High-Quality C O N T E N T
the writing process with SEO in mind One of the things you check when you conduct a content audit is the content’s quality. It is imperative to understand the different elements of high-quality content. By understanding the different elements, you can distinguish whether the material has low or high quality. This article aims to provide SEO content creators with a simple checklist that can enumerate the essential elements of high-quality content. Quick Recall! On my previous post, I discussed the writing process with SEO in mind. Content creation for SEO has five steps: listing keywords, answering queries, creating the visual layout, adding keywords, and crafting the hook. After step five (crafting the hook), you will proceed with the revising phase of the writing process.
Make everything concise, accurate, and clear. anythingseo
When revising, you analyse more deeply the needs and expectations of your audience. This step is the phase where you should refine your prose. Make everything concise, accurate, and clear. This step is the time where you check the quality of your content.
What is a high-quality content? If you search around, you will notice that there is no clear-cut definition of high-quality content. However, everyone agrees that content creation should focus on user experience. As Search Engine Land states, “write content for people, structure it for search engines and create an experience that is engaging and bound to drive the traffic you deserve”. But what does writing for people and structuring for search engines mean? How to write a high-quality content? To write high-quality content, you should consider numerous concerns. However, it deals with one thing: user experience. Kissmetrics listed nine elements for great content.
I made a checklist based on their article. You can use this simple checklist when you are revising. Length – short and concise Readability – easy to read and comprehend Usability – answers the user’s query Actionability – give the user a sense of how to apply the information Media Compatibility – provides images and videos that help add value Branding Relevance – cohesive with the overall tone of the site
Conclusion With Google’s semantic search, SEO writers should create content with a holistic view of the site. Targeting single keywords or keyword groups is not enough. Semantically comprehensive related terms and phrases signal that the page is relevant to a query. By focusing on the users’ actual needs, you can provide high-quality content that ranks.