Local Committee Executive Board 2015
Application Booklet
Querido aplicante, Si ya abriste este paquete con la intención de aplicar, ya eres la persona indicada para ejercer el rol de junta directiva 2015. Ser EB es una experiencia única en la vida, es imposible negar que es muy dura, retadora, y bastante difícil de manejar en algunas situaciones. Y para esos Como mensaje final, momentos es cuando además de la cuentan conmigo, canción ENJOY THE RIDE. para guiarlos apoyarlos y Me gustaría dejarte una de asegurarme lo más que pueda mis canciones favoritas. que logren alcanzar todo el Roads de Chris Mann potencial que tienes. Va a ser un camino largo y lleno de obtáculos que Félix Hernández superar, pero una de las LCP 2015 mejores experiencias que te da AIESEC, es la posibilidad de no enfrentarlo solo, y no hablo únicamente de mí, sino de otras 7 personas que viajarán contigo como EB 2015. Espero que apliques y te atrevas a ir por este camino conmigo.
Querido aplicante, Si algo me ha enseñado estos años dentro de AIESEC Barquisimeto es que ningún equipo es arbitrario o una coincidencia casual, todos tienen una especial razón de estar juntos aunque al principio sea difícil entender el por qué. Hoy causalmente has abierto este pack porque hay algo que te llama a decirle que sí a esta oportunidad y tú tienes algo importante que brindarle a nuestro comité local, y a esas personas que así como tú están leyendo estas líneas, para este 2015. Decirte como será vivir la experiencia de junta directiva es algo que difícilmente pueda hacer, cada equipo tiene un misticismo diferente, una dinámica única y sus circunstancias jamás serán iguales a las de ningún otro, sin embargo puedo asegurarte que esas 8 personas con las que tomarás este reto son las correctas para mostrarte aquellas cosas en las que necesitas crecer, te enseñaran siempre algo nuevo, te desafiarán a ser aún mejor y estarán ahí para enfrentar las dificultades junto contigo. Detrás de llenar esta aplicación hay 12 meses de experiencias, fracasos, victorias, momentos de reinvención y de descubrimiento, y 8 personas a las que puedes llamar EB-milia. Si aún te preguntas si vale la pena llenar tu aplicación solo te recomiendo que eches de lado todos los prejuicios sobre ti mismo, nadie está preparado para vivir un rol como estos porque están hechos para brindarte el desarrollo y empuje que te hace falta, olvídate de las excusas, nunca habrá un momento perfecto para tomar esta decisión, cada oportunidad es única e irrepetible y por último no te predispongas, es imposible que sepamos que va a ocurrir en el futuro y siempre somos más capaces de sobrellevar las cosas más allá de lo que pensamos. Simplemente siéntate a encontrar tu verdadero WHY, tu compromiso siempre debe ser el motor para tomarte el tiempo, llenarla y darle send. No me queda sino darte las gracias por tomar la oportunidad de vivir un año retador e increíble, por creer en lo que hacemos, mantener esa pasión y sentir el compromiso de llevar a AIESEC Barquisimeto y a cada uno de sus miembros a tener también un 2015 inolvidable y lograr lo que generaciones pasadas no creyeron que fuera posible. Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos y que nunca olvides que nada es imposible si se hace con todo el corazón. En nombre de todo el equipo directivo,
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AIESEC Barquisimeto Structure 2015 Local Committee Vice-President Outgoing Global Intership Program Local Committee Vice-President Incoming Global Intership Program Local Committee Vice-President
Outgoing Global Comunity Development Program
Local Committee Vice-President
Local Committee President
Incoming Global Comunity Development Program
Local Committee Vice-President Talent Management Local Committee Vice-President Strategic Alliances Local Committee Vice-President Finances and Legals Local Committee Vice-President Marketing
Note: From now on AIESEC in Venezuela, you will be applying for the position of Executive Board (EB) Member, and according to your personal preference and Skills the LCPe will select the area for which you will be Local Committee Vice PResident. In the next page you will find the Job Description (JD) of an EB Member, and if you get elected the JD for the LCVP of the especific area will be given to you. For an example of the JDs visit myaiesec.net or the new GIS.
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Job Description Title: Executive Board Member Reports to: LCP Open for: Full Member Weekly time: 20 hours Start date: 01/01/15 End date: 31/12/15
Mission: Weave each LCVP goals separately to work in synergy and achieve the objectives of the LC.
Lead, encourage and coordinate all activities in the LC. Represent AIESEC Barquisimeto and take responsibility at national and international level by the entity. Inform all members of the local authority about the activities, discussions and decisions taken by other organizations or entities. Ensure compliance of the rules and decisions. Coach LC members different functional areas and processes of the organization. Ensure the delivery of the local conferences and projects (supporting logistics, developing agendas, sessions and other aspects). Manage relationships with stakeholders. Manage the Global Information System, ensuring communications and other relevant resources for the operations of AIESEC Barquisimeto. Develop manuals and training material related to the activities and operations All those who framed from the perspective of strategic direction of the organization.
Gained Skills:
Basic financial management, strategic planning, high-performance team experience, tracking and performance management, personal planning, organizational management, coaching experience, critical situation resolution, public relationships.
Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsability Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning
Skills Social abilities Time management Facilitation abilities Conflict management Change management Project management Interview skills Decision making Selling skills Team management
Key Performance Indicators: -Efficiency -Productivity -Retention rate -TMP/TLP -Number of exchanges
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Application Process The application is divided in 4 parts -Profile: CV, AIESEC XP, CAT 360. -Motivation Easy. -Video. -Endorsement letters. -Questionnaire.
We expect one .pdf (17 pages max) file plus the 3 endorsement letters, and must be send to your LCP 2014 and 2015 rebeca.timaure@aiesec.net felix.hernandez09@aiesec.net before 04/11/14 at 11:59pm
Application Timeline
DDL for questions
Application DDL
Assessment center
Selection Process After the candidates summit their applications the will have 3 days to get ready for the assessment center (AC). The AC consist in a set of test to measure the applicant’s competences, skills and abilities. The evaluator panel will be comprise by: -LCP current - Rebeca Timaure -LCP elected - Felix Hernandez -LCVP from AIESEC Barquisimeto -Alumni of AIESEC in Barquisimeto -MC member (Depending on MC’s available time)
Election Process There will be a Legislation on Sunday, November 9 in order to vote on the nomination of candidates for 2015 Board AIESEC Barquisimeto . Only members who have passed the selection process may be subject to election.
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Please read carefully all the information before applying and make sure to send your application on time, we will not accept late applicants! It’s highly recommended for the applicants to fill their applications in english .
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(2 pages recommended)
Please attach you CV, it must include: -Picture of yourself -Contact information: Full name, personal and AIESEC e-mail, mobile phone, date and place of birth, Local Committee. -AIESEC Experience: position, entity, dates, key learning and main achievement. -AIESEC Conferences: conference, role, date and entity. -Studies: carreer, university, graduation dateand favorite subject. -Work Experience: position, date, companyand key learning. -Hobbies. -CAT 360. -Langauges.
Motivation essay
(1 page recommended) Write an essay explaining WHY do you want to be an EB Member in AIESEC Barquisimeto, and answering the following questions: -How do you perceive the organizational culture in AIESEC Barquisimeto? How would you like it to be at the end of your term? What action steps will EB’15 need to take in order to achieve it? -Why have you decided to apply for the position of EB? What do you personally want to gain from this experience? What will be your contribution and what do you expect to learn from this experience? -What do you expect from the LCP 2015, and the EB’15?
(3 minutes 32 seconds max.) Film a video of yourself about Why do you want to be an EB member in AIESEC in Barquisimeto and saying your key contribution in order we achieve AIESEC 2015. Attach the link to your application.
Endorsement Letters
(1 page each)
Each applicant must have and endorsement letter from: -Someone who led you. -Someone you led. -Someone you worked with.
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(13 pages recommended)
Answers all the questions enlisted bellow. 1. Design a strategy of marketing for OGX programs (each one separately) that allows its overcrowding. 2. Design an organization chart for the following areas F&L, SA and MKT so that it allows proper operation, taking into account the need for them in local projects (whether or not Exchange) and general activities of the LC. 3 Study the available roles that are presented in the chart on page 3 and say in which 3 roles would be a good candidate. Why these areas? And what is going to be your contribution to them? 4 Are you wearing socks? 5. Make a segmentation of universities by specifying which products can be capitalize on them. 6 Mentions 3 strategies with objectives, action steps and time to deployment to make attractive Exchange iGIP in Venezuela for EPs of WENA, CEE and AP? 7 Describes how you explain you AIESEC and why it is relevant to: a company, a University, an organization of students, a student and a new AIESEC member? 8. Do you believe in karma? 9 Mention what should be the contribution of SA per X area (oGIP, iGIP, oGCDP, iGCDP). 10. In addition to the GIS, what other virtual tool would use to carry out your activities in the period 2015, why would use them and how would you make your members addapt to it?
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11. How would you use the Alumni Network for the development of AIESEC Barquisimeto? 12. What are the actions necessary to grow the iGIP program and position it properly with the companies? 13. How you explain you to an intern, how to live in Barquisimeto? 14. What is your favorite song and why? 15. Design a training cycle for LC during the first four months of the year 2015, aligned to achieve the BHAG. 16. Design a system of request for publications and designs so it can be done efficiently. 17 Make a SWOT analysis of the LC. A SWOT analysis includes the strategies. 18 Make a segmentation of companies (based only on the type of company) specifying which should be capitalized by iGIP and SA. 19. Mention 5 actions that you would implement so that a year experience is pleasant and translates into a good experience to an intern. 20. AIESEC 2015 is currently being implemented. What should be the 3 main actions driven by the EB in order to increase the volume of AIESEC experiences delivered? 21 Proposes 5 strategies (with objectives and action steps to follow) and make a timeline for each of the GCDP (Incoming and Outgoing) programs so that increases the number of realizations off peak. 22 Being oGIP the focus program of AIESEC Barquisimeto for the year 2015, design a timeline of activities in the area so that reach a minimum of 40 RE for the December 31, 2015.
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23. If you had the chance of living in a movie or TV series. Which would it be and why? 24 How do you perceive the organizational culture in AIESEC Barquisimeto? How would you like it to be at the end of your term? What action steps will the EB’15 needs to take in order to achieve it? 25 How would you do so that the members of the functional area where you might be LCVP live on AIESEC Values? 26 Sesign an event to be carried out twice a year (April and November) to position the brand and achieve monetary income for the LC. The event must be different from CONGOL. Please detail the mssion of the event, the objectives, the market to attack and a goal in numbers of delegates. 27 Do you consider on going recruitment should continue being implemented in OGX programs? What would you improve of it? What you would change? And if you change it completely, to propose a new strategy. 28. What were the last three things you drank? 29 What would iGCDP projects be needing to position themselves among the companies and foundations of Barquisimeto, in order to get allies to carry them out? 30 Design a tool for better financial control of projects and local events.
May the force be with you during the application process Local Committee Executive Board Application Booklet - Page 10