Lemon-Aid Toy Co. - Brand Manual

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ŠRebecca Woods ART 229 - Branding Flagler College Spring 2015

Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Brand Message & Values . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - Do’s & Don’ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Written Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - Copy Tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4 - Table of Contents

Table of Contents Imagery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - Brand Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 - Patterns & Strokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - Imagery Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Product Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 - Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - Other Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Brand Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Table of Contents - 5

INTRODUCTION This is a Brand Manual. Specifically, it is a brand manual for the designerly care and keeping of Lemon-Aid Toy Co. In this manual, you will find everything from the fundamentals and values of our company — that back our every decision — to the do’s and don’ts of the graphics and written content of our brand, down to the dress code for a little guy named Marvin. We would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to read this manual, to help further the work our company does and keep the brand’s image looking consistent and professional. And now, we’ll set you loose to explore the nooks and crannies of our company’s design world. Have fun. Rebecca Woods Lemon-Aid Toy Co. Founder & Creative Director

6 - Introduction

Introduction - 7

BRAND MESSAGE & VALUES At Lemon-Aid Toy Co., we believe that when life gives you lemons? Use them to help people. We are a privately owned company dedicated to helping and supporting parents and their children who struggle with developmental delays, through the creation of fun, instructional, and beneficial products that utilize lemon aromatherapy and assistant in developing skills in the following areas:

• Social • Behavior • Fine Motor It is our aim to create products that are easy to use within the home, and that start to refine and improve these skills from the youngest possible age. At Lemon-Aid Toy Co. we believe that every life is unique and beautiful, and we hope that with everything we do we can touch a life, and help both parents and children to learn and grow together.

8 - Brand Message & Values

Brand Message & Values - 9




LOGO & VARIATIONS Meet Marvin. Evoking our company name and special use of aromatherapy, Marvin is a happy little lemon on wheels, with a friendly face that reaches out to young minds who more easily relate to objects than people. Shapes and bold rounded lines were important to us in the creation of Marvin, establishing better visibility for little eyes while making him more approachable. Marvin enjoys being in full color, but when the budget and opportunity demands, he courteously acquiesces, and can shift to either:


thick black outlines, with lightened grey accompanying text.

12 - Logo: Logo & Variations

02: a white outline with 62% opacity for his little hubcaps.



Logo: Logo & Variations - 13

COLOR As we mentioned before, Marvin loves to be in full color. On the page next to you, you’ll see the 6 colors that make Marvin the happy little lemon buggy that he is, with each of their accompanying CMYK and RGB identity numbers.







14 - Logo: Color







Logo: Color - 15

SPACING Marvin is always active and ready to jet off to his next location, and therefore we try not to box him in -- literally. If a box or shape is necessary for use, however, we ask that you leave Marvin just a little room in there to breathe.


When all by himself, such as on social media sites and packaging, Marvin likes to stretch out and relax, and we ask that you give him two wheels’ amount of room in there, with at least one wheel on the sides.


When used with the accompanying typography, make sure Marvin has at the very least one wheel’s amount of air between him and the content surrounding him.


When Marvin is accompanied by the brand name and text, he likes to keep them close, so go ahead and again use one wheel’s space between Marvin and his typographic friends.

16 - Logo: Spacing




Logo: Spacing - 17

DO’s & DON’Ts Marvin works hard to keep himself looking nice and clean, and so there’s a few appearance do’s and don’ts he’d like you to keep in mind when you take him out in public.


Do keep white Marvin on lighter, happy colors - and remember the opacity on his little wheels!


Do not grayscale Marvin; he’d look awfully gloomy. If B&W is necessary, please use the appropriate white and black outlines.


Do not distort Marvin or his typographic friends when they’re with him — nobody likes being bent out of shape.

18 - Logo: Do’s & Don’ts


Do feel free to use Marvin on his own as a design element!! He loves the attention, really…

04: Do

not reflect or flip Marvin. He’s not big into acrobatics.


Do not color Marvin differently than branded colors — I mean, have you heard of a blue and purple lemon? We didn’t think so.







Logo: Do’s & Don’ts - 19




TYPOGRAPHY Everyone is unique, and our typefaces are no exception.


For our main brand name we chose Thi, a cheerful and buoyant typeface that gets across the tone of our brand. We tweaked the typeface specifically for our logo design, but you’re more than welcome to use Thi for: • Headers • Titles • Brand Name Appearances

— just be careful to adjust the tracking to a recommended minimum of 40 for capital letter use, as the typeface gets cold easily and likes to huddle together for warmth.


For our secondary and supplemental typeface, we chose Simplicity for its, well — simplicity. This particular typeface, used to specify the nature of our brand’s business, is a pleasant, friendly take on the typical sans-serif, and can be used for: • Body Copy • Sub-Headers • Clear Information — now this typeface tends to forget its coat when it goes outside, so we recommend you add another layer of thickness to keep it nice and warm; a better weight for visibility.

22 - Written Content: Typography



Written Content: Typography - 23

COPY TONE Above all, we want to present a tone across our products that is calm, approachable, and helpful to the children and parents we create for. Often this means we speak directly to the parent in our written content. We strive to encourage parents to engage in the products with their children, creating a three-tiered system of support, instruction, and love. Being a parent can be complex and intimidating, especially when helping a young child struggle through developmental delays — we want to let them know we’re here to help, and our written content should reflect that.

24 - Written Content: Copy Tone

Written Content: Copy Tone - 25




BRAND COLORS Though Marvin himself stays in his signature lemon hues, there are a few other branded colors that can accompany Marvin as he’s out and about.


02: Sunlight Yellow is


04: Peanut Brown is a light brown to be used for text across all of our products.

Baby Blue is a soft, sleepy little color that should be used as a highlight color for our infant products as well as for our 0-3yr. age ranges. The Orange Family are a color system to be used for all Marvin’s Adventures® products, as well as for the use of the branded dot pattern.

28 - Imagery: Brand Colors

the main background color to accompany Marvin and all other branding logos across the products.





Imagery: Brand Colors - 29

PATTERNS & SYMBOLS Feel like accessorizing? Here are a few design elements we can give you to help with that.

01: Marvin Pattern With an adjustable opacity as necessary, this pattern is perfect for the interior of boxes, inside book covers, and swatches when desired — or when you just want to have a Marvin party.

02: Dot Lines These thick, perfectly round dots are often used along with individual product logos, such as Marvin’s Adventures®, and can also be a design highlight on packaging and web content. Just careful not to overuse it... …dot, dot, dot…

03: Inner Wheel Shape This pleasant little flower-esque shape is what gives Marvin movement, and can be used as a decorative element that ties typography together when designs are not present, such as in our typographic logo.

30 - Imagery: Patterns & Symbols




Imagery: Patterns & Symbols - 31

IMAGERY STYLE What is our brand’s imagery style? Let us illustrate that for you… As a company creating products for young children, we utilize illustration as our main form of imagery. • We use simple shapes and color combinations that are vibrant and fun, each outlined in a highlight color that give them a smidge of dimension. • Our lines are thick, rounded, and uniform in weight, giving the illustrations that pop of color. • Rounded corners and soft edges, comforting for little eyes as well as little fingers.

32 - Imagery: Imagery Style

Imagery: Imagery Style - 33




PACKAGING Our packaging carries our illustrational style into the 3D realm, where lemons are real and smell lovely, with the same rounded, block shapes and thick outlines, tying in the other design elements we’ve explored. Here you can find examples of product and product packaging mockups for:

01a & 01b: Marvin’s Adventures® Face Puzzle 02a, 02b & 02c: Marvin’s Adventures® Packaging 03: Marvin’s Adventures® Plush Marvin Toy 04: Marvin’s Adventures® Texture Book

36 - Product Service: Packaging

Product Service: Packaging - 37



38 - Product Service: Packaging






Product Service: Packaging - 39

OTHER DELIVERABLES Besides packaging, we also have other products and brand representation that we’ve created, for such things as social media, company events, retail marketing, etc.

01: Company One-Pager This single-sheet company narrative is a breakdown and summary of why we do what we do and the ways that we do it. It can be given out: • At company events • To investors • To retailers for product sales You can even hang it on your wall. Don’t worry, we won’t judge.

40 - Product Service: Other Deliverables

com www.lemon-aidtoyco. www.le mon-a 1-885-366-6243 1-885-3 idtoyco.com 66-62 43

Product Service: Other Deliverables - 41

Brand Recap So that, in a nutshell, is our brand and the system that goes into designing it. We hope that your work experience with us was pleasant, and that you were able to find everything you needed. If you have any other questions, or anything else that we can aid you with, please contact us by phone or email, at: 1-885-366-6243 www.lemon-aidtoyco.com Thank you, and we hope that you will choose to work with us in future! Sincerely, The Lemon-Aid Toy Co. Team

ŠRebecca Woods ART 229 - Branding Flagler College Spring 2015 42

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