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Goal: Increase, expand, and enhance the quality of life amenities across the region that proactively support community health and well-being, create a sense of place for residents, and foster attractive and diverse tourism and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to utilize.
The Importance Of The Quality Of Life Pillar
Improving the quality of life factors in a community is essential in developing the social, cultural, economic, and physical attributes of a place. Similarly, by implementing the strategies found in the other pillars, quality of life will be improved.
Quality of life is about improving the overall lifestyle a person can have, and it is a subjective concept that is left up to the decision-makers of a community to determine how to implement. While it is often associated with the beautification of a place or the development of parks and trails, it can also be about increasing options and access to healthcare, social services, and childcare. Increasing the quality of life for residents can lead to increased community pride and sense of place.
Additional reasoning for why the IND15RPC region should continue to develop and enhance the quality of life options:
• The IND15RPC region is home to amenities that contribute to the quality of life for its communities. With 60,000 acres of the Hoosier National Forest, Patoka Lake, numerous state and local parks, and direct access to the Ohio River, the land in this region includes some of the most scenic in the State of Indiana. Quality of life amenities are a major consideration for individuals, families, and businesses looking to locate in this region. While the region has many tourism and recreational opportunities, protection and investment in these natural and recreational elements must continue.
• Quality of life is directly associated with how a person thinks and feels about a community. While parks, trails, access to nightlife, and culture are most typically recognized as elements that lead to quality of life, it also refers to access to healthcare, essential infrastructure such as high-speed broadband, and quality childcare and education.
• Quality of life amenities and resources directly impact the sense of community. By investing in quality of life amenities, the region creates opportunities for communities to gather through events, programming, and celebrations. These events become the center of the community and contribute to the culture of the region.
• Affordable childcare is a necessity for all communities to have. The lack of affordable childcare services available across the region means parents may not be able to go back to the workforce, especially if working from home is not an option. By providing an emphasis on developing a program to bring quality and affordable childcare and childcare programs to the area, the IND15RPC region recognizes the importance of these resources in relation to the quality of life of its residents.
• Quality of life amenities such as trails, parks, downtown attractions, and community spaces are vital in attracting and retaining young adults and families.
• Quality of life amenities and resources are often considered in terms of recreation and socializing but oftentimes amenities such as multi-use trails can become transportation corridors for people traveling by foot or bicycle. These corridors provide safe and convenient facilities for people to shop, commute to work, and run errands by means other than a vehicle. There are areas of the IND15RPC region with households that do not have a vehicle or have limited use of a vehicle where these facilities become the primary means of transportation.
• Quality of life development should not be limited to more dense and higher populated areas but treated as a necessity for livability and comfort of residents and visitors throughout the region. The amenities and resources for the rural areas may look different than those for the areas of higher density but are still important for the quality of life of the area by connecting neighborhoods and communities and creating spaces for residents to gather.
• Quality of life is a high priority for many communities. The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the importance of having outdoor recreational opportunities for residents. The IND15RPC region must continue to improve these amenities and resources to attract and retain residents and visitors.