Right to Free Public Education
The right to a free public education shall not be denied or abridged on account of race, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, poverty, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, place of residency or immigration status.
Right to High Quality Food
Right to Study Curriculum that Acknowledges &
Students and youth shall have the right to employment, to support themselves while they are in school and college.
Students and youth shall have the right to healthy, high quality food regardless of wealth, poverty, or place of residence. Right to Employment
Addresses Youth’s Material and Cultural Needs
Students and youth shall have the right to study curriculum that acknowledges and affirms the ongoing struggle of oppressed peoples for equality and justice, and that addresses the real, material, and cultural needs of their communities.
Right to Free Day Care for Children
Students and youth with children of their own shall have the right to free day care for their children.
Right to Safe & Secure Housing Right to Free College Education
Students and youth shall have the right to safe and secure housing.
Students and youth shall have the right to free college education
Right to Free Public Transportation Right to Freedom from Unwarranted Search,
Students and youth shall have the right to free public transportation for the purposes of education, employment, family and community needs, or recreation.
Seizure or Arrest
Students and youth shall be secure from arbitrary police searches and seizures and from arbitrary arrests and detentions without warrants.
Right to Physical Activity & Recreation Right to Restorative Justice
Students and youth shall have the right to physical activity and recreation of high quality regardless of their wealth, poverty, or place of residence.
& Peer Evaluation
Students and youth shall have the right to establish systems of restorative justice in schools and communities, shall not be excluded from educational opportunities except by a jury of their peers, and shall not be charged for crimes as adults until the age of 18.
Right to Safe & Secure Public Schools
Students and youth shall have the right to safe and secure public school facilities of equal quality regardless of wealth, poverty, or place of residence.
Right to Arts Education
Right to Free Health Care
Students and youth shall have the right to participation in arts, music, dance, drama, poetry, and technology of high quality regardless of wealth, poverty, or place of residence.
Students and youth shall have the right to free health and dental care, including quality public health and preventive care.