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by REA site
Improve intersection linemarkings and establish a clear stopping point for vehicles safely at intersections to permit safe movements of other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians whether it be at a signalized or signed intersection.
The improvement of intersection visibility is important to improve the safety of all roadway users. Motorists can miss signage if it has low visibility especially when there are no or faded lane markings. When stop bars, lane markings and even parking linemarkings are delineated it can greatly improve motorist driving patterns and awareness of intersections to reduce crashes and speeds.
The worst case scenario is that a road user might not realize an intersection is present and collide with another user (often at high speeds). Intersection delineation works to direct the driver to a clear path at an intersection. Sometimes median islands are used to help protect pedestrians and bicyclists from drivers, other times bollards may be used. Commonly, linemarking (painting lines) is the most used approach to direct a vehicle where to go.
To learn more, click here.
To view the “Toolbox on Intersection Safety and Design” by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, click here.
Potential Conflicts
A potential conflict could arise when old lane markings are in different or in conflict with new ones; the old linemarkings should be removed properly through grinding or other appropriate method to avoid motorist confusion or misusing lanes at an intersection.