Issue #86 Spring 2018
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Issue #86 Spring 2018
Spring 2018 EDITION REGULARS Contents Office Bearers Presidents Report Editor’s Report AGM Horse Deals
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MHAA® Strong and getter stronger … … … now leading the way as the FIRST and ONLY exclusive Miniature / Small Horse Registry, proudly in our 29th year servicing the needs of members around Australia and beyond!
Anyssa Park Gladiator Horse Deals SA High Point Winners 2017 Kamelco Park Touched By Excellence Horse Deals Random Photo’s 2018 Nationals
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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in Fine Lines are not necessarily those of the Editor or MHAA®. Neither the Editor, nor MHAA® shall be held responsible for any article or advert that may be considered misleading. COPYRIGHT: The copyright of articles printed in Fine Lines, remains with the authors and no article or part thereof may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor and MHAA®. FINE LINES Published by The Miniature Horse Association of Australia Inc. ABN 22 921 298 546 ARBN 096 500 346 Business Address: PO Box 454 DROUIN Victoria 3818 Advertising and Editorial Submissions to: The Editor at
ADVERTISING & COPY DEADLINES ISSUE #87 - Friday, 9th November, 2018
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Margaret Lawson P 02 63588422 E
Rebecca Howe M 0429 721757 E
Kerry Starling P 02 48290388 (Leave Message) M 0407 500505 (Leave Message) E
Barb Voysey P 08 83846446 M 0418 821100
NATIONAL SECRETARY Barb Voysey P 08 83846446 M 0418 821100 FAX 08 83841887 E After 7PM & weekends
TREASURER Brian Neal P 0417 518695 E
REGISTRAR Eola Kay E T 0423 160930
EDITOR Michele Waghorn P 0413 599229 E
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QUEENSLAND Rebecca Howe (Interim) P 0429 721757 E
SOUTH AUSTRALIA Helen Klingberg P 0439 621300 E
NEW SOUTH WALES Contact National Secretary Barb Voysey
NSW PROMOTIONAL GROUP Bette Thatcher P 02 6889 5568 E
VICTORIA Contact National Secretary Barb Voysey
TASMANIA Contact National Secretary Barb Voysey
WESTERN AUSTRALIA Contact National Secretary Barb Voysey
All correspondence to the National Committee should be address to the National Secretary Barb Voysey Email: Phone: 0418 821100 after 7pm & weekends
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PRESIDENTS REPORT Hi Everyone, It is with great excitement I send through this report for inclusion in the upcoming issue of Fine Lines it is such a great feeling to have our favourite magazine back again. I cannot thank our Editor Michele Waghorn enough for accepting the big challenge to put together the magazine after such a long break without it which although unavoidable was disappointing so good to have it back & look forward to this & future issues for all our members. MHAA® has been around for a long time in the Miniature Horse industry in Australia & continues to endeavour to grow & improve with new members frequently coming onboard to join us all in our passion for the Miniature Horse. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the National Committee of management to ask all members to please contact us if they have any thoughts, ideas to enhance our Association & improve services for members in any way, or any other ideas to contribute to MHAA® for all members & their horses to benefit, all feedback is appreciated & taken onboard by the National Committee Team for serious consideration, we often find a simple thought or idea is so valuable to us we just need to the members to present those great ideas to us. I would like on behalf of the National Committee to thank all our members who attended the 2018 National show for supporting MHAA® & coming along to enjoy our biggest annual event of the year – its our once a year chance to get together from all states of Australia & see friends we only see that one time a year it always is so anticipated & seems to be over again before we know it but we can all start planning for 2019 which I'm sure will be another fantastic event. Many of our members are currently in the grips of prolonged drought our thoughts are with you the weather is so very fickle & drought takes such a toll please keep those positive thoughts going for some decent rainfalls for those of us effected. Margaret Lawson President On Behalf of The National Committee of Management.
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EDITOR REPORT Welcome to the first online edition of Fine Lines for 2018. I plan on doing 4 editions per year. Anyone who would like to send Stud adverts, stories about their Horses or their Studs, or even some general information that Members may be interesting to read, or any suggestions please email me at We will be having a competition for our next edition for the front cover of Fine Lines. To enter members please email me with your front cover photo and as I receive each email I will put a number on the email with a closing date of the 9th of November. Numbers from the emails will be put in a container and a number will be drawn out by an independent person. The winner will be notified by email and announced on MHAA National Facebook page. As it is now foaling season please send me your foal photo’s for the foal brag page. The next edition of Fine Lines will contain a Stallion Feature and Members are invited to send in details of their Stallions, including advertisements for Stallions at Stud, or if you don’t take in outside Mares, but would like to submit an article with pictures of your Stallion, including details of his progeny, please send to the Editor, at above email address. The next edition of Fine Lines will be in December. We will have State Representative’s reports and more details from all states then. Remember this is your online publication so please have some input to what you would like to see and read. Happy reading.
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6 Miniature Horse Association Of Australia Inc.
ABN 22 921 298 546 ARBN 096 500 346
Saturday 13 October, 2018
TRAVELODGE BLACKTOWN 170 Reservoir Road, Blacktown NSW 2148
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Open Meeting: Present: National Committee Members Visitors Apologies Minutes of the 2017 AGM Business arising from the Minutes President’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report: including Audited 2018 Financial Statements Registrar’s Report: Announce: Results of Voting: if applicable. 2018/2019 National Committee: As per Nominations received. 2018/2019 Queensland Committee: As per Nominations received. General Business
Close Meeting
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"Anyssa Park Ultimate Gladiator" aka “Gator” My Heart Horse !
Above: A Star is born … ‘Gator’ 12 Hours old
It was early August, and I was eagerly awaiting the foaling of my very favourite Mare “Anyssa Park Egyptian Fantasy” (Gypsy). The foal was sired by my beautiful imported Stallion “RFM Boogermans Ultimate Warrior”. Gypsy was looking close, showing all the classic physical signs of foaling in the next 24 hours, but no behaviour suggested the foaling was imminent. I was watching from my lounge room via Mare stare camera and she also had a Magic Breed alarm as a double precaution. My computer (which ran my camera) had been playing up and I had the cable required to fix it, at the post office waiting for my collection. As Gypsy was standing around snoozing all day, I decided I was safe to make the 5min each way drive to the post office to ensure that my camera worked fine for the big event that I was sure would take place that night. I had a friend watch Gypsy on Mare stare, and I set off to the post office.
As Murphy ’s Law goes, as soon as I was half way through the line up at the post office, I had a phone call from my friend, telling me that Gypsy was getting up and down a lot and looking suss. I scooped up my 6 month old Daughter and ran for the car and drove home to find Gypsy on her final push as a beautiful Colt was born. With my heart going a million miles an hour, I dried him off and dipped his umbilical, and sat back catching my breath and watching Gypsy and her baby bond. I was Gator meets the Herd smitten with this colt from the start. He was just how I had imagined this cross to be, and more! His name would be "Ultimate Gladiator" (Aka Gator), which I thought was a suitable name for an impressive Colt, who was going to grey, as his little white goggles clearly indicated. At 2 days old, Gator was listless, and not drinking. Gypsy was dripping milk all over his face as he stood under her but he didn’t nurse. He was scouring badly, and was a very sick little boy. The vet came and gave him fluids, and tubed some milk into his little belly and we started him on antibiotics.
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For 9 days, both foals were on 3 hourly fluids and medication, around the clock, which would take around 1.5hours to administer. So the 1.5 hour break in between treatment, zoomed past in a blink, and I was back in the stables again. Thank goodness for my Husband and Mum helping out with our 6 month old Daughter so I could get dribs and drabs of sleep when I could. At the end of day 9, I removed the catheter, and stopped the fluids, as Gator was keeping himself hydrated nursing well, and I continued with the antibiotics for another week. He was finally allowed outside without the risk of burning himself out or dehydrating (much to his and Gypsys delight), and this little fighter was officially out of "intensive care".
"Anyssa Park Ultimate Gladiator" aka “Gator” My Heart Horse ! Once Gator was no longer contagious, and well enough to join the herd, I would take Taylah in the pram out into the paddock and most of the Foals would run from the pram, but Gator would always try to climb in it with Taylah. He was fascinated by her, and would follow me across the 10 acre paddock until I would get the pram out of the gate and then he would run up and down the fence calling out. He chose Taylah from the start, and once she could walk at 10 months old, she gravitated to him too. Gator was a cheeky foal, full of energy and mischief, but he was a gentle, calm and even tempered foal when around Taylah. To this day, Gator and Taylah have a natural attraction and bond with one another, and because of his rough start, I have a big soft spot for him as well. Because of this bond, I decided to geld Gator to make sure he never left Anyssa Park. Gator has been a fantastic and incredibly fun show horse since the time he was weaned, consistently winning time and time again. I would often have people ask me to buy him, and why on earth I gelded such a special horse. But then I only have to show them the patient sweet boy that I can drape in princess dresses and Olaf onesies and sit Taylah on to ride him in to a fancy dress class, and the bond between them and they can see why that beautiful colt, was destined to be an incredible gelding. I remember the time that I had Gator in a stable at a show, and he was having a lay down, while I took another horse out for a break and a pick at some grass. I had a lady come flying around the corner of the stables saying "ummmm, there's a little girl in here on a horse!!!!" I went in to investigate, and while Gator was laying down snoozing, Taylah had climbed in, put her hat on his head, and was sitting on his back, reading him her "My Little Pony" book. This special little guy didn't batt an eyelid, and was contently sitting with Taylah on him, listening to her. One of my most memorable moments, was at the 2015 MHAA® National Show, when Gator was crowned the MHAA National Supreme Gelding Exhibit. I was ecstatic with such a prestigious result from a little Gelding that had come so far. I cried with pride, as I came out of the ring, Taylah raced up, hugged Gator, and then stole his garland saying "Yay! He won me all these flowers!!". Gator has since gone on to win two more National Supreme titles and countless other Supremes. He has an incredible presence, and shows his heart out for me, yet is completely trustworthy with now 4 year old Taylah.
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Gator has become my "heart horse", if I had to sell all my horses tomorrow, he is one I still could never ever part with. It will be bitter-sweet the day that Taylah wants to take "her horse" in the ring herself, and I'm fired from being his handler! :) The geldings at Anyssa Park rarely last very long after weaning, before they're sold. I promote them to be incredible family pets, and the best kind of show horse. I geld just about every colt that leaves my property, but it’s safe to say this SPECIAL Gelding, will never leave his home at Anyssa Park.
Renee Krischer … Anyssa Park Miniature Horses …
Anyssa Park Ultimate Gladiator 2018 MHAA® Supreme Champion Miniature Horse Gelding
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Miniature Horse Colt DARSIRLA SADIQ
Miniature Horse Mare ROS-DAYL MIREYA
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In Loving Memory Of KAMELCO PARK TOUCHED BY EXCELLENCE December 2007 to May 2018 A tragic paddock accident cut short the life of Kamelco Park Touched By Excellence last month at rising 11 years old only weeks after Tucker – as he was known – won MHAA National Grand Champion SH Jumper at the 2018 MHAA Nationals at Sydney International Equestrian Centre for the second year running. Jumping was Tucker’s passion and his most outstanding talent. Tucker was a versatile horse who achieved well in halter as well as performance. At 10 years of age he still achieved National Reserve Champion results in very competitive halter classes at the recent 2018 MHAA Nationals in the company of horses half his age. He defied the common notion that miniature horses – once they are deemed veterans – are too old for the showring. Tucker was well known on the Queensland and New South Wales show scene and had quite a following. He spent most of his life with Hayley Whiting who spent many years training him. When he finally appeared at shows – well trained and polished under Hayley’s guidance – he gained instant recognition as a force to be reckoned with. The amazing results spoke for themselves. Supremes in halter and Grand Champions in performance at State and National level. Tucker came to Anette Schneider for the last two years of his successful life. Anette and Tucker shared a passion for jumping and the journey of hard work in the home paddock paid off when he took out 2017 and 2018 MHAA National Grand Champion SH Jumper. Tucker was also one of only a few horses who jumped 44” in competition. Tucker was a funny character. When he was into it, he surprised us with amazing feats. When he wasn’t in the mood, you just had to grin and bear it. Tucker thrived on positive re-enforcement and lots of reassurance. He wasn’t a fan of being told off and would give you the cold shoulder if you did so. He will be greatly missed, not only by Hayley Whiting and Anette Schneider, but also by the show jumping community who is a close knit group of competitors with great camaraderie and sportsmanship. Kamelco Park Touched By Excellence’s successes involved a number of contributors: Colleen Boyd Harper who bred him (Sire: RTR Black Velvet Excellence, import USA, deceased; Dam: Tiny Toy Snippets Touched By An Angel), Rebecca Howe who trained and showed him in Queensland for Anette Schneider and of course Hayley Whiting who had him since a foal and Anette Schneider who pushed his jumping talent to achieve top honours at Nationals.
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Kamelco Park Touched By Excellence’s Major MHAA Achievements: 2011 MHAA Nationals SUPREME SH Gelding Judge 1 Triple-O-Rama 2013 MHAA NSW State Show SUPREME Small Horse gelding 2014 MHAA NSW State Show Grand Champion SH Jumper 2014 MHAA NSW State Show SUPREME Small Horse Gelding 2014 MHAA NSW State Show Hi Point Senior Small horse Eve Robinson Memorial Trophy for Most Successful Performance Horse Of Show 2017 MHAA Nationals Grand Champion SH Jumper 2018 MHAA Nationals Grand Champion SH Jumper Plus too many more to mention.
Kamelco Park Touched By Excellence winning 2018 MHAA National Grand Champion SH Jumper
Tucker jumping big at the 2017 MHAA Nationals with Anette Schneider to win 2017 MHAA National Grand Champion SH Jumper
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Tucker winning 2014 MHAA NSW State Supreme Small horse Gelding with Hayley Whiting
Tucker excelled in many performance events.
Tucker the water baby enjoying a swim during the off season. __________________________________________________________________________ Fine Lines
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A couple of random photo’s from the 2018 MHAA® National Show
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