Ultimate guide to start a successful wedding photography business

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Introduction Well, if you are a photographer who wish to build your own business on Wedding Photography sector, this article should provide you with some ideas on how to set up your business. You will also get ideas and strategies regarding business promotion. I will provide you with some information, tips and tricks for Marketing and Advertisement. I assume that, you are reading this article because you have gained sufficient knowledge and experience regarding photography. Now, you want to build a business of wedding photography. Continue reading and you will get some information that may help you setting up or speeding up your business of Wedding Photography.


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Table of Contents Page Setting a Goal ......................................................................... 4 Wedding is a Very Special Event for the Couple ..................... 4 Registration and Licensing ...................................................... 5 Business Promotion ................................................................ 5 Website .............................................................................. 5 Marketing ........................................................................... 6 Making Portfolio ................................................................. 6

Necessary Equipment ............................................................. 7 Equipment .......................................................................... 7 Backup ............................................................................... 7 On the Wedding Day ............................................................... 8 Conclusion .............................................................................. 8


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Setting a Goal Normally every business starts with a goal in mind. We call it the vision. For example, a typical vision statement for a wedding photography business could be, “To be a top class photography firm”. Whatever you want your vision for the business to be, it is always very helpful to have a goal in mind. This is simply very correct to have a vision statement similar to the one as of my example. You may also define some milestones. This will more concretely define your pathway toward your goal. Having milestones defined, it will be possible to measure your progress at a point of your journey with the business. Therefore, you would be able to identify the next steps you got to make to keep your business on track. You should have these defined in black and white. You should know your goal and milestones for sure.

Wedding is a Very Special Event for the Couple You may be a very expert photographer, but before you dive into the wedding photography business, you should keep in your mind that you are hired to document somebody’s special moments of life. Therefor you are doing a very special work. Every wedding will be your special mission. No matter how many weddings you’ve covered before and how expert you are. It is necessary to always be engaging, helpful, serious but cheerful throughout the event.


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Registration and Licensing Before starting a business, you should have some legal permissions and documents. Following are the common formalities you should complete before diving into serious marketing and advertisement activities – o Business license, bank account, insurance, taxes

It is essential that you register the name of your company before launching a website. If that company is already registered you are not going to get that name for your company. It is always better to have as much similarity possible between the name of the company and the domain name of the website.

Business Promotion o Website

As I mentioned before, you should check in advance before registering a company name, whether your desired domain name is available. Otherwise, if irrational naming mismatch occurs, it may raise issues during branding, marketing and SEO activities. After confirming your domain name, you can start making a smart and appealing website.


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o Marketing

Marketing is one of the most vital activities of a business, especially which sells creative services or products. Firstly, people got to know that high quality services are available at a reasonable price from you. You should do some SEO activities for your website to make your website come on to one of the top positions, when a customer searches with a keyword phrase. Write some blogs on blogging sites and link back to your website from there. Another option is paid advertising. It will show the link of your website in the top positions, but you have to pay for this. As a beginner, it is wise not to spend too much money for paid ads. You should monitor the results you are getting, and fine tune your approach of marketing accordingly. It is very common that your first customer will be from your friends and family. For these jobs, you may be paid very low or even not at all. But you have to keep patience. If you do these works with great deal of sincerity and professionalism. These initial works will bring to you more clients from their links. Thus, you will start getting a foot on your business. Connections and personal marketing are very important for getting clients in the beginning. You can use social media to keep connections alive and continuous. o Making Portfolio

The portfolio is very important. It showcases your recent and best works. New clients would like to see the portfolio on your website to see the quality of your work. They will also get an idea of your style. If they like your works shown in the portfolio section, they will contact you for further information. Some of these communicating personnel will turn into your client. As a beginner, you may find it hard to show something in your portfolio. The remedy for this situation is to do some quality work for free. This will enable you to have some portfolio materials, also, this will increase the chance to connect you with your prospective customers.


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Necessary Equipment o Equipment

It is wise not to go for high end cameras, lenses and other equipment at the beginning. Some basic cameras, now a days, produces high quality outputs. You will also find that some low cost lenses can give you acceptable results. You can add more advanced gears later with the increase of your business.

o Backups

You should always have backup equipment ready virtually for all types of equipment. Backup camera, lens, memory cards, and batteries (as much as batteries you can have). Anything can breakdown while you are shooting. So be prepared with necessary backups of your equipment before starting for the event. Always keep backups of your wedding photos client-wise in an organized way. A second hard disk or a pen drive can be used for this purpose. A second computer is also a safeguard. Your primary laptop or computer can go out of order anytime. This will make the retouching and other post production works delayed. As a result, delivery of your outputs to clients will be delayed. So keep a backup computer. As a photographer you may already know how important the backup gears are.


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On the Wedding Day It is better not to be so casual on the wedding day. It’s a wedding day, and all the people are going to come in a very formal way wearing nice dresses. As a photographer, wear suitable outfits that is helpful for photography and your comfort. You should look professional. Don’t forget to take your backup equipment. Anything can break down. Your backup gears will help it possible to continue your job in a special day of someone. If you can make your clients happy, you will be happier to see your business grow rapidly.

Conclusion As your business grows one situation you will fall in, is that you’ll not manage to get enough time for post-processing works. Wedding photos normally require many types of retouching and applying effects on many of the photographs. Normally, all the photos you’re going to deliver to your client will require some kind of corrections and adjustments like exposure, brightness, contrast etc. to name the simple ones. For some pictures you may be required to remove objects or people from the composition. Normally you’ll end up with on an average 1500 pictures from a single wedding. Firstly, you got to choose the 200 best ones. Then apply the necessary treatments using a graphics software like Photoshop. If you are flooded with pictures that require some kind of manipulation done, and you do not have enough time to do the editing. It is better to let the graphics people to do the photo manipulations. You can hire a graphic design firm which has experience and expertise to provide you the high quality with competitive price. Choose a firm which is big enough with large number of expert personnel who can provide you high quality within promised deadline. Thus you’ll be able to meet your deadlines. And your business will keep flourishing. Keep clicking… Cheers…


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