Say Hello to More Data Traffic With Google Lens

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Images can represent some things. But its significance is its marketing value. Publishers who sell online do brand promotion through pictures. Website owners use photos for added value on their content also. Therefore, images are an essential factor also when it comes to more traffic and sales opportunity. Quick recall! It may not be directly associated, but from the Introduction to Content Marketing Strategy last July, a content plan is one of the basic terms for setting up a content strategy to write an article or publish content for a purpose. What can Google Lens do for data traffic? Optimising content is one of the ways to start a content marketing strategy. A page content refers to more than just the text-based content, but also images and other attachments. We understand it is crucial to have a wellwritten article or primary material. However, pictures are also vital to express what the content is all about. Using an image can be for brand promotion or selling. But the bottom line is it is an additional value to drive more traffic into your content, which is about having more people look into it or whatever it is you are trying to offer. Google Lens is a technology closer to AI and Machine Learning which is what powers it. This update changes the way we look at Google images. Instead of people looking at pictures as mere decoration, it classifies images into different categories rather than the model being scrutinised carefully and manually broken down into what groups it is composed. It detects individual faces and objects within the image and reads printed words the photos contain. It can also identify broad sets of object and categories commonly found within images. What’s also amazing about this feature is the OCR or Optical Character Recognition which is what enables it to detect texts embedded within your images alongside automatic language detection. Images are sometimes considered only as a mere display on pages, and a common mistake of web content creators and developers is there’s no relevance at all between the content and the image used. It then becomes either a misleading or unuseful content. And because the model has no meaning or purpose in the context, it affects a page’s ranking. So with the Google Lens rolling out to mobile devices soon, it becomes an opportunity boost for e-commerce, as not only will it improve a publisher’s SEO content, but it represents a new way for shoppers to be attracted to ecommerce websites. This feature is a significant update that benefits online merchants because images now become relevant content, and image search needs to be done right since it is part of the components of a substance that helps increase traffic to websites, which in return, drives its rank performance better.


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