INTRODUCTION Writing can be tiresome for many people. Whether it be for research, a report, or a blog, people often struggle to produce content. This article will focus on the content writing process. Quick Recall! I have discussed content-related issues that might cause penalties in my previous post. One of the best ways to avoid those problems is by creating original good quality content Following the content writing process will address the three necessary elements: relevance, anchor text, brand and social signals. I am going to simplify each stage of the writing process for better understanding. Keep in mind that there is no real right or wrong way of writing. The writing process only serves as a guide for clear and easy-to-understand content. I will write a more technical content writing guide for SEO writers next time.
WHAT ARE THE STEPS OF THE WRITING PROCESS? According to Comparative Media Studies, there are four distinct steps in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. The writing process is known as a recursive one. You might need to return to a previous step for further idea development.
STEP 1: PREWRITING Prewriting covers everything you do before starting the rough draft. It includes the following activities: creating an idea, brainstorming, researching, deciding on a topic, planning Tip: Keep a notebook of ideas or use writing prompts to get started.
STEP 2: DRAFTING Drafting occurs when you start to implement your writing plan. It is the process of putting the ideas you created or gathered into sentences and paragraphs. Tip: Write. Just write. Don’t pay attention to spelling and grammar at this point.
STEP 3: REVISING Revising allows you to analyse more deeply the needs and expectations of your audience. This is the phase where you should refine your prose. Make everything concise, accurate, and clear. Tip: Consider your audience and the voice you will use.
STEP 4: EDITING Editing is the last stage of the writing process. You check and edit the little things like spelling, mechanics, and grammar. Tip: Use an editing tool like Grammarly to help you easily check possible errors.
CONCLUSION Following the writing process can help SEO content writers create original quality contents. When you audit your content, be sure to use the following steps for content improvement. Better content means better ranking!