Another Snippet?
SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGE ...changes on their search result page this past month
TESTING PERIOD ...this element would help searchers a lot especially with their question-type search.
NEW SNIPPET ...everybody needs to be ready for adjusting and responding to the changes.
new additions and appearances on Google's SERP NEW ADDITIONS AND APPEARANCES ON THE SERP
Google seems to be bombarding us with changes on their search result page this past
It was also clearly stated in my previous
month. We’ve been noticing new additions
articles that there would be constant
and appearances on its SERP (Search Engine
revisions, additions, and refinement of
Results Page) lately which leaves users and
the search page to cope with the dynamic
webmasters puzzled.
trends in the online community
Lately, I’ve been talking about changes and
Another potential inclusion to the search
modifications concerning Google’s search
result page is currently on its testing
result page. Changes like additional snippets,
period. If rolled out, this element would
extended Meta description, voice search, top
help searchers a lot especially with their
stories carousel, and more. I have also
question-type search. The feature looks
mentioned that every alteration that is made
like the top stories carousel but instead
by the famous search engine is focused on a
of containing the latest news, it includes
single objective, and that is to provide an
answers to your questions.
excellent user experience to searchers.
And just like the other revisions made by Google, webmasters might hate this addition too. Now, they would need to consider yet another element to their SEO strategy in addition to the current horde of strenuous and complicated search result snippets that they’re working on. The feature will significantly impact those that run a forum-related and answer sites and will negatively affect their site traffic as Google is labeling the best answer in the carousel and sometimes shows the actual answer to the question. The reply to a particular query is fully seen on the carousel and therefore making it a substantial concern to site owners. Searchers don’t need to click and open a site after they search for a specific answer because it is already given in the answer carousels. However, the snippet is in its testing stage yet, so it’s too early for webmasters to worry. But whatever it brings, everybody needs to be ready for adjusting and responding to the changes. There will be more in the coming months and years for sure. Thus, it is essential for webmasters and SEO experts to have a full commitment to coping to this never-ending evolution. People on Twitter were intrigued and excited about the current change in the way search result page appears. Here’s a screenshot of Glenn Gabe’s Tweet:
Source: nswer-carousel-another-snippet/