Portfolio Rebecka Rosenlind

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Hey you! My name is Rebecka Rosenlind and I am an Industrial Designer from Sweden. Right now I’m doing my masters in advanced Product design at Umeå Institute of Design. I’m born and raised in Stockholm but I’ve had a great opportunity to live on many different places. One of those places was the Netherlands, where I was living and working with kitchen design. This made me grow a lot as a designer, being surrounded by a different culture and working methods. I would love to see more parts of the world and different workplaces. This to see and how design works in different ways and to grow more both as a person and designer. I’m a creative and talkative person with lots of energy and ideas, coming from a background with art and handcraft. This is something that’s been really important for me, especially when it comes to design. I started off working a lot with form, sculpture, color and different materials, experimenting and questioning a lot with critical art pieces. But I wanted to take my creativity further and learn more about technical aspects and users needs and desires and that’s how I ended up within the design profession. For me design is rooted in an interesting idea and problem solving, to be able to balance your own knowledge with what the user has to say. I want to design things that have meaning and can make an impact on peoples lives. I’m always eager to learn new working methods and finding new ways of seeing things, I always strive to become a smarter designer.

I really hope to hear from you! Rebecka Rosenlind

Education 2017-2020 2013-2016 2012-2013 2011-2012 2008-2011


Umeå Institute of Design MFA Advanced Product Design Umeå Institute of Design BFA Industrial Design FIDU Pre Industrial Design Education Nyckelviksskolan Metal Handcraft and Art Värmdö Gymnasium Art and Form

Adobe Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Premier After Effects Muse

Working Experience Propeller Design Industrial Design Consultant ASSA ABLOY Industrial Design Consultant ATAG Industrial Designer TAF Architects Product/Interior Designer Startrading Graphic Designer

Languages Swedish Native English Fluent

Workshop Lathe Milling Casting Blacksmithing Soldering Welding Painting Clay Rapid prototyping



2017 -2017 2017-2017 2016-2017 2015-2015 2013-2013

Rhino SolidWorks Siemens NX Alias Meshmixer Netfabb

Rendering Keyshot

Contact Rebecka Rosenlind Östra Kyrkogatan 28B lgh0903 903 36 Umeå rebecka.rosenlind@gmail.com +46737301212







XOXO Brief 2 weeks

”How can couple play get enhanced with a toy that embraces human contact and that isn’t in the way?” This was a collaborative group project between the Interaction and Product Design programmes. The focal point of the project was Sound Design and how to explore the design process from a different angle. The goal for our group was to break the stigma around our chosen area. We wanted to focus on the whole experience and to fill a gap for today’s market. The gap that we clearly saw and wanted to explore was couple play. Our intention was to make something innovative that any couple could use and enjoy no matter sexual preference. The main focus should be human affection, to help and enhance what’s already there without being in the way. Team Rebecka Rosenlind, Max Brück, Sebastian De Cabo


RESEARCH We kicked off the project with three days of deep diving research on the subject. We listened to many podcasts about the matter and looked into already existing products on the market. We looked a lot on what areas these products where covering and what type of reviews they had gotten in order to get a better understanding. After this we had one day with qualitative interviews with five students at school with very different experiences and thoughts when it came to sex toys. We also put up an online sheet within the topic of sex and sound. The main insights we got from this was that people are very different when it comes to sex and that most would love to bring in a sex toy for couple play, but that it needs to be a natural part of the act and not feel artificial.

�In couple play the toy should be handsfree and enhance that feeling we get together� Anonymus student


Inspiration The starting point for this project was sound as inspiration. This made us look at sex toys and pleassure from a different point of view and with a fresh and different approach from when you are usually designing a product. We knew we wanted to design sounds for this product, but in a natural, soothing way that would give added value.



We also explored different ways in which sound could play a part for this concept. We wanted to measure touch and arrousal with our product. At one point we had an idea that this could done by sound through a transmitter, that could read the position of touch on your partners body. However we dropped this idea since it wans’t that plausible.

We took a step back and asked ourselves what we really wanted to meassure and the anwser was arrousal. We looked into different technologies and found one called GSR (Galvanic skin response) that could work very well for this type of measuring. With this technology it would respond to everything that arrouses you. For example sensual touch, the voice of your partner or your favourite song.


Products on today’s market









Ring attachment

Handsfree vibrator


Pebble ”control”




+ X O X O

Male use

Female use

Attach the ring to the handfree vibrator for male use. This stimulates the mans perineum. It can be used during penetrative sex and encourages men to explore their sexual pleassure in a new way.

XOXO is a handsfree vibrator, attached with flexing wings for stimulation of the clitoris that can be used during penetrative sex and enhances the female orgasm during couple play.




X GSR Technology (Galvanic skin response)

Precise control


Thanks to this technology the pebble can meassure the density of the sweat and through that yours or your partners arrousal. The vibrations will increase or decrease according to how arroused the person in contact with the pebble gets.

The pebble also allows for more precise control of the vibrations. For fast increasment you just press a boost button and if it gets too intense, you simply let go of the pebble. When not in touch with the skin, the vibration intensity will go back to normal.

This couple toy is made for sharing between partners, to explore and learn about yourself and your partners sexual prefferences. It’s not supposed to replace your partner or human contact, just enhance and embrace what’s already there.


Vibrator Engraved logotype on each piece in the toy series of XOXO

Ring attachment Flexible silicone for streching purpose with soft touch to the skin

Pebble Soft pastel colors for the toy series, for a kind and playful feel

COMPONENTS Motors Several motors placed inside that enables different and stroger vibrations.

Sensor Copper sensor, meassures arrousal through GSR technology

Medical silicone All components is made out of medical silicone, with a soft touch to the skin and easy cleaning.

Wings Flexing wings on the the handfree vibrator to stay in place for female use.

SOUND DESIGN During our research and interviews we found out that the best sound during sex is no sound at all, or natural sounds coming from your partner. People want this situation to be real and feel comfortable, not being reminded of an artificial artifact. It should just feel like magic.

”It’s a real mood killer when the vibrator dies in the heat of the moment”

However we found one situation where sound could actually improve this type of product in a good way. In our reaearch we came across that there’s no product on the market today which indicates on the battery time. According to our qualitative interviews this was a big mood killer and an annoying problem.

Anonymous student

We designed three different sounds to indicate on the battery time. These sounds where not to play during the act itself, instead the user will hear them in connection with turning on the product. When designing them we wanted them feel smooth, playful and magical.

High battery

Medium battery

Low battery

ESAB EXO Brief 10 weeks Bachelor Thesis at Umeå Institute of Design In colaboration with ESAB, FUMEX

”How can the working environment for welders that work at a temporary workplace be improved?” Today welding is seen as one of the most dangerous proffesions on earth, mostly because of the highly dangerous and toxic fumes. Theese fumes can lead to a variety of diseases and in worst case death. Welding is also seen as an extremly physically demanding profession. I want to look into this because there are so many people working within this profession and due to the fact that this industry is inncreasing in a high pace. I don’t think anyone should have to work like this, not in the time we are living in. I believe that something needs to change.


USER STUDIES I kicked off the project with user studies and deep interviews with three users located in Umeå, Umesvets, Ziggma Industriservice AB and Allmek & Svets. My user studies concluded observation studies and qualitative interviews with some of my users. At the observations studies In went to two very different places, a building site and a lumber mill. This to get as broad information as possible and to see different types of problems. The main insights from these visits was bad ergonomics, immobility of equipment, hard weather conditions and toxic fumes.

”Ergonomic problems you can find solutions for yourself with a little bit of imagination. When it comes to toxic fumes you need good equipment” Magnus, Allmek & Svets

Peter Allmek & Svets

Magnus Allmek & Svets

Joe Umesvets

Niclas Umesvets


Bad ergonomics


Weather conditions

Toxic fumes

VISION Vision Mobile welding filter

Air respirator

Portable fume extractor Integrated extraction to the nozzle

WORKSHOP I held a workshop together with fellow students at UID to see what they had in mind regarding the topic I was working with. My main question for them was on how to help the welder carrying everything they need around with them in different situations in an efficient way. The student then got to do brainstroming and sketching arround this and some more topics to show their ideas and solutions.

”Why don’t you combine the weld and the extractor, or make something that can help the welder with all the carrige” Thesis Workshop

CONCEPTS I went back to my users for feedback for two early concept ideas. The first concept the user especially liked due to its modualarity and the fact that it allows for a bigger freedom which is preferred by welders that work at temporary workplaces.

Combined unit

Modular unit

Appereance wise the user thought the second concept to be quite nice but due to the functions they thought the first one to be better.




key sketch Durable




3D Printing

Putty and sanding


Priming and painting


+ Fume extractor



Top handle

Protection cover

Long due to backload Injection molded for a better grip

Protects the steel drum

Air outlets Makes a very quite product Filter tap


Twist and turn to open Ease of changing filters

Stainless steel to protect the inner parts

Feet Four feet for good balance

Display and buttons Analoge buttons due to tough environment Protective chamfers Injection molded polypropylen with 30 % glass (Durable/Robust/Heat resistant)

Magnetic part For attachment



Adjustable to get closer to the fume source

Made of PVC plastic and metal spirals to stand the suction Nozzle Flat nozzle for higher efficiency

COMPONENTS Electronics

Spark trap Collects sparks, smaller metal parts and dust 50 mm thickness (due to fire safety)

Placed around the filters with good protection Electronics is often put between the filters for these type of products

Particle filter

Carbon filter A bigger filter that makes the whole difference for this product! Almost the same contact time as todays huge/heavy (70 kg) portable fume extractors

Basic filter that is needed for all extractors Pleeded filter with a gone deep of 25 mm (maximum is 50 mm) Outside diameter - 260 mm Lenght - 230 mm

Motor The moter lies within the particle filter Takes up less space and more quite Outside diameter - 145 mm Lenght - 150 mm

Cable management Placed around filters with good protection Takes up less space when it’s placed inside Hiher effiency for product use

Catches toxic fumes Contact time 0.67 s (Recomended contact times: 0.2 s - Minimum, 0.4 s - Recomended, 0.6 s - Excellent, 1 s - Optimally) 12-15 kg Outside diameter - 360 mm Lenght - 240 mm

key component Course filter

G4 filter (A rougher filter) Cleans out the air one last time. 20 mm thickness

INTERFACE + TROLLEY Handle Adjustable/Collapsible

Loops Loops to attach to a lift if needed

Trolley Foldable/Collapsible

Support stands For the trolley while standing and not in use

Wheels Big wheels for better balance



Todays situataion


Concept vision


MUJI SENSE Brief 4 weeks

”How could an IR Thermometer for home use translate into the Muji brand?” This was a course focusing on parametric modeling and branding. We where to make a functional IR thermometer with existing components, using SolidWorks and 3D printing. Learning about production methods, cmf, and branding. The brand I chose for my IR thermometer was Muji. I wanted a brand that suited the home use context. The Muji brand does this very well with a fine balance between minimalistic product and interior design. They manage to make products that you don’t need to hide, instead they fit in the home context there like a sculpture or piece of furnture.




MUJI was founded in Japan in 1980 as an antithesis to the habits of consumer society at that time. MUJI began with three steps. Selecting materials, scrutinizing processes, and simplifying packaging. MUJI’s concept is emphasizing the true appeal of an object through rationalization and careful elimination of excess. This derives from the Japanese aesthetic of “su”, meaning plain or unadorned. The idea that simplicity is not merely modest or frugal, but could possibly be more appealing than luxury.





CMF MUJI PRODUCTION STRATEGY When it comes to production, processes that have no bearing on a product’s quality such as sorting, sizing, and polishing are eliminated, leaving only the truly necessary processes, focusing on true quality. Even items that have been discarded for reasons above are made into products for sale. MUJI’s manufacturing processes eliminate waste and reduce costs.

matte white plastic


pastel accent

nature paper

Muji searches worldwide for the most suitable raw materials. They use many industrial materials as well as materials discarded by others because of their appearance, like items that can be acquired in bulk at low cost. The overriding selection criteria is always quality. These activities underpin their ability to create low-priced, high-quality products.


Design sprint The focal point of this project was parametric modeling and production methods. The ideation phase was made into a sprint which was challenging and insightful. The whole ideation phase, from brand board to design freeze was 18 hours and the sketching phase itself was 7 hours. During sketching I explored how an IR thermometer could translate into a Muji product with form and color. Since I wanted the product to fit the context of home use I wanted a balance between product and interior design. My aim with the design was to have a functional piece of art or furniture for the home.


COMPONENTS Back Piece Translucent/frosted pastel blue, ABS plastic

Display Showing temperature

Button On/measuring temperature

Side Pieces Matte white ABS plastic Front Piece Matte white ABS plastic


Display cover Back piece

Lasercut part

Injection molded 2 sided core

IR sensor Reading temperature Display Temperature of body/surface Home use, like kitchen/health

Button Injection molded 1 sided core

Battery Detach back part to change

Side Pieces Injection molded 2 sided core

Snaphooks and grooves Made by moving pins Cheaper in production and easier to recycle Front piece Injection molded 2 sided core

CMF Since this is a product for home use I wanted to explore some CMF variations. People are different with different tastes when it comes to design, especially when it’s something that needs to fit in the home. Muji is a very minimalistic brand, they use a lot of discrete colors like matte white to achieve that. However they use pastel as accent color to make it slightly more kind and playful. The accent color is what makes the product pop in the home and should be produced in some different variants to fit different personalities.

UNBOXING To add to the brand I wanted to design a whole experience. When it comes to the Muji brand the unboxing is almost as big part as the product itself. When the costumer sees the product in the store, the nature colored paper with a simple print on should tell the story of a minimalistic product with focus on a hand craft and sustainability. It should feel exclusive in its own simplicity.


FLEX STACKER Brief 10 weeks Coming Generations Material Handling equipment Collaboration partners: Kalmar, Lighthaus

�How can the Kalmar brand and products adapt to the drastic changes in material handling for the future?� This was the first term project of my master. For this project we where looking into the area of import and export of goods, working together with Kalmar who is a world leading company when it comes to handling containers. But we where not to help them with what they already know best, instead we where to look into the future to see how they could adapt to the new trends and technologies coming up that will drastically change their whole working industry in a fast pace.


RESEARCH Field trips We went to see the production line on site use and maintenance for today’s material handling products. After that we went to Unikai a smaller port and Burchardkai which was bigger and with more automation implemented. We did observations, documentation and qualitative interviews on site for all these places. Some further research was done at Brattby Sawmill outside of Umeå. To see the machines used on site and did some more qualitative interviews. The biggest difference compared to the ones we had seen before was that this place was more modern and had implied lots of digitalization already.

”Automation, electrification and digitalization will be crutial for the future” Per-Erik, Kalmar

Mikael B Co-Owner Brattby Sawmill

Mikael E Forklift driver Brattby Sawmill

Mark Logistics manager ArcelorMittal

Heinz Forklift driver ArcelorMittal

Michelé Logistics Burchardkai

Mike Driver, Logistics Burchardkai

Patrick Logistics manager Unikai

Tobias Head mecanic Unikai

FUTURE, 2030+

Strict environment regulations

Growing E-commerce Direct shipping

Expanding cities



Lower stacking



Reducing steps

Alt powering





Putty and sanding

Priming and painting



Small ports

Terminal handling

Smart scanning

Versatile, autonomous reach stacker working on small ports. Does barge handling, focusing on direct shipping. A smooth system that reduces steps of reloading.

Operating all the time. Efficient workflow with barges coming in all the time, leading to lower stacking an saving space.

Handling trucks at the terminal. Reading information and weight of the container with its smart scanning arm to reduce steps.

Barge handling

Supporting counterweight

New layout

Small flexible machines that can handle extremely heavy barge handling.

An electromagnet is attached to the rear of the machine, which is lowered to the ground when needed for extra support in extreme situations.

For all working grounds which will make the whole workflow more flexible. The layout consists of a grid with metals plates covering the ground for the electromagnet to attach to.


• Total weight 67 ton • Counterweight 20 ton • 6000 mm wheelbase • Can handle at least 45 ton • Reach to 2nd row (Without electromagnet)

Scanning device

• Reach to the 4th row (With electromagnet)

Scanning containers for weight and content

• Front wheel driven • Battery driven • Fully autonomous • Built in scanning function • Electromagnet as supporting counterweight

45 ton

Battery pack Placed at the rear end to add counterweight.

Counterweight For terminal handling, reach up to second row

Electromagnet Extra counterweight for extreme barge handling, can take 45 ton at the forth row 6000 mm


FLÆÐI Brief 4 weeks The experience of Scandinavian water luxury In collaboration with FM Matsson, Mora Group

”How can water taps in public areas be percevied as luxurious within Scandinavia?” This was the first project during my master in Advanced Product Design at Umeå Institute of Design. In this project we where to explore the luxury aspect within the Mora brand. We looked into what they are today and what they could become in the future by exploring form, color, material and interaction.






IDEATION Air dryer Interaction Different ideas of adjusting the waterflow

Form meeting Different ideas of the meeting between tap and sink

Ideas for public areas, exploring public luxury


Icons There are mimialistic markings on the side to indicate on the different waterflows

This premium combined sink and tap is designed for public areas. With it’s Scandinavian minimalistic form language and fine materials it gives the fine dining restaurant restrooms another level of luxury. It has an intuitive interface with three selectable modes. Two of these uses different water flows with different temperatures to prevent unnecessary waste of water. The third mode is a built in hand dryer to save paper towels and staying kind to nature.

Hand dryer FlĂŚĂ°i will by pulsating light indicate that you should put your hands inside to dry them. This to save paper towels and be kind towards the environment

Mode 1

Mode 2

Cold drinking water, narrow stream

Warmer cleaning water, wider stream

WALKING AID Brief 5 weeks

”How can the Orthopedic premises be used more efficiently and with higher availability?” This was a group project called Hot Team. It was a collaborative project between Umeå Institute of Design and Umeå University Hospital. The given task were to design a solution for the Orthopedic department. Something that would help the staff in their everyday work, with the patient care and also to improve the patients stay there. TeamRebecka Rosenlind, Sebastian Miura, Kim Onchoi Stenmark, Edvin Whalström & Gustav Scherrer.


RESEARCH Our research contained four visits to the hospital. The first visit was at the Elective department, this was to get an overall look at all the problems. This task where given to Kim in our group. The second visit was at the Emergancy department. This time I went myself, I got to shaddow and interview both a nurse and an assistant nurse. At the same time Edvin and Gustaf from the group was joining a workshop that was held at the hospital with the orthopedic staff. This to hear their opinions and thoughts around daily work. The third visit contained Sebastian witnessing a scoliosis surgery. This visit helped us to find our focal point in the project. The forth visit contained that me and Sebastian went back to have a closer look at the problem areas we wanted to continue working on, which was the optimazation of space.

”It’s not enough space, if two beds where to meet in the corridor they would collide” Andreas Johansson, Orthoped


Getting up from bed

Heavy lifting for staff

Lack of space

Lack of mobility/modularity

WORKSHOPS After what we had seen at the hospital we had a workshop within the group, where we sketched an discussed on in what direction we wanted to go. We ended up with two different concept ideas we thought to be interesting. These concepts consisted of a combined walking aid and a ceiling storage. After this we held a big workshop together with all the other groups called an Open Mega Brainstorm. This to see what ideas they could come up with within these two areas. After the workshops and some discussions with our supervisors we decided to go for the combined walking aid. We saw a lot of potential in that one and believed it could solve the lack of space in a good way.

�How can the orthopedic premises be used more efficiently and with higher availability?� Workshop


We sketched a lot of different options for the frame.

Different versions of the connection between the arm rest and the pipe. Some quick mockups of the arm rest and handles.

USER TESTING After our initial sketching and mock up making we wanted to try things out with students, to see their reactions and hear their thoughts in general. We tried it out on a various group of people, consisting both men, women, short and tall people in different ages. We where showing quick mock ups and tried out scenarios we had noticed to be problematic at the hospital.

�The armrests should be adjustable and more ergonomic, how they are now barely suits anyone� Student



3D Printing



Priming and painting



Walker to rollator

Swivel wheels

Direction locks

This new walking aid can be used both as a walker and as a rollator to help in rehabilitation.

To swich from rollator mode to walker mode, take out the armrests.

Used in walker mode. It’s important for this type of equipment to meve around more freely.

Used in rollator mode. For this type of equipment you want the back wheels to be directed.





Armrests is adjusted by hand and the hight of the walking aid is in a separate way adjusted with electricity.

Iv-pole with a telescope arm that can be placed on either side of the walking aid.

The walking aid folds easily while not in use to save space.


Rising pattern Longer handles on the rollator part, which helps with a more natural rising pattern out of the bed. Helpful in rehabilitation.


Scale 1:1

Scale 1:4

rebecka.rosenlind@gmail.com +46737301212


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