s Business Philosophy is helping clients through education. She strives for them to understand what they are actually doing through-out the complex process of buying a property. Recalling her parents experience with purchasing a home she said, “They did not understand [the complexities of real estate] and caused my parents stress”. This marked how she does business today saying, “I don’t want [clients] to lose sleep over a transaction when they are a question away from sleeping better”. Brenda’s number one thing when focusing on how to achieve results is customer service and creating wealth. When helping clients acquire their first property, Brenda and her team prepare them psychologically with the effects on embarking upon a great investment and helping families have residual income. When establishing relationships with clients she wants clients to feel comfortable and never starts conversations with business. She usually starts with their story by asking questions that build rapport and relates her story to theirs. “We see their interest as a whole not just in the property, but in their entire finances and that’s something not a lot of people do… we will allow them to use our attorneys and CPA and facilitate their way through wealth. You come as a client, but you leave as family”. Brenda wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her amazing team and credits them with the success of her Real Estate endeavors saying, “The team is what makes things easier for me… I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing right now”. The Brenda Beltran’s Group team consists of 5 full time agents, two assistants and a Marketing Director.

We RISE as we

enlighten others They are happy when working with companies and help them grow using using modern methods like engaging with employees and clients trough company culture and leaving behind the old way of the pyramid structure. As Brenda continues to rise in her Real Estate Business she remains grounded adding that the most rewarding thing for her is in her commitment to helping her clients with a better future. “Making the difference in people that came to this country with nothing and seeing them having a better future because I put the time and energy to do that…they feel secure about their financial future…that’s the most rewarding thing…”



'2 0





Owner/Dentist Sexy Vegas Smiles 702.240.4242


Dr. Suzie Su


Tiffanie Craddock


Dr. Hayley Brown

Tricia Costello

Sydney Smith

Tania Michaels

Tyra Bell-Holland

Wendi Schweigart


WOME N O F 2 0 2 0


At MEDICAL NEUROLOGY, we are committed to providing compassionate quality care in hopes of improving, restoring and maintaining your health. Our goal is to help you understand any neurological conditions you may have and if possible, improve your functionality so that you can enjoy the life you dreamed of.

DR. BESS L. CHANG is a board-certified Neurologist certified by the American Board of Neurology who is an expert in cutting edge technology when dealing with patients with brain & spine disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy, stroke and neuro-muscular diseases. She completed post graduate Neurology Residency at Northwestern University School of Medicine and Internal Medicine training at University of Massachusetts. She completed an additional Subspecialty Fellowship training in Neuromuscular Desease, Electrophysiology & Epilepsy at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke Universiry Medical Center. She has been adjunct clinical professor at Northwestern University School of Medicine, Rush University School of Medicine and Touro Medical School. She is also active in clinical research studies involving the Central & Peripheral Nervous System. Dr. Bess L. Chang has made the list of Top Doctors in Las Vegas 7 times within the last 10 years and recently achieved this prestigious award 3 years in a row.


DR. BESS L. CHANG 702-851-1065 MEDICALNEUROLOGYLV.COM 8530 W. Sunset Road, Suite 350 Las Vegas, Nv 89113








High end knitwear made in las vegas for you. Custom orders in all sizes, your favorite colors and styles to enhance your very own look and personality. Only highest quality natural yarns like silk, linen, cotton, rayon are used. All pieces are hand made and fully fashioned. Exquisite knits are available by appointment only! We can meet anytime at your convenience at the “lvag” las vegas artists guild gallery in henderson at the galleria, second floor next to dillards. Classes in hand knitting for all levels will start in january 2020 at the lvag Gallery.

Schedule an appointment

Please call/text Jutta Zuloaga - 702.445.0342 |

Natural Brazilian Beauty and Iconic Self-Made



By: Candice Wiener



nne Fontaine was born in Rio de

her local Las Vegas General Manager, Anna

proceeds to her foundation, the Anne

Janeiro, Brazil and has seemingly

Billings, who has also been in the fashion

Fontaine Foundation. Fontaine moved to

had a long-time love and passion

industry for many years and brings a ton of

France when she was 18 to study biology and

for fashion. Launching her incredible brand,

experience to the Anne Fontaine location

never imagined that she would become a

Anne Fontaine, at the young age of 22

right here at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s

fashion designer. Her passion for doing her

after discovering a trunk of white shirts in her

Palace. A high-profile boutique right on the

part to preserve the environment was brought

husband’s family’s attic, she created her

strip where tourists and locals alike can go

on after her spending 6 months living with the

fist collection and opened her first store in

to get a sharp and classy looking ensemble.

Canela tribe in Amazonia. In 2011, Fontaine

the Saint-Germain are of Paris in 1994. Her

Fontaine received the French National Order

created the New York-based Anne Fontaine

husband, Ari Zlotkin was running his family

of Merit and received the award of l'élan de

Foundation, to inspire support of reforestation

business manufacturing white shirts for men

Mode in 2006 by the French Federation of

and to help facilitate the protection of

in Normandy. Anne and Ari co-founded


endangered forests. The Foundation's projects are focused on the Brazilian Atlantic

the Anne Fontaine brand and additional stores followed 1 year later in Boston and

The company now operates 60 locations

forest, also known as the Mata Atlântica. The

Toyko. Her brand is well known for the

nationwide, with 28 of those locations being

Foundation has planted 40,000 trees thus far

iconic white women’s shirts and blouses,

based in the USA. The love of the classic white

attributing to her philanthropic desires.

yet, has expanded immensely to now offer

button up shirts comes from the symbolic

accessories, shoes and handbags. Let’s get

meaning of white in her hometown of Brazil

Anne Fontaine has a vast area of embellished

real when we talk about classic items for your

meaning purity, good luck and happiness.

and fabulous collections in all their 60 locations as well as online and us Las Vegas

wardrobe and the timeless beauty of simple but luxurious elegance. That’s what the Anne

Not just a fashion designer, entrepreneur and

locals are very fortunate to have a location

Fontaine collections and brand represents to

businesswoman, Anne is also a celebrated

right here in our hometown at the Forum

me. We were 1st introduced to her brand by

philanthropist donating a portion of her

Shops at Caesar’s as well.

RVM: Who was your most inspirational and/or

RVM: And where and when do you find most

favorite designer of all time?

of your creative ingenuity when developing lines for your brand?

AF: Saint Laurent has been an inspiration for me. He was one of the first people to dress

AF: I like to look back at the history of

women in men’s suiting. I love the idea of

fashion and how some of the first designers

masculine glamour mixed with femininity. I

help evolve it into an art and outlet

like to see women being given confidence

of expression. It is important

by what they wear, and still being able to

for me to provide my

be sexy, chic, and glamourous. I also love

customer with beautiful

Comme de Garcons Rei Kawakubo, she

clothing she can

is an artist that knows how to draw you in

show her personality

using the expression of the fabric textures. I

through. When we

am attracted to 3 dimensional fabrics and

are comfortable

texture on clothing, and she uses a lot of

and feel good on

this in her work. I like to play around with this

the outside, our

concept as I design, it adds an element of

true confidence,

interest that is special and eye-catching.

creativity, and happiness come

RVM: What is your favorite collection that

out from the inside.

you’ve ever designed for the Anne Fontaine

It is important


for me to make every woman feel

AF: I will never forget my first collection of

beautiful this way to

white shirts. It was the first time I was able

embrace who they

to see my vision come to life and see what

really are. Nature is

I was trying to express in the clothing. This

also a big inspiration

moment was very moving and continues

for me, I love the

to be an inspiration for me. When I finish

natural beauty and

a collection, I don’t like to look back at it

wonderment of what

because it no longer has the new inspiration

our planet has to

that I am feeling and trying to express.

offer. There is a simple

Whichever collection I am working on is

pleasure in admiring

always my new favorite. Starting a new

things like the colors

collection or season is very exciting for

of a butterfly wing,

me, and love to know that I get another

or a beetle shell. I

opportunity to create beauty through my

like to bring this into


my accessories

and cufflink

RVM: What are your favorite textures you

collection so that

often use in the majority of your designs?

we can wear it every day.

AF: I like to use natural fabrics like the poplin cotton in the white shirts. I am drawn to the purity of white, and its endless possibilities to be draped into each unique design. I love to use organza too; it has the ability to organically mold into the feminine shape. Textured and 3D fabrics are also important in my designs. They give a variety and allow for the customer to choose what their sensations are drawn to. In addition, I like to use a lot of lace and feminine trims because it is important for me to celebrate femininity.




Owner and Founder


southern comfort food Some of the best

in all of Las Vegas you will find at


By: Henry Black III

style barbecue shrimp, bronzed shrimp and

Southern cuisine here in Las Vegas.

grits, fettuccine Alfredo with blackened

Lola’s Louisiana Kitchen takes the

chicken, jambalaya chicken and sausage,

guest’s experience to new levels by sticking

bronzed catfish and grits, shrimp Creole,

to its New Orleans roots. Lola’s encapsulates

shrimp etouffee with delicious red beans and

the Southern Louisiana attitude through its

rice. And, of course Lola’s boasts delicious

welcoming interior designing to the famous

dessert items that are decorated with some

flaming flavor of their Jambalaya and other

of the unique tastes of the southern comforts

dishes. Lola Pokorny, the owner of Lola’s is

including sweet potato pecan pie, many

a Louisiana native who has always had a

variations of bread pudding and a decadent

passion for sharing the amazing flavors of her

chocolate cake.

home to be experienced by people all over the world. Diners literally travel from all over to

Lola’s has 2 locations to serve the greater

experience her delicious delectable dishes.

Las Vegas area; 1 in Downtown Las Vegas

After being featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and

in the Holsum Lofts, off of Charleston and

Dives with Guy Fieri on the Food Network.

Main Street and 1 location in Summerlin off of

Guests from all over the world, including

Town Center and Summerlin Parkway, where

Dubai and further regions have reportedly

the environment is slightly different from one

told Lola that they were drawn to her

another, but the amazing food and menu

restaurant from seeing the episode of Diners,

is the same. With each location you have

Drive-Ins and Dives.

distinct accents that make it unique from the other and will not want to resist the desire



SUMMERLIN 1220 N Town Center Drive Las Vegas, NV 89144

702.871.5652 Monday - Thursday............................... 11a - 9p Friday.................................................... 11a - 10p Saturday................................................12p - 10p Sunday.................................................... 11a - 8p

HAPPY HOURS VGK Games Specials

Lola’s has been serving special New Orleans

to try both. You can enjoy live music while

inspired meals in the Las Vegas area for

you have a cocktail or a glass of wine from

Bar in the Summerlin Location Only

greater than 10 years. They have intrinsically

the bar all while watching a Vegas Golden

Monday – Friday................................. 4pm-7pm

learned what their guests love the most and

Knights game on the television and enjoy

Saturday.......................................... 12pm – 5pm

have shaped their menu to satisfy the most

amazing drink specials, or you can sit back

specific of our Las Vegas foodies. Some of

and sip a calming mojito while relaxing in the

Lola’s signature dishes feature creamy hot

beautiful garden for brunch & drink specials

crab and artichoke dip, crab cakes with

at the Summerlin location, but this restaurant

a lemon garlic aioli, craw puppies, gumbo

is one that the entire family can enjoy. Oh,

and charbroiled oysters. They also have the

and did we mention Lola is a die hard Saints

best chicken fingers ever! Their impressive

fan? There is nothing but black and gold

salads include their signature “Orange Bowl

around her kitchens.

Salad” that comes with mandarin oranges, on iceberg lettuce, and a fantastic Caesar

Visit Lola’s online at

salad that can all be topped with blackened

salmon, chicken or shrimp. They have specialty dishes that include New Orleans-

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DINNødhjælp Making an International Difference By: Candice Wiener



ere at Real Vegas, we recently

him of being a witch and abandoned him.

named "the most inspiring person of the year

watched a video that went viral on

When Anja Ringgren Lovén found the infant,

2016" by Germany's OOOM magazine, in

the internet of an incredible woman

she shared a video of her giving him water,

the midst of some pretty strong competition

rescuing a young 2-year-old boy in Nigeria.

and now he is known by the name she gave

that she defeated for the esteemed #1 title,

Her philanthropic work started years ago

him, Hope. Although Hope was severely

including Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama,

for the youth in Africa and has some pretty

malnourished when Anja found him and his

Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg,

impressive results, with her organization,

body was infested with worms, she felt that

Bob Dylan, Charlize Theron, Leonardo

DINNødhjælp, saving over 70+ young

there was a strong chance for his recovery

DiCaprio and more, based on measures of

children’s lives thus far. We couldn’t watch

and therein the reason she named him

cadence regarding her philanthropic heart

the entire video without tearing up with both

Hope. She continued to raise awareness

and heroic humanitarian efforts.

sadness from the initial state in which she

and funds to help provide the necessary

found him roaming the streets for 8 months

medical treatment and blood transfusions

Grievously, the facts remain that many

at the young age of 2-years-old, scavenging

Hope so desperately needed to combat

citizens in the central Nigerian society

for food to simply survive and ultimately

the conditions he suffered on the brink of

believe in witchcraft assuming that certain

tears of joy for the phenomenal transition

death before Anja found him. Anja is well

children and women are witches. Those

of this child. His parents seemingly accused

known for her humanitarian work and was

that are deemed to be witches are subject

to abuse and neglect, both physically and

RVM: What was the inspiration as

mentally that arise from the stigmatism that

a young child for you to one day

is cast upon them and perpetuated by child

travel to Africa and help children

witch hunting in Nigeria. Some of the victims

in need?

have been said to have been burned to death and buried alive based on the stigma.

ARL: I grew up with my mom

Poverty and religion are said to be the

and two sisters. My parents got

biggest proponents of the belief system and

divorced when I was only 3 years

Anja is certainly doing her part to educate

old. My father was an alcoholic.

those among the villages as she believes

My sisters and I were surrounded

education is fundamental in putting an end

by love and care from our mom.

to those being harmed or casted out of

She was a strong woman. My mom

society and labeled as witches.

worked in an elderly home and she always told and taught me that it´s important to take care of

Land of Hope care center, which is the

people in need. My mom gave me

largest of its kind in the region. The center

all the tools of the importance of

and team provide trauma counseling for

taking care of people in need and

the orphans, psychosocial development,

she often told me about African

physical fitness activities and much more

children who were starving if I did

regarding positive development for

not finish my food. So, from a very

the children, in addition to awareness

young age I developed a very

and advocacy for the locals within the

strong fascination about African

community. She and her team educate

children, and I developed a huge interest in

villagers to contact their facility if a child is

the African culture. As a young child I began

accused so they can provide an alternative.

to dream about travelling to African to make a difference for vulnerable children. My

We caught up with one of our 2020 Women

mom died of cancer when I was only 23

who Wow for Real Vegas and had a Q&A

years old and after her death, I was really

session with the benevolent Anja.

struggling with the pain of losing her. She was my hero and the person who gave me strength and courage. My dream to travel to Africa and help children was no longer an option because the sorrow and pain filled me up and I became very weak. It took me almost 10 years before I found my strength again to pursue my dream. But when I did, I did it with all the passion, caring and love my mom taught me and I finally found my home again, in Africa. RVM: How long has the problem of families accusing their young of being witches date back and does this stigmatism and belief take place in specific regions of Africa or all over the continent? ARL: From the late 15th century to the late 18th century a wave of persecution washed across parts of Europe. Tens of thousands of people were executed for witchcraft. In Denmark more than 2,000 women were killed; burned alive on the stake because of witchcraft accusations. Belief in magic was almost universal in the past. Almost

all cultures believed that you could use supernatural means to help hunting, to make your crops grow better or to make humans or animals more fertile. Magic could also be used to heal the sick. For the great majority of people who lived before the


18th century, magic was an ordinary part of everyday life. To them the world was a mysterious and frightening place. They did not know what caused disease and other natural phenomena and so they sometimes assumed there was a supernatural explanation. Witch accusations is a growing problem in many African countries, especially in Nigeria. The causes of witch accusations may be due to death and illness in the family. It can be crop failures, layoffs, or infertility. According to traditional African beliefs, everything has a supernatural cause, and very often it’s the children that are made to be the scapegoats. Superstition in Nigeria is most common in the states of Cross River State, Rivers State and Akwa Ibom State where I live and run my children center Land of Hope. In Akwa Ibom the Pentecostal Christianity believes are mixed with local tribal religions to a deadly cocktail that involves belief in witches and exorcism.


Anja and her husband, David, now run the

RVM: What is the portion of

their actions directly impact the

proceeds your organization

outcome of a situation. The same

gives back from the donations it

goes for our snails. Our snails require


a clean and damp environment that is not to cramped. Our snails

ARL: If people want to know

and fish need to be fed like any

about how we spend donations

other animal. When we teach

our financial reports are by law

our children to accept chores, it

published on my website. We use

encourages a feeling of pride in

a lot of volunteers in Denmark to

accomplishment and fosters a

run my organization to be able to

sense of responsibility. We have

spend most part of the donations

sent our children to different

on charity and not so much on

bootcamps for many years during

administration fees. That has

school holidays. It gives not only

always been my focus.

the children, but also us a chance

RVM: What was the most heinous

to know the children’s skills and

rescue that will forever stick out in

interests. In general, employment

your mind?

opportunities require vocational skills. School education is therefore

ARL: My Nigerian husband, David

not enough to secure the future of

Emmanuel Umem, myself and

our children. In today’s world too

our team have been on more

many students are unable to get

than hundreds of rescue mission during the past 7 years. Right now, we have 72 children, all accused of witchcraft, living with us at Land of Hope. I cannot mention a rescue that is more heinous than the


other. All of our children have been beaten, abused and tortured. But what haunts me the most is actually not so much the abuse. It is the fear and loneliness I see in the children’s eyes. Imagine being outcasted by your community and trying to survive on the street and being hunted in the night because someone wants you dead. The loneliness of not being wanted, loved and cared for is much more worse than the actual abuse itself. RVM: What strengthens you to keep up the good, humanitarian work when challenges


are presented? ARL: My son, my husband and the children. Despite the challenges we face on daily basis in Nigeria, our children are always full of life and hope. If you wake up in the morning and feel hopeless, the smiles of the children and their happiness is the greatest motivation one can ever have. And keep in mind, that it is not me who has gone through hell, it is the children. And if they can smile every morning, despite the abuse and torture in their past, then I have nothing to complain about.

My son is the greatest accomplishment in my life. He makes life so much more beautiful, and he and my husband give me strength and hope every day. And then I´m very lucky to have the most passionate and devoted team in the world. Today we have 53 staff at Land of Hope, and every day they work hard to develop and educate our children into strong individuals full of courage and self-esteem. RVM: With education on the forefront at the Land of Hope, what are the other primary focuses for the children that are also very important to the center? ARL: Entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of any modern economy. We want to teach our children how to start their own business because it´s not all of our children that will continue to study at university. Some of them don´t have the qualifications or desire to study after they finish high school. So, they need to grow and develop their entrepreneur skills to become successful. For example: The children, supervised by our agriculture and horticulture teachers, are responsible for the wellbeing of our animals. Our fish tanks teach our children lessons in the fields of biology, chemistry and environmental science. The children learn responsibility, respect for nature, and how

suitable employment due to the lack of employable skills. I believe, without any doubt, that it is possible to eradicate poverty if every society in the world genuine invest in children’s education, development and health care. At Land of Hope we also see sports as an essential part of our children’s development. Sports play an important role in educating children as it teaches them to become strong from inside and also develop a fit and healthy body. Physical activity stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. Today, research shows that the importance of physical activity in children is stronger than ever. Combining sports and education helps children to develop a self-motivating spirit. Sports education has a direct impact on maintaining the child’s health and increasing their physical strength. Our children are very active every day in different sports. We have a very big football field, volleyball field and a field for other athletic games. Many of our children have amazing sport talent. RVM: What are some recognizable companies in the U.S. that have contributed to Land for Hope and made a positive impact, if any thus far?

ARL: Only a very few so far. Currently, we are mostly supported by companies in Denmark, Germany and European countries, but we do have some private donors from the U.S. I hope to have more companies from the U.S. to sponsor us in the future. RVM: Do you live in Nigeria? And, if so, do you ever travel back home to Denmark? ARL: I live in both Denmark and in Nigeria. I´m booked for conferences very often to give keynote speeches in Denmark and I have a lot of fundraising work in Denmark, interviews, meetings with sponsors etc., so I cannot stay full time in Nigeria, but, I try to spend as much time in Nigeria as possible. RVM: What’s the most common language spoken at Land of Hope? Has there been any language barrier that you have had to overcome to effectively communicate with

What I love most about our work is to witness the


the children and locals? ARL: No, not at all because the national

populated country in Africa with almost 200

the government by giving the children in

language in Nigeria is English so that is the

million people. It is a country divided in two;

our home a good sound and qualitative

language we speak. All schools in Nigeria

the Muslims in the north and the Christians

education, because it is key to open the

teach in English, but, Nigerians often use

in the south. Thousands of people have

doors of awareness.

their own local African language when they

died over the past few years in communal

speak with each other. In our area the name

attacks led by the Islamic State-aligned Boko

RVM: Aside from Hope, what are a few of

of the language is ibibio. There are over 500

Haram. Separatist aspirations have also been

your other greatest “success stories” in the

native languages spoken in Nigeria.

growing and the imposition of Islamic law

children’s lives?


in several northern states has embedded RVM: Do you feel that the Nigerian

divisions and caused thousands of Christians

ARL: All our children are survivors and

government could do anything additionally

to flee. Nigeria's insecurity has added

therefore they are all success stories. What

to help alleviate the problem of the

to its economic woes, hindering foreign

I love most about our work is to witness

abandonment and rejection of “so-called”

investment. The former British colony is one

the incredible transformation of the

witch children? Have they already done

of the world's largest oil producers, but few

children. From the day we rescue a child to

anything in an effort to contribute?

Nigerians, including those in oil-producing

the day that same child becomes number

areas, have benefited.

one in his or her class is truly an amazing

ARL: Structural inequality in Nigeria shows RVM: How has your organization supported

on the street, feeling lonely and scared, to

the rich and the poor. The country has

the effort of the government since the story

going to school every day, playing sports,

experienced economic growth, but the

of Hope went viral?

having friends and full of self-esteem and

progress has only benefited a small group of

courage is a success story of all our children.

the most-wealthy in Nigeria. Today, Nigeria

ARL: All over the world government cannot

has the largest number of children out-of-

do everything. The fact is that the story of

RVM: It was reported that the Dalai Lama

school in the world. Government funded

Hope opened our eyes to the fact that

requested you to visit him and called you

schools in Nigeria have collapsed over

there is enough work to do to compliment

one of his heroes. What was the most

the years because of poor funding and

the effort of the government if we have to

memorable and incredible things about that

corruption, leaving children from poor homes

pull the Nigerians from this terrifying level of

specific visit? And has he continued to aid

with nowhere to go but the streets.

ignorance. We have supported the effort

your organization in any way?

Nigeria is a country that has so many

of the government by constant advocating

problems. The biggest problem is the

that people should protect the right of every

growing corruption. Nigeria is the most

child. We are also supporting the effort of


journey. From being outcasted, abandoned

a significant and growing gap between

ARL: Yes. I met Dalai Lama at his residence

and do administrative work. David and I

and spend a lot of time with the children.

in Dharamsala, India and he told me that I

lead a team of 53 staff members, so we are

Playing games, sports and helping with their

was one of his heroes. We had a meeting

always very busy. We also spend a lot of

homework. David and I have established

for about 2 hours, and he gave me a lot

time developing advocacy programs in the

Land of Hope like a family setting. Staff

of good advice and guidelines to live a

local communities and go on field work in

are like parents guiding the children. I love

meaningful life. I asked him how one can live

the weekends. We cannot change the world

everything about our life at Land of Hope.

a life without hate against all the injustice

behind a computer. We need to be in the

My least favorite thing is when I think of all

in the world, and he told me that hate is

field where the problems are. When the kids

the children suffering and knowing that I

like cancer. It will eat you up if you let hate

are back from school, I pause the office work

cannot save everyone. I try to avoid thinking

control your emotions. I learned a lot from our meeting and my son was there with me. Dalai Lama was very impressed by my son even though he was running around and making trouble in the temple! RVM: Is there anything that you would have done differently, in retrospect, in launching your organization? ARL: No. RVM: With Africa being “not-recommended” for visitors to travel to and deemed extremely dangerous; do you ever get afraid during your time there? Even with the 24-round the clock police and guards who assist in you and your family’s protection?


ARL: What I fear the most is letting fear control my life. I have a tattoo on my body that says: "Don´t fear death, fear missing the living". RVM: What’s an average day in the life for you at Land of Hope? What’s your favorite and least favorite things to do within the course of an ordinary day? ARL: I wake up early and go to the kitchen to make coffee and sometimes walk around Land of Hope alone and enjoy the sounds of Africa and beautiful morning scenery. Then I


sometimes feel like I´m in a dream because today David and I have built the biggest private owned children center in West Africa. We have built our own children’s hospital, vocational and entrepreneur center at Land of Hope. I sometimes forget the incredible journey we are on because we have put our own needs aside. When I finish my coffee, our dog and the children will not allow me to be on my own, and I start to help with the morning duties. When all the children have left the center to go to school, I spend a lot of time in our office

We cannot change the world

BEHIND A COMPUTER We need to be in the field


of that, but it is not always easy. David has

During “The Children’s Parliament” the

campaigns in the local communities without

taught me to focus on all the children we

children sponsor bills and debate on the bills

financial support from memberships, private

have saved, and not on the children we

through different stages and finally pass the

donors and sponsorships, and therefore

cannot save. That has helped me a lot. He

bills into law that they have named “children

that is paramount for us to continue our

is always there to guide me and lead the

policies”. The policies are implemented by

work. Other than financial support, people

way. He is definitely the biggest inspiration

the children to guide their conducts and

can share my stories from my social media

in my life.

instill discipline. I love to sit and watch the

platforms for us to reach more people in the

children’s parliament. It’s amazing to witness


RVM: What are some upcoming hopeful

how fluently and bold the children speak

plans that you foresee for Land of Hope?

and critically analyze situations. Sometimes a

As incredible and challenging as Anja and

Any specific expansion ideas in mind that

bill would be to clean the toilets for a week if

her team’s tasks and undertaking have been

you are looking for specific contributions for?

a child has violated the children policies.

thus far, we don’t anticipate anything but

ARL: We are currently building a Parliament

Through the children’s parliament, the

the U.S., the Netherlands, Nigeria and our

Hall at Land of Hope. Why? At Land of

children have already displayed high

entire world needs more people like Anja

Hope we don’t use the conventional way

levels of leadership skills. The children’s

and the millions of people that she inspires

of corrections like corporal punishment,

parliament is held every Friday and

each and every day. One of our favorite

which is very common in Nigeria. Many

is completely controlled, idealized,

take-a-ways is Anja’s knuckle tattoo – HOPE

years ago, David created a system where

programmed, governed and carried out

(standing for - help one person every day).

the children make their own rules and take

by the children. The Parliament Hall is first

Here at Real Vegas, we couldn’t agree

responsibility for their own actions. It sounds

and foremost the children’s hall where it

more, as it’s in our nature to not have any

almost impossible to have a system where

will house activities for the children like their

barriers in the way of inspiring support; no

we divert totally from the predominant

parliament meetings, of course. They have

matter the location of the blessing. And

means of corrections, like for example:

creative games, roleplays and do their

Anja and her team are, to say the least…

the use of cane; David told me that the

monthly debates. Debating helps children

A phenomenal blessing to these children,

best way to eradicate child abuse starts

learn new skills like to speak in public and

locals and millions more.

by giving the children much more of our

gives them an opportunity to marshal their

attention in terms of them observing our

arguments and defend their points of view.

progression in the years to follow. Las Vegas,

so much in using the cane to correct. The

The Parliament Hall will also play a very

can. A global grace is what Anja and Real

effect of such methods will lead the way for

important part of our advocacy work as

Vegas is extremely thankful to have had the

the children to live a good and moral life.

it will house meetings and conferences.

opportunity to learn more about her and her

Communication, love, care and to lead by

The Parliament Hall will be our platform of

inspirational organization.

example is a much more powerful tool of

many conferences to come held by us on

correction rather than corporal punishment.

subjects such as superstition, child abuse,

“Like” Anja on Facebook:

We are proud to say that we are the

human rights, empowerment of the youth

only children center in Nigeria, maybe

and much more. The Parliament Hall will be

throughout Africa, where the use of cane

our platform to educate and enlighten the

Visit their website for options to help and/or

as punishment is strictly prohibited. Instead

local community through our advocacy


we have “The Children’s Parliament”. “The

campaigns and right now, we need more

Children’s Parliament” is like the normal

sponsors to help us finance the Parliament

conventional parliaments all around the

Hall. The construction is ongoing, but we

world where laws and policies are made for

need more sponsors to support our project.

the general public. The children’s parliament is also a place where the children make

RVM: Aside from contributions, people and

laws and policies. The children have a

companies becoming members, hosting

speaker, a deputy speaker and a clerk.

fundraisers, people purchasing merchandise

They have a minister representing each of

and business sponsorships; what other ways

the schools the children go to. They have a

can people and companies get involved

representative from each of the rooms of

and support the Land of Hope?

the children and they have a representative from each of the departments we have

ARL: We cannot send our children to school,

at Land of Hope, like the head of the

give them medicine when needed, put food

agriculture department, health department,

on their table and give them a bed to sleep

food and nutrition department.

in, fight superstition through our advocacy



We encourage you to share Anja’s story or help her organization in any way that you

attitude and coping, rather than to dwell



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BEE'S KNEES s fi you ask u


By: Candice Wiener


oel is an inspirational and incredibly

Noel has been drawing her entire life since

from stuttering and struggled with her fine

talented local artist. “Art is my

she can remember. When she was 3 or 4 her

motor skills and she says that she learned a

passion and who I am,” says Noel.

mom let her use the storage closet under

different form of non-verbal communication

Noel owns some commercial real estate

the stairs to draw on the walls in that area.

with the animals that she spent so much

throughout the Vegas Valley on the side

A true lover of nature and the outdoors, she

time with. As a kid she remembers a period

which is more a part of her family legacy

was raised with horses and out in the yard

of months on end that she went with little to

and also what gives her the freedom to

with the barn cats. She had true bonding

no verbal communication. “Art is a muscle

pursue art so effervescently. She has her

with the animals, although she continued to

and an outlet when you can’t get out what’s

private studio where she does her painting

work hard to blend in with everyone. Due to

inside,” says Noel.

and tattooing.

Noel’s dyslexia and dyspraxia, she suffered

"Being a heavily tattooed woman myself, people generally gravitate and


ask me about my tattoos and likely wind up in my chair for a piece

Art has always been a positive outlet for

feel connected.” She loved her connection

on word of mouth. She now has mothers

what was going on in her heart and her

with the animals as well in her younger years

whom she tattooed years ago that she is

mind. Outdoors and nature has always been

and felt that their purity and simplicity is

now doing tattoos for their daughters, sons

a major inspiration for her pieces of art that

what drew her to them. In her school years,

or husbands. The majority of Noel’s clients

she would create. She would observe the

she remembers oftentimes when she would

become repeat customers wanting more ink

flowers outdoors and admire the shapes,

find herself in class simply doodling on her

after loving the first tattoo they had done by

colors, variations of tons of different flowers


Noel. “People are drawn to my tattoos.” My typical clients often seek me out after seeing

with a true appreciation for the radiant colors, folds and textures. She said: “To me,

Noel has been in the tattoo industry for years

a friend’s tattoo that I did that they really

the more you study nature, the more you

and has developed a lot of clients based

like or seeing my stuff elsewhere. Most of her


of their own."

clients are not the types of consumers to just

their designs and their approach to the

and more. “With each new canvas, gives

show up at a tattoo parlor, pick a design off

industry. “They’re not super competitive

me the opportunity to experiment a little

of a wall and pick whomever is available

or cut-throat. They’re peaceful people

and have fun with my art. Everything reacts

that day to do their tattoo. “Being a heavily

and it truly shows in their art.” Noel adds:

different to different textures as the canvas,”

tattooed woman myself, people generally

“The current painter Cam Rackam is one

Noel adds.

gravitate and ask me about my tattoos and

of the coolest things around right now.

likely wind up in my chair for a piece of their

He embodies the true to form old school

Doing reprints and more affordable pieces

own.” Noel is full of gratitude for the people

process. I love how he paints the natural

means that more people can afford her art.

who support her and feels extremely blessed

history and the effects. He’s the bee’s knees

While her originals cost anywhere from $1800

that people are so receptive to my art.

to me.”

and up, the reprints give others who can’t necessarily afford her originals the ability to

“Non-tattooed people are a little more of a Noel was the 1st female artist to paint a

still own a piece of her custom creations. “I

mural at the Link on the largest outdoor art

am extremely thankful and blessed to have

When she was young, Noel always wanted

installation on the Las Vegas strip. She said,

a rad following of people who are happy

to be a costume designer. She was very

“it was a really cool moment in my career.”

to wait for their custom creations and most times I have a buyer for my originals before

much inspired by ornate and embellished costumes. In addition, she loved renaissance

We asked Noel what the future holds for her

I’m even done with the piece. I am very

paintings and churches were a huge

in her artistic endeavors and she let us know

honored to have that following and their

inspiration in her art. Her father would take

that she plans to spend some time over


her to churches in Italy and she always had

the next 1 ½ years mainly on her paintings,

a deep reverence for the art and stained-

creating some stock of originals, doing

Noel has an interesting insignia that helps

glass designs within the churches she would

some prints and some pop up art shows.

consumers depict her art. She has an

see. Noel was moved by Georgia O’Keeffe’s

She’s also looking to do some more murals

hourglass on a black widow that is usually on

paintings with the beautiful color palettes

and art collectives in town as well as tattoo

all her original pieces. “With my dyslexia and

she uses in her paintings. Some other earlier

conventions in which she regularly attends. “I

dyspraxia, I always hated writing my name

modern painters like Michaelangelo and

spent the past 2 1/2 – 3 years focusing mainly

on my original paintings, but I am learning to

Leonardo daVinci were also painters that

on my late father whom recently passed

take more pride in my creations and have

Noel admired. They would inspire her color

away. Now I intend to put my time back into

in some pieces been adding my first name,

palettes she would use in her own paintings.

art and travel. I do miss that aspect of my


She likes the old school style of painting

art. My tattooing is sort of on auto-pilot, so

with layers upon layers that help create

I intend to get heavier into my paintings,”

What others probably don’t know about Noel

that vibrant renaissance glow. The infamous

says Noel.

is her philanthropic aspirations. She is very

tattoo artist, Jose Lopez is one her biggest


passionate about teaching young children

inspirations in her tattoo artistry. He is a part

This woman can literally view anything as a

and the next generation how to foster and

of the black and grey Chicano culture style

canvas. She says nature inspires her as well

cultivate their own love for art. With art

of tattooing that Noel says, “dropped my

when it comes to her platforms to paint on

being such a great and positive outlet, as it

jaw!” His style is very traditional with the

and she sees surfaces everywhere! Noel has

has been for her, she believes it can benefit

black and grey ink tattoos and is big in the

been painting so long that new surfaces

at risk youth by helping them put pencil to

circle of the tattoo industry. “Johnny Bones

keeps it fun and fresh for her to try new

paper. She would love to help teach kids

and Vic Vivid are 2 other major tattoo

styles. Texture and tactile are important to

how to be more involved in art in virtually any

inspirations of mine,” says Noel. She loves

Noel. She enjoys doing oil painting on wood

capacity. She believes that children with all sorts of different challenges or struggles from Down’s Syndrome to Asperger’s, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and more can truly benefit from art and help them deal and talk about their individual struggles.

Be sure to find and follow Noel on IG here: @VegasNoel333 Or via email here:


rarity these days,” says Noel.

Doctors The

Dr. Sean Su, MD Suzie Nguyen-Su, DDS

are in!

Dr. Sean Su, MD, primary care physician is focused on providing experienced and passionate care to patients in the Las Vegas area. Dr. Su is available to see patients for initial consultations and conservative pain procedures, with a special focus on serving patients who require medical care due to a personal injury. Dr. Su will conduct a patient evaluation and recommend an appropriate and efficient course of treatment. Dr. Su offers convenient and flexible scheduling from his office in Northwest Summerlin. Same day appointments are available. Sean Su, MD is a graduate of University of California-Irvine and earned his medical degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine. In private practice since 1999, Dr. Su provides primary care and cosmetic services to patients in the Las Vegas, Nevada Area

“A sexy smile is a confident smile.” Dr. Suzie Su has been providing over 20 years of cosmetic and general dentistry for Vegas patients. Different dental modalities such as Invisalign, dental implants, porcelain crowns, veneers are utilized to achieve “Sexy Vegas Smiles”. UCLA School of Dentistry 1994 Advanced Dental Education Program in Periodontics, Loma Linda School of Dentistry 1997

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ASHLEY Vlastaris


oho Rococo is a Las Vegas based handbag company specializing in the upcycling and repurposing of vintage

Louis Vuitton and other upscale designer items. They also custom design jewelry and other adorable accessories. What started as a hobby almost 2 years ago for local


Las Vegas resident Ashley Vlastaris has now turned into a full-fledged business. Ashley's creations can now be found in many boutiques nationwide and on the arms of many celebrities and fashion bloggers. According to Ashley, she “is not recreating the mold; there are other companies that do similar work, but I feel like we have a unique way of doing things and people really seem to like what we have to offer. I started as a stay at home mom, and I have always been creative, so I was looking for something to do to give me that creative outlet. I remember the first bag I sold; I was so excited. It’s such an honor when someone


loves something YOU have created. We have grown exponentially over the last almost 2 years. I now have 3 artists that help with the restoration and painting of bags as well as a Marketing Director. This has truly been a dream for me,” adds Ashely. She is also incredibly proud of that fact that her company is solely run by women. “I could not do this without my amazing team, teamwork is key here.” Check out Ashley's items at or go follow her exquisite custom handmade items on





We’ve Raised the


Throughout her life, Gigi Roundtree has always felt a connection to people and community. A social justice and community activist, nonprofit founder Common Tree, author, entrepreneur, and business consultant - all her work is rooted in being a voice for her community and giving people tools to change their lives.


Common Tree provides essential goods and services to impoverished Las Vegas communities through fundraising, community outreach, and raising visibility around the rising homeless population. Common Tree services local students in need through their “Empower & Inspire Mentorship Program” as well as adults with their monthly “Lunch & Learn” workshops, designed to assist those transitioning from homelessness to integrating back into the workforce. They also coordinate back-to-school expos, feed the homeless campaigns, and deliver goods and services such as food, clothing, and hygiene kits to those in need. Gigi believes that Las Vegas can continue to grow as a community that gives, cherishes, and loves everyone who is need, and Common Tree has dedicated itself to becoming a hub of resources and hope for children and families in the valley.

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of Realtor’s New Venture




or years, as a pharmacist, Kamelia Kohlmeier has helped improve the

retirement. But what started as a revenue stream has transformed into a

physical health of the people she encounters at work. But now, as


she makes a transition into the real estate market, she is focusing on

bettering their financial health.

As someone who came from a foreign country at a young age, Kohlmeier

relates to the idea of everyone wanting to achieve the American dream,

Kohlmeier graduated in 2009 with Doctor of Pharmacy from Roseman

which often includes owning a home. But ownership often seems out of

University’s College of Pharmacy in Henderson. After getting married, she

reach, so families have resorted to renting. And with rents on the rise, many

started thinking about having a family, and she realized that she and her

people often feel stuck. Now that Kohlmeier has her real estate license, she

husband were barely affording life as a couple with student loan debt on

wants to help people realize their dreams and see that buying a home is

top of everything else, so providing for a family would be challenging.


She and her husband, David, were both curious about the real estate

“Investing was more for myself. I was helping my family grow and leaving a

market, so they started attending real estate investment seminars and

legacy for them,” she said. “Being a real estate agent, now I can actually

weekend classes as well as reading books and researching. They found real

help others realize their dream. … Everyone deserves to have a roof over

estate investing to be a fairly low risk than other modes of investment.

their family’s head they can call their own home.”

“I looked into investing, I looked into day trading and other part-time jobs.

Within that passion lies another passion. In her new real estate venture,

Everyone was always talking about investing and stocks, but I thought about

Kohlmeier especially wants to reach out to students (particularly in the

the stock crash. I feel like we don’t have enough say in stocks,” Kohlmeier

pharmacy field) who are like she was — facing a mountain of student loan

said. “How companies manage their financials is variable; sometimes even

debt that eats up almost their entire salary, not leaving much room for

CEOs don’t know what is happening. You think a company is doing so

investing in a home — and help them realize their dream of owning a home

great, and then it gets bought out and people get laid off. But I learned in

and providing for their future. She also wants to educate women in financial

real estate classes that real estate will never go to zero. Stocks can go to

literacy and teach them how to invest in real estate so they can focus on

zero, but when you look at a graph of real estate trends, it’s almost always

their families.

headed up. So, we decided we needed to do this for us, for our kids.”

But it won’t be just women she educates. Because seminars played such a

Now the couple has about 15 investment properties. Since 2012, they

large role in her development, she and her husband hope to pull together

have bought most to hold and rent out as a strategy to help them save for

professionals they have met along the way and offer seminars to teach



today! your

70 2 . 3 33.SOLD 7




Kamelia Kohlmeier Realtor ®, Investor Lic# S. 0188303

people about real estate investing. She said her seminars will be different

most of us make in a lifetime.”


than what some people are used to seeing because she will offer people strategies that will make them successful as opposed to just telling them to

Kohlmeier still plans to be active particularly in medical field because she

go out and buy and sell.

loves that part of her life, too. But she is looking forward to the opportunity to help others achieve their dreams while setting up her family for 20 or 30

And the help doesn’t stop there. Kohlmeier has hired real estate scouts who

years down the line.

drive around Las Vegas, find homes that are boarded up and/or distressed

SELL, Kamelia s a y s S O L D ! You say SELL, Kamelia says SOLD!

and take pictures of them. The pictures and information are used to create an interactive map that she believes can serve three purposes. Potential

You say

local buyers may find homes at a cheaper price, and investors can quickly locate and acquire properties to fix and sell. When either of those things

happen, it benefits the communities the houses are in because a fixed-up increase home values in the area.

Creative solutions like that are what Kohlmeier believes will set her apart in a real estate-rich area. She sees herself specializing in creative financial


strategies that help people get into a home who have acquired a lot of school debt, are first-time buyers, have gone through a divorce, struggle with less-than-perfect credit, are in a job transition or experiencing other hardship.

Free Marketing Evaluation

“I want to help people find their right home or sell their home,” she said.

sellers Buyers buyers

Free Marketing Evaluation

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“Buying that first home is the scariest. I remember the first property we got

was $19,000, and we were terrified. When our offer was approved, we just said, ‘Now what? What’s next?’ Doing it, taking action versus just talking about it, is very different. Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase



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rowing up in New Jersey, winter

have found success taking dryer sheets

Airtight cold brew ice coffee makers lock

was something that you get

and gently running them over their strands

in freshness and flavor for up to 2 weeks!

accustomed to. Putting on two

of hair. Secondly, they have also found

You can even make both iced and hot

sets of gloves, socks, and pants before

success running dryer sheets through their

beverages with them and (as an extra

strapping on your boots was a daily

hairbrushes before using them to get rid of

added benefit) because cold brewing is 70%

occurrence. Digging yourself out of six

winter static hair. An alternative: rubbing

less acidic than hot brewing, her at home

feet of snow just to get out of your house,

dryer sheets on your pillow cases just before

iced coffee will be healthier and smoother

typically on a Sunday. Scrapping ice off the

going to bed also helps.

than her favorite local shop. Winning!

you go to run errands, child’s play. As a boy,

Reason #2: “All the thick, layered sweaters

Reason #4: “Our upkeep gets way, way

winter was a season that you just got used

make you look like you’ve gained a few”

more intense”

to and didn’t pay much attention to. Yeah,

“It’s even harder to stuff all that covering

it was cold (bone chilling cold), but it was

into our winter coats” she scoffs.

windshield of your car 45 minutes before

“We’re dealing with cracked nails, dried split ends, furry legs, slowed hair growth,

a season that you went through just to get back to Spring and Summer again. So, when

Sometimes we forget how far a genuine

chapped lips, itchy eyes, running noses,

my editor told me that this edition of Real

compliment can go, so what’s the easiest

dry cuticles, scaly hands and elbows, and

Vegas magazine was going to be about

solution to this winter problem for women?

rough feet. It’s a tough world out there!

winter and women, I had no idea where to

Compliments! Compliments! Compliments!

Maintaining our soft, supple appearance


Complimenting her on how great she looks

takes serious effort.”

in her winter dark blue jeans, complimenting What’s a man who never gave winter a

her on how cute her winter socks are or

Once again, I’m lost, but I am sure there

second thought supposed to do when it

complimenting her on how great she looks

are a bunch of women who are reading this

comes to writing an article about winter and

(even under her thick, layered sweaters) in

right now, who in agreeance with Tiffany,

women? Why, you ask your trusted girlfriend

her new jacket today can go a long way.

just let out one big ‘hell yes!’

of course!

Some women have enough of a hard time getting through winter already so be sure

For everyone else who just as lost as I am,

So, I sat down and interviewed my girlfriend

not to repeat something that you saw on

here is an opportunity to get creative. One

Tiffany to ask her, “What are 6 reasons some

a coffee mug at work today. It is best to

creative way that you can help her pull

females can’t stand the winter season?”

keep your compliments honest, sincere and

through winter is by creating a “I’m surviving

And of course, like any good boyfriend


winter” surprise gift bag for her. Double points for being thoughtful.

would do, I also asked “and what I can do to help her through it.” Here is what she had

This will help her forget (temporarily) about

to say. Some of these just might surprise you.

all the thick, layered sweaters she had to put

What do you fill this gift box with you say?

on this morning just to power through the

Great question!

day and what she has to continue to do to keep warm throughout the season.

When it comes with dealing with cracked nails and because nails are vulnerable to

Tiffany: “Is there a solution for hat hair? Our hair in the winter becomes flat and static-

Reason #3: “No more iced coffee!” (I think

moisture loss due to winter dryness, get her

ridden especially when we have to wear

this is a personal preference) “Pumpkin spice

an intensely hydrating hand lotion, such

hats. And let’s not forget how our manes

lattes were so last season. What are we

as Olive Oil & Aloe Ultra Moisturizer from

grow 2 shades darker in the winter.”

supposed to drink now? Peppermint mochas

Kiss My Face. She can slather it on often

Me: “Ummm…Okay?”

that have more calories than a York Pattie?

(like clockwork after washing her hands),


massaging over her nails and into your cuticles to keep them from cracking due to

I had no idea what she was talking about,

winter dryness.

but I knew it was time to listen thanks to

Just because it is winter and your local coffe

the little wrinkle she gets above her right

shop stopped serving iced brewed coffee

eyebrow whenever she says anything

doesn’t mean that’s the end the world.

Speaking of winter dryness, for dried split

important. So, I sought out solutions to

Making ice brewed coffee at home couldn’t

ends, get her an oil-based moisturizer to

help her through those flat, static-ridden,

be any easier today and can be the best

lock in extra moisture when it comes to her

winter hair problem days and here is what

way to get through winter without having to

hair. Dry air is not good for any type of hair.

I discovered… Dryer sheets. Yes, you heard

give up your favorite summertime drink.

The only way to combat it is extra moisture.

correctly, dryer sheets.

Start off by picking up an Airtight cold brew

“Natural, curly and wavy hair is sensitive to

iced coffee maker. You can pick one up on

cold weather, increasing the opportunity for

It seems that the urban legend is true: From

Amazon and some of them start off as low

split ends,” explains Ron Williams, national

what I discovered online, many women

as $35 bucks!

educator for Phytospecific, who suggest


Reason #1: “Our Hair”


using a heavier-than-usual

Original Bag Balm. With 4 simple

Quick solution. Ugg Women’s Bow

oil-based moisturizer that will

ingredients that are uniquely

Shorty Water Resistant Sheepskin

evaporate more slowly to protect

combined to create a skin

Gloves. They have an adorable

hair from winter dryness.

salve with no added colors or

bow detail that I knew my girl

fragrances this moisturizer works

would like, so I went with the gray

For ‘furry legs’ pick her up a

miracles on dry winter feet,

pair that I knew would match all

brand-new razor from your local

elbows and hands. You can pick

her winter coats. At over $100,

grocery store.

some up on their website or at

these gloves aren’t inexpensive,

your local CVS or Walgreens.

but they’re definitely worth it. And 5 years later, they’ve held

Plus, at the end of the day, hair


growth is still a bit of a mystery

Once you have your ‘I’m surviving

up perfectly, and they’re just as

to scientists and skin experts

winter’ products for her in place,

warm as they were the day that I

alike, so no 1 solution will work

it’s time to build your gift box.

bought them. You can find them

for everyone, but for slowed

Place all your items in a decent

on Amazon and also available at

hair growth, try vitamins and

size box or bag with decorative

Zappos and Bloomingdale’s.

supplements to help her get

tissue paper, tie a bow around

through winter like a boss!

the string handles and top it off

Feeling a little fancy for your

by dropping in a signed Hallmark

woman? Try upgrading to the

From my research vitamins

card. Now your “I’m surviving

Ugg Women’s Tech Leather

and supplements that contain

winter” surprise gift bag for her

Gloves with Sheepskin Bow, $130

vitamins C, B and D are receiving

is done. Oh, and don’t forget to

on Amazon.

the best results. Omega-3 and

give it to her. What a thoughtful

fatty acids, fish oil, and iron


Well, there you go- the 6 reasons

also can play into effect with

Reason #5: “Lowered motivation

why every girl’s (meaning my

speeding up slowed hair growth

for spin class when it turns dark

girlfriend) favorite season is

due to winter. Try all three and

outside at 5 pm”

probably not the winter season and what you can do to help

see what her results can be. “When the alternative is returning For chapped lips, Bert’s Bees

home to snuggle with fuzzy socks

Beeswax lip balm. Boom!

and movies, the gym doesn’t

Do you have better

stand a chance.” – I say, she’s

recommendations than the ones

For itchy eyes, Visine. Runny nose,

right and I just might have to

that I have listed in this article?

aloe lotion-based tissues.

agree with her. She had me at

Tell me about them. Email me

‘fuzzy socks’ and ‘movies.’

at and tell me your

For cut cuticles, shea butter-


them through it.

based cuticle oil is essential.

Reason #6: “Unable to fit jewelry


Search L’Occitane Shea Nail &

underneath our gloves”

for women surviving winter.

Cuticle Oil. My girl swears by it. “How are we supposed to rock For scaly hands, elbows and

our statement rings and stacked

rough feet, try Vermont’s

bangles?” She says.





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