Sekulovic, Elizabeth Gaskell, 2024, acrylic and oil stick on linen, 195 x 220 cm
Jackie Case, Kiss Me Its My Birthday, 2024, graphite on paper, 27 x 22 cm
Sophie Charalambous, Cactus Tree in the Village, 2024
watercolour and gouache on khadi paper, 120 cm x 120 cm
The Park Opposite Charing Cross Hospital
by Edward Barker
We lie on the grass with our Pret bag. A plane tree’s leaves cast faint shadows on the grass. When she gets cold, she moves back into pale sunlight.
That faun speckle of the plane bark. The faint rustle of papery leaves. Mongrels, labradors, retrievers, tails wagging furiously, chase each other, leap for balls. Still efficient, she hands me back some paperwork, the cash books, a stack of envelopes. We talk about her garden, about plants, how they live from the heart, how the mind, with all its planning waits in fear, but the heart, faithful donkey (and —fuck— like peeing myself I have to look away) hasn’t the faintest how to be afraid. The dogs. The plane tree.
Surman, Selkie, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 160 x 140 cm
Mersuka Dopazo, Time To Go, 2024, fabrics, handmade paper, pigments and oil on canvas, 210 x 180cm
Maybe by Langston Hughes
I asked you, baby, If you understood— You told me that you didn’t, But you thought you would.
David Frazer, A Handful of Hopeful Words, 2020, wood engraving, 36 x 28.5 cm
Jerry Jeanmard, Performer with Tiger Feet, 2023 collage, 80 x 59 cm
Jason Shulman, Marilyn Monroe Singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ to John F. Kennedy. 29th May, 1962, 2023 multi-coloured ink jet print on Hahnemuhle paper, 86 x 110 cm
louise sturgis
by Guillaume Apollinaire
trans. A.S. Kline
The strollers in the plain walk the length of gardens before the doors of grey inns through villages without churches And the children gone before The others follow dreaming Each fruit tree resigns itself When they signal from afar They have burdens round or square drums and golden tambourines Apes and bears wise animals gather coins as they progress
Qwaa (c.1920 - c.1990) Man on Chair, Axe & Rabbit, c. 1990 lithograph on Japanese paper, 30 x 36 cm