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RVT Demo Machines

RVT Demo Machines


Tommy Adams


RVT Precision Manager M: 07794 345471 Carl Atkins

RVT Precision Technical Specialist M: 07375 088425

RVT PF Customer Group



Liam Pinches

Sprayer & GPS Product Support Specialist M: 07535 021535 Digital solutions to increase efficiencies of your business by making smarter data driven decisions through precision farming technology.



Welcome to the Precision Ag pages of the magazine, this time of year is always our busiest getting ready for the spring either installing new GPS equipment or servicing existing hardware. Supply of equipment is still an issue due to the shortage of semi-conductors, and Deere are forecasting this to be the same throughout 2022 just remember to keep removing equipment at night or when not in use in case of theft as we still have this is happening around our territory. We are seeing regular updates to MyJohnDeere, you will notice some nice changes to the Field Analyser and Work Planner which make it more intuitive and easier to navigate. Capturing as applied data is getting more common and with the increased use of wireless data transfer the ability to view this data instantly and make agronomic decisions is benefiting our customers. In terms of display updates, there was a small update released a few weeks ago which we have mentioned some highlights in these pages and there will be another update usually in March which we look forward to seeing new features released, don’t forget any tractor with JD Link can remotely have the display software updated. JD Link and machine operating data is gaining momentum in terms of analysing machine performance and utilisation we are working with Harper Adams University in this area which we can share more information on later in the year. Don’t forget for any technical support issues please ring our new support line on 07723 466995 this will increase our ability to manage and support you in the field especially during busy periods, interestingly the platform we use to enable this was bought by John Deere end of last year and integrates with there management programs. Hope you have a good spring and keep a look out for our Precision in Practice videos to show you how our customers are benefiting from our guidance!


With the new update Field Analyzer will have an updated look that blends the best parts of the previous Field Analyzer and Field Analyzer Beta. You will now find just Field Analyzer in the Analysis menu in Operations Centre web as Field Analyzer Beta has been retired. In addition, Field Analyzer is simplified in a few ways to streamline data analysis and create a common experience across the analysis tools. Simplified Field Analyzer now includes (fig.1.): 1. New fields and work records lists making it easier to find what you want to review 2. Action buttons are consolidated above the map to assist with more precise analysis 3. Map tools are grouped together to the right side for quick adjustments 4. Reports now feature larger maps to improve reporting experience John Deere are still adding some functions from the Field Analyzer Beta into the finalized version.

• To edit crop, seasons or harvest data or deleting work, you will have to use the link to the previous Field Analyzer in the “Edit” menu. • Once edits are available in Field Analyzer, Access to the previous version will be removed. Benefits:

• Easier navigation to map layers ensuring a more efficient selection of fields and documentation layers to be analyzed • Improved styling of Field Analyzer that is more common with

Operation Centre tools to improve the ease of use of analysis tools • PDF reports with improved map layouts

The most important crop is your data crop!


Sharing work data with a partner organization is now easier than before. You can now send documentation data right away from Field Analyzer, ensuring both partners have accurate records available. This is an added value for contractors and anyone else who has conducted field operations like seeding, applying, or harvesting for a farmer or landowner and wants to share the documentation easily and seamlessly. Work data can be shared directly while reviewing maps in Field Analyzer How it works in 5 easy steps In Field Analyzer select a field name and the work record. Click on Share/

Export above the map, select the Share Work Data tab, then follow the steps and work will be on its way to the partner organization. 1. Select work operations in Field Analyzer 2. Select Share/Export Button 3. Select Share Work Data tab 4. Select appropriate partner org 5. Select Share Work Data Button


• Just one more way Operations Centre is easier to use! • Gone are the days of needing to look for the right files for a specific work operation and not being able to split up a file if it had work data from multiple clients’ fields. • Data sharing between organization from Field Analyzer removes the need to assign files to partner organizations in the Files tool. • Sharing work data while reviewing in Field Analyzer ensures confidence in sharing the right work to the right partner.

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07723 466995

MORE DETAILS on 1. AutoPath™ recording status as part of Work Setup application Properly documented row data is the fuel that powers the AutoPath™ software’s easy guidance line generation. Based on dealer and customer feedback, an AutoPath recording status indicator has been added to the 21-3 software release so operators can be confident they are meeting the basic criteria for documenting their source operation row data.

AutoPath recording status is ready AutoPath recording status is not ready

The AutoPath recording status is displayed on the Work Setup page and appears green when all criteria are met. Using the recording status indicator The recording status is: • Available to users who have updated to the 21-3 software release • Used only for tractors that are recording source operations of planting or pre-planting application or tillage • Defaulted to off for all users and all vehicle types

Users must turn on the recording status indicator by checking the box next to “Enable AutoPath

Recording Status” in Work Setup under “Information and settings.”

Check the box on the Work Setup page to enable AutoPath recording


HarvestLab 3000 is compatible with S700 series combines for Grain Sensing! Grain Sensing offers growers the possibility to measure constituents in grains like protein and oil. Helping to make better decisions on storage management and improve marketing of grains. The side-specific mapping on the combine makes it possible to evaluate nutrient management and make better decisions on variety choices. More information will be shared during 2022. Be prepared, something great is coming!

Contact RVT Precision for more details: 01743 289100

During a press conference at CES 2022, John Deere revealed a fully autonomous tractor that’s ready for large-scale production. The machine combines Deere’s 8R tractor, TruSet-enabled chisel plow, GPS guidance system, and new advanced technologies. 1. Launch in North America A limited number of tractors will be delivered to North American customers this year. The launch of the brand in Europe is currently not planned, as safety regulations currently do not allow the use of autonomous vehicles. 2. Model and equipment The 8R410 looks very similar in appearance to a conventional tractor of the series but is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for controlling and monitoring the tractor and mounted excavator. • Six pairs of stereo cameras, which enables 360-degree obstacle detection and the calculation of distance. • Images captured by the cameras are passed through a deep neural network that classifies each pixel in approximately 100 milliseconds and determines if the machine continues to move or stops, depending on if an obstacle is detected. • Continuously checking its position relative to a geofence, ensuring it is operating where it is supposed to, and is within less than an inch of accuracy. 3. Use of the tractor Farmers only need to transport the machine to a field and configure it for autonomous operation. Using John Deere Operations Centre Mobile, they can swipe from left to right to start the machine. While the machine is working the farmer can leave the field to focus on other tasks, while monitoring the machine’s status from their mobile device. John Deere Operations Centre Mobile provides access to: • live video • images • data and metrics and allows a farmer to adjust speed and working depth and more. In the event of any job quality anomalies or machine health issues, farmers will be notified remotely and can make adjustments to optimise the performance of the machine. 4. Device combination Currently, the technology for the 8R410 is available in combination with a special John Deere chisel plow. In the coming years, John Deere will work on the availability of the technology for further machines and attachments.


Your Nozzle-by-Nozzle Advantage NEW

RightSpot uses blended pulse technology to achieve consistent coverage and reduced skips. Pulsing nozzles maintain a precise user-defined boom pressure allowing the operator to achieve a consistent rate and droplet size at a wider variety of speeds and across difficult terrain. Inconsistent droplet size = coverage issues Without nozzle-by-nozzle technology, achieving consistent coverage across the entire field is difficult. RightSpot monitors and maintains the right droplet size prescribed for the product, ensuring the right amount of product applied to do its job effectively while reducing risk of drift to neighbouring crops.

Coverage around curves With turn compensation and individual nozzle control, your field edges will look just as good as the rest of your field. Apply just the right amount with a consistent rate applied on the inner and outer portions of the boom. Diagram below: Target rate is green. On the traditional sprayer, lighter colour on the left side of the boom and darker on the right indicates under and overapplying.


Pre-season inspections on sprayers & fertiliser spreaders BY A QUALIFIED NSTS TESTER

Please contact Liam Pinches on 07535 021535 / 01743 289100 for a quote

AVAILABLE ON DEMO 3200 L with 400 L rinse tank 280 L/min pump capacity Sprayer control with multi functional lever (Joystick)

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