https://anythingseo.wordpress.com/ 2018/06/21/optimising-oldcontent/
One of the top ranking factors is good content. According to Alex Birkett, the third level of content marketing growth is content optimisation. There’s content creation, content promotion, then content optimisation. Optimising content should be an essential part of your SEO strategy. This article aims to provide the readers with some ways to optimise your previous content. Quick Recall! Content auditing is the process of analysing the domain’s full content inventory to determine which can be kept as-is, removed or consolidated, and which can be further improved. Optimising previous content should be part of your regular content auditing strategy. The general flow of content auditing is as follows: inventory and audit phase (crawling all indexable URLs and gathering additional metrics), analysis and recommendation phase (putting data collected in a spreadsheet, and working the content audit), and lastly, summary and reporting phase (writing the report). The image below sums it up:
When you work the date in the spreadsheet, differentiate what content can still be improved and create a separate spreadsheet for your content optimising task. Once you know what content can be further improved, determine whether if it already has high traffic or if it has valuable content but low traffic and optimise it accordingly. You can try two different ways to optimise it. The two methods according to Birkett are as follows: 1. Finding high traffic but low converting posts and increase conversion rate 2. Finding low traffic but high volume/potential posts and increase rankings
Read the comprehensive step-by-step guide for both methods written by Birkett. To simplify though, I think there are three essential steps for both options:
Finding and determining articles that need to be optimised Developing the content further Matching your offer with the visitor’s intent
Conclusion You shouldn’t stop at content auditing. Content optimisation should be an essential part of your SEO strategy. Remember, “content is king”. You need to prep your king accordingly to be known and appreciated. Grooming and maintaining the quality of an old king is different from preparing a new king. The process has similarities but has some little differences. I will write another article that will focus on optimising new content.