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The Steadfast: Creating Deeper Roots for a Stronger Future Plan is a strong and practicle framework for both recovery and resiliency for the IND15RPC Region over the next 5 to 10 years. While the pandemic caused momentary increases in unemployment, less income for some households, and overall hardships, the region has begun its recovery from the pandemic and has entered the endemic stage.



With the number of pillars, strategies, and action steps throughout this plan and the limited resources to implement them, priorities needed to be established. The Task Force members were asked to select their top 5 to 10 objectives from each pillar. Then, Task Force members were asked to rank each of those objectives in order of importance. A weighted average was utilized to prioritize the objectives for each pillar. The top five objectives were then taken and reranked to determine priorities within this top grouping. Those prioritizations are what follow. Appendix C contains the full results of the ranking of every objective by pillar, including the total 30 objectives from the combined six pillars.

Top 30 Objectives to Be Completed in the Next Three to Five Years

Based on the ranking by the Task Force, the following thirty objectives (see tables on the following pages) have been assigned the highest priority for implementation. The greatest amount of human and financial resources should be spent on these objectives in order to move this plan forward towards recovery and resiliency. As noted in the Framework chapters, there are many partners who need to be engaged when implementing this plan.

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