SEO Basics: Prioritising SEO Tasks

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INGREDIENTS Every search engine optimisation specialist faces the question of what we should do to optimise a site. There are many levels to on-page and off-page optimisation, auditing, and strategising that most of us don’t know where to start. Optimising without direction can be disastrous. There’s a big chance you won’t be able to finish everything, or worse: you may not complete anything at all. There are a lot of tasks SEO professionals need to do. It can be overwhelming at times, but you have to make sure you can keep up with everything. There are so many things you need to do with so little time (and resources). You know you need to prioritise the tasks, the question is do you know how? Search Engine Land provided ways on how you can prioritise tasks: Prioritise by impact You have to understand not everything is going to be a priority. Look at what is holding back the site and focus on that. Know what issue causes the most damage and make it a point to fix it first. Dealing with tasks this way can ensure you get the things that affect your site the most immediately. Prioritise by resources Sometimes though, even if you know what task causes the most damage, it can take a lot of resources (like time) to deal with it. If done wrong, all the available resources would be gone for just one task. Prioritising does not mean doing one thing and ignoring the rest. It means weighing what should be done first to accomplish everything. Sometimes you should do the little tasks first and rely on other departments for help for the big tasks. Prioritise by its alignment with business goals Make sure you understand the objectives of the supporting team and the business first before you start prioritising tasks. There can be important things for SEO or things you can do with little resource, but you should always think of what your client needs first. Align your priority with the client’s goals. Conclusion Here’s an easy way to prioritise: think of the client’s goal first. This will serve as the backbone of your priority list. Next, list down the task and write down how much impact it has and the resources needed for it to be accomplished. Lastly, weigh and adjust accordingly.

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