YCN Research & Development

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Rebekah Hollins

YCN Research & Development

For the YCN brief, I was required to design something to create awareness for the Feel Good Drinks brand. Current times make Social Media a primary point of interest with brands, I checked out the Feel Good social media sites such as their website and Facebook. Although I can see the intentions of the brand are clearly portrayed, there is still something lacking there that could be improved massively interms of an interactive element and perhaps an inprovement on the visuals of the website itself. I considered the option of the company building a franchise type platform where customers are able to go in and use it as more of a social place to meet. Similar to a coffee shop but a much healthier alternative.

I thought about ways in which the company might be able to increase their sales. One option was to have an option for delivery. It’s always important to consider the environmental effects that any ideas might have. In light of this, I thought about a few ideas that could make the company more environmentally friendly. I will need to do some research on several things to ensure that any designs are effective in achieving what the company is wanting. On the following page I have provided a mind map of all of these initial ideas in more detail..

By introducing a franchise to the Feel Good brand, this will provide a new platform for sales. Both younger and older women enjoy meeting for drinks, shopping, going out for lunch. By creating a meeting point that provides a healthy alternative to the high calorie coffee shops in a happy and enjoyable environment where the target audience can meet and experience the same atmosphere, with the added bonus of a healthy option, this will no doubt entice them in and increase sales. It is important to consider the location when positioning a franchise, young women around the age of 18-23 are often studying at a university. So it may be beneficial to locate some of the franchises in places of education. Women ages 23 and above often enjoy shopping, so large shopping malls and busy town centres may be another place to consider. As well as being a social meeting point, by situating these shops in busy town centers, it makes them accessable for quick collection from people on their way to work. The orders can be pre-made via the app, made for a set time and ready to go when the customer arrives to pick them up. If the aim of the brand is to be fun, upbeat, modern and honest, it is important to reflect this through the design of the interior. It’s important that the customer is able to see the drinks being made, this way they are able to see that they are 100% natural, as stated. On the following page I have created a moodboard to portray the kind of franchise I have in mind.

Considering the various ideas I have in mind for the brand, including the delivery of the procuct to the home and work place. Along with the reusing of the bottles in store, it is important that the packaging is multifunctional. Primarily I think that they need to be produced in glass bottles, this provides various environmental benefits and emphasises the brands identity as honest, and natural. Glass bottles can be washed and re-used in store, customers who have bought drinks to go, or purchased online, can then return them to be re-used. It is important that the bottles look appealing, this will make the customer want to keep and re-use the bottle for other uses or next time they visit the store. The bottle will serve as a constant reminder of the brand and entice further purchases. Even if the customer doesn’t keep the bottle, or return it to the shop, it is easy for them to recycle. The bottle needs to reflect the brand, in a fun and quirky way. To further emphasise on the ease of recycling, the logo could be added to the bottle using a cardboard cover or tag that can be removed. this will save on costs of having a logo put directly onto the glass. If the logo is applied onto the glass, it needs to be designed with the consideration that the bottle will be washed and re-used so that the design does not crack or fade. My ideas for the brand are very much inspired by the old milk delivery, where the bottles are delivered or purchased and then returned for further use. So the bottle shape could reflect this. I have created a moodboard to illustrate my intentions. Although many of the bottles shown are plastic, it is the shape and branding I have taken into consideration.

I feel like the current branding of the product could be slightly improved, to grab the attention of the customers, the design needs to attract the target audience more specifically. Addititonally, the branding needs to be expanded across multiple platforms of social media and packaging. Perhaps creating a cleaner looking interface for the website and then keeping the consisitency by transferring this across various other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. There is a huge appeal for younger audiences taking pictures of drinks in coffee shops, by branding the product in an appealing way, the customer will promote it further through social media by sharing photos. This would be an excellent way to increase brand awareness to the desired audience. It is obviously important for the brand identity to reflect the intentions of the brand. This is where the 100% natural, fun, quirkiness and honesty need to show through the design. This can be reflected through colour, texture, shape, font, etc. I have started to explore other brands who present the same kinds of style and branding as Feel Good Drinks. Many of these have combined the franchise, shop sales and online sales, similarly to what I have in mind. So it’s important to add something to Feel Good Drinks that will allow it to stand out from the others.

Evolution Fresh particularly stood out to me because of their use of watercolour in the flavour options. The textures that’re shown and the way that the colours naturally blend into eachother really represent the organic and natural ingredients in the drinks. This is one example of how the branding and logo of the design could represent the completely natural ingredients of Feel Good Drinks. The colours that they have used are, although vibrant, very natural looking. It is important that if bright colours are used in the brand, they aren’t uncomfortable or unnaturally bright. This may cause the customer to think that the drink contains added colouring and flavourings. The font that is used for the branding is hand written and all digital fonts are clearly chosen to look like they are handwritten. I believe this adds to the idea of hand-picked fruits and leads the consumer to believe that the product has been created in the most natural way possible. The designs are also very rounded, perhaps to reflect the shapes of fruits. It could also be a way of creating a more natural shape, it’s very strange to see completely straight edges in naturally created structures and by using imperfect shapes and text in the designs, the brand reenforces the idea of natural fruits.

Roots and Bulbs have gone for a more simplistic design, allowing the colour of the drinks to really speak for themselves through the transparent bottles. What particularly interested me about this brand is the incoorperation of cardboard into the packaging as shown above, with the aims for the Feel Good Brand to be very focused on recycling and environmental consideration, the packaging shown above would be an interesting way to deliver the products when taking them to the workplace, or delivering multiple bottles to the home. Milk crates are typically made of metal and can be reused, but they may rust and look unpleasant, the use of cardbaord shown above is easy to squash and recycle, or can be placed in the fridge containing the bottles to keep them all together and then left back outside with the empty bottles to then be collected. Roots and Bulbs have also branched out to smoothies and foods as well as the juices that they make. This might be something to consider in the future for the Feel Good Drinks brand, the creating of a Feel Good Food snack range might further increase the brand identity and increase the sales.

The branding for the Juice Shop really interested me, where I said before that the branding of the product had to capture the attention of the audience enough for them to want to take a picture of it. This has been demonstrated in the upper left photograph which was sourced from Instagram. By creating an attractive logo, they have given themselves another oppertunity to advertise as people are attracted by the aesthetics of the brand as well as the content and intentions of the product. Obviously the Feel Good brand aspire for the product to be very honest and the products should speak for themselves. But by creating an attractive looking brand identity, it will grab teh audience’s attention in store, or entice them into the franchise where they are able to experience the product. The images above show the design process for the logo on the wall of the Juice Shop franchise. Similarly to the Evolution Fresh brand, they have used paint, presumably to create an organic and natural looking design to reflect the characteristics of the product. The design, although it doesn’t look as hand-drawn as the Evoluton logo, still looks to have been created with natural textures such as wood.

Similarly to Roots and Bulbs, Ugly Fruits have used a very simplistic logo and allow the products to represent the natural and organic feel to the brand. Not only do Ugly Fruits produce drinks, but they also produce spreads, food and some other products such as re-usable bags. The likeliness of the bottles to milk bottles is what captured my attention here, the simplicity of the bottle really draws your attention to the product inside and shows that they are quite happy to promote their product for what it is. I think this could be applied to the feel good brand in which they could tone down the logo in some way, and let the product speak for itself a little. This seems to completely contradict to what I said regarding the Juice Shop logo, but it’s about finding a happy medium inbetween an interesting, but honest logo. I think that the awareness for recycling in this brand really shows through. By creating re-usable bags, and other products of a similar intention, it shows that they are not only interested in health but are 100% commited to the idea of organic produce. It’s very noticable that this brand don’t use very bright colours, all are either pastel or very muted down to create a more natural and organic appearence to the products.

Keeping in mind the idea of the franchise, it may be interesting to create a menu for the Feel Good brand. Although there are ways in which the customers can create their own drinks, there are obviously going to be some ready made combos created for them to purchase at the shop. The ugly fruit brand have created an example of a kiosk type stall and also the menu to the left hand side. this is a really interesting way to represent the ideas that they have in mind for their brand without having to create a realistic looking mock up of the interior or design of the kiosk. Although it might not be possible to create an accurate representation of the franchise for Feel Good, I can create illustrations and designs that can be combined and used to represent my ideas. The franchise will be easy to create once a brand identity has been properly established. Although the Feel Good brand has very clear intentions of what they are wanting to achieve through the brief, I feel like their brand is missing something that could really grab the attention of the audience.

Yellow Joy, hapiness, energy. Yellow stimulates cheerfulness and is often used in association with food. However, if it is over used it can have a disturbing effect on the viewer. It also attracts attention to importan areas. Brown family, strength, belonging, quality, friendly, loyal, trustworthy, honest, hardworking, natural, organic and wholesome. Pink Compassion, nurturing, love passion, energy, kind, tender, calm, alleviates andger, non threatening, calmes nerves, memories. When pink is combined with darker colours such as blies and greys it can become very sophisticated. Red Energy, war, danger, passion, love. Red can be used as an accent colour to stimulate people to make quick decisions. It also increases the pulse and heart rate, triggering adrenaline. Redish-Brown is associated with harvest and fall

Green Growth, safety, harmony, healing, clean, refreshing Green is directly connected to nature so can be used to promote clean and organic colours. Dull greens are associated with money and finance. Orange Enthusiasm, energy, creativity, determination, stimulation, joy. Orange contains the energy of the colour red and the happiness of the colour yellow. This dilution creates a less threatening effect than the colour red. Orange produces an invigorating effect, stimulates appetite, strength and endurance. It is often associated with healthy foods. Purple Royalty, Luxuary, ambition, nobility A lighter purple can provoke nostalgic feelings. Blue calm, fresh, ambient Blue is beneficial to the mind and body but use sparingly as it supresses the appetite.

I then started my experiments, working in both acrylic and watercolour to see which provided the best results, I stamped a variety of fruits so that the pattern was visible on the print. I prefer the acrylic designs as they are much more vibrant and relevant to the style of the brand. On the following pages I created a series of line drawing which I then scanned in and added some watercolour splatters to in order to create the feeling of juice spilling.

Initially, I wanted to create a series of posters, I created a few experiments and soon decided that I wasn’t happy with the style of the designs. I went on to create some packaging designs for bottles which you will see in the following pages. I started off by adding text to the logo in attempts to create a rounded design. I then started to add the acrylic prints from earlier on however they were much too subtle for the style I was going for. I finally decidede to do some watercolour washes and bring in the line drawings from before which ended up looking really effective. I also created a few posters in this style to go with the labels.

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100% Natural Still Juice Drink

In order to raise further awareness for the brand, I decided to create a small competition in which, through social media, users have the chance to win a free drink of their choice. I created a short animation in which each fruit icon repeats over and over so that the user can attempt to pause the video on their favourite fruit. Once the user has paused the video on their fruit, they then print screen and share the image with the hashtag, resulting in all of their followers then seeing the competition and hopefully taking part. This should be something that people who are bored might scroll past, and then decide to take part. This will create awareness for the brand both by their experience with it and also through the hashtags and shares that the user makes.

Check out the final animation on Vimeo at: https://vimeo.com/166233835

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