Rebecca Barnett Design Portfolio 2021
1: Maison de Pasteur
Pages 1-7 A dwelling that’s finely tuned to the domestic routines of the protagonist as well as enabling them to conduct work that fulfils their scientific interests.
2: The Oxford Institute of Mycology
Pages 8-15 A building dedicated to the investigations and progression of an emergent scientific field. Chosen field: Mycology (the study of Fungi)
3: The Tottenham Recycling Centre
C O N T E N T S Page 16 The project provides a response to the shortage of housing and the resultant threat to Broadwater Farm Estate. It is designed around the principle that on average around 4.8m² is taken up by possessions we do not need i.e. clutter. It encourages users to let go of unnecessary possessions.
4: The Fishing Station
Page 17 Research station situated in Dungeness connected to land via platoons. The platoons have integrated hatches which are used to catch fish in order to track and study the marine life and the effects of the chemical off pour from the adjacent power station.
5: Workplace
Pages 18-24 A summary of key pieces of work and achievements from my time at Atkins Global. The majority of the work had been completed during my time in the infrastructure sector working on schemes orientated around transportation and over site development.
Tan g e n t i al A r t e f ac t s
Selecting and investigating artefacts that would be used to influence the research into the history of experimental science to inspire drawings and choice of scientific endeavour. Endeavour selected: AIR 1. 3D scan with selected artefact from engineering laboratory. 2. A drawing capturing the movement of the artefact demonstrating its function through space using a drawing technique inspired by the photography of Thomas Eakins. Fig. 1.
3. “Pole Vault”, 1885, Thomas Eakins. 4. Painting displayed at Oxford’s History of Science Museum: Joseph Wright Darby “An Experiment on a bird in the Air Pump”, 1768. 5i. Selected object of interest from the museum: Hauksbee Air Pump. The contraption uses a one way valve system in order to create a vacuum environment in the glass receiver.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 4.
5ii. Section drawing depicting air tube that withdraws air from glass receiver. 6. Observation drawing demonstrating geometry, function and mechanics of the crank system.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 5i.
Fig. 5ii.
Fig. 6.
A n I n v e s t i g at i on o f A i r Developed drawing created to describe the space beyond the object – the dynamic, ergonomic space inhabited by the user, and the detected space of the world at large. This drawing provided a route to a specialist field of interest where the architectural implications will be explored. 7. Depicting bird in glass receiver, inspired by Joseph Wright Darby’s painting, and peeling away anatomy to expose lungs. 8. Representing the human parallel showing the anatomy whose function is predicated on the influx and efflux of air. 9. Overall response to the cultural history surrounding the scientific instrument. It was first displayed at the Royal Society where only the socially elite would attend to view demonstrations.
Fig. 7.
What came of this exploration was a profound interest in the presence and management of air and how different conditions can dictate the physical environment.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
seiduts lanoitceS
R u e J a c o b , P a r is
Creating a device senstivite to the airflow on site and mapping out areas which show evidence of either residue found in the air or a reaction caused by the presence of air. 10. Lantern device used to track air movement on site. Light-weight outer shell makes it extremely susceptible to air flow.
11.Using long exposure photography to track the path of the device over time. 12. Rue Jacob, Paris Site is adjacent to existing building which needs to be retained. 13i. Moisture residue remaining due to cool temperature of the surrounding air
Fig. 12.
13ii. Oxidisation of metal manhole cover. 13iii. Dust residue between crevices of ironmongery. 13iv. Dirt particles found on surfaces of facade.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 13i.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 13ii.
Fig. 13iii.
Fig. 13iv.
L ’ in s t it u t P a s t e u r , Pa r i s
A trip to Paris which consisted of experiencing the architecture of science communication and research. Upon this journey I explored the laboratory of Louis Pasteur and began to study the processes and implications behind his experimental endeavours. LOUIS PASTEUR
14i. Broth is boiled in a swan neck flask to sterilize substance > Due to shape of the swan neck flask, air cannot get into the vessel and contaminate the broth. As a result the broth remains free of microorganisms. 14ii. Broth is boiled in a swan neck flask to sterilize substance > Swan neck is broken off exposing the broth to air > Exposed broth eventually becomes contaminated and developed bacteria due to microorganism.
December 27 1822 -September 28 1895 Occupation: Biologist, Microbiologist and Chemist Pioneered: Vaccination, Microbial Fermentation and Pasteurization
Swan Neck Experiment disproving the theory of
‘Spontaneous generation”. Louis Pasteur proposed that “life only comes from life” as a result.
> Fig. 14i.
15. Vessels demonstrating the controlling of conditions of air through a variety of different shapes and containment systems.
> Fig. 14ii.
16. Hauksbee Air Pump.
Louis Pasteur produced vaccines by growing viruses in animals and then weakening it by drying the affected nerve tissues.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 16.
E n c o u r a g in g G r o w th
Analysing and experimenting the formation of growth on surfaces and the principle of “life comes from life” through controlled environments. Experiments in cultivating mould on a perishable surface in different conditions in pursuit of achieving high amounts of mycelial growth. The mould presented is the result of one month of cultivation.
17. Natural growth found on the surface Louis Pasteur’s house in Arbois. Evidence of nature’s growth in the right conditions. 18. Another example of vines crawling across the frontage of Louis Pasteur’s house.
Fig. 17.
19. Thick, dense, mycelium produced from moist, warm and dark conditions. 20. Concentrated cultivation of mould but no thickness formed from moist, cool, dark space. 21. Sparse and light amount of mould produced from dry, cool and light space.
Fig. 18.
Fig. 19.
D o m e s t ic S c ie n ce
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21.
Using the findings to create a dwelling for Louis Pasteur where the architecture is integrated with a means for experimentation. 19i. Microscopic view of mycelium structure.
Fig 19i.
22. Fragmented concept demonstrating a ‘wick’ of absorbent material suspended in a vat of rain water. The moisture in the material is eventually evaporated and trapped in the ‘cultivation zone’ providing an ideal environment for mycelial growth for studying. 23. Inside of the cultivation zone depicting thick mycelial growth on the surfaces of a sacrificial brick layer.
Fig. 22.
24. Axonometric drawing showing the construction and connection between the cultivation zone and the reservoir of rain water in relation to the inhabitable spaces adjacent. The system is contained in a glass structure and a concrete core and insulated to maintain an ideal temperature to encourage evaporation.
Decontamination zone Laboratory Vessel storage Cultivation Zone Absorbent wick Rain water reservoir Fig. 23.
Fig. 24.
1 : 5 0 @ A 1 Se c t i on
1. Bedroom 2. Living room 3. Inoculation zone 4. Cultivation zone 5. Laboratory 6. Observation area 7. Absorbent wick
R ai n Wat e r H ar v e s t i ng
A method which connects Maison de Pasteur outside to inform the physical conditions of the interior programme.
25. The rain water collection strategy uses gutters to collect and channel water to basement reservoir. 26. Inspiration taken from the roofs at Louis Pasteur’s house by Core Canal. Sloping roofs effectively channels water into the gutters.
Fig. 26.
27. Insulated rain water reservoir to ensure heat isn’t lost and is contained within the system channelling moisture into the cultivation zone.
Fig. 25.
Fig. 27.
1 : 5 0 @ A 1 Fi r s t Fl o or P l a n 1. Bedroom 2. Bathroom 3. Cultivation zone 4. Decontamination zone 5. Hazmat suit hanger 6. Access from laboratory 2.
Mai n t ai n i n g t h e C u l t i v ati o n Z o ne
A method which connects Maison de Pasteur outside to inform the physical conditions of the interior program.
Plasterboard Insulation Metal stud Plywood Waterproof membrane
Waterproof membrane ensuring moisture stays inside and doesn’t escape
Waterproof membrane on the inside ensuring moisture remains inside, constant and unable to escape.
Exterior Waterproof membrane protecting inside from outside moisture
Waterproof membrane outside ensuring interior is protected from outside moisture.
1 : 5 0 @ A 1 Gr ou n d Fl o or P l a n 1. Living Room 2. Garden 3. Hazardous waste disposal 4. Absorbent wick channel 5. Laboratory
Scientific endeavour
D om e s t i c Sc i e n c e Se c ti o ns
The house caters to the basic human functions of eating, sleeping, playing, and bathing. In addition to providing the means for these fundamentals, it enables Pasteur to do his work with a home laboratory as well as the architecture itself being part of the experimental endeavours related to his realms of interest. In the interest of convenience and safety due to the ramifications of his field, the house is split into two different sections.
2. 3. 1.
1. Balcony 2. Bedroom 3. Bathroom 4. Living Room/Kitchen 5. Garden 6. Study/Inoculation zone
1. Cultivation zone 2. Changing area 3. Laboratory 4. Observation area/Vessel storage
Th e A u t on om y o f Fr u i t i n g Bo di e s
Identifying and understanding the self-sufficient behaviour of mushrooms to ensure their reproduction and harness their potential. Mushrooms have been known and used for their medicinal purposes, eco-friendly building materials and for bioremediation purposes due to it’s unique attributes.
1. The fruiting body of the mushroom is the stage the fungi must reach before asexually reproducing.
2. The mushroom cap contains ‘gills’ which releases spores (fungal equivalent to seeds) onto the ground.
3. Spores can travel through air, water and on the surface of other animals.
4. Spores germinate and begin to grow thread like structures through the soil/substrate. 5. This thread like structure turns into a ‘Hyphal Knot’ which transforms into a ‘Pinhead’ which then pushes back through the soil.
Mycelial ‘threads’ forms a dense mesh through soil and substrates.
My c e l i u m a s a B u i l d i n g M a t e ri a l The binding nature of mycelium with other substances can be utilised as building materials when it is treated in a specific way. The outcome is as robust as the alternative options with the benefit of being significantly kinder to the environment. 28. Mushroom Tower, David Benjamin, 2014. Structure made out of mycelium bricks. 29. Add mycelial spawn to organic substrate. Once mycelial mesh has grown through substrate it can be moulded into desired shape (e.g. brick). After leaving it to strengthen it is then heated to kill further growth of mycelium and thus complete the process. mycelium bricks are just as strong as concrete, tens of thousands of times softer than steel, anti-flammable and natural.
Fig. 31.
30. Coffee ground is a perfect substrate to harvest mycelium and mushrooms as it is already pasteurised. 31. Home made mycelium brick using coffee ground as a substrate.
Fig. 28.
Fig. 29.
32. Cultivating mushrooms through coffee substrate. This is achieved when the heating process is removed and the mycelium is left to fruit.
Fig. 30.
Fig. 32.
Scie ntif i c C u l t u r al C on t e x t o f Ox ford U ni ve rsi t y
The selected site belongs to Oxford University and is situated adjacent to the Clarendon Laboratory and opposite Keble College. The University Parks acts as a key circulation route to several science departments in the area. 33. The site is the location of a building dedicated to an emergent contemporary practice in scientific research. The selected scientific field is Mycology (the study of fungi).
Fig. 33.
University Parks
Clarendon Laboratory
Keble College
34. The Building is amongst the universities science district where practitioners over time have been using quantifiable means of proving ‘the big questions’ through experimentation. 35. A timeline of ‘experimental philosophy’ in Oxford and the stand out outcomes that were achieved.
A Brief History of Science in Oxford A timeline of experimental philosophy in Oxford - the practice of using quantifiable means of proving ‘the big questions’ through experimentation.
Fig. 34.
University Science Area
Fig. 36.
36. Site location situated between the Clarendon Laboratory and Keble College. 37. Illustration of the movement of the sun on site. Site data captured using 3D scanning technique.
Fig. 35.
Fig. 37.
Whe r e D o We C om e Fr om ? / Th e P l u ra l i t y of Fu ng i
By looking back the evolution of life we can identify the departure of several kingdoms, in particular Fungi,and acknowledge that they are more like us than we think. Humans have a profound relationship with Fungi, a relationship that isn’t nearly exploited enough. Fungi are essential for biodiversity, the health of the eco-systems and our own personal health. The site provides a prosperous location to take advantage of the plurality of Fungi. 38. Humans separated from fungi 650 million years ago. We are decendants of Fungi and share a more common ancestor with fungi than any other kingdom.
Proposed site
Origin of life
39. The network like design of Fungi is similar to that of the neurons in the brain. Fungi has characteristics that appear to be reactive to their environment and ‘think’ in the pursuit of their survival, much like that of the neuron network that exists in the human brain.
1.547 billion years later Plant kingdom
10 million years later
40. Farm and urban run offs are hazardous to the pollution levels in rivers which can be eradicated with the use of oyster mushrooms.
Fungi kingdom
41. Soil soaked in Petroleum (containing polluted Hydrocabons) + Oyster mushroom mycelium has the power to convert pollutants into nutrients for the environment making it an effective method of bio/myco-remediation.
Animal kingdom
Fig. 40.
+ =
Fig. 38.
Fig. 39.
Fig. 41.
Fungi Informing Form
Utilising the natural shape of the fruiting body to influence and shape the buildings form. 42. Casting mushrooms to harness their form in order to create spaces of circulation and programmatic moments. 43. Utilising the structural integrity of the mushrooms to mimic the engineering behind Gothic vaulting. Both forms consist of a cone-like structure that have the ability to interconnect with each other to create grand spaces. Cast mushrooms to create vaulting and provide the desires aesthetic for the social realm of the building.
Fig. 44.
44. Fan vaulting in Kings College Chapel - Cambridge, William Vertue, 1441 45. Facade of Zendai Himalayas Center - Shanghai, Arata Isozaki, 2016 46. Staircase in the Second Goetheanum building - Switzerland, Rudolf Steiner, 1928
Fig. 42.
Fig. 43.
Fig. 45.
Fig. 46.
Destigamatising Fungi
Due to their ephemerality, their ability to be poisonous in some places and their mysterious behaviour, a strigma has developed around fungi which could be a contributing factor in the lack of enthusiasm towards harnessing their abilities. This wall is designed to familiarise the observer with their nature in an attempt to destigmatise the presence of mushrooms. 47. Concept drawing of fragment showing connection between scientific endeavour and public space. Live walls desensitise public to their presence whilst providing access points for scientists to take samples/spawn. 48. A “fairy ring” due to a mushroom spore picking a favourable spot and the mycelium growing out in all directions accumulating and producing a ring. 49. Illustration of a man being pulled away from the spells of the ‘fairy ring’. 50. Diagram showing geometry of ‘live wall’.
Fig. 50.
Fig. 51.
Fig. 52.
Fig. 53.
51. Drawing illustrating the build up on mycelium panel cavity wall. Fig. 47.
52. 1-1 cast of wall in elevation showing movement of live mushroom. 53. Mushroom finding a way to grow through crevices/gaps.
Fig. 48.
Fig. 49.
1:50 @ A1 Ground Floor Plan
Only 0.2% of the coffee ground product is consumed from a typical cup of coffee - voids are provided to channel waste to inoculation zone
8. 3.
Stigma around mushrooms is relieved when potential and growth is seen - harvested mushrooms can also be distributed to the public.
1. Public seating 2. Toilets 3. Cafe: used coffee grounds used as substrate for mycelial and mushroom growth 4. Public library 5. Practitioner’s break out space/meeting room 6. Practitioner’s mess room 7. Tropical zone laboratory 8. Mushroom growth zone 9. Tropical zone 10. Pick up zone for remaining harvested substrate to use for material purposes
Laboratory dedicated to fungi found in hot climates that feed off of the living organisms (both flora and fauna). Their ability to eat live organisms has the potential to fight cancer cells and other illnesses.
1:100 @ A2 First Floor Plan
Practitioner library and individual studying zones facing away from the direct sunlight for optimal concentration.
Secondary laboratory with more privacy also facing away from direct sunlight in order to view specimens clearly for research purposes. 14.
15. 15.
11. Practitioner library 12. Laboratory 13. Outdoor seating area 14. Toilets 15. Mycelial substance distribution zone 16. Tropical zone observation platform
Troughs are connected to mushroom walls found in the public spaces on the ground floor. The wall cavity is filled with Mycelium laden substrate (grown in the basement and brought up through dumbwaiters) ready to grow through porous surface for public consumption.
1:50 @ A1 Section
8. 4. 9.
3. 7.
1. Mycelium growth zone after substrate has been inoculated with spawn. Once the substrate is ready to fruit it is moved to the first floor through dumbwaiters to then be distributed into troughs connected to mushroom walls. 2. Cafe for the general public, particularly used by students studying in surrounding buildings. 3. Cafe interior seating area. 4. Cafe exterior seating area. 5. Public library and study area. 6i. Basement circulation. 6ii. Area used to inoculate substrate with spawn before moving it to the mycelial growth zone. 7. Mushroom fruiting zone. 8. Mycelium laden substrate distributed into cavity walls connection to mushroom fruiting zone. 9. Tropical zone viewing platform. 10. Tropical zone with microclimate, achieved by green house design, to enable the growth of exotic flora for fungi to feed off for Mycologists to study and experiment with. 11. Tropical zone observation platform. 12. Utility storage for cultivation zone. 13. Study area for Saprotrophic zone.
13. 12.
The public can access a viewing platform to observe the nature created by the microclimate.
Architecture designed around letting in appropriate amount of light for each activity.
Integrated programmatic elements don’t interrupt the user experience of interacting with mushroom walls.
1:100 @ A1 Section and Elevation in Context
4. 3.
6. 7. 8
1. Exterior cafe seating area. 2. Circulation between cultivation and distribution zones. 3. Practitioner access to cultivation zone. 4. Interior cafe seating area on mezzanine level. 5. Alternate access to tropical zone viewing platform. 6. Cafe where coffee ground is used and kept to use as substrate. 7. Channel between cafe and cultivation zone to deliver used coffee ground efficiently and quickly due to copious amounts being used in the day to day. 8. Cultivation zone at basement level. 9. Public access/seating area.
South facing
East facing
Structural and Ventilation Strategy 54. Reinforced concrete column structure. 55. Load path through vaulting and column system. 56. Reinforced concrete structure in Navarte Church, Felix Candela, 1955 57. Utilising the columns to channel ventilation throughout the building whilst still maintaining structural integrity. The use of an air-permeable pulley system allows air to travel through whilst inoculated substrate is being distributed upwards.
Fig. 54.
Fig. 57.
58. Encouraging rain to enter the cultivation zone in order to maintain humidity as well as providing a ventilation strategy. 59. Desired moist and cold environment in basement level ideal for mycelium cultivation.
Fig. 55.
Fig. 56.
Fig. 58.
Fig. 59.
Controlling Temperature Utilising properties of materials to orchestrate the ideal temperatures for different programmatic elements.
Midday Summer Equinox 60 ° Midday Equinox 40 ° Winter Equinox 15 °
Normal thermal comfort. Insulation embedded in concrete
Warmer due to insulation quality of mushroom walls.
Cool due to underground solid concrete walls without insulation.
Tropical temperature due to exposure to direct sunlight.
60. Greenhouse at the Bombay Saphire distillery, Thomas Heatherwick, 2010 61. Moist, cool conditions became the perfect environment to cultivate mushrooms in the Catacombs of Paris. 62. Sun path.
Fig. 60.
Fig. 61.
Cultivation zone under ground and facing away from the sun to keep cool. Laboratories with indirect sunlight to avoid distracting direct light.
Parasitic zone exposed to most direct sunlight to enable tropical microclimate to enable flora and mushrooms to grow.
Summer Equinox
Winter Equinox
Fig. 62.
1:20 @ A0 Axonometric
3. 5.
2. 1i.
1i. Post harvested substrate collected in troughs to be used for making materials. 1ii. Moist and cool environment to cultivate and harvest mycelium inoculated substrate to redistribute for a plurality of purpose. 2. Mushroom fruiting body zone benefit from indirect sunlight - the positioning of vegetation dapples sunlight to illuminate the interior public spaces whilst providing ample light to enable mushroom growth 3. Redistribution zone that fills mushroom cavity walls with mycelial substrate just before the fruiting body stage to enable them to grow through the porous gaps of the mushroom wall. 4. Mycelial substrate transported up dumbwaiter from the basement to redistribution zone. 5. A green house principle is used for the ‘Parasitic Zone’ due to the necessity for plants to feed off direct sunlight and be at a suitable temperature for growth. In addition to this, the mushrooms would be able to feed off flourishing flowers and reproduce. Ring beam structure inspired by the intricate structure of mycelium and its branching out pattern. 6. Mushrooms that grow in the observable parasitic zone, specific to practitioners, also thrive better from indirect sunlight.
The project provides a response to the shortage of housing and the resultant threat to Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham. It is designed around the principle that on average around 4.8m² is taken up by possessions we do not need i.e. clutter. The recycling centre encourages users to abandon their unnecessary possessions through methods of circulation and environments that provoke contemplation and reflection. Once the possessions have been disposed of they are then up-cycled and are transformed into practical goods once again.
Roof plan and site location.
1:50 @ A1 First Floor Plan.
Plaster casts exploring the ways light falls on different surfaces and shapes.
1:500 Urban scale elevation.
Exploded axonometric.
1:50 @ A1 Section featuring upcycling workshop.
17. THE FISHING STATION Different ways of navigating around the exterior of the building
Walk on roof light to access research area
The stair cases allow circulation around the entire building and enables the user to walk across the flat roof in order to get directly from the living space to the research space instead of having to go via the decking.
Research station situated in Dungeness connected to land via platoons. The platoons have integrated hatches which are used to catch fish in order to track and study the effects of the chemical off pour from the adjacent power station on the marine life.
Walk on roof light to access research area
Main stair case to research space
Models depicting the connection of the building/wet deck in relationship to the ocean.
Main stair case to research space
Cantilever sheltering from fish trap hatch
s held up by a timber structure and adding. a fair amount of weathering and is comparison to other materials. ompleted with a barrel foundation g.
Inverted pitched roof to collect water. Fastened into metal shoes attached to the primary structure.
Cantilever sheltering from fish trap hatch
Heavily relies on intricate joinery to maintain strength from forces in all directions.
Material around stud wall
Raised metal shoe for attachment to floor decking to prevent water getting trapped and rotting the timber.
Timber structure to contain empty barrels which allow the entire building to float. Extra pieces of wood wedged between barrels to ensure a tighter fit.
Exploded axonometric showing the structural construction of the fishing station.
Fishing station anchored down by concrete blocks.
Platoons are used to connect the floating building to land. Using carefully placed anchors the building is able to perform in harmony with the tides. 1:100
Drawing achieved through initial collaging technique with a final hand drawn trace over using ink pen then coloured in using Photoshop.
Hand drawing showing how service boom is integrated in the tunnel.
Perspective hand drawing showing another view of service boom.
CARS (Croydon Area Remodelling Scheme) - EAST CROYDON STATION
Long section created using cuts from MicroStation then edited in Illustrator and Photoshop to achieve desired textures, colours and line weights.
Sectional perspective.
Section through access points.
CARS (Croydon Area Remodelling Scheme) - EAST CROYDON STATION
Images created using V-Ray and Photoshop.
Lift, concourse and platform interface fragments created using Sketch-up and V-Ray.
Option 1 - DCP1A Current Design
Option 2 - Minimal Roof Height Drop
Option 3 - Medium Roof Height Drop
Fragment calculation diagrams created on Illustrator.
Roof light studies generated using V-Ray.
Option 4 - Maximum Roof Height Drop
RE-IMAGINE THORNTON HEATH: Student Competition Winner
The brief asked for a vision of high-density, mixed-use sustainable developments that provides educational, living and green spaces situated around the station of Thornton Heath. The proposal sees the supermarket complex demolished and redeveloped in to a co-living space with educational, commercial and entertainment facilities including a cinema and theatre, with a variety of retail spaces and a large public square, adjacent to a new station entrance.
The data showing the drastic depletion of green space motivated the proposal to have a focus on providing more green spaces for the inhabitants of Thornton Heath.
View of social spaces from amphitheatre.
View approaching new entrance.
Hand drawn aerial view of station created using pen ink and coloured in Photoshop.
Hand drawn street perspective of retail proposal.
Hand drawn sectional studies of different circulation options.
Section generated using V-Ray and edited using Photoshop and Illustrator.
Section generated using V-Ray and edited using Photoshop and Illustrator.
Detail section drawn in MicroStation.
Section generated using V-Ray and edited using Photoshop and Illustrator.
Detail section drawn in MicroStation.
TISA (The International School of Azerbaijan) - Primary School Proposal
Hand drawing derived from Sketch-Up model and coloured in Photoshop.
Hand drawn aerial view of scheme.
Internal perspective of retail strategy.
Aerial view of scheme generated using V-Ray.