make money on autopilot check this out

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What does it mean to you when someone comes up to you and says the Internet can "Make you Money on Auto Pilot"? To me..Setting things on Auto Pilot means having to use "Technology" & "Money". And how do we do it? Lets elaborate.. Point #1: Technology means using an Automatic Communication Devices. Point #2: Technology means using Adwords. Point #3: Technology means using Lead Companies AND NOT COLD CALLING the LEADS But Filtering the Leads through Formulas. Auto Pilot does not mean going to forums and posting. Most people are busy, so they don't have the time to post in forums on a regular basis. and if they do, then its not exactly making money on auto pilot. (Posting in Forums is a way to get traffic, still its important to know that this does not solve the nature of "Making Money on Auto Pilot") In the end, when people find that they're not getting the traffic they want, their posts can become spammy. We're human after all. Point #1: Auto Pilot means using Automatic Communication Devices. For those not familar, Automatic Communication Devices are Auto Responders which stores emails of 1000s of subscribers. However..Auto Responders work only if you have a subscriber list. People who want to learn about what you have to share. By setting sequences up in the beginning, you'll be able to share your products on autopilot because the emails will be sent out automatically without you present. Your job will be to respond to customers when they write to you at a convenient timing to them. Still, communicating with your targeted audience with an Auto Responder is just 1 part of the equation. Getting to this stage in the 1st place won't be on auto pilot for most people. Reason for this is because you'll need to post, write article, surf traffic exchanges, do videos, JVs with other owners, all this is going to take work in some form or another. So the only way to bring about an auto pilot nature is to use a cash flow model to pay for the traffic using a funded proposal. Take the World Internet Marketing Summit 2007 for example. The venue,

which is the Singapore expo costs money. And the people who pay for the tickets are the ones paying for the venue. Once they're there, they'll be introduced to more Internet Marketing products and ideas and be encouraged to pay for a model that would suit them which results in profits for the Gurus.. Kinda sneaky some may say, but thats the way it is, and thats how business is done. Think of your wedding dinner. The people who attended are paying for the sumptuous wedding dinner with "Red Packets Stuffed with Money". Thats a form of Funded Proposal. None of the money came out of your pocket and you'd probably earn a small profit. You used other people's money to make money. Banks provide Usance LC and distributors ask for credit terms while they sell products.. These are all examples of CASH FLOW and Funded Proposals. This is business, mastering Funded Proposal is what you need to know and use if you wish to "make money online on autopilot". The Gurus use this method, so you need to do the same and effectively setting up a cash flow model for yourself. And once you can do this, then you've reached another level of Internet Marketing where your money is working for you. and you don't have to be posting in forums, writing articles on a "worried" basis. Having said this, this now brings us to... Point #2: Google Adwords. Adwords is an advertising platform that I use, not just for CreditsToCash, but other money making niches around the net. The thing about Adwords is that you need to be getting in for the long run with good keywords and a POWERFUL SALES SYSTEM after the customer clicks through. You see.. if you try to get into Adwords and chalk up some deficits.. And you get frightened off because no sale was made after 50 clicks.($0.16 - 0.20 per click).. then you won't reap the benefits of Adwords, because this is one platform whereby if you stick it out for the long run and get your click throughs up, your ads become cheaper over time. Again, I need to qualify my statements before someone goes put a chunk of cash on Adwords. You need to do your RESEARCH before trying out Adwords. If you chunk down a large amonut of money buying a keyword like "Dog Training" or "Home Business"... you're going to be in trouble. After reading this article, go Google "Home Business". When you have the time, go back next week and Google "Home Business" again. Chances are, the ads will change.. These ads represent the many hopefuls that want to build a "Home Business" on Auto Pilot with Adwords, but will lose heart after losing a chunk of money.. Which they probably will... You won't find my ad there, because I was one of those bitten..nothing teaches like experience :) I'm no Rambo, I prefer to do things the safe way. One thing I must say, please don't have the notion that putting down a large amount of change and getting the top 3 spots is going to

make you alot of money..because it could swing the other way and you'll find yourself eating bread and butter for the rest of the month. (At time of writing this, someone from a Singapore website that I recognise has put down a large amount of money for the keyword "Home Business".. I hope im wrong but its going to be tough for him to last after 7 days when a click through could be costing him $0.70 per click) Point #3: Using Lead Companies AND NOT COLD CALLING the LEADS and Filtering the Leads through a Formula for maximum results. Have you heard of people saying NOT to use Lead Companies and NOT Cold Call them? They're right.. Cold Calling Leads is a bad idea. People are the same wherever you go. You have to imagine your prospect as a couch potato, too relaxed to even move his hands to reach for the remote control.. All he needs to do it blink his eyes and the channels will change. (Welcome to the human race :)) If you're in a home business, your prospect needs to know that if he were to embark on the same business, that he does not need to be going through what you're going through, which is Facing rejection from tons of people. The only way to set a home business on auto pilot is filter them all through an automated system and you only respond to those that write to you. Life is too short, so leave those people who have no idea about the Internet, Adwords, Viral Marketing, Blogging etc, Auto Responder, Scripting and help those who want to learn how to use technology and the internet to make things easier. The system I personally use with great effect for building multiple income streams on auto pilot is here. You'll find everything I've said things I do myself so, if longevity is anything to go by, this has been my experience. Here's to you making money on autopilot!

Sherman Choo is a an Internet Marketing expert. Learn the best ways to make money online with him at

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commissionautopilot make money on autopilot software check this out ==== ====

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