Trend Forecasting

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Red - A powerful colour which affects us physicially. It can stimulate the ‘fight or flight’ mode.

Blue - A calming colour which affects us mentally rather than physically. It is the colour of communication. Although blue is the worlds favourite colour, it can sometimes be seen as distant and cold.

Yellow - The stronges colour psychologically. It can strengthen our self-esteem. However, too much of it and the wrong shade can make our self-esteem plummet.

Green - The colour of balance. It represents lusture and is reassuring.

Purple - A spiritual colour. It has associations with cosmos, time and space. However too much of the colour can make something seem cheap.

Orange - Focuses the mind on comfort. However, can also focus the mind on deprivation

The history of colours: Blue - Used to make dye. Purple - A colour that only rich people would be able to wear because of the expense of the dye. Red - Commonly used by the Egyptians. Yellow - A cheap dye that many people would be able to afford to wear.

Colour in business: Black - Creates protective barriers and enshrouds the personality. It communicates sophistication and excellence. It also creates a preception of weight and seriousness.

White - It is clean and pure. It gives a heigtened perception of space.

Red - Encourages appetite, urgency, movement and passion Blue - Generally preffered by men, associated with peace, promotes productivity and creativty. It is often used in offices Green - Associated with health and nature Purple - Associated with wealth, wisdom and respect. It is often used for beauty products Orange & Yellow - These increase optimism, however too much can cause anxiety Black - Associated with power and strength and is a symbol of intelligence Grey - Practicality and timelessness, however can sometimes draw in feelings of depression White - Assocaited with safety and cleanliness, can also spark creativity

Pantone Colours of the year 2016

LIFESTYLE 3D PRINTING 3D printing began in the 1980s, however has never been capable or cost-effective enough for big businesses to use this. However, with technology increasng year by year, it is predicted that 3D printing could start to vastly imporve and be used in far more companies, making their work a lot easier. In fact, in a recent PwC survey of more than 100 industrial manufactorers, two-thirds were already using 3D printing.

In 2015, designer Janne Kyttanen designed a sofa inspired by spiderwebs and silkworm caccoons that he printed in one single piece. Kyttanen says ‘with 3D printing technology we can create and express forms only found in nature’. Kytannen also says that by using less material he can reduce the price of transportation costs for furniture production, and also minimse energy consumption.

Material Palette - connceting objects through simllar properties and contrasting materials

3D printed shoes, Milan Design Week 2015. Shoes by Ross Lovegrove.

A fully functioning 3D printed bicyle. A group of students from TU DELFT in the Nertherlands spent 3 months designing and printing this stainless steel, fully functioning bicycle. The student collaberated with Amsterdam based MX3D to print the frame.



Bottled air from the English Moores is being sold for $118. English farmer, Leo De Watts is bottling the air as it is from a fresh and calming atmoshpere, and it is being marketed as air from ‘fertile, lush pastures and wild untouched meadows’. The product is gaining major popularity in China, and Watts claims that he will use some of the profit towards environmental campaigns. Pip, found throuhg kickStarter, is a smart gadges that picks up on stress levels through the users skin. The users of Pip play smart, mindful games that help them to understand their stress levels over time. In the games you can turn winter into summer, and also race a dragon through the power of relaxation.

THE LG ROLLING BOT This is a home-monitoring device that rolls around to help people see what is going on inside the house. It uses wifi to connect to a smartphone app. It has a microphone and 8 mega pixel camera.





This is a high tech, virtual coaching system, developed by a group of students at Bielefeld University in Germany. It uses the latest technology to help athletes with their performance and recieve treatment for any physical issues they may get during training. The system uses a virtual body avatar, 3D stereoscopic glasses and reflective markers to help the user understand their own movements, and also get the best recovery they can after their training. The reflection in the mirror will turn red on any certain body part that is not right during the movement, so that the user can correct their technique. Due to this technolgoy, how will this affect human trainers in the future? And will this make athletes better in general?

Neit has designed a line of suitcases that can be folded away, making it much easier to store. The luggage also has 4 removable wheels and a 360 degree angle. The checied bag luggage can collapse by 70%. The luggage is partnered with the smartphone app so that it is easy to track if you lose your luggage. It also has a system of flight and hotel booking, transportation mapping and travel information logs.




Bathroom as art Italian designer, Cermaca Flaminia is focusing on turnring interior design into art. She is focusing on making something so basic and functional also aestheticallypleasing. When the combination of design,enginerring and craftsmanship come together it is then that interiors can become art. Tubes radiator Italian radiotr brand TUBES have collaberated with design duo Ludovica and Roberto Palomba in order to create functional, energy efficiant and space shaping aesthetics. The tubes come in differecnt colours and have managed to make radiotors a piece of the interior that people will want to show off.

Design firm Toledano & Arcitechts have designed a modular house, The Duplex Pnethouse. The aim of the house was to seperate the child’s area from the parent’s area, whist keeping it spacoius and multi-functional. They kept the house modular through sliding doors, a hidden bar in a bookcase, a folding metal table and a front enterance opening in two ways, allowing each space to serve different functions. To keep the design modern the designers used wood, concrete and black metal throughout.

The New Stand, New York Uses all modular furniture and ensures that it stocks products that the customers will want through a smartphone app. The customers can use the app to vote on what they would like to see. This makes sure that the shop does not stock products that will go to waste.



In general, as a country we have too much stuff, as do many others. Our stuff passes through the materials economy which is a movement of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. By cutting down on the consumption of stuff, and making many more things modual, we can have more space in our homes, be spending less money and help to save the environment. In the last decade 1/3 of the planets natural resources have been used, therefore in the future it will be very important that things are recycleable, and also made to last. One of the main threats in making everything modual and cutting down on purchasing genereal stuff is that acording to The Story Of Stuff, if people don’t consume a lot, they are seen as being poor and having less value. Therefore, this culutral outlook on stuff must also change.

Footwear made of concrete London College of Fashion graduate, Sandra Plantos used inspiration from architecture to create her evocative footwear. The concrete footwear is meant to slow down everyday life. This created a multi-sencory experience for the consumer as it decelerated the mind in order to take in more imagery, Modular, efficient shelving. Lightweight and modern

Adorn Milk have released a new line of jewellery using new, innovative materials such as Corian. The designs are inspired by cities and landscapes.



Illusory landscapes, explored by swiss phootgrapher Beonit Jeanett, showing potential design inspiration. The photographs were created as a commentary for visual dicovery. He photographed images in his studio inspired by the landscapes to show where creative inspiration can be drawn from and show how photography can make simple elements look wonderful.

EMERGING MATERIALS Make clothes out of a can




Photographer Karmen Ayvazyan created surreal images using hair to show beauty in a mysterious and unsettling way. It plays with the fine line between elegance and of-putting.

Fury nails is a style that touches on one of fashion’s most highlighted materials, fur. It is supposed to be seen as impractical, yet luxurious.


Hemsley Hemsley are London based food bloggers for Vogue since April 2012. This shows a correlation between food and fashion. There is an ever-growing demand for healthy recipes and new health trends. In recent years there has been an abundance in health books, blogs and documentaries. People are becoming much more aware about the foods and trends that they should be eating due to social media informing people on the latest food obsessions. Cold press juice bars, raw, vegan and vegetarian cafes and bars have in recent years been making a big impact on the English and American food scene in particular. Foods such as quinoa and chia seeds were not always stocked in the local Tesco, therefore it would be expected that many other health foods will be stocked up and easy to get in recent years to come.


1 - Plant based everything, including caulifower steaks 2 - Uncommon meat cuts and seafood. Strange meats are making their way to American supermarkets including blue catfish and Denver cut steaks. 3 - Wine in cans. They are recycleable and chill quickly. 4 - Fermented food and drink such as tempeh and kimchi which are good probiotics. 5 - Non-GMO foods. This means choosing organic and non-packaged. 6 - Grass-Fed dairy and protein supplements. This particularly caters for the Paleo diet. 7 - Dehydrated foods including jerky, vegetables and fruit. 8 - Gluten free flours 9 - Flavours from the East 10 - Heirloom beyond the tomato. This means that they have use old-fashioned ways of farming and have not been dominated by US agriculture.


1 - The hotter the better with siracha sauce. Palates will be taking inspiration from Eastern flavours. 2 - International comfort food. This means restraunts are giving a makeover to simple comfort dishes such as meatballs, stews and dumplings. 3 - Waste not want not. Menus will start to contain every bit of the served animal or vegetable, using different cuts of meat. And for vegetarians, carrot used from the leftover of a smoothie for example. 4 - If there’s smoke, it’ll be on fire. Lots of items will be grilled and roasted, including drinks and desserts! 5 - Pass the bubbly. Carbonated drinks, including prosseco and champagne will become particularly popular options. 6 - GMO free. 7 - Not the destination, but the journey. More and more people want to know where exactly their food has come from and how it reached their plates. Restraunts are trying to be as transparent as possible. 8 - Fast food gets an upgrade. Fast food chains are now trying to focus on quility and healthy options. Other amenities such as alcohol will also start to pop up. 9 - Getting down to business. Minimum wage will become even more of a topic that needs to be adjusted in 2016. 10 - All about those apps. Technology will continue to dictate our food choices and how we get our food.



Water company, Kona Deep is a new brand of water sourced from the Kona coast in Hawaii. Their ethos is that this water has had plenty of time to absorb vital minerals. Consumers are always looking for the latest health trend to enhance their lifestyle, and new forms of healthy or skinny water are an important part of this trend. Winter olympics in South Korea FIFA world cup in Russia Estimated completion year for the Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia which is expected to be the tallest building in the world A drug will be released to prevent obeseity Scientists will finally drill into the Earths mantle

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