Solace Mind® makes Life Insurance Accessible
insurance policy now can certainly
there’s nothing more freeing than
associated life insurance
help in the future for what currently
having a Solace Mind knowing you
primarily with one thing,
may seem out of reach.
have prepared your family if the inevitable happened unexpectedly,”
which is being able to pay for burial expenses. Although it’s not the ideal
The same world you may have grown
conversation people want to have,
up in is nothing like what it was and
it’s an essential one, especially for
being proactive is key in creating
low income and underrepresented
a better future for your children.
communities who are less likely to
Whether they someday want to start
have adequate life insurance, or
their own business or put a down
life insurance coverage at all. With
payment on their first home. It allows
this sensitive topic, you can’t discuss
them to not only be secure but build a
it in depth without bringing up the
level of financial independence that
inevitable scenario of having to use it
they would not normally have in other
one day.
circumstances. Sleep better at night with a Solace Mind knowing that you
In these ever-changing times, it’s
have made a decision, and acted on
crucial to include your children in
it, for your child that will set them up
these vital conversations about
for future success.
life insurance. Although buying life
says Sylvia Feliciano. Utilize your health insurance as a way of building and getting ahead of wealth disparities. Having those tough conversations now before it’s too late can be what separates your family from the rest who don’t educate and prepare themselves in the concept of life insurance for their children. The opportunity to build equity and live a better life is possible, free yourself and gain the reward of having a Solace Mind. For more information on Life Insurance and Solace Mind®, visit
insurance for your baby may not be
There are also a number of factors
something you want to think about
that affect your child’s future
as a new parent, it is a direct path
insurability. It may not be until later on
towards building generational wealth.
down the road that your child can
Did you know that purchasing a life
experience health complications that
insurance policy can be an avenue
might prevent your child from being
to pay for your child’s education and
insured. If you start the process early,
other financial goals for your family?
they can always be covered
Eventually, your baby won’t be so
regardless of their future health as
little anymore, and accumulating the
long as premiums are being paid.
cash value of a whole or universal life
“Even in the worst-case scenario,
thesolacemind.com or contact
Sylvia Feliciano sylvia@thesolacemind. com
any households have often